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i �} A.. <br /> � <br /> 1 ''���� <br /> / � � <br /> � <br /> P . <br />���-�'-� MOflTGAGE-�-Sa�ving� aad Loan Form—(DlvKt Crrdl� Pian) 255-2 (Speclal) <br /> "* ..��»�» .�.-. �....,^^.^^,`.`^^^.,. . . � � . <br /> � U-�a�, o MORTGI�GE <br /> _ 3��.1 <br /> . . . . . . . . Loaa No � � . <br /> : � THIS INDENTUAE, made thl �2�th ,��+v o .Ttlrie � 19�7� by aad betweea � . <br /> GERALD D, JANULEWICZ AND JANET D. JANULEW I CZ, husband and w i fe, each i n h i s and her <br /> ; own rigF,t and as spousa of the other <br /> k <br /> � o� � � � � HH I I _,�puaty,Nebzaeka,Qa mortgagor S and Iiome Fedcral Savinqa aad�I.oan Associa�ion�of Grand Islmzd, � <br /> . a.corporalion ozganized and ezisCu.q uader the laws o! Nebraaka with ite principal office aad place o! buaiacpn at Grand Iel�d,�Nebroaka, � <br /> .. .m moztgagee: � � . � � . . . � . . . <br /> WITNESSETH: 79�at aatd��morigagors� tor and In cvnuderation of the eum.of � � � . <br /> �. _________________________ nollara t5 7 . <br /> � NINETY-�i"WO THOUSAND ANC7 NO/100 -------- 92,000.00 <br /> 3 <br /> . the receipt�of which i■ 2�ereby acknowledged. do— by these preeenta mortgago and wmront unto aaid moztgagee, ita autceswrs and .. <br /> amigna, torever, all the lollowinq�daeczibed real eatate, ettuot¢d in the couaty ol HH I � � <br /> ` � � ond State ot N¢braeka, to-wiY. . . � <br /> � . . , . �. . . ( � �. �. � <br /> 1 <br /> _ � . . . � � i. �. � . ,:�.. <br /> LOT FOURTEEt*1 (I 4), 1 hJ BLOCK THREE (3) I N REPLAT OF R 1 VERS i DE <br /> ACRES, AN ACDITION TO THE CITY QF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> �S NEBRASKA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT TH�REOF. <br /> � � � s� � � � <br /> � � <br /> a`s � � <br /> � <br /> S$j �S} <br /> ;� � � Si 7ogether with all heaNng, lightiny, and plombing equipment and lixlurex, including stokern tmd burnere, naa�ens, awninge, slormwindowa $$ � � � � <br /> y< and doorn.and window shadea or blinc4s.used on or in conneetion with n¢id property, whethe: Eha same rno now lotated on said property �$ <br /> 5 on c�reafter plaeed t6ereon. � <br /> F$$$ < <br /> TO HAV£ AND TO HOLD 7HE SAME. together with oll end eingular tha tenemonte. hereditaments and vppurtennnces thereunfo helong- I� <br /> ' � ing,or in anywise appertoining,lorevez. aad wariant the tlile to Ihe same. Said mortgaqor 5 here6y covenant_ with said morfgagee � � �� <br /> i thal�e� a��' , al ihe delivezy hereof. fhe lowful ownes_S.of �he p�emioee above conveycrd and descr{bed, and_S3re #j <br /> jS seized of ❑ good and indefeasible estate ot inheritance therein. l�co and dea: 01 all enci:mbrencea, a'.id that the�_ wi17 wartant mid �j �, <br /> . � �delend the title thereto forever ogoinst the daims and demands ot ai? persons whomsoever. ${ � . <br /> 1 �y <br /> P <br /> � ' , PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument �s executed and delivered to ecu e Ihe payrr+c-nt of the num ot.________ ; <br /> ' � N I NETY-TWO THOUSANU AND N0���J ----------------- ---------- 92 000.00 # <br /> Dollars lS_.�.A_. . l. . .. <br /> with interest lhereon, together with such ch,.rges and ndvances as mcy be due and payable to xaid mongagr..e imder'the terms and ( <br /> � j condilions of ihe promissory nole of even d�ce herewith and secured hereby,r.secutcd by eaid monqogo:__5_ co said mortqagea pay¢ble f� � � <br /> �� ; as ezpsessod in said note,and io necure !he pi.rlozxnance o1 alI Ihe terms and condilions contcined therein. Tixe <erms uf said note axe <br /> �. hereb� incorporated herein by thie re(esence. <br /> � � It ia !he intention and ogreemenl of Ihe pazties hcreto that lhie mortgage ahall also xecure any Sutiue odvoncea made lo eaid <br /> �, , morlqagoz S by eQid mortgagee, and any and oll indebtednesn in addition to the amount above slo:ed whfd� said mortga9ora,o: any <br /> of them. may owe to eaid mortqagee, however evidenced, whether Ly nole, book account or c�herwise. This mortoage shall remain in Sull <br /> torce and eltect between ihe parties herelo and their heirs, personal represent¢tives. aucceawrs and csaignn, unu] all amounts eecuzed <br /> . t bereundez,including tutu-e adv�cee. azo paid in full with intereel. <br /> . . 2 7he morlgogor 5 heteby asaig^ lo e¢id mortqagee a�l rex..a and income ariainq at any and o11 limee Srom naid property ¢nd � <br /> { hereby aulhoxize eaid mortoagee ot its agenl. at its option. upon deiault,to take chnrge ol aaid pxaperty nnd collecl ull renta and lncome # <br /> j therelrom wd apply 1he same fo the pcyment o1 interest, priadpal, inaurance premiume. ta:ee, neseesments, repmra' or improvemeau necea- # <br /> � aary fo keep enid property in tenontab7�e condition. or to other charqe�or paymente provided lor herein or in the n .e hereby necured. This �� <br /> $ rent assignment a}wU continue in forcr until the unpaid balonee ot saad note is fuAy paid. 'fhe talung oi possesaiva heiaunder Ehal] ia no <br /> f� manner p�event or retard eaid mortqagee in Ihe colleclinn of said eums by iorecloauxe or otherw:ee. <br /> St i'::e `�i'.»:o c!;!Fe ^o:tr,ag.e f 'e� ^� <^!r'c�t i.e righ�e h��eunder crt ony timn ehnil nnt be rnnstn�Pd ne a a �er ol it� riqht Io nsnert F+ <br /> � �j ihe eome at any la1e�4me-and to:lna5at vpo¢.and en(o�ce atrict mmpLance with nll the �e�ms cad p=o�:iaionswo23 aoid note and of thia �# <br /> � mongage_ .^ ,. $� <br /> I( eaid mortgagor `�' �hal� couce to be paid to said mortgogae the enlirw amount d:ae it hereunder, and under Zhe tcrms vnd provisions S <br /> . � of wid nole hereby�ec�ed,indudinq luiu+e advancea,and any eztenaions or nenewale thereof in accozdance wi�h th< terma ¢nd proviaioas � <br /> �� lhereoL crnd if aaed mortgagor 5�hall comply w�th all the providona of�aid aote and ot this mortgogo, than thesa prenente eholt be void: � � <br /> �' otherwiae �o remain ia Sull fozce �d of38ct, aad �md mongagecs �hail 'x nat:t3ed to the +�«l'�n.Ori o! a:: cf s.x:3 propanq, an3 mop, ct ita <br /> opllon, deNare the wLole o2 �aid nots and ali iadebtedneu zep�e�ented thereby to be immed�aleIy due and poyable. and may losecloee t}sss � `! �*^` ��� <br /> t motlgage or taYa any other legal actioa to pmteei Stn riqLt, aad fzom the dats ol�uch delault a❑ item• ol maebtednees aecured hereby �` <br /> f ahall dsaw inte:eat ef;@$b pei anaum. Appraiiemant wnived. � <br /> �1 I i� �� � <br /> f Thi� saw�gage aLall be bindiag upoa and �hall onurs io iL� k»nafit d tLe h�ira. ezecvlon, odministrato:e. •uccuonoxe and ae�iqm a! <br /> $ the�eapective partiw Lereto. <br />� � �� iN WITNFSS WHERF.OF. wid Marcqaoor-_.�a�'e hereuna �et_ thG'�i� --��au.'�-`--tnu c�'y and }'<�ar!i:ai nbcve �Y� ��� �� <br /> � wtitlen. /� /''� �� <br /> � '����""r '�`. . . �/- AY. '--a_'�_a —___' .. <br /> �.. i_ �C <br /> .r.Ef�ci ��' .n.. .. .....IC-�.�i� rC C� ��-1��+. �1.� riilowir7 � F} <br /> _ — _.—..�.�:..c:a:».^.»z^.=:�� <br /> � <br />'':`� <br />,:,..`.,�. <br />...c e. <br />