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.� , ���- <br /> � � ,:�.�. <br /> � . <br /> � �. � � <br /> � f <br />,��.. 77. U03482 <br />�. <br />,� <br /> ra�n��z��o. ���8 <br /> � �� An�ordinance crestiny Strr_eL Ia�rovement Distr:.ct Plo. q28; de;ining the boundaries of the district; � � <br /> . � � . . providin� for tne in�rove.-.ent of strects xi::hin the distrSct by paving, �,uttering, end all incidental vorls � �. <br /> � � �in conncetion t2�ereuith; and prov�din�; the eSfer.tive dute of this ordinance. � � . <br /> � � , HE IT Oi2DhII7ED bY Y}iE `•LSY03 rVlD COU:4CI:. OF T7.'�'r. CS77 G? GR11�iD ISLA"iD, 2'�RqS}(q: . � . � <br /> �� � SEC?ZOt:l. Street Irprovecent District ho. y28 3n the City oS Grand Is land� tiebrasica, Ss hereby createC. � � � <br /> '� ' SECTSON 2. 4he boundarics of ihe district s}:a11 be as follovs: � � <br /> � . � � Beeia�ing at e po:nt 33 feot, or 10.058 aeters, east of the :rest line of St. Paul Roa3, � . � <br /> � � an3 245,25 fect, or 7�.752 ='ters, a.orch of the north line of 1�3th Si^eet; thence run..�:r.g . � <br /> � �outit on s line 33 fcet, o: lO.GS� -^-�crs, eact uf tne •.�est line o: St. =au1 Aoad for a � �� <br /> �� �distance of C�05.2i feet, or 1:;4.43 a�ters, co a poir.t j6J feet, or gl_44 meters, sou�_^,of <br /> -�i� the c;.st prolunr,e_:oa of the soutn ?:ne o: l�th �treet; thence� west on a line =.ralie: � � <br /> �� Lo rmc 30� :eet, �r 91.44 r.^�.erc, sunc?+ oi ,.:,e cou;h iine of 10th Street for a diccance oi � � � � <br /> ' - 165 feet, or 50.c^�2, zo tne eaat line oi Lot 5 in �loc3c 4 02' Bl.ain qdditior.; tY.�nce � . � <br /> ruru�in� south on s liac para11c1 to and 132 :e�t� or b0.2j4 :neters, }+est of Yhe 4•est S:nc � . � � <br /> o: St. Yuul Goau :or �: d'.c.:;nce o: ?03.5 iee:, or 4y.b35 reters, Lo n po:nt iul ie^� cr � � � <br /> �� h9.073 meters, scu�h o^ the south line oi Rl:in Addition; Lhencc tl:nnin,^ vest or a 2inz � . . � � � <br /> � pnrall<2 to 2nd lo� :cet, or �+).0?j r.:etcrs, south cY the sout� lirie o1' B1ain Adsitier.. :or � <br /> � a dist.v��ee of 9y., iezt or ?92.6GG c,_tc-rn, to �im soctk: -+rolon�;:iticn of Che v^st iine .. � <br /> . Lot 24 in Hlock 4 oi�lsin P,dlitien;'t-.ence rennir; nort?� o❑ the cauc}; prnlenrntion c� the � � �� <br /> �� , uest line o; Lot 2� in 31ock L oi cici: Aduition, ch� we:t line oi csid LoC ?4, and L__ . � � <br /> . cast ?ine of ?lli:iois :;venuc, icr a cistsnce o:483 :'ec!, or ?Ld.7�+2 rictcrs, lo n poi-: � <br /> � � on the east line oi' Illinoic „vcr.�,;e, bcir.� 13o feet, or L?,�.,2 necer�, r:oz•th oi' L1;e nc:ch � � � <br /> ' line of 13th Strce�; thercc r��mi:�; eact on ;, line para11c1 to;md 132i :cet, or k2,062 <br /> � � r.:ctcrs, no:•th o: _.�c �or��n :inc o:' 13;i: .Ci•cct for a di�t:ncc of u��j fcet, or lg5,ngu - � <br /> . meters, to ❑ PO3:G �] :CC;: or ?.1?4 r..c�ere t�est oi cne crist �iue oi Luc % i.n ui.oc;e j � � <br /> r:� oS IIlain Additiun; tY:crcc�run::i+V' nnrt?; on�n line 7 :ect, or 2.13b mcter„ west oi ti:e � <br /> � cast litic c� iot 7 in ;lock ; o:' ii?ais� :�,:13it:oa ;n3 : � north prolcr�:itiun i'cr a dict�.cc � <br /> . of 188 ;cet, or ;7.3C2 aetcrs, to :he north line of i�dc}� GLrec6; ihcncc runiiir.r, east cn <br /> . Lhe ncrt.h line o:' 19q� Street for a c .,:nnce c� ;Oq Ycet, or �_�1.�+4 ra�aters, Lo Lhe norta � � � <br /> E:�� . prolor-�tion u1' t::c ':eat 1",ne of' ir.,l'.;L:a ,lccnav; ii;ence runnin� nnrth cn ;y linn beir;; :he � <br /> nor6h prolon,�atioa oi Lp,c •.+est linc o:" Inu:;,:;s� Av��nuc i'cr � d=r.e:vicc �.: li,�l :ect, or � <br /> . 51•511 acter;;, lo :i polt:c cn Lhe r:or�:: prol.:a,-.zt.i�n o1' t;;c vesc linc oS lr�d:via Aveaue <br /> � t�rd 11 S'cet, or ;.3�3 r,:t.c:s, nert't: oi tiie ncrtii line o; Lot =,�i in G<_er S�bdivi�iun�; '� <br /> � L2�ence rwini.r�,^, e1:', on a lir.e 7��rallci to and 11 iccL, ar J.453 r.:etez•s, nort.h ��i the - � <br /> nortli line oi l.ot ;=i ia Gcer SuUdi•:is:cn fur a dir.t:uice ol' S0 feet, er 15-�4 r••cte:•s, � <br /> Lo tt�e north p�e:r^_.;a;.'_c:i of ;.i��e �:�,t 11ne o: D'.di:�n:i .,rem;r; GLence rim:sin�: cculh cn <br /> a line bei.n,; tl�c ::orth :�ro?cri�;�tion c- thc enst iir.c o: indisr_a Avcriue lbr n diety�cc o' � <br /> h� /6 SeeC, or 23,165 :i:eL��r�, to a pnint�l+5 f'eet, or 1i.'7'-6 me.ers, souch oi' che nor:L 1i�e �. <br /> o; lllain A3dition; ii.��acc r;:nnin� casL on a L•nc pni•a11^i to :s:l ag :cec, or 23.;':6 :^^-crc. ��. <br /> north of ihe ess: psolca;�a:icn oi the rorch L'ne oi lyU; �tra��[ Sbr a distaiee oi 16j � <br /> �fcet, or yO.2�2 r_�c:•s, to s:e point c: bci,inr:in„ ali ns siir.:n on the ol�it dated 6/7j7'7� - � <br /> � �rked FSu•.ib:t "„ , at:.ached ?ier��:o &.:.d incor,orated berein by reierenr.e. � , <br /> � SECTION 3, The :ollowin� stree:s 1n the discrict, shall be improvcd by puvinei curbing, �:tter�::�, end � <br /> sll incidentul work in connectic.: �here�:ith: � <br /> �`� 1Fith Strceti �re; '.he east iir.e o: '_71::'.ois ;,�c::ve to t:ie •aesL lir.e o= I::ci.�ns nvenue; � <br /> v; <br /> � Indinr�s Avonue ^-cs. .^e sovtt: 1?r.c oi '_7:1; �o ,..,< nor.�-: line o'_' 19ti: S:reet; �� <br /> and lEth Street ^rc�:ae esst line of ;ndiana^Avence to the existir,g pavir.g in St. <br /> Paul no;.d. j <br /> Said improvements snall be :.:sde in accorfl��_ace wit;, p'�;,.ns ranc sxcific�.tions p_epared by tY�e :7�;ineer Sor :;^.e <br /> i <br /> City, end approved by t'r,e ::yer and City Co•,uicil. , <br /> � � SEC.IG77 b. Tr.e Lz�rovemen,s sball be rade at pu�'_ic cost, bct t'r.e cost thereo:, excluding inter�ect_aas, � <br /> I <br /> sha11 be assessed�upca the lots a.-�¢ 1�..��ds in the distr:et speci�l:y Dene.ited thereby as prcvided b;; _�_.. <br /> SEC.IG:J 5. Tnis oruin;�ice si:s:l be in force and tvice e.�ect :roct and a:�er its p�ssaEe, ap�rnvr=, -._:� <br /> /' � <br /> puolication, xitinout the plat, ss provided by laa. � �--�=--__ j <br /> kP?RC'�'��^\��p= �t."- i f <br /> � f <br /> ��,'N' J ly?7 <br /> _ 1 � <br /> r��- . <br /> �cc.q� eF�;,r,r�.��nr j ' ,� ': <br /> . � . . � <br /> . � ; <br />� �� <br /> � <br />�. , <br />� �, � <br />;�`� <br />_�' � <br />