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<br /> �c����r�c flF ��t;1. ;
<br /> Th� uzacisrsign�d, a :.ut3sx� Publ�c as2� �3ua�l.ifxe.M.d tc: .:ct �:c� I
<br /> z.n asid £ar �aid Caunty in sazcl 5�nte, �iocs her,�by certi*r �Yntt�.
<br /> � � � a�d �!b Ldf��Ri , w'rAcsse n�e�, ss
<br /> Ch�lirznan azad County ��:�rk, xespectiv�ly, of fih�e Cvu:rity ef �ia12,
<br /> � ��' L�ebraskca, ar� signed tu th� forec�vinq Fa.rS� suppl�rze�lt �o .�xa.xt-
<br /> gage and I�dentur� rsf. T'rust, ��id c�fto are each rnowr� tu r,:� anc!
<br /> kriawn tv ba suah officers, a�knowiledc�ed b�fi�ze mP aia ths.s �day
<br /> �hat, b�i.ng inrorrnad af �kh� csan��nts of said Fir.st sup�l�rn�nt tev
<br /> � �ortgag� anc7 Ind�ntur� of Trust, th�y� in'thea.� rasp�cti,ve capacit::�s
<br /> as sucta C2iasrz�;an and County" C22rk, execut�ci an� del.i:v�r�c3 th� s3mc:
<br /> voluntarilY an th� d�y ttz� sarn s d e.
<br /> GI4,7EN under my hand. t is t�A « a£ � , 1977:
<br /> �w; .
<br /> � � �4��at itect'as�.1 ' � . . '�► .�
<br /> . ����/ ,��gppq GRIMML4^4(GER� . . . . . .
<br /> � �� ��,m,:£xP• 7.i980�,. . � �. ;�.
<br /> . `,. . . � . .� GtL 2..... �...,...� � � �.
<br /> o ry P :�iia
<br /> ' � r-iX cami:>sian expir�s: �
<br /> , y
<br /> ) ss. _
<br /> COWi TY OF HALL }
<br /> Th� undersign�d, a Notary Public, duly qualifi.�d to so act
<br /> in and for said County in said State, do�s her�by certi£y f:hat
<br /> �- RQnald L. Adams and John B. Atkins , whase narn�s as
<br /> T Asst. Vice Pres. and �d Asst. Vice Pres. and � ��SP�ctit��ly, of
<br /> rus icer rus icer
<br /> a�'i.rst Vational Bank of Grand Island, are sic�ned to �he for=,aqaing
<br /> First Suppl�ment to i•iortgage and Ind€nture o� Trust, and who ar�
<br /> each known io me and known to be such offic�rs, acknowledg�d b�fore
<br /> r.:e this day that, being infarmed of the contents af said First �
<br /> Supplem2nt ta Nlor�gage and Indentur� af Trust, �ha:y, in t.heir
<br /> �zpaciti2s aa such Asst. Vire Pres. and and Asst. Vice Pres_ and
<br /> .
<br /> rus � i
<br /> resp�ct.i.valv, axecut�d and d�livered th� same vvlun::arily on tYie �
<br /> dav the sam� bears dat�. ,�,� .
<br /> ° � �„
<br /> ; GIVEN under m haiid this, ,the 28 day of Jv.ne __: , 1977. , �
<br /> � _. y -
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