m . � . . . . . � . � .
<br />� . � ' . . . � . . � . � i . �!'. R: . .
<br />� � � � � � ' *�.r� � �-�
<br /> .. � � . . . � � : . � . . . . . .� . .. . � .. . � .. _ . :..i'.�`�-sie�. .. � . .. . � . .�
<br /> ; � �. � .. � . . ', . :. �. . . .��: . . , . . . . . . : . . . . , � ��.
<br /> If under �aaragrmph 38 i:es�.f .'. � . Yr,,,,.., L�- a, sole3 or the �'ro����rty is n't,tieri�-ia�> ac��uirec) hc> F .,r,der, Lender
<br /> :h:�ll aipply> no 3�ter t.l�un immediaiely I�rior to thu ic31c �t t.}ie Prat>crt�� i>r i[h acyuisitiou t>y 7.ender, any T�und.s
<br /> : held by, I.enc�er at the time at ap��licatioxi rx:: a credii �g.�,iii�i tlac ,uttls ecu� i.<i ia�' titis :tlortgaFe.
<br /> 3. i,�x+;�:.:ic: c€ p�*v�z�atsa LTniess axi�plic�iblu i:az�� i�irotidc-, �the.r�ci�c, i31 }�aysnca�ts received I�y Leiider
<br /> undes the Note snsi rxamgrapiia 1 .�ind 2 3icz�eof si�;xlt lic a}7plied i�v i,c,niir.r nr�t, .. t,.. .,:. r.�- <:. __�nn„n4< uav�,b3e .to
<br /> X.ender Uy Borroiver under ��arugra}�!i l lrereof, T,hen to inter�Gc �ray�tiltke oi� il�r \ote snd oii �uturr, �, dv:�nces; 'af —
<br /> �ny, aza+3 t32en tp the ��rit�ci�a.l of rhe �ote and ±o t[�e prznci��si of d+ixtart: �d1^ances . i£ an�°.
<br /> " 4. �harges;;LiQns. Borrawer sl�all i�a�• :�11 t:ixes, assessrneszt5 aTi�3 othe.r chsrges; hne� snd impositions at.frib- '
<br /> ; � ut�iale ta the Pro�aert}- �r}rich infl}• aEtsin ;� prioritr ores ttiis li�i•tgage, anti �rou�id ren+s. if any. :�t' Lender's
<br /> _ i ,.;fie� =n "xhe; manner nrocic�ecF untler paragra��tt � ii�reof or lry Iiorrower an��tcin�, l�r�vcaient, cr-iien due. directly to
<br /> � EL2Q � Rf t:S: ixac:�i... �^:r?ivE'?" ?�a��'.�. 17SpTTkUt1}* YllFt]}SIl ' LU 1.eli ici wti �'::C4�rnc - n( � '3ZY7All11L8� �. (�.LII'. � US]t�BP C117S:�. F1:lY£L�Tfl��l��
<br /> r �` � � � '�' . � , . . . . .
<br /> � � and in ihe et�ent $orrusver s�tatl iiirike }�uvnient rlirecL'.}�, I3orr��rer sii�u pror;g:.IY . :�sti, rn F,e:nder rer,c�pts evi-
<br /> � denCiug suelx iaayments. Sprrovrer '�halS 7arornptlS� i3ischsrge anv Siea Evi�ich h�.s ;�rioritv over this 3ioz-�.ga�e ; pru- �
<br /> � vided, that $ormwer shsll noc be rec�uired io disc3nFxrge uny^ :sueli lien sn tong :ih I3orrotiaer shall agree in n�ritin� to
<br /> � the pspment of, the Atrligatioa� secared b}r sucl� lien ic� a inariner :acceptnbfe to' I=euc3er, .or s1�a11 zn �ood ' faitix contest ■
<br /> � . such 3ien.by, ,or detenci sniotcement of sueh iieia in; 2e�al ��i�c�cee�iings �vliiclt oper.ite to �revent the en£orcement of
<br /> � Y,he lien or forieiture n€ the Propert3r or anv pa�rt tl�ereof. `
<br /> 5. Hazard Insurmtce. Borrotiver sliall keeTa th� iu�far�venieuts tio«• exisi:icig or iierzafier erected on the Prop-
<br /> ' crcy instii�d sgaipst lnss by f re, iiazaxr3s inclvded ivitlain the ierm "estende�i coverage"; aiid sucli oiLer liazards us
<br /> s Lender rnay reqttire and ih suah ainounts and tor siicli ;�eriocis a� Lender m�y require ; provicied; kF�zt Lender shxll
<br /> �`''r nat require thaL the amount of suck� coG erage exceed tli.;t ainoui7t a% coverage reqairecT. #:o pa,y the suins secured'by
<br /> � ; �``' ` �k�is li�^t;�ge. . ..
<br /> + The in5urance carrier �3rovi�in� tlxt in�urance sha11 t�e ciiosei; 6�• J3orrotirer subject, t� ai��aro4•ni by Lender; �
<br /> provided, that such approva3 shati n�t be unreasonabtc• wiiktie2d. �lt premium� on inaurxnce ;3olicies si�aal! be psid �
<br /> at Lea3er's aptian ir! the suanner Farovirled under ��arugrapl� 2 hereof or hy Borrowee iva� �:�, pay-:rieu4., �vi�en due;
<br /> direetly tp the insurance carrier.
<br /> In Liie evenc at�y �u..y :s :v: �nV�P� nn or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to pruter:t '�
<br /> � . � 1tS ITI�CYCSL, �may pmcure insurance on the improvements,. paV t}if' �I'eTIllUII15 tilt(t ai1C�'i.� � oiiu. .i����� tJ�'�^!??P
<br /> immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said ` note until ��aid a�d shall be - .
<br /> sc�ured tay this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to compTy may, At option uf Lender, constitute a default
<br /> under the tarms o# this Mortgage.
<br /> Y113 insw•miice �rolicies i�nd rene�vats it�eceoi sl�alt Ue in iori�i acce{ztafale to T.ezncier �nd s}i�t1l ii:cli�de it sianciard
<br /> martga.ge clause in iavur of and su form accepishle to Lender. Lez�der shall iiui•e the right t.o t�old fi.t�e �olicies and
<br /> rene�vais thareot, and $urrocver shalt prompGly furnish co Lencler ull rez�eticsl notices snd ull receipts of paid pte-
<br /> tniums. ln the eteni of loss, Borra�vei• shalI gi�-e l�rompz notice to the insuranca eai•rier and Lender, and Lender
<br /> msy make pmai of loss. ii not, mac�e prompi:tp U} I3or�•oa�er.
<br /> Unless Len�ler and Borrower oiherwise agree in rrritin�. iusui•�.nce �iroceecis tiha11 be sspplied w restoruLion or '
<br /> repnir o[ theFroperty duanrsged, ��rovided such restarat� on or re��uir i= eci�nnmic,tiiy* fessible an� the securitv of
<br /> thia i�'Iortigsge is not thereb� impsire¢. If such res[oration oa• re}�:3ir is not econur>>ic,ally feasible or if il�e security
<br /> `. � of this lleztgsge x�auld be inipmirec�, tlie iiisurunee ��roceede shail l ,e sgplie� to i1�e sucns secured by this nlortgage,
<br /> i with tlae exeess, if �ny, paid io I3arro�ver. If 'the Yirotiei�iy is at>andune�ci br 13osrocver �r ii Borrasver fuiis ia respond
<br /> � to Lender witnin 30 da3�s after notire by Lencier co BorroF� er that the insurance ca��rier niiers �o �eitte a cisim for
<br /> � ^ ,� � - :.a.•^+v.ii�; � i.'cuuci sa :iall'l:i1l7T1ZCII. � LO CQ1fECL'� 3riC� 3Pf]Id' � .t�7G lI7Sll1'1I1CC '� })2'OCECl�$ � Ii�L . 1.CAC�C'TS � O�)t1071. P.3t,ItCi' �tp � � �
<br /> ; restoration or repair oi the Property or to the sums secured L��- iisis \iort,gage,
<br /> } I�nless Lender anci 73orro«�er othenvSse agree iia «�riiirig, s;ny such :3ppiic:�Gion of proceeds to principal shall
<br /> not extend or �ostpone the due diste of the 1i7ontfzl�• insznlliiients z•eitrred t� in }�aragrsphs i and 2 hereof or change
<br /> , ' the awount of such 'snstallment,s.
<br /> ' If under prlragr�ph 18 tiereoi iiie �'ro�erty is acquired b�• I.ender, xll rigi�t , title snd inferest, oi Borirower in
<br /> ,,,�a +;; ��v �n ��_,rance uolicies an+3 iri aad to tl3e procetd� iliei•eof ato th� etit�nt of tPie sunss sec.ureci ta�� this :Vl�rt;-
<br /> gage ,iznmediat�ly Irriar io surh salc or ::rqui,rt,ion ) re�ui� in� , �Un: ;i , .,..�,_ t � t>>c 1'roneity nrior to the �ele cr , �
<br /> ; `; :�cquisit�ion shalt �ass to Lender.
<br /> 6. Presezvation rmd Mmatenance of Property: Leaseholds: Condozniaiums. Borro�ver shall keep the Prop-
<br /> ert;y in good repair anri shail not perniic or commit wasfe;-ii�itaairment, ar iieteriorntion oi the Proper#.y and shall
<br /> c�mpiy wii,tz tfie pro��isions ni nny lease, iE f his l;ortgage is c�n n iessehold . If this \1oTtgage is on u condorninium
<br /> unit, Sorrower shull perfonaz nil oi I3orro«�er'a oblig�aions under the deciaratian of condorniniuin or masier decd.
<br /> Bhe by-lac�s anci regulaiions of the co�3dominiunt }�rojecG and coi:stituent dncumet�is.
<br /> 7. Profecfion of Lender"s Seeurity. If Borrower iail� tc� periorm cIxe covenants and ssgreemeixts cantsiued in
<br /> this liortgag�, o; if anp action or proceedino is cominenced tic�}iicli i*iaterialiy affects Lender's 3n 'terest iri the Prog-
<br /> erty; including, but noc lianiteci to, en2inent daruait2 , insalee��cy , re�de enforcenxent , o�� arrangeinents ar proceed-
<br /> � ings ,involviug s bankrupi or decedent, then Lenrier ui I�ende.r's opiion , upon notic<, to Borrutic�er; may makc� sueh
<br /> sppearances, disburse sucfa sums and take such actiot: zs i.=. nece.ssar� co proiect LEnder's interest, including, but
<br /> nat� linaited io, ciisburseuzenL oi reasona6le sttarne�'s fees 3r,ci crztr�• upon i,he Proper%;; to xnake repairs. �vy
<br /> arnouut� disbursed ay Lender ��urstsanc to tlii� F�srsg�•tit7lx i, .vitia inierest thereon ; sliall t�ecnn�e additionsl indebt-
<br /> ' edness of Borrowea seoured by iliis \lortgage. Unless 13orro�rer anci t,e�ader agree to utlier f:erxua af payment, such
<br /> arnonnis shalI be }asyable u�aon no'tice from Lender to BUrroxe•er requesting �aaymeix 't i,liereef, sad sha12 Uesr inter-
<br /> ; : est from ihe d$f.e oi disbur�ement at the rt�i.e sta�ted in the 1 ote unless payment of inierest �t sueki r�ie �vould Ge
<br /> contrary fo applicak�le law�, in ��chich erea 't suct3 arnounts st3a22 bear in#eresi, u� th�: t3i�hest r�te permissiu3e by
<br /> a�Plicahie latr: \ot.l�ing cor.tsine�i Sn ihis i�aragrzpla 7 sl�nit rk:�uirc� I.ender to incur nny erpense or do sny� act
<br /> °` ; hereutider. . _
<br /> S. Inspec#ian. L�nrier mzy i.tiuke :oa' eause tA l�e insicic reasoc�til�lc ei�tries upon ai�,:i ins�aecbinns ot the Frop-
<br /> � ' erty; �ar�vided itint Lcr�cter <)i<Lll gire T3urro�+•er notire ;+rior zo :inj• .uc�li ic��peciion r,��citz-in� reasonable c,xnse
<br /> , tFcerefor-re3ateci t�o Lender'� intore:>i in tiie Propert�•.
<br /> � � � � 9. �o�dPmnation. � � Tha I,r, oc. ?d� of :�no .a�ettrd oz• cisi �tt r"or �?,ima�rs, �dirc�of i�r r����eqnent�ial . in cc�nnect,ion � � � � �
<br /> "" with 'anv r.onde�nnatiu�z or other tazking oi the Pn�rerts� ; a� �.,art xiicrosai, or for cauveyc�xie�e: isz lieu ui oondecn:�a-
<br /> tion, sre f�ereia}� as�ibned a.g�d shall Le �sid to I.en:3ei•. �
<br /> � In #he ecent of a tofuI takin� oi tiie I're�lierty, the ;�rcicee+i� ,ii:�.11 i�e :aj��?liec� xc. the sii �u • secured by tl�i, �Iart- ,
<br /> ` �age, avith tlae exeecs, if snv , t�aici iv Borzotirer. Zn tt�c e�'ent r�f s� r?ariia3 t�king of tnc Yroper#.v. uciless Borrower - >"��' '���,s� `'
<br /> «„ ,
<br /> arad L+ender oilieewzs� agree ic� �^riGing, fliem shsil t�e atat�lie:€} tn ct�e .unzs seeureci, l�y t.f�zs _ltort,�age such propor- t�:° � T��
<br /> 4iou Qf the pror;eed� rts is equul to t#�at g�r�;avriion wiurir the axnz�uait nt tkie surn eecureci lay this 31ort�;��e imine- � n
<br /> ' ` diutely prior ta the aute c�£ taking: �iears to tl�c £air xziarkc:t yatue vi t��e Pr�faert� iuxlneeliateil• �rior tu: tt�e c�aie of {�'"�� �
<br /> � � ts3cing, vrith t�e balanee uE the proceeda 35sid to Burrower. �."�-'
<br /> If the PraperGy is :tik�andonec� by $urrojver or if after �iotice 1�y F�encior to I3orrotver tYiat tlie condean�ior o@'ers Y :� � `
<br /> " tn mai:e a� oLvard pr seEt3e a ctainx for d;iiiiage�, T3or:�v�a•eh faiIs ia t•es;a�+nci ta I,e.niier x��it.t�in 30 ciays oi the ciate "'
<br /> : . : y . . - _ ;�., :. .. _ _. � : , 1 � � ; r . • : ,. .
<br /> � , Ii� JLwr�LL�.S44Z4L' 7 ��.u.�i�.t 4.l .iiVr.r�iQr�+'�V4 �.�J a.4t.M1.l � .�AIaA� J,1Jd�:� �L�� �11V4'�.1:41.1 aic� . nl:aaMt,s J . J�Ii��IJr� ll�.:.it,'1 ..\! �l� Wl,it�ll%T . Vy` ' •
<br />� �. . . . � rt, ,��" i,is�y ^���'J:] ": " GI. *.�C ��'�^.. �3�1�'"`....,.. ".. :::'L"a h� 1r'-?"' � = D. .e„-e��• . . .
<br />� ' ' � ., � _ .... . . . . . . . � �
<br /> Gutess i.endar und Borxo�cer o�l�er�vise agree in cvriting, :iriy sucl� applicstiau ei proceeds to principx�l :sh.;li
<br /> , �
<br /> —,� , �^ _
<br /> x
<br /> � ��. �
<br />