���� .. ' . . � . �.. �
<br /> � A . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . � �
<br /> I '. '
<br /> R'Ad}C i"14iClw��' �Gz; nr.At�S .�ai.AE.< ikaa � 'hµc .YanCc �«,.,. � ..e ,�.:.'i x :'�..x � _-? c e c .�.x: ^. . � ..�, a..;� ' c ,.. u�d .. . ax�iric. x, . . , .
<br /> c#a�' „X�',!^ t (�+:� :s.a:e�4...xz:� r,,z;S as„„ _ ..�t�ats = ..:.c-x��t ; . � .
<br /> � ���. ��IM1M�R � ���� �'Sit'�k�oszek e•j.. " & ae ` i ' . ;a.,, ia �t a H. '..�.„c . i . � .:'.:a .mr . . . w.; ':., �, • . ..-, :�,�.v .. aw. . .�..��r. . ". ' #-x¢ a•.r.Yi�F:�� �
<br /> mMS�� �.i�7 .���AA �"� '-+�fA� {�'Y�a.t}�mal � 4 a��sjla .c`4 Sx:* ,GR2w -e't , auv , ... c < x .j . . Y1. oi .yn,�vi van.�. „ + � *r�a:y,ie 9 �, ex>>��vMmii', .
<br /> w v
<br /> S�S7 '{f�'i,'� ?#�,."t.f1S'�`f 3 � �3.�..t € L , . '"L�.-. _ � ..p�.T , k-' < .. �, " A'e. . . . . . ' z `w^�_n . u r , ��. - n �r, az'M G4'¢b' ,
<br /> 1"1!.9i�il1�C+.1 SA9':�C�4YY#���t'!k" j�f�Yeai.:;#i�m �„�*�1.3..S:wa[ .+ .ia ... :z...a� e f^t w..ur1'. .i. � : " , r..i: r �, r q� ix tx�::, r sk aa ` �.a,: rw � �.aaa�.fi,t r+7 .vL S..ui'B M �ane ^�s�i+:M.�0.! #,�;�
<br /> '� KTYIOY�!!�C![1�5, CF� £ d}.¢" Mjk;tiY,a m+s'K'Alf�'m7 ia'! '[d+ �i,r '� � avT'[�"�fi�;*' ' � :.5c'sa.. .. c ts�t„ar.4u v la ..w=ao' 1� M i ",..�v' n z �g,, zwGq'�,t �lnaaf#'+uK'Y�is+S ,�,f�t[�`:
<br /> f3e�srvwar's r�u�°eu,�ara €ea �ratrrc�t
<br /> � 3 �. �CK�7NQ3'MYCh� �1'� �� +�L1R �GS '�ipVNN.. '� s• � ',�utYar .Ataz.:¢ x ! � � f..nr�:t.r2r#' ,{:s r�i.ctama.�Y.�;;� .^iLe �S�';hf c.re t`t'C�'iqWY"� .,
<br /> �;11�R"�'illt�C�"� �1GD 'S1L1 '3y�'.,Y'Wi1Fk' p�tT7"�=4�2 �'t .Fi "��� Y4 #l.tic ;a4rR - 1ia. . :b } np r.�.r q' +^ Ax , c`S' .' l . r1 y .�#'F'� . .= S� C��L,'�C r'Mr"3'cdmk^' u+4 A,=�]�k' ��"�P-�' �
<br /> Oa' LE!IIEi.'t��+ }1i'1PMAAAM;�R'l�. 1 j .e� �iYKwl4C [Snicz+4�. c+� �tlmilt ?�d . ce 4�1 ."� i a ; .yk tz,t'b i l �3�rm ea3 u4'�mcS ; icf ..am u•2 + ,?a4.t�!zx kp � �._nC44qK,'Y' �
<br /> '"�'� ah�3l� t)ot 1�� �si wattic�t crt I.ericl�r � rt�t t tu rotiE:ar .rrr ! .'��� r� Kr ,.s3F � . �t . .,- ^ �. .rt�e +�,rc�� �� �+.� a�le*.i e ��- td,c� '+1cw���
<br /> � � �2. ''�►'�4+�di�W� "�ciattxltxti�v��R. :� 16 �r��r:«wi�:^r� � rn •ti o�dr. % ;�ti +„ � M 1�S�crr-t ���r� ;ax < � �ax ���x�r��n xr,�i �^attr�u3 �,a� si�e ae� �,ri�' �at �tR��
<br /> �� �ri�ht', � o� x`Krn�eiy I�r,l��r tkiir� Aj'wyrt�r�;r �pr�° :�ri ��r� s�'�r� � � F� �1:���x�� i �r � . r ,. �ey ar,� F . ,�; � �, . < a���,s, zmr-� i �i'�r �t s� rxr�tztl� .a �.,�tR�+�re��� .�� � �
<br /> �=� znCly or succc��vrly .
<br /> G- I3. Sueeessocs �d Xsaigas Bauaid� Daia! aad ^�rea�erral t�iubiliiyr C�iptaossa. !'1,+ , s,,. „n,uat � ar3,i ay�rrs�r�umc�»
<br /> ,_.. .
<br /> ' „�,,, kx�ze.in contumed �hisll b�nri , :�r�d tt:r riPhts i �crc,� �i,i ��r -te :ia ; �e,ur+• a �, , i }��• re ,p»•, x � � � . ,ac•r.-,�,r� :�.ut ,�s��riv� 03` t.endrr
<br /> t YlR}C� '�BorPQwE',r, �UftJe,GL to Cfl�' (�r$OYI�iUt]S Ot j ,ti�Yri.�;r.a�,� t 1 : l���i ,'rq :�� i1 �vr � rCp;,a:lir �tst� � .iy;Cre^Z,tYetltn vai i�U�rtJw'@r ti�#mb1Y .. � .
<br /> h be joint �md �evera�i . I'hc cu��t:�inb unti 1'�t ,�d�ny,,�s ut tii�- ; rar �Ar :+� , t�K �,t xfi �, Alurt��sxy�r� srr tu�r ��c�ris rreicaire ur�1y aricl��
<br /> � r�x'e ri'ot to� �Fie� t�s�c2 ta �iaterpzet� r>r deftncr t��r� �,ruvi�ssuu. t,ir,rre�at � �
<br /> ls}� I�fati4e, A�[ly n�tine �,m 13orr�t��vt-T � �tuar�i�4���� 1 to�r oa�n � lai- :1dsu�'t�.��µ� .i,rtilh i ��,� �ny ti 'ka�• :Tutl�iksp; 3u�li ru��� iCe iJ,V�
<br /> eertified �i�ail �ddres.wed to F4orre��ver :tc the }'roprrty :��i �lr� ��• �: :�tr� i h� �lc,cs , � �rrt•t i�rr :xta�^ �,ut ,re• rayutrt�tl irncier
<br /> �rarag�raph 1 �' hereo£ to be �;ive'n Cu ��orro«�<�r is�� iLc i�azr. i,�n� : E �r�rrc: �be�i hc a � q � lev,t+�t,ir l :�w � . .� u� r��uE�re E�,r�n•ir!'�d � � � �
<br /> .t (oi� �i�i t.hiri l��tart�u��t �ha�lt tae ii'eewed tU Liuvc l�eru �ivr�i �u Burre�«�� e ti. i � rei �nui w ci �r n,�asrrne�r � �c�aig�natecl� �lirresn�. , � � �
<br /> , ; 15. Unifazm Niortgage� Croverniug Law; 5eveaabilaty. "f'}iis 1urr�i i�f iiaortt;u�r !�ombanes uiiiiortn coveni�,nts
<br /> � for nstional use and non-uniforru covenun 'ts �vith limitccx �•ari.itiur�s by juei5iiiction tn eonst�tute sti uniform secu-
<br /> `' riby u�strwnent coveriag real frroyerty. T'his \Iortguge sh��ll ko�^ �;overned b�� tficr ls�c c�f the � urisdaction in whi,ch
<br /> the Property �s lecuted. In the event zbat any ��rovision or clausF ot ti �is J�ortgtige or the Note conHiets with
<br /> applicttble lx�v, :�ucfi conflict shnll noi �affncc atl�rr , i>ruvision. �t tlii� \ Iort�aFe ��r thc Note wliieh can be given
<br /> eff�et witfiout L1ie contlicCing F�rovision, and ta this enci ±��e �}c�r•isi�r.s <� f Che 11ortQagc u.nd the NoLe mre dec9arec�
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 1'6. $ozrowez's Copy, �orr�TM�•er �h:c�li t�e °urnisl:eu a c,hiformec! c�py of thi, � Iort�a�;c �t the Lime of execu-
<br /> ` cion' or aftea recor�ation heiceoS.
<br /> 1 �. Traasler of the �"zoperty; Assurnption. If nil or any Zaczrt c�i the Property or an anterest theretin is sald
<br /> or 'transferre,d by Barrower withoi.it Lender's prior �vritte� r.onse.ne, exctudin6 (aj tkie creatioii ��f a 3ien or encum-
<br /> 4 brunee subordinate ta this \-tortgage, { hj ttie cre� tion c�� n pnrchmxse inoncw security interest for householc£ appli-
<br /> ' anees, ( �) a 'traiisfer by clevise, ciescent or by� or�eration of la��� x�j> .nii i-li.e c�e�th of a �oint L�nant nr (d � thP �ranG of
<br /> nny lease}iuld incerest vf %hree yenrs or las� no "t containireg an ot>tioai to Inir¢hnse, I.encier snuv . at L.ender's optiion,
<br /> s c�eclare all the sums secured by this Moat�rxge ko �a intcn,ediat�=ly ctue iine[ �i�4yable. Lender shalt hac�c avaived such:
<br /> cption to �,ccelerate if„ �rior tu thc ssle ur tran>fe�• , Lenc3er au�{ i;he per�un to whc�rn the Propertw Ss to Le sol� ar
<br /> ; tsan.,ferreclreaclt agreement in �vriting tl�at the c:red� t o.f �t�cli ; rerson is satisfactary io L�nder tnnd t�iak, the iciterest
<br /> , nayable on the surn, secured tiy thts �tortg��e �hall �e at s�.�cli rate :L� Lendec sl�all ret}�.iest. Tf LeTider has x�aiced
<br /> ' the option to accelerate provided in Lhis paragraph 17 und if Sot•rower's succeasor in icrterest h�s executed � writ=
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by I:ender, I,ender shal ! release Borrower from ull obligntiona under
<br /> t,his Mortgage snd the Note:
<br /> ,
<br /> Tf Lender exercises suclr option to acc�lernte, Lender sha�l �uail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> �vitti puragraph 14 hereof: Such iiotice 51ia11 provide s I�eri�d of riot less tdiun 30 ci� ys iroxn tlie cl:xie Lhe notice is
<br /> inaiied within �vhicli Borrower may pa,}• tk�e surns declared dur.. Ii I3orro�ti•cr fails to pziy such sums prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period , Lender may , �vit}�out iurther notice or iieinan�l oci B'orrower, invoke any remec3ies per-
<br /> mitted by puragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> � . . - � �:� ON- LINSFQRM L:PVENA?CTS. .�OY'1'O\4C1' ilI1C� I�CTiCI@P f�UTt.�3CT COVCI1S1Tit� i1Il(� ila'1'C'C 2lF � �f'O�iQ\VS: . . " . � �
<br /> 18.' Acceleration; Remedies. Except :ls ��ro�-icic�l io � ru•ugrn� �l � 1 'r Lereoi, upoi; t3orrnwe�'r;' hrec� ch of any`
<br /> covenant. or agrcement of Borro«•cr in tfiis �1ort�age , including tlie c<�venants to a�ay n-i�en duc any ;um� �ecttred
<br /> ` liY this \[ ortgxge, Lender 'prior tc� accelerat,ion sliai; m.�i } noticc to F3m•ro�+•ci• ;ss � iro�•ided iii pctr:s�;iapli I� l�ereof
<br /> � :! specifying: ` (1j the fireach ; f. 2:) tl�e ;tctio�r required to cueu �uch brcach ; ( 3 ) a dutc, not less than thirty cia,ys '
<br /> fronrthe dafe the notice is mailed to l3ocro�ccr. liy �i�liicii �uch hreacli niu5t be c�ired ;'anQ ( 3 ) .hu,t fenilurc tv cure
<br /> such bre�ch on or Uc+fore the clate specified in thc naiicc ma}� result itr iiccelei•ution oi ilic sums secureci I�y this
<br /> :��Iortgage nn�i si�le oi the Propert}�. If ti�ie l�rer�cl� is not cured or, �or bi>.for<� ti�e ilai:«: specihed in tlie nocice, T,en�ier �
<br /> at I.etider's option i�iay decl�i•e <�11 of the sums secui•ed by tk� i� 1lartgs�ge to bc i�r�mediittcly �iue and �svnble
<br /> w�ithout further derri�nd and �nuy forectosc this \lortgngc� f�y j ��di�iul pi•oceedin�;. Lender shall Lc entitle>d t,o collect
<br /> in such j�roceec3iug slt eapeiises of Foreclo�uc•e; incluiling, biit riot li � uitc�d to, eost. of clocwncntary evidc:nce,
<br /> t nbstructs ssnd titie �•ep�i•ts.
<br /> 19. Bonower's Right to Reinstate. Notc��itl�standin�; I :rnder'e ctcceleratioa oi chc: �um� secured by this
<br /> ?12ortgage, BorroweT shu�l have the right #o hw�•e any proceedin�s be�;dn by I,end�r to eniorce thi; �lorcgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time �irior to entry of a ,jud�;ment enfaTtin�; c}ii� \lortfisKe if : ( :xl Borrcnrer pays T>ender a13
<br /> sums which would he then dtie unde:• ti�i; Jlortg:��;e, rtic _\'ote :ln<i notes securing Futtire :ldcaoce� , if uny , liari no
<br /> xcceierstion occurred ; ! b ! I3orro�;�er r,ures ;rll brcaches oi am- other roverianc:< or caerecments of I3orrrnver eon-
<br /> tained in this ?vlortgage ; (c ) Borrower pays :il3 reacone�hlc e�penses inr�irred by l.ender in enforcing the cov� n.Ant,s
<br /> and agreementsnf Borrower contained iii f.his til�ort�agc ;�,nd � in eniorcinn l'.i>ndc�r:� � remedie� as prAvided in partx- � �
<br /> graph 18 hereof, inc3udin�, but not limited to , reasc>nitble attm•rie}�'� tcc� ; anci ( a9 ) 13orrower txke� such acti�n ns
<br /> Lender; may reasonably require to .tssure tiiaif tlie liev oi tl�i. :\lortga�e. Ler�der's interest ir. the 1'ropert,y ax,d
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured t7v 'hi� \I[ntgi[,k� �1ia11 c<.mtietue unimpair�d _ ['��on auc}i i�a}•ment
<br /> aud cure b}' Borroa•er, tlii� lfortgaKe and tlie ubli�iitiuii;: �tc �ri�ci liei � t��- �I �ult rcuiai�l iu full 1'orc� :in�i ef�'ect a� it • ,^,..., # r,* � '.,
<br /> na acceleration had occurred. � ' � A
<br /> 2Q Asai a - �
<br /> � ` .., wk '
<br /> gsuztent of Re ts, Appointmen! of Receiver; Lender in Possession. a5 idd 'xtionaf . ecuritV here-
<br /> { • under, ��.:rower herehy assi�ns to Lender the rents of tiie i'roperly ; pr<�vit9ed tl;at 23orra�� er �fiall, F,rior to sceeler `
<br /> �-� ation under naragraph 2$ hereof or abandonmeni of tlxe Property, huve the riRhi to collei�t and retsin suclf rents
<br /> a9 the� }�erom? ri,�n ar.*1 flgvsthle: * ''
<br />� � L?Pon aoeelCrta�tiU.n t�nder I �araert�}ih 7ft herenf ��r � e.ha>>dtrnme�rit c'of 1h�� Vin�i��rt �� I ,��n�-irr .� in � �e�r��on . h�* y.Qetat � � � .
<br /> � or by �jndicixlly uppointed receiver shal} be entitle�3 to t•z_ter up�n , takc po,�es�i<m of and z »anage thc Yroperty
<br /> � � and to collect tl-,e rents'.of the �� Property , in�luding tt�os�� ��ust due . _� 11 renti. colleated i�y I.r�miar or Che receiver - � �
<br /> tihall be s}�plied first to puvment of the costs of rnaaagement Uf tlie Propert�� and collec6ion o£ � i nt� , iucludin� . but
<br /> not limiLe� to, reeeiver's f'ees, premiums ori rceeiver's bon< i. an�9 ressonai�ie attorne�� '4 Ic � . zand thc•n to the �iun.
<br />� # seeured by this h'fortgage. I.en<ier r�nd #he rece�ver tif�;nil bc liahle eo ;iccount oniti for tha�c 7•e�t� actualh rccei��e�i .
<br /> � � � �
<br /> �
<br />