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<br /> , ; WARRpNTY QEED ; ' `
<br /> �
<br /> GLINTu4 C. BEERS and ELEANOR BEERS , husband and wife, herein
<br /> ca'lle6 the Grantors, in consideration of F-ifteen '7housand 'Dollars
<br /> :($15,OQ0.00) received from Grantees, do grant, bargairi, se71 ,
<br /> convey and confirm unto RIGHAftD C. HQFFMAN `and YWONNE D. HOFFMAN,
<br /> #�usband -and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in' cQmmon;
<br /> the fol lowing described rea7 pro!�erty„'in Hall County, `Nebraska: `
<br /> A tract of l and i n the ':Northwest` 'Qua rte.r (NbJ4) '
<br /> '� ` ;.:of Section E7even' (11) ;' Tnwnship Nine (9) N�+rth,
<br /> Range. Nine ,(9) West o-P the 6th P:M „ H�11 Cc�unty,=
<br /> N:ebraska, describ,ed as c�mmencin�;-at 'the iVorth- =`
<br /> west corner of sa.id Section ;E7even ( li), thence `
<br /> r.anning Easterly on the -North lirie of said 3Vorth- ;.
<br /> west Q,uarter (NW;) a distance of 'Six Hundred
<br /> ;» • Ninety-seven'' and Twenty-two Hundredths ',�697 .22) ,
<br /> � feet ta the actuai point of beginning; t,hence
<br /> � � continuing Easter7;,y ur} th� North lin� o� said %
<br /> �x r.�. �, Ndrthwest Quarter a distance of Five Hundred Ninety-
<br /> ��,.a. �'" � three and Sixty-seven Hundredths (593.67) .oeet; .
<br /> �as � � thence defiecting ;ri�ht Ninety d�grees `(90 ) and
<br /> �4� � running Southerly � d�stance of Three Hundr~ed 5eventy-
<br /> ��u, -,� � four and Forty-eight Hundredths .(37� 48� feet; , thence
<br /> -a "�� deflect�ing r�ght Ninety' degrees .(9(� ) and runni ng
<br /> � � Wester7y para11e1 „to the North l�ene of said Narth-
<br /> '� west Quarter a distance; of FSve °Nundre'd Ninety-three
<br /> � � and Sixty-�even Hundredths (59�.67) feet; tf�ence
<br /> deflecting r.ight Minety' degrees ',(90�) , and rUnni ng
<br /> ee Hundred Se�enty-four
<br /> � ` ar�idtFor,ty-e�ghttHundr�dthsr(374.48) feet to the point '
<br /> Y ,
<br /> ` "�"���'� '""3^''�'i"`'" , ,of begitining , 5. 1Q acres more ar less. .Qf wEi�ch 0.45
<br /> 3cre more �r,.less'; is Coun�y Road Ric�ht-4f-�lay.
<br /> � To have and to ho7d the above described premises, together with
<br /> a11 tenemen�s, hereditaments and appurtenances ther�to belonging
<br /> unto the Grantees as joint tenants.
<br /> The Grantors do hereby covenant with the Grantees tha�t Grantors
<br /> are lawfu1ly seized of said premises; that they are free from
<br /> encumbrance; tha� Grantors have good right and lawfui authority
<br /> to convey the same; and that Grantors warrant and wi lI defend
<br /> the tit7e to said premises against the lawfu] claims of all per-
<br /> sons whomsaever,
<br /> Dated this :.--`� day of June, 197?.
<br /> �,,j ;;:. �J
<br /> �4 Clinton C. Qee"rs ��
<br /> ;�
<br /> _..ti �-
<br /> — �r�f'.�..rG.t-�./�9._ ��._�,� :e�.i' 1.�..;,.
<br /> E7�anor Beers `"
<br /> ) 55.
<br /> nefore ++�e, a ?tiotary Pubiic quaiified for sairi County� personaliy
<br /> came Clinton C. �eers and Eleanor Beers, husband ar.d w.ife, kn�r�r. to o�e to be
<br /> the identical person t�r persons who signed the foregoing instrumer�t and
<br /> acknowledged the exPcution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and
<br /> deed_ �
<br /> s .
<br /> `,`" '""- t�itness my hand and Nctari,�L.S 1 o��}une ,.�, 197 . . �;i
<br /> i� ^ : � .,_ .., �r ; Y G' ,L,.,� �'
<br /> _ . , . ry Pub c a -� -
<br />� � , .. .„', ,,. �_ ., , 'r-�'. ��
<br /> _ .:_�� ., � .. w ,,
<br /> " My Comni ssi on expi res: !-(.-t.�..-�f, ���+ -j c:i �
<br /> .�_Tr_�
<br /> �_ ... �_ �
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