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<br /> ,` MORTGACG LOAN NO. �–ZZ;�I7 — �
<br /> ^ � rctvowauHtErravxt�FSEYR�sE�'rs:�rnat Lois J. Filkin, a single person
<br /> , TW21 V@ ThQU5dl1d F7 YE HUttG�Y'2d d17CI N0��0�---------- Morcgagor,wh�Uier one or moxe,in consideration of the sum of •
<br /> � --------------------------"--_'–.
<br /> DOLLAKS
<br /> luxned Cq said�snartgagnr.6y�The�E.quitable Building�and Loan Associa[ion Qf Grand lsland.Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon.. ]2§. �� shuros of stack of ���.
<br /> said ASSC)CIA;TION,Certifoate No::L 22��17 ;da hcreby grani, convey and mortgage unto the said AS50CIA1'Iphf tha following
<br /> described zeal.estate,situeted in }iall County,Nebrasks:
<br /> . .. � . rc� nr.�.n ucn�ncvn � �
<br /> � c,r�rv�ci� nc.�rxrw��n. �
<br /> � � together with. all�t}�e tenements, hereditaments and appurtenauces thrrr,unto belor.ging,including attached tloor coverings, ap window screens, .
<br /> �. � ��windowshaSes,blinds,stormwi�idows,awnings,heating,�airconditiuning,andplumbingandwaterequipinentandacaessoriesthereto,pumps,stoves,.�:�
<br /> . ��re$igeralors,2rd�ther€:xiures az.:equtpm�:.i:tow or herza;tct aiiacLeu to or tucu in cunrieciion witn.said reai es[ate. � �� � � .
<br /> � . Ar.d.whereas the said mortgagor has agreed rusd does lxereby agrce that [he mortgag�r shatl and will pay atl taxes and assessments levied or���.�
<br /> � assessed upon said premises snd upon itiis mortgage and the bond s�µre¢ er befoxe the s:ime shall become delinquent;to furnish approved��.
<br /> . insuranceuponthe�buildingsonsaidpreinisessituatedinthesmnof�G�^'��•�� paya6le�tos;aidASSOC.[ATIONand.Codalivertosaid.�.�.
<br /> . ASSQCIATIp:�the pulicies for said insurance:end not to commit or permi[any�vaste on or about said premists; . � . . . . . .
<br /> �� � In case uf default in the perfonnance uf any ot die terms and co�iditiuns uF this murtgege ur the bond secured hereby,the�murtgagee shall,�
<br /> . . �on demand,6e entitled�to immediate possession of the martgaged premises and the mortga�or hereby assigns, iransfers snd sets over [o.the�
<br /> � �rnortgagee all.the rents,reve�ues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shali rernaii�� �
<br /> �unpaid;and the murtgagen s4a11 have the power[e appoint any agent.or agents it may dessre far[he purpose of repairing said Qtemises and renting� �
<br /> � the same and collecting the rents,revenues and income,and.it may pay out qf said income all expenses of repairing said premises ;�nd neeessary< .
<br /> � commissions and expenses mcuaed in centine�and managin�fl+e saene ar.d cf c��!3ecti::g rer.ts!s therefrom; the ba::nce.:emsining �f any,.o ta �
<br /> . applied toward the discharge of ssid mur[gage indeb[edness:these rights af thc mortgagee rnay be�exercised at any eime aurmg the exisi�::nce vf such � '�
<br /> default,irrespective o1'any temporaay waivzr of the same. � .
<br /> i . � These Presents,however,are upon the Condition,7'hst if the said btortga�oc shall repay sxid loan on or befure ckie maturity of said.sliazes,by�
<br /> � payment;�pay monthly t�o said ASSOCIATION uf the sum specified in the IIund secured izereb,y as interest and prirtcipxl omsaid loan,un or betore �
<br /> �the.Twentieth day of each and every month,until s:+id luan is fully paid;pay all tuxes and assess�nents levied xgainst said.ptemises and on thisMurtgage .
<br /> t .d:
<br /> and the Bond secured thereby,before delinquency;furnish.approved insurance upun the buildings thereon in the sum oT S �2 SOO� Q(�� Payable� �
<br /> � � tu said ASS(1�.IAT10N;repay to sa.id ASSOCIA'flON upon demand all muney by it puid for such taxes,.assessments aad insarance wi�h.iniarest at�..
<br /> the�maxi�num legal�rate thereon Crom date of paymen[ail ut�vhich Mortgagor hereby agrees ro pay:permit no waste on said premises;kezp and comp2y ��. . �
<br /> with.all the agreements and conditions of`the Bond f'or 5�Z�5QQ.QQ this day given by the said Murtgagor to snid ASSOCIATION,and i;omply �
<br /> �� �� with all the reqairements of the Constitution and$y-Laws af said ASSO(:IATIOtv; ther.these presents shall become�null anc3 void,otherwise they � .
<br /> � � siiall remxin in Cuti.farce anr3 may be fbreciosed at ihe uption uC the said ASSCCtATICN afte: f'ailure for three mamhs to make sny of said . �..
<br /> . payments or be tfiree months in xrreurs itt making said rnonthiy paymentis,or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of sa:id Bond: � �.
<br /> xn�Mortgagor agrees to hxve a receiver appainted Corthwith in such foredosure proczedings. .
<br /> y:,,';� � If thece is any change�in ownership of tha real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness�hereby � .
<br /> � secured shull,at the option�f The£yuitable Building and Loan Association of Crand Island,Nebraska,6ecome immedutel,y due and paya6te without�. .
<br /> . � � furiher notice, snd�.the amuunt remaining due under sxid bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shall,fram the �
<br /> date of esercisc:of said option,bear interes�at the maximurn legal rate,and chis mortgage may then be€orednsed ta satisFy the amount due un said
<br /> . � bond,and any�vther bond for additional sdvances,together with xll sums paid by said Tha Equitable$uilding snd Luan Association�oT Grand Island, � ��
<br /> Nebraska f'or insurancc,ta�ces and assessm�nts,and abstractu�g exlensiun cl�arges, with ui[erest thereon, f'rom date of payment at ihe marimum � � � �
<br /> �s` : legal cate.
<br /> � � �As�pr�vided in[lie Bond secured hereby,while this.mortgage rem;tir.s in effect the murtgagee may hereafter udvance additional sums to�ihe �
<br /> . .makers of said Bund,theu assigns.or successots in'rnterest,which sums shall be within the securify of Utis martgage thc.same as ihe�fun�Is ociginally �
<br /> � .seeured ihere6y,4he total amonnt of principal debi.not to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortguge. � . - �
<br /> tea ctu�/ 29 � aay�r June A.D.,i� 77
<br /> �-�� �.����
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA,�ss. Onihis 29th da of 3Un@ <
<br /> COUNT'1"flF HALL Y 1 J �7 ,before me,
<br /> �the undersi � '' �� �F s, �
<br /> �..07 5 �. Fi 1 k i n, a s i n g 1 e j�@ Y'S Oq gned,a T+7otary Public in and far said County,prrmnally came u
<br /> _ t,:1' ,'�_�
<br /> . . � . � tit�k:u �S pzr>or.slly known to . '�. .
<br /> tne to be the identieal rstm e� T S � � � � ��y=
<br /> pe '..,� �affiYed to the above instrument as mortgagor and 5 he � ���� ,,
<br /> � �' a�:anw�edged�t:he said' �:3JiC..Cr vuluntazy act and deed:. . . � 4.�
<br /> � _ �
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