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<br />� ��" t���3��i�
<br /> MORTGAGE �
<br /> -- i3UkTCAC,E:LCIAN NO..L Z��JIS �_
<br /> � Fcrrowa�L��n�;Y�ir:s�ruesc�v�rs:r�,at Frank J. �ray and Jea:^.na H. Gray, each in his and f�er
<br /> #; � ��� � � �
<br /> own ri ht -�nd as s o�s� af each other,
<br /> 9 ��� � � � � � Mortgagaa�,w�hether one ur�more,in considcratinz,of the sum ot�
<br /> ;�' Thirtv-seven Thousand Two Hundred an� �:�!100-------------------------------------- L,o[.Laxs
<br /> ��ioaned[o aaid.mori.gxgor�by7he�Equitabie Suiiding�and.L,c�an Association.of Crand:�tund;Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 3]Z� . shares trf stoc3:.of�
<br /> �� �� said ASSaCtATlON;�Certificate��No�.�L � 22��71�J� ,�da he�eby grant, convey.and murtg:ae.unto tha.said ASSOCIATIOI3 tliedollowing�
<br /> described real esiate,situaxed in IiaB Cc�unty,Nebraska:
<br /> . . � � . . ��j :r�.r.,�i� vr�in� iiiii�r�.i`t�. � I'1H�L �VUIY I T�a.qttSKHJKH. � � � ,
<br /> together with aLl the tenemenxs,heredi.aments and appurtenances thereuntu bclonging,3ncluding attached fluor coverings,all window screer�s; r
<br /> window shades,blinds,storm windaws,awninbs,hea[ing,air conditioning,and.plumbing and waeer equipmen[and accessories thereta,pumps,stoves.�.
<br /> � rt[rigeraxors,ar.�uther fixiutes.and equipmeni now or hece;+fter attached to or used Sn�ronnecYion with said.raal estate. .
<br /> � Ac�d.whereas the said marcg:+gor h:�s agreed und does hereby agree that the vnorte�gor shall anci wifl pay aii taxes and�assess�nents ievied�oz�. .�
<br /> � . assessed unon said premis.-s and�upun this murtqagc and the bond secu:�rci thareby bcf'orc the samc�IiaU became dellnquent;to furnish approvec'1` � �
<br /> � �insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated�in the sum of S 37.}2QQ,�1Q pa,�ahle to said�ASSfJCIATfO:� and to deliver to sxed.��
<br /> r.� ASSO(:IATION�the poiicies f�rsaid insurance;and.not io commit or permit any w�ste nn or about said premises; �
<br /> . � In case of'�dzfxult in tl�e performance of any of the terms and conditions of this inc+rtgage ur the bond secured hereby;the mortgagee shall,� .
<br /> �n��demand,be encitted to immediete pusszssion of Ui�marcgaged premises und [hs mortgagvr heraby �ssigns, traasfers and sets.over��io�the
<br /> � mortgag.ce�all the renLs,revenues and inwme m be clerivedSron;the mortgaged preinisee during such ticne as[he m�utgage inde6tedness shatt reinaia �� �
<br /> �. unpxid;and the murtgagee shail have the pe�wer to appoint any agent.or agents it may.desire tor the gurpose of repairing st..id premisas and renting . .
<br /> the same and�cullecting.�he rcncs,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said income a.l1 expenses�of repairing said. premises and�necessary�.
<br /> commissions and.expenses.incurred in renting and managing the same and of coitecting rentals thnrnfrum;the. baiance remaining.�it any,��w�lae� .
<br /> � � applied toward�the discfiurge af said.mortgage indebtedness;ihese rights ot the mortgagee m�y be exercised.ac;uiw time duri=tg the oxistence at such. .
<br /> . . defauit,irrespecnve or any letnporary waiver of the same. � . � � .
<br /> � iiiese Fresents,however,are upon the Condition,That if xhe said Mor[gagar shall repxy s;�id loun ori or bciore cht:natnrity of suid shazes by
<br /> a� � � payment;pay monthly�to said�ASSOGATION qf the suzn specii3ed in the Bund�ucured hereby.as ir.teiest and�principal on sxicl luan,on or before
<br /> . . [iie Twentieth day ut eacte and every aionth,.unti;said losn ts 1 u21y paid;pay ull taxzs and assessments levied against said pzemises and on tiv.s Moitgaga .. ..
<br /> � and�the-8and secuxed thereby,betbre delinyuency;funaish approved insurance upon ihe buildings khereon�ixi tlie sum of.� 37 s ZQ(j,Q(�.�payaole ��
<br /> to said.ASSQ('IATION;repay to�said�ASSOCI:ATION upon demend all money by it paid lor such taxes,assessments and.insurance witn interest at
<br /> the�maximum legal rate tkereon:'rom d�te ol payment ali ot whic2v Mmtgagor hereby agreas[o�pay;permit no waste un suid premises;keep snd comply�. : .
<br /> � . with all the agreeme�nts and condstions of the Bond fbr S 3��2�0.Q�c}us day.given by xiie uid Mor.3>goc to s�d ASSOCIATION,und.cumply� � .
<br /> with atl the requirements of the Cunscitueion and Fiy-Lnws of said ASSO(:IATIOV; ihen ihesa presonts siuiil become null and void,ozhenvise xhey
<br /> � sltxU�renuin.in full�fozce nnd may be C�reclosed at[he opcion of the suid ASSOCIAT'.ON aCter failure f'or ikree mont,hs ta malce any uf said �
<br /> � paymants or be thrne.monefis in urrears in making sa.id moxuhly payments,ur lo keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of sai@ Itond;. � .
<br /> .� �and Morzgrgoz agrees io l�ave s receitiKr appointed farthwith in sucli foreciosure proceeciings. . � . �
<br /> � if xhere is any change in awnership of the ceal estate�mortgaged herein,by sale or utherwise,then the�entire remauung indebtedness hereby . ��.
<br /> �secured stialt,at the�ptiori of The�Equila6le Buiiding and.Loan Associa[ion of Grand lstand.\ebra�lca,become.immediately due and payable with.otsi ..
<br /> � � further.notice,and the amount remai��ing due un�ler said.bonei,and any.other bond for any addi[ional adti�ances.aiade thereunder�,shall,from the. � �
<br /> � 3ate.of exemise of said op:ioa,bear interes:xt the msximum tebai rate,and thes mortgage may tkaen be foreclosed ao satisfy the amount due on said � � � �
<br /> . � bond;anci any other bond�for adclitional advances,togeti�ei wich alt sums gxid by saeci The Equitabie.$uilding and Laan Assc>ciation�F Grand lslarsd. , . . . . �
<br /> � Nebraska:for�ussuraiice,ta�:es and ussessments,and abscraccing excension cnarges, wiih in[ecest thereon, krom d�.ee of paymciit at tE�e msximum �
<br /> 3ega1 rate... � . � .. �� � .
<br /> � � As�g�orided�in the 8ond secured�heseby,while�this m�rigage remains in elfect.the mortgagee znsy hereafter advancc additional�sums to che.. �� � �. �
<br /> � � �.� malc.crs of�said IIcind,Theiz.assigns.or suc¢essors in ia�exest,which sums shatl.be within the security oC ihis mortgage the same as the Sunds�rigiiully �. - �.. .
<br /> � � secured thereby,[he iqtssl-�amuunt of principa3 debt n�t to excred at any time the.uriginal amount of t'us monga.ge. � . � � � � �
<br /> }, F�
<br /> ��a�t�25 frr�2$t� �qor June 4 u,iv77 r ,, %��
<br /> �,�-�'"'.''""�' �' .:s�;^' .e'' �� .',�,! �f�„"T�.�' ,�. . ,�^'7� s;�r `�` j�--�„/J�'s � .. � .
<br /> c�
<br /> / Frank J. .arjr ��- � ,. ,'Jeanne H. Gray
<br /> r„
<br /> COLIN7'Y OF HALL �: On ttcis 2gtf1 day of �jUng !) 77 .before mn, '
<br /> "�. r�,
<br /> Frank J, Gray and 3eanne H. Gray, each in his `�4i�"�fi'�'�""t�'�S'�i�y�i���ii0�°��fS�'�4�f#'e��'Efi�'�B�A�r,
<br /> �;rr��,.
<br /> �� - �� � F�.�hc� dY'e persnnaliy known to � � �v
<br /> V`�,,; �.. mG to bt ti�e identica3.pecsoa g .� � whose.name:.g .yre.� uftixed�.to tbe�abovc instru vrtgxgoi s sn1� the�r� sererally � �¢�a�
<br /> � acknowiedgad tha said instrumeni ta be " ��T@71" vQluntxry act anci decd_ � � � � �`'
<br /> � � N'1TNFSS my hand an3�No#arial Seal the dat�aforesaid. � ��� � ✓� � ��
<br /> /� /,.. 7 ~!�!/ /'��577',�.•
<br />�', . � �r Ca..cn�ss�oei e�.pirca � / �,,2".-�f' G"�.�C/ - 1..0 t-..I�"Z/�_ " �
<br /> ..'� �:qGlY..9x.ryi 4r1.lYR�H'Y SLctNG'3 s`tal11 � . .. . �_'s,��__.J,,,..... ....... ._...._ ... . .
<br /> � -. ....N�iary Public '
<br /> cM�,��_
<br /> �2M RS�*`" $� r u ��� '� ' / �: f �7 ,r! �'�`-,. .
<br /> � 4vd'��SaNp� sr�.�: a s�.�b r�.��� .. r^� '�:�I � .
<br /> �,' _ v, rr.......rm..w�,-+r�..,..�...�..�w.vrr�..w.w.�4. . . . � � � . .
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