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<br /> � ...�:
<br /> r MOA7GACE—SaHng� and Ican Form—tDlr�act Cr�d:t Plan) 255-2 (Sp.ndal) � �'� � �
<br />�b'7�. � ....,..,.,..�..,-.,.,....�.."`^"""""'..""`--.-,.-......,�..,...�.....,.--. i .
<br />��� i
<br /> � MORTGAGE
<br /> 77'�?�t�3�93 �No �
<br /> � 25th Jt.ne 7� i
<br /> 7HI3 INDENT'URE, made i�ts day o � 19__�bp aad betweea
<br /> RAYMOND F. STRENLE AND DORaTHY C. 5TREHLE, husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br /> 3 riqht and as spouse of the other �
<br /> �
<br /> �, ����aL__ I"'�0� � � �� County.Nebraaka,m mortgngor S��d Homo Foderol Savinqs�and I.oan Aasociatioa.o[Grand Iat�d, I
<br /> a rnrpoiatfon orqanized and epating�undez t�e laws o! Nebraaka wi.ili ite�priadpal ollice and glace ot buafaeaa at Gmn3 Iel�d.Nebsaska,
<br /> .. 3 . �mortqagee:� . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> j �WITNESSETH: That emd modgagor S for �d ln coneideiat5oa o! the eum ot
<br /> TH I RTEEN THOUSAND F I VE HUNDRED AND NO/I 00 -----------------------t�ollars (E �3�500.00 �, �
<br /> �the receipt ot which ia hezeby acknowledged,do_ by theae pzeesntn mortgage aad wmzaat unto said mortgaqae, ita eucceeao:s �d �
<br /> � asniqna, forevez,all ehe lollowing deacribed rea] eatate, n[tumad!n t�e oounty of H'L� � �
<br /> � and State�o! Nebraska, towiL• � � � � ��
<br /> t
<br /> �# NE3RASKA
<br /> . .� S � � �.�.�
<br /> �.': N . . . . .
<br /> � Together with all heating, lightiag, and plumbinq equlpment and Sizturee, induding etoken and bumere,acreona,awnings,etorm windowe .
<br /> ?: and doors,and window ahades oi blinds, used on oz in connection with amd property,whethez t2�e same are now lo�ated on eaid property � � . ,
<br /> '� # or herealter placed Ihereoa. . . . . � .
<br /> � <
<br /> xTO NAVE AND TO HOI.D THE SAME, together with all aad eiagular the tenementa.hemditaments and appur�eam�ces thereunio belong- � � � � � �
<br /> iag,or in anywiee appertaining, forever,and w¢zr¢nt tkie litle to ihe some. Said mortgagor `'_ hezeby covenan�wilh eaid morigagee � � � �� �
<br /> F � that—�e.�__ arP at lhe delivery hecao4, the lawfu]owaer—`wf the premisea ubove conveyed�d descrlbed. and a�e � � � �
<br /> $ seized ot a good and indefeanibla estate of inherilance therein, free a�d dear ot aA encumbranece, and that _t 1ie—� will wazrant �d . �
<br /> $ defond tho title �hereto Sorever agaiaet the claima and demanda of aIF persons whomaoever.
<br /> €,��... . � . .
<br /> YAOVIDED ALWAYS, and thie inetrumeat ia executed and delivazed to necure tLe paymea2 of the aum of .
<br /> '' ' TH I RTEEN THOUSAND F I VE HUNDRED AND hJ0/100 ---------------�------noilaze (3 13, 500.00 �,
<br /> 4.;� with latereal ihereon, together with auch charges and advancos as may be due and pQyable to e¢id mortgagee undaz tha terms and .
<br /> conditioue of the promissory note ot even date herewith and eecured hereby,ozecuted by eaid morigagor � to eaid morlgagee,payable �
<br /> � as expressed in. eaid note,and to eecure the periormance of all the terma and conditiona conlainad therein. 7'he termn oi naid note cue . � .
<br /> 4 C
<br /> hereby incorporated hereia by thie =elerence_
<br /> � It is the int�ation and agreemenl of lhe partiee hereto that this mor�qage ahall alao eocvra aoy tuture advancea made to eaid � �
<br /> � mortgagor 5 by emd mortgagee, and any and all inde6tedneee ia addi6on to the amount above atated which eoid morigagore, or �y
<br /> ot them, may owe lo said morigagee, howev¢r evidenced, whether by uote,book account or oiherwise. This morigage shall remain ia full �
<br /> t:. ���� lozce and e!leet between the parties herelo aad their heira, pereono] �epreaentatives, succeaaors and asa3gne, until all amounU �ecured .
<br /> '�x hereunder,including turiue adv�cee, are pcssd In full witb intareat.
<br /> �' The mori3eagor 5 hereby anaic7n_ to eaid mortgagee all:ents and income ariaing at any aad all timea lrom sald propertp �d �
<br /> �� hereby autho.'iz=e aaid morigagee or ila agenE,at Sta option, upoa default.-lo take ch�ge ol eai3 propertp and collecl all rentn ond income
<br /> � iherelrom and cpply the s�e lo lhe pay¢ient of iatareat, principal, iasu�ance pramiume, t¢xee, asaesameaG, repcirs or imgsovemenG necea-
<br /> �r eary to keep said propeity in tenantable condition, or lo other cLargee or pQpmen4 provided!oz herein or in the aole Lerei�y eeasred Thie � �
<br /> �� Tent'aaeignmeat aLoll coatinue in force until YLe unpaid balance of said aote ia hslly paiL The t¢king of posaesaion hereunder shall ia no
<br /> maaner prevent or retard said mortqagee in 1Le colleetion o! eaid sumo by torec]osure or otherw-iee.
<br /> � The }ailure of the mortgagee to aeeert ¢ny ol iu zighta heseunde.s at any time nhall aot be conatrued as a waiver of ite riqht to aaseit j
<br /> � irr tha wme at any later,Rme;,-�d to fnaiet`upba�d eniorco etrict mmpliance wi�h all tLe terme ¢nd proviaiona ot said nole ¢ad of this 3
<br /> � mortgaqe. ,r.'j_ .._„ .,. '.. f.
<br /> � �., �
<br /> If wid mortgagor�ihall Cm+e�;�o bs pmd to said mortgogee lhe entire amount due il hereunder,and under the lorms and proviaioas
<br /> � of said aole her�by eecvredincludiag futute adsances,and any extemioaa or renewals Ihereof ia accordance with the tarma and proviiions
<br /> thereot,cmd ii �aid mortgagor S saall complq�vith aL ihe provfdoas of s�d aote�d o}tht�mortgvga, lhen theee prcseaL sE¢71 be void:
<br /> � S olherwise to:ea�ain In laall lorce and e!lect. ¢ad aaid mortgagee eLall be eatitled to the poeseesioa o!all o! aaid property, m�d may, at ib
<br /> � opHon, declaze �e whole ol said note ond aLi ladebtadneee repre�aated Iheraby to be Im.mediatetv due and poyable,nnd may lorecioaa thi� ,
<br /> morfgage or ta3ce any ather leqa] aetioa to prolect it� right. �d from the dWe ol iuch ddault ali Items ot indebtedaees �acured harebp -..,,p 1r, �
<br /> �hall draw laeer.aet at 89L :�num. Appz�aemeat �raived. �
<br /> � Thi� mortgaqe ahall'�bindiag upoa and�hall onure to th� b�aellt oS the heizs, esxvtozs, admini�txators, �ucce�sors and•aaaiqns et � ,�
<br /> � � tha zespecliv�partie�hexeto. .
<br />� F iN WiiTTE.SS WA£R.EOF, vsi.�i Mortgaaor`'_hn_�_e hsreunto sst_ t hE'�� han�S the day Qnd year fira�above . �
<br /> n i� �
<br /> - � �,y .,
<br /> , ,.�u:a,// `'_ ',�_..;�' %---;;/ 1',T—�,'EL��r � � ,
<br /> aym d . �re e oro hy . r re i e- # �
<br /> �
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