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<br /> � u'!it SfY � .t�tb!:i' E' ;� ` � ..... viii. .� ni�� ;..�.i . �. � Fie.x ; .,.�, � , .. . . . . . ., . ' � . . �.. .��, . ` •, .
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<br /> I .e17,4�iP fl�' .��(1"F'704i�'l'd' Aif7t�t (' '�°-� � t11sPG4� �. 1 .� , . ' " e?qtl . r . � , t :� sP . . � - ' �. . a . .. . . � "�.,.:;ee . . ., �.�'. 1 . i : ''v 1 . . . . ., � .. . .. , ' ..
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<br /> �stiy . uu�l th,erl� xu clr� sannaa� r:t,� ut td,e AayK . �.c� r „ . � , K�ir ,� � • � ��� . t r � � •�r � 3 , , , • ,� , ;�
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> �. '�.h�kt��t; .7i4��. �l�ortto�ti-er el�8��1'I� ,,uy .i3 ! �4� .� 3 �, : _..���, �.mnA� r a, ..� i � � _... . � ��. t��,�_ . . �. :�� ,d : rsif�n��vr�� izttira��±. M't� nt'r^+ �
<br /> �„
<br /> LLLA��� 6Q Cfl¢°. �If)��E"�J?i R' �'ll!'�Y t)1.9� .lEC2LIAi 4 4rYd::1t FC E� . �av.,• � . . � 1� i �, 3 +;1' c f n'4 � 1 9��^ + 1,' tM � .c't3,i�MF ?s�
<br /> (Ip�I�S7�4115T C�1B' Ml ]Afl �1C,A'� ��)fU�' h{CI �. I2tY4j!'1" j �Y}C 1�„I .ifUY :.� � �rl �v9k' t)I � +�- 'tiUfi �Yit t �4ii.4 {� SL ., j�. s11 { , t I . 1". � r � , . � � •'j1Fr �� lft'c�t�� V Lfi,
<br /> � � tha ��aye4 ��th�r�oP,. �"Fo�rrow�+�r e�ha+i [ E,rnrh� rzl}• �r�ra�� i • � , • , , �I . � �riat� r cal � � ur ,•�,•M , � :�naro, as rw , . .���.r , .., . +�� r � Eti . •,:ir3�(;'�r:��rb
<br /> und� 'in t�r�! �awen6 �31urmpu'dr� �a2�z�11 Wxiakc p�siw � airrtia: +�tu�a�r� Iv _ �� ',urr� � �.� �r� w : i:tl } p ,r� , �, E ,clv � . irr . i�,ia tn� I , x .�is�m rrr� �� srt:c �c��� i . �
<br /> dehciingsucli �,� ayiuett���. 33e�rn•��•er �I�u�1��1 � , run� 6��t',9 �,�' �t � �.��hsrb;e :u + � iiici : .� �riat's . .a , : ��rer� � irti• � ,;:u�r triic; 'cla,riR;��;e : ��rcro�.
<br /> vld'efly G}�AIt� F3Urro'µ•cr �shali �n�'t �t����a r�.rs �t�rc�i < <> de,i��l �zir�;,, :�.;���.• � u� " �_ liru 4r � lc>or�; ;t., t�4urr� ��� r :� -� ii� ll a�reN? in Ycr�s2iaY� fi�o
<br /> � �t�h'e P{sY,L�pdt o� �ift�; tri7li�a�tidoa� serurecl� Fa�' ,ucii t �a'� � ui .0 Y,ar:i.nn��i� :�ac'cuE.�tat��.!'t- ua L��r,a�ld�r �rr rliWal ; i'�� �;0�0(1 ra�tli� arc�nz,ew� �
<br /> eqRh�� lren U,y, oe- defand enfotceru� ia4 of .ei��l � 7 �rra it � kKt� F�, rur�,�,aii�c7F� �� n ��•E,r up«�r.�i�,tr ru �.,rrvenY � n� er�torr„emt~r,G ai�
<br /> � the �i�n or '£orfeiture t�f the Yrapert� or any � �urt r ! crer�f.
<br /> � �a. I��azd 1t�aur<saee. T�3osrc�wc�• �h�.,: l kerX�� ruc :tuT�� r'ca� �m� • r7to nnu- cx� tuie ur t e r� � tcr.t' � r�•rtee� or t :ie YroFa - �
<br /> �� � i�rty insur� d uKaitist taas bv fire, hazarcis meti�deti �ti ithizx L ir tr. rizi • e .da�nel.eii c�� ceragE 3n;j cac :� uNie: r k��,zurc�� �a � � �
<br /> " Le,nd�rmt�y rec�uirr :.�iiit ir. sucli un�our� ts :in�i tor �ucii E�e+rioc� . ;�,- I.� i�ii��r rua}• r�r�;ziin. . � �rc�. •ial��r: , that T ,e;ntler :;ha14
<br /> �' �
<br /> y,, w1oE Yequ�i�r� t��i'r�� t,�ne �as�ou�ce�t� c�Y� e�lul,i cau��m{;4' c+x�ecrer� th �x,�, a,iuota�oa��c oi c�,�w�era�;e renzy � rr�:� l t .� ys�u}- th�� suftms secured� •t�v
<br /> •_,.' tizis iylortgage.
<br /> ' ' �y The jnsurunce carrier � ,rovirling tlie ivaciranc� ;hul 't l�e chc>sen bti� F3oir<,�� er sui ; c,cit to +ti� � r.ci��a! by� I„en<ier :
<br /> � ��r•ovided , that. �ach n;�}�roval slini2 not �e uurtea�onac�iv �vitihh����� . ,�ill premium� <iri in�ura,vee c �oticics Sr�ul� t�e �nid
<br /> :it, Z,ender's bq�e��n i�� T.F�e cnan��ei• {�ro�-i���t uiic��r ;�a :z6r�� t; '.? I � z�er�t or is,y- {�nrrutirr�a• ii�ukiai�; {�:axrr�ant . �alreal duw ,
<br /> �` ; clire�tly to t11e i�sura,nee cxrrier. . , ,. .
<br /> ' In fhe even� any pol�cy Is not renewed on �r beiar� ten dacs of it: expiration, -�he Len�3er; ta �;rutect
<br /> ' iis interest, may� procure insuraac:e on tkae im�ar�vemerats, i>ay the �remiuins anci such surm sht�-lY trecnme
<br /> ` immediatelv drae nnd pawable wit}z interest at the r�te set .fort h „ in said nutc: until paid and sirall hc
<br /> : ' .. y - g g k � y - p , ption �I I.ender, canstitute a �3�*fauIt
<br /> ,ec:ured b thxs ?41art a e. Failure b � ]3r�rrowur to ' ccam �ly ma� st o
<br /> under the terms of this Mart >a e.
<br /> r1iC insuracice p�licies .xnei reiieci•ats thrre�r .�l �n � i be iii i�rm a� act�� ,tnhle ic� l .esy�ler �tn<i � hsttl i3rcluelu Z st;'�.nrlut'ci
<br /> � � � iiaerd:gA�;e p.l�us� trr rmve�r of �nd iri f'crr�ni �ucce�rtEila�i�e cu L<+��ic dea•. La�i�uler tif��t,ll tit�ti-e �t3ee r�gdic ��o ho} �.i t�&ic� ��obiuies �<�nd � �
<br /> � - ' : resbew.�ta t}tereof, anc� Ziarrc�wer sha.11 proui��dy icimi�h t.�� I.enric::r ati retie�v.11 naiice� and :�,ll recci}sts <yi gaid �re-
<br /> � , ; cniums, Zn ttae evecrt oi loss, Borro�4ei• shai? �;ive �iro±�i��i tFutice i +� tite iristtrancc' cazrrier :�aid I.eaiaer, ar;d Lender '
<br /> may rnake �romi ot foss if n�l; inad� F>roruptly 'l�y 13orrn�i�er. '
<br /> LTnless Lender axzd 13arrower ottierwise n.�ree iu 4��rit•ir, g, �n�tci•unce iarocecls sha� l k�e a�µ: iecY to restoratiox3 or
<br /> ,. = � � � rep�nr vt the P'rn��ei�ty� ztum� �e�7 , pror 'rd,i�i surh r^t�?storat�ion rn ,�Fzuic is eed�nraakiie�4�y i�,e.:,i3J(w axi�d �l�ze s�;c:urlt��� �,af
<br /> � thi�s l�ort�aga �i� not CBaereb3- itr���it�ir�ed. If aurl� t�ca�tc�r,titiFar� � or a�e�sir z�s yiot c�oi�oax�ii�csIlv te�ttsiMle Wr i�Y xt�e� �e�izr�it}w � �
<br /> of this 3tortgaoew�ulcf he irnr�aireri; ihe instirn�ice t� rocce+ts tiF� t , i�i> a��}>I��cl tn tt•c sums serur�d k�y *his nlortgage,
<br /> -' ; w3ti� che exeess; it an;r, paict tc� I3orio�e�ec•, .Zi the YroEaeitv is aLai�ria�a<<I br� I3orroticer or if f.iorrower fai1� co respond
<br /> ' to Lender cyitlain 3� ciays nfter noticc -by I.��nclar io Tfcrrson�er t,lrai tne i.asLir:�i:ce cnrricr ofie_rs to seti3k s ciaiir. for `
<br /> insurance Wenetits, I.en�iei• is �.uthorited to colleci ::i�d <ai>��ly tl7e insuryrice jarc}c�ecis aa4 I;�nder's option either ta
<br /> restora6ion or re�i�ir of the �'roperty �r to the �utr;s secure� by tixiY _lloitgage.
<br /> Unless Leneier und 13orrower oiherwise :zgree in �vriii =�g, acr: sucl � �.pplicatiun o£ proceeds to principal snall
<br /> � � not extend or postpone tlie due d:iie of ti�e inoni#ily installrsaents a•eiei�red to in paraagrapfis I snd 2 hereof or change
<br /> the smount of such installinents.
<br /> If under pnrngrupkr ] $ #�ereof t.he Yi•opert,y is acquirec3 I>y I�encier, nll i•ight, title and interest nf Barrower irz
<br /> � , ; ' �tnd to nny insurance I�oliciea and in und to tlieprnceeds ilzereot 4to tl�e exient ot the suins securecl iiy this tilort-
<br /> guge iinmediutely prior io �uct� sale or ac�uisicionl resciltiug fr. om ci� muge to ihe 1'roperE.y priar to tl�e sa,te or
<br /> �" acquisitfon shall pnsa zo Lendei�.
<br /> 6. Presexvation cmd Mainten�ce of Pioparty; Leaselaolds; Condominiums. I3orrotiver shull t�eep t•}ie Yrop-
<br /> erty in good repair and shall noi Permit or cocntriit ���aste , impairrnent, or detcrioruiion of Lhe Prapertc� ni�d shall
<br /> comply tvith ttie �.irov"zsions of any� lease, ir this �Ior't�age i� oi: a leasetwid : Tf this tlortgage is on ci condominium
<br /> unit, $orro�ver shall perSortn aill oi Borro�ver:s obligations ainder the decl:iratio�i of cond.oc��inivai ar rnasier deecl ;
<br /> tlte by-laws and regulaiions of the conciomiriium project a�:d corzsiituexit doaumeiits.
<br /> 7. Protectior oP Lender's Secuzity. If Boi•rower laifs tu pesforzii t,he coven;ant.s and agrecinents contained in
<br /> this \Lortgage, rsr ii any- aotion or E�roceedin� is coriitneiiceci �vhicii iiraierially xalfrei,s L�r3der's interest iu the Prop-
<br /> ';, erty, including, but not. limited to, eminenk dorn:iin, iiisai�'c�icy . codc eniorccanent., ur st�r:�ngerzaenis or praceed-
<br /> ings irxvolti�ing u binkrupt or deceti,ent, ihen Lendes� :it 7 ,eiicier's Uptiun , u{�on i�ot.ice i.o f3c�rrotver, tnay anuke suclz
<br /> apT.�eart�nces, c? itk�urse sueh �ums �nd t3ke sur. h aeiion z� s i_ ntccssar�- to pr� tset I.ender'� interest, incit�diri�; Ezut
<br /> not limited _io; ciisiaursersieni oi rensonable attorxxey � iee, :�nd entry tipori the Yrci�aerty io make re�sis�s, Anr
<br /> nmounis disbursed Uy I.ender pursnant t.o tlris puragi•aph ; . �cith iriterest c.hex•eon , ::I7a1t }.aecc�me �ddiiional findebt-
<br /> edness of Borrower secured by tlii� :�Iortg�ine. Tinless I3or:•o�ve�� ax3ci l,ender ngrce to other temis c>r' ;:>ayment, such
<br /> amounts sk�all �e payabla upon noi.ice i'r�zu Le.nder t,a I3orr<�wer requcsi;ing pa,ymerit t ��ereuf , and �3�sll bear inter-
<br /> esL irom the dnte of d "asbwsement a� the rate sta 'teei i*7 ihc _\oLe cinless p:iy�uient, of inkerest :st sit:cli rats �rautd be
<br /> = cuiitrAry to i;ppiicable lnw, in w}�ich evcni such amounts shal( bear interesi at the l�ighest rate permi4sSble by
<br /> applicab}e law. �iothin�; co�:itnitleei irz [ his {;aragrapfi 7 sli� ? I rer� uire d.eiiiier to zucur itirn- expeiase or do any :act
<br /> t�erPiinder.
<br /> &. Inspectiom, l.e,nder �na�- �n �}ce �r ruu�c t �, l �c m x�1,- ren<c3rinhlc ��nti•ie� ul�on :izd ii� ���ecl.soas of the Yrop-
<br /> � � n�j .i ;-c.�� �.tiC�j { r . .f �..� . _ 'U _? . P � :i7 � � , a . . t .i�: . . . . . . .
<br /> - d , P - • . . ,,, . C.• 3oz :ClttLr •:J � . . ; ', , : .0 . i� _ ai i ;n „ti�.t,1Ju .pautilnl� a ¢�:asu11:3D1c .;Jtlse . . � . .
<br /> therefor relste.d t.si T;ender's int:erest in t }�e Pro{�eri;�.
<br /> 9. Condemr3atioa_ The proceeds oi; uny ,��s�z�rct or rinim ios c?a�n,t�;es ; direct or consec�uc:ntial , in connection
<br /> �vith� t�np e2�nclezxkta��t�ion or oE�hea• �Paking � +if the :'i•nt,c�rey, o�� p��rt =;eci�rot' , 01 lcar eonri�la�� r,e ir, li�. ei of c�orrilenn��a-
<br /> t',ien , are nereiiy aassign�e_cI rtnd �shall tre �auirl t� Leni9er, �
<br /> 7n the event of a t:otnl taking oi ihe ProTzeriy , t}�e �'�roceccl� �iiall be- apEali��ci to i }�i. =� �inc seri��•��� i>y 21�is 37or[- {
<br /> gs�ge, ���it.li t�l�e ev3e�,ti, ii aixp. }�rii� ro E3osro���er_ in tut. erent ot � � }3arti3} Lakas,,rti o� th 'r. Yro���trt} aziile� 13orrower �� "'�tir w � � -
<br /> w '
<br /> And�L�n�ier otk�Eru•ise agree ;n wrxtin�, Ldaoi � s1��aC bc :�p�ali,cai io ii�r, � ui3.� �yeciaied by thz� :Aioct�, ��¢;e siich propor- t� .�
<br /> tiun oi tkie proceeds a�� is equal to chst F+rou� �.ion vti hich� tlie aniouaic o1 f�l�e euins secured l�y t,fus \3ori.�;age � irrime- .�
<br /> � diate3v prior to t31e xia�e oi taking beai•s to tlie faii• niarl.et z-eil�ie ai tlie 1'roperty immecliaieip prior to iiie dnte af ,�
<br /> taking, with the }�ala�iee of ti2e prqcer�s p�eid tu I3ux•rola�e.r. '� � ,'''
<br /> ' I. �hc Prc�c-tr �i, �i�::;.�i,� cnid t„ I3urrusac,r �x � ii .�i��r :i�:.ci�e 't� ti- i ,eiiuer w isorrower inat ti�e conaeirinor ot�erF �
<br />.� , ��
<br /> . � O '�'"�...�'£ ' .. -. ..... � .0 'C�,t� ' �..`.L17L iD� �ii4a �uj�Cti. v� JxiONi:1' xLi�J �L4 IUaj �UL(i � �U A � 11i1G'A' W11111'�1 Jt) C71�'N p,[ LI3@ r18LP. �
<br /> ` of such. n�tice, Lrncier is autkiorizeti ta <•ollcct an<1 ap,�l,y� t.}zi taroreecl: at L�naei :, optton ii-iui . o restorut.ion or
<br /> renairof the Prope�iy nr io tlie suins securec� bS� t}iis \ lorc,�.i:i�.
<br /> IInlesti Le3ider an�i I3orro�x•ef- ati�er�vice aerr�+ � n ta=ri 'rinv nn�- a�ir}y vpniiwn. +;,,.. �f . ,-,.,..,..j tr+ �_•::: c.:},;, , ^� ., � �
<br /> e
<br /> �.-..� ,., l
<br /> `— - E
<br />, ,�
<br />