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<br /> � Katherine Sander, a widow, in her own rzght, of Grand Is1and, Nebraska, herein
<br /> called the Grantor, in consideration r::'��5�.�3 ��„���,,,��-�� ���,p �
<br /> r�.
<br /> receipt of' whieh is hereby ar.k.nowledged, hereby gratets and cnnveys unto the
<br /> a municipal corporation in HalZ County, Nebraska, here5n called the Grantee, a permanent
<br /> and perpetuaZ easement and right-o£-way io construct, operate, maintain, extend, repair,
<br /> replace, and remove public uti�ities, including l�ut not limited to, sanitary sewers,
<br /> storm sewers, water mai.ns, underground and overhead electric lines, �elephone lines, �
<br /> �anholes, pige lines, surface markers, and other appurtenances upon, over, in, and
<br /> through a tract of land loca.ted in B1ock "B" of Park View Subdivision in the City of `
<br /> �
<br /> Grand I,larid, Net�raska, more p�rticularly described as fbllows:
<br /> A tract of land being the riorth five (5) feet of Lot Five (5) in
<br /> Block "B" of Park View Subdivisian in �he City of Grand Is2and,
<br /> Nebraska, containing 871 sauare feet, or 80.915 square meters, more
<br /> or less, as shown on the attached plat, dai;ed 6/19/75, �.rl�ed Exhibit
<br /> y "A" attached hereto �nd incorporatad herein by reference,
<br /> �
<br /> to�ether with the follow5.n�, ri�hts, namely, u,nrestric�ed in�rresa and egress under and �
<br /> �
<br /> � across such iand for the purpose of' exercising the ri�hts herein granted, to cleas and f
<br /> , �. � i-. . � . . � .
<br /> � �'
<br /> keep clear of' trees, roots, brush, and other obs�ructions f'rom i;he surface af sucYi tract. !
<br /> Any such utilities and appurtenances placed upon, over, and under such tr�.ct o£ land
<br /> � sha11 remain -the property of the Ur.�ntee and may be r2moved or replaced at any ti*ne.
<br /> �
<br /> 7'he Urantor, 2°'ar herself', �er heirs, ex.ecuters, administrat.crs, suceessors, and �
<br /> assi�ns, hereby covenant that no buildin�;s, i'ences, �r structures, shall be erect�d
<br /> or permitted on said tract, and that the easement herein �ranted sha-il run with the
<br /> a title to such tract oS ].and a,nd Ue bi�din� upon �ne Grr:ntor, her heirs, executors,
<br /> i
<br /> administrators, successors, and assigns. i
<br /> � Dated ����/
<br /> . / 1.LL�T XiAw�.��" �C (�f
<br /> Katherine Sander
<br /> GRANTOR I
<br /> ` STATE UF N�,'BRl-.SKA )
<br /> ) s�
<br /> COUtVTY OF' Ii.�.LT. )
<br /> On this 2y.� day of' �j,��,.G , 1y77, before me, the unders igned, a Notary ;
<br /> Pu7�1ic in axld for said Counj�iy ar_d State, personally appeared Katherine Sander, to me 1
<br /> known personally to be the�iden+ical person who si�ned the f'oregoin� instrtuaent and j
<br /> acknowZed�ed �he execution thereot to be her volu,�tary act az'id deed for the puroose �
<br /> r
<br /> therein expressed.
<br /> s`�} -
<br /> � WITNESS rqy hand and Notarial Seal the date a�ove wri�� � ! � '
<br /> ♦ - �� f�-�/
<br /> :!/�.',./,� %f�c�� .✓!.,,/./I t«:G.-�r_--- �
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<br /> i�-�.' .�_s My Comm.E�v-Mav i0.tY81 / � �.
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