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<br /> 'MORTGAC;S
<br /> h10RTGAGH LQAN I�'O. '- 2C.%�.t3 i�i�il C —
<br /> xNowal.Laaarrsv�rxESE��sE��rs:Tndz Wi�liam A. �regory and Janet M. Sregory, each in his'and
<br /> � her own right and as s�souse of each other
<br /> ,;" ��� ` �� � � . � � Mort o�,wheiher.nne or more,in cansideiation of the sum af �� � � ' �
<br /> - ��---e„-----"----�-�-...'- , '� .
<br /> 7�aenty-T►� Thousand four Nundred and NoI lUu--------- - ----;,�,r„u�
<br /> loaned to said��:mortgagor�by The Equitable Building artd.Luan Associatian�of Grand Islan3,.Nebraska,A4ortgvgee,upon� 22�� � 5hares of stock of��
<br /> t � said ASSOCIATSfJN, Certiftcate-No. L 'Z2 s 71� MG j��o hereby grant, wnvey and morzgage anto the sald ASSOCIATIDN t�e fopowing
<br /> F druribed reat estate,situaxed ia Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> �. .�
<br /> TEdENTY EiGHT (28) ALL IN TOWN5HIP ELEV£PI (11) t10RTH,
<br /> a� �
<br /> � � �together.with�all�the ienemants,hereditaments and appurtrnances thcreunto 6elonguig,i�sciuding attached fluur wverings,all window screens,
<br /> � windaw shades,�6Yinds,storm windows,awning,,liea[ing,air cunditianing,and ptumbing and water equigmen2 and accessories tfiereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigeratars,and other fixt.ures and equipment now or hereafter a[cached to or usa4 in ci�nnection wi�h said re�ai estate. � . �
<br /> . � � �And whereas the�said mortgagor.bas erreed and doesherehy agree that �he rzrortgagor shall and will pay all taxes xnd�assessments levied ot
<br /> assessed upe>n said�premises and upon this tnortgage and the boad secured thereb�= before the same st:al!become delir�yuent;to furnish approved �
<br /> t'� F' . . in.surance ugon the buildings on said premixs sit.uated in t3�c sum of S Z2�Q��(�.�1� payable tu said ASSOCIATIOh�and to deliver tA said
<br /> � ASSOGIATION the poticies�tbr said insurance;.and not to��ammit or pzrmit a�iy wasse un or abouz said premises; � � .
<br /> tn cau ot deFault in ihe Qed'ormance of any of[he terms end e.onditions ul this mongage ur ihe bond uwred hereby;the.mortgagee shelt, �
<br /> � � �qn�demand,.ue �ntiiicu i� i --.. �Yosee.�t^^e�ihe m4rteaeed nremises and [he rztortp;agar hereby��assigns, aansFers�ared sets over Lo tke �
<br /> � �mortga.gee all 1he re�ts,xevenues aad income to be derivod from the mortgaged premises duru�g suei�t:rc�a;�::�r.:ert�_�e��de6tedness shail retna'sn.
<br /> � � �� unpaid:a�d the mnrtgagee shall have[he power tu appoint any sgent or agents ic may desire for the purpoxe ot repa:ring said prennses.and renting��
<br /> � the same.and wllecting ihe xents,reven.uas and u�coine,and it may pay out of said inwme :il! expenses oF repairing said premises and necessary�
<br /> �cammissions and expenses incurred'u��renting�and managing the same and of collecting rentals iherefrom; the halanne rernair.ing,;l€any,to ba�
<br /> � �applied�toward ttFe discharge of said inortgage indebtedness;these rights of the rn�rtF;agee niay be exercised at ssny time during the e�c.istence of snch �
<br /> � � �delault,in�espective o£any�cempqrary waiver uf the same.
<br /> � These�Yresen[s,ho.vcv-c a;z••rcn t�e�'c�ndi!ion Tfiat if the said�1ur[gagor shal!repuy said S�an on or before che maturity ot'�said shazes by
<br /> � payment pxy monthly tci�id AS50CIAT10\of the sum specifSed in the.f3cind securtd'nereby a5 irzzsc;,oad p_..^.c�r�� n sxid loan.on ot betoxe
<br /> . �iiic i ^:.•.�s;of e_r!+_±+.�1 esery monch,until said ivan is fully paid;pay all ta�es xnd assessments levied a�nst sa.id Qremisesuid on this!vlartgxge �
<br /> and ihe Band secured the[eby,beiore delinyuency;furzuilt approved insucance upun the buddings th�reon m the sum oi.i CG�4VU.Vv i=i'=ti'�P
<br /> � �. to said ASSOCIATION:repay to said ASSOCIAT[O:ti upcsci demand all monty by it paid fur such taxes,assessments m2d insura�ce with intemst az�.
<br /> � � the.�maximum leg:f.l�ate xheseon from Cate of'payment�Il of which Murtgagor hereby agrees tu pay:perinit nn.waste on said premises;keep and comply �
<br /> ` .� � � with�at3 the agree�zaents�nd conditicas af the Euad Fo:5 2Z�QjJ��.QQ this da`�y�ven by the seid M�rtgagor ro said ASSOCIATIOti,and comply
<br /> �with.all.the.requizements of the Gons[itutiun and Sy•L.aws of said ASSOCSATION:�ien these presrnts shall become null and void,otlierwise�tLey .
<br /> � � shall��.rem�in in full torce and.muy be torecloszd at[he option of the sxid ASSC?CIATION atter tailurr fur three manths !.^� m:ilce.any of said .
<br /> payments�or be�tstrce�mon[hs in arrears in muking said monthly payments,c�r to keep xnd camply with the a$reements and cunditions ef said Bond;
<br /> � � nnd Mot�egago�agrees to ha��e�a ceceiver appointed torthwith in such foreciosure Qroceedings. � � � � �
<br /> � . if thera�is�aray chenge in awnership of the real estute murtgaged herein,by sale or othenvise, [hen the entire remaining indtbtedness hereby �
<br /> � � secured�slxall,ut thc��option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand fsland,Nebraska,become Lnmediately due and paysbFe withoui � �
<br /> � � �. further.notice,and lhe arnuwit rernaining due under sa.id bond,and any other 6ond for xny additiunsi advances made thereun3er,shall,frpm the � �
<br /> � dxie�uf ew:rcise of said opcion,bear inxerest at the maxim�m legal rate,and this n��etgage inay then be€oreclosed to satisfy ihe amount due on said � � �
<br /> . bond,and any other bond fcri ad¢itional ad�ances,together with all sums paid by said'fhe F.quitabte IIuiiding and Loan Association vf�Grand.fslsnd, . � �
<br /> �?�ebaaska�(or uisurance,tnxes and ussessrnents,and eUstraeting extrnsion charges, w�ith interest thereon, from dafe of paymenY at the maximum � � � �
<br /> le8al rate.
<br /> � � As provided�.in the Bond.secured hereby,�vhile this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee msy hereefter a�vxnce additional sums�to the . � �
<br /> � .� makers�Uf said&az�d,their assi�ns or suuessors in interest,which sums shmtl he within the security of this martgage thc.sarne as the funds oziginnlly � .
<br /> � �secure�i thereby;�ihe total amount of pcincipal debt not to exceed at any tune the orrginal amount of this more.gage. �
<br /> [�a�pa cn� 30th � ad��' .7une n.a.,�v 77
<br /> � r�
<br /> s ��.�
<br /> ,'Gdi:1 iam A. ry. - ..
<br /> ,, .. ,M•�"� ��" �
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<br /> �vunci, i�.: ui�cyvly} . ✓ � . . - -
<br /> STATEOFNESRASKA.( ss. Onthis 3�t� dayof �Ufi@ 197� ,beforome,
<br /> CO'C3NTY'O�fiALL S
<br /> . . � � [he underugned,a Notary P'ublic m and tot said Counxy,pe.rsonally came . . • ' �� '">`� �
<br /> i�Fa;'liiam:A:' fregory and Janet M. Gregory, eact� in his and her ovm ria ht and as s�o�s�+ of s+��'':��
<br /> }vtto per na y Known tcr d-
<br /> � each ot6er are . ;
<br /> �c „
<br /> me.to � �ul personS �. whose uecneS.. dY'C' � aft"ixed to Uie sbcrve insuumen4 as mortgagarS and tfiey sevecsliy �
<br /> ��� '�strument to be th�l.!^�� . voluntary act and deed. �. ��`�.'
<br /> � "''�,E:Ix,Q my hand aad NotariaJ 3ea3 tihre date aforesaid. . �
<br /> �� . . 'Kty�"'n�. .4en.�e.;s,,.. rt q.:,, �,.X "�,+1 � Q � -�4+- 1�4'�,.� . ':. r��� ...
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<br />�',, � M : T�OTRRY S .N.c V `�` `'F(""-' ,�r ,„��,v ,.)�, S..l. !4"bl�-zv^u,�
<br /> i'+ ��� �.CQMh4ia.�l�+v = �'. �� -�.-. ��Ncriary Nubiic . .
<br /> s��p si EXPkRES �
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