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<br /> ���F����� itYD4YtD�tJILL
<br /> L3LJE CSN "'aALE:
<br /> ��� � SA�/SNGS �l.iiVC}
<br /> '��,,��I Fortroi Nn.220 � �
<br /> f�•;� Loan Number__3��rfl9 ----- 188 _ 1 _ _
<br /> � ;,:N u>An�:n
<br /> ` "►��_ �3�x3�iQQ ' tV4 � R T G .A G E
<br /> ,`� 'I"HIS?�'fOR'TGA�GE, mede:�nd esecuted:this ..... ,...:,.'!.�.�:-----.:. da�of ::..����_.._.._-,.--- A:i3_, �
<br /> N-; �
<br /> � 29__...�_;i�tvaeEa ti�e�Vtortgagor, I,�sz'z?�::.Lx:.3.�ects..and:.;Cnesy.3.::?,..:.Berk,.hus�.anc3.:and.za.fe,...3.oin�ly
<br /> : auci��c� is� t}�siz o�m__;�,g��� ._..
<br /> ._ _.._ ._._._.. ..._ ._._._. ..._..,_.
<br /> , ` �#----Atk�nsou__.._ _._,.... �oianty of--..--.--. .. �.._---._,atate af._.2d.e�ttz'as�a .,hereinaf£er�e#erred
<br /> to as-t.he Burmwer, ancl the lSc,rigagee, FIR6'I'�FEDER?�L SAtiTi"_iTGS:4\I�I.FJr3:�;ASSr��ir�.3'EUN Q�'
<br /> I.L1VCtjL�, 1235 `<,4�•, Street,Lincoln. �3ebraska fi.R501, izs successaxr, and assigns, }sezeinaft�r refetred io
<br /> ' ? as 3zndea
<br /> ,
<br /> ; -�, . 'd$orromer far and in conziderai3an ai t�e sum af .. TTiIRTY �'HB...�E TEYC3IY�h��
<br /> < �� �'��s �.�����tc� ------ --_--.._"��i.� <c�s s.. :ss,�oo 00 �:
<br /> • - ------- -...._, .------ - --.__ .... _,_.._ -- -� -� - ....... . . ....
<br /> .--
<br /> ' pasd by`s�d Lendes,doen #iereby mortgage, �rant and cantie� ir, Lznaea xts suecessoz:; and assigns; i�e _
<br /> fo1l+�wit��descri3�ed pmpe��9ocatecl in f,he Gount� of ._:._�.. .F2a31 _..._.. ... Stafe of ^tebraska:
<br /> 3.�t'Se-sren�eeA �2�) exeept uhe i�ea� `L'�c-e (3) feez thereof, 5ioc� '1'n�ree :3}, in
<br /> ' irees��r�Qf�'s Seco�.c3: Sur�civi.:i�n, t��=:i5 � ���s�:�div<��_� - f:._ .. ;?�yy r--z� cg
<br /> . "'� M.lc GL.c.i1 j,:' !
<br /> 31ock� 3'kir�e {3� ,9nd 'Foaa.r ��), ana ihe i'dort2? �:ai= (iZ} of Block_� �s,re {>) a�d
<br /> Six (6), kTes�er�o��'s „irsz Su'ac3+v=�-±on �r_ tYze C=�;�r cf G�and ��lasid, n�33. Cc+ur�ty,
<br /> �e�rass�.
<br /> w � Ttics�Faes witiz all.fhe irnprocemenzs now or hereafier erecLed on the pmpertg, and all easeme�nts.
<br /> rigE�ts, a}�purte�anc�s. renLs, rrsya3iies. naanerad, oil and gas rights and ;.rrufrts, water, tic-atzs rigksfs,azad
<br /> water sioci;,and at4 fixtxares nciw or I3erea�ter attaclac� t.o the p3ropertr, �ll of cshich, uaclading rnplace-
<br /> �� meats snd additions therei�;shsll tsa rleemed fo be and remairt a g�art of the g�rop,ertY covereci b}• ihis
<br /> :14origs�e; �zr3 a31 of the foregoing, tc�gesrer �-ith said pmperte- 4 csr the ��:aa�ehnid estate in i,he event 'this
<br /> „r 3Rortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred io as the "Propest�".
<br /> �. , ,
<br /> ' Borrox�r covGrianz:z��33at ndirruweg� '_c::u'.:,s�i,��a �f khP es#ate herebv convevecl and has the right
<br /> J n� �
<br /> '� ta morigage, grsnt and con�eu the Propertt, that the Pro�erty is unenc.-a3nahere+i ar�d tlaat :Borro�ser wili
<br /> �
<br /> werrant and�3eiencY generalls t'ne txtle ta ihe Propeztt against aIi ��=in�s anc� d�mands u�ject to any
<br /> � . �SEI:.'^.�;.}..m.::L�.,w .,..aa,.i.s., un�cu.ua�n isi:.z"i,cuiii2 vi� � �-t�t:^,.��.�... �.`3ti�3'8�y.� , :^.,� �,�i����...>......,.._.,a..i, l ,..,,.,_
<br /> suring f.ender's intarest ui the £'ropesi�w, as t�) �ttozne��'s c�pinion crf tiile from abstsaet o# tisle rertified �
<br /> by banded abstraeter:
<br /> Paavan�n A�traYs, atxd these presents are execuied and deliveted ugon the toilo�r;ing condition�:,a�'ee-
<br /> � m�n#s and abiigaiions of the Bt�rmwer, tv-cvit:
<br /> £
<br /> The Barmtiuer ag�e�ea io pati �the i.e:�der,ox arcler, the principal suzn c�P THI.B.TY.:3'13REE.,TBLlUSAbii'I-
<br /> " ; 'LfiRB�::EiII9T�D8Efl_.�:.Nfl.t�14D---------------_-.-- -- ----�<�llars f.LjS�.33y=xd0_DII.:._�_..._.... _)
<br /> ; Payabie as provic3ed'zn a rsote execut�and delivered concurren#3� 2�erewith,the final pa,yznen#of principal,
<br /> ' if nat saonez paid,on the .. ..?``'rs}... _...... �a3'a£ . T'�--a.�'*'. _ f'�_'��
<br /> LaxiFoesi C.'C�vExat+�-s°s: Borros4er and Lender co��enivat and agree as folla�4•s:
<br /> � 1. P¢yment af Brsncipai�d 3aler�st. Barrow.�er shail pronxpt3y Faa-whea dtae the princi�aaI c�f and in-
<br /> terest an the indebtedness evidenced be the'_�Tote, prepayrnent and late charges as pravider�in the i��te,
<br /> � ' anc$the priaici,��a3 t�f aa,id inf�rec:e�in an�`�utiure�dvances sc-c•ured La3;tizis �3ort.gage.
<br /> 2. Fusids far Tmces msd Ia,sur�ce. Subjact trs Lender's op"tian uti3er par"agraphs�and�heaerof,Bnr-
<br /> i�citwer shail �ay ta Lender oa ihe da� rnon�hly snstul3ment�s af priacipal asxc�interest are pa.t=able under tk�e
<br /> P.Tate. �ntil 2he�:ute is paid in Izill,a sum th�rein"Funris"3 E�qaai tu ant-Ywel#th �t the �-ear13� iaxezs and
<br /> assessmen#s wiuch ma_y attain�rimrit}t over this i!�2ort.gage, and grnunr� renta on the Proper�v, i# an��F�lus ,
<br /> c>na-csvei�t�z of�eariy pre�sium insta2�menis ior Izazard 'u;surxnce, piusa one-iueIitb of }-carls precniuin u�-
<br /> stalimen#s far mortgage ir..surance, "sf any,all a� reasunsbiti estamaterl initially anr3 fx•om 3:ime to time 13t
<br /> I.ender+on i3ae hasis'n#assessments and biils and reasonable estimaies ii2er�tri.Lender�.�aaIi app3y the F"unt3s
<br /> F ; ta I�ag;s.aid tazes,a:��:s�ments;insurance g>remiums and ground rents. Lerxler s2�a31 ?nake �o chaz�e#c�r�o
<br /> . , holclin�aud a $ uaq.tlae,Funas ar re3'ifyi€�� and cc���ibin� said a:�.�ments arad bilix;. Tf�e I..endtr sh�ll
<br /> . �iv�t�v'the�orr+cii vwr, with�c+ut rhi��,*e;:�a� arsnet�i acm�_4nizng�+f#�� �tm��r:shr�w�^inGf cre+iitr and dehits ta�the
<br /> Pttiirls and:Lhe paar�ws,�;far av�icia�ar.i1�debiL to the Fuuds x-s.s made_ The Funds as� �led�d as additionai
<br /> security;for t�e:s�arns sc�+ared,bg-ihis�'��iort�age. °i°he Borrawer agrees that f:he E'unds maw i>e held lr5*'the
<br /> , � I.eatdes�ad com�inglar3 wztk othea fnads and ttse I.ender's tra�n iuxsd.c ar4ci "the Lendex�a�-pay such ifesrss :
<br /> aronx its avaz3#uaar3s anxi tiae ixnder shali not be:-iiable f�r isatere+t or divi�3ends.an s�sc3� Func3s. �k `�`r,r'^,
<br /> �.'�. I#t�he amaunt nP it�se�"uuds held b�r�euder,#a�gether w�it�x the futuze montlilv installments of Fua+� ;. ,�'�"'`
<br /> i�ay�F�Sr�:,�rior#.a r,E��ciue dates o# iases,assessme.�ts, tnsur�nce �sremicuns sn3 grouna re�is, shail exc��3 � "
<br /> � � ;
<br /> theamtiun�zegstiaed to pav sai8 taa�s,asses��#�,in��rauce premivans and ground rnni�as#hev faii due, '�,�c�,-
<br /> � su�h,e�ee�s�a17>be.at Bo�maw�r's option, either prampiPy repaia3 4a Borr<euer or crecli#erl tn B�irrxaw�er c>n ��
<br /> �;.' mna�y`iitx�atltu,en#s of�nds. ;If Ekae amcsunt o£Lhe k`unds-heid�iy-�en��r sha31 aat be su�cient to pay s r`:.
<br /> -< tazes, a.�esstmeaats, iR�s*s+�c,e pre�ifiiams snzi grc*und senffi as they fai�due, 8arcower shai3 paw a.o I.ender .:;rr,
<br /> ` �y��+,•ak ts�rv��uke:up 'r.Ize defccienev�it��in#hiriv days after aotire from �.ender ta �rmaver � "
<br />�,� re�att�ty�g gavataetrt th�re�sf,vr'�3crrrqwe.x e�z�1; 33Y an increase sa m�ar�2hiy i�Ftal�enn c+# L�'unds recanired.
<br />�`'
<br /> repa� vive[i+eticiens.y•s;^ituiss a,i�.rutcc accouneeng peazod. �
<br /> fi�T�o$ �a3't�sea+t in fuii of aii;"sums serured�y xk�is i4iortgage,��dez s�xali appiu Funds heid as;�credaf
<br /> ;.� against a!i�ums:due.
<br /> ,. � t �
<br />_�
<br />