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�� _ ;�E: <br />��, <br /> , <br /> ,�� ,. <br /> �.� <br /> � . <br /> . • <br /> . .. <br /> . - ,� <br /> , .�.�.� <br /> �- � <br /> �T- �{�;�6 4 <br /> r�oxrc,a�cL ' <br /> ��— <br /> ; - ,�otzTcnUe toar.��o,L 22�699� MGI C ' <br /> � �ow n[.L n�Ex sY TEiESF rRFse�zs:Ta�c Wi 11 i am J. Ftowe, a si ngl e pe rson • <br /> * � . � � � � ��� ,"�. .�,,' __ _Mi�rtgeyor_ivhethe r omn oz m�re,�in cUnsideration of the sum uC�� " <br /> � Paurteen Thousand and No/l0(�----------�--------- <br /> , , � _�-----.__�v, _ �."t)OLLARS <br /> � . . loaned teo said�mortsagor hy The Gquita6le Suilding and Loan Assoeialion of(;rand lslend,hebiaska,MortgageG,upun,140 �. sharts��of stock of <br /> ���' � said�ASSOClATSC]N;Certi6cate�N�o.L22y��99 M�j�duherebygrant, conveyandmartgagexmto.�thexauM.ASSCX;lATIONttie�6allowing� <br /> r �; � � .tlescribed.�eal esYate,situated in Eiall C��un-ty,Nebrask�: �� � <br /> A 'T'R/�CT OF LAMD GOMPRISING A Pl�Ri £lF LOT ONE (x) , VOSS SUBDIVISION I" THE CLTY OF GaAI�Q <br /> , ISLAt�D, HALL GOUNTY, NEBRASKA, MORE f�ARTICULAR�Y 'OESCRIBED AS FOLL01+1S: ;'. ' <br /> BEGII� <br /> NING RT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT �1NE .�1);,SAID,POTNT �EING FOUR . ° <br /> HtiN�f�ED TFiREE RND ONE 7ENTN (4d3.I J FEET W�ST;'0� TNE SOUTHEAST CORFtER OF SAID LOT f7NE (Ij <br /> 7N�NGE NORTHERL.Y PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF:'SAYD L'L?T ONE (1), A DISTANCE OF .ONE HUNDRED <br /> EIGHT'Y THR�E AND NTNE 7ENTHS (183,: 9) FEET;.THENCE WESTERLY ?ARAI.�EL TO THE 50UTH LTNE Of <br /> SaTD i.OT OtdE (1} A DISTANGE OF SIX?Y SIX (66) ' FEE7; THENCE SOU�'HERLY PARA�LEL 'TO T#iE <br /> EAST LIN'E 4F SAID LOT ONE {�), A a�STANCE OF ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE AND NINE TENTHS <br /> (183.9) FEET TO TNE 5C3UTH LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (1): THENCE EAS7'ERLY ALONG THE :SOUT�-i LINE <br /> dF SA3D LOT ON� (I} A DISTANCE OF SIXTY' SIX ,(66� FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> � `� ic�gether �with all t}�e tenemants,��liereduaments�nd�;a���purteriar,ces t!iercu.ntn belone=n�;,nuluding actached floor�wvermgs�,�a.l!wmdntiv seceens, � <br /> � �+n�indvw s�it�ies,tlind�,s�u�a?win�i�s,�awn�in��,tie,:;.:.�_,....�..��'..� .. __��dnrwnhing;a.nd wecerra»i.c+ment .�.��ctss�iies ttier,etu,pur:ips,stoves,� ��. <br /> �' � --L� �:: <br /> , :` � 6 � ;. . 9 P ,•�. .. .car used in�c�4r rtYiuc*�w�th�id�;reel estate.�:. ;: .'.� <br /> refri+erat�rs,and r'her t;xnu�es and� w nwn:r,ow cu hereahcr atia•hed to. �.': <br /> ' !� An¢.a�hereas tl�e�id mortgagor has agrezd ac�d ci�»sher�liy agrae that [tia n;iiitgagne shxll.�and wi8��pay all taxes and asszssmersts�ievied�r � � <br /> assessed isp-.�n faid premises and upe�n+Ivs�iunea�,e and tlie bnr.d s�cu�ed�theretiv�be{ore rt�c�same sf*all become de:inquent:tc�turnisf:appmved � � .� <br /> iaasuFanpe upon cl�e b.uiVdangs on sui�3 premi�r:ti suuat�a'e.�'a zl�e zurn�`c�f S�4 e Q��Q�QD �'�� p„��+�@>le w s.ivid`'AS501:lATtUti an�i� to delnvpr to snid� <br /> , � � . , . . � � ��. p � � v�n r�r afr,�ut.said premises: ' �'� .� �_ ..,.:: <br /> ASSCX'1Fi'fION the p��licieafor�aid znsurance(and noi cc?cummrt e� ermrt an��waste , ��:�: �... . � <br /> ir c.�as¢of detault in t}ie�Ecf�,rmance oi nuy of r„}ie terms aind a�nd�u�ins�f tlus��iiiortga�e.�iar tl�e 6o��r�d secured Pierebv,tl-ie morcgagoe ahall, <br /> '� c>n ai�manid,bc Qnti!.led to itnmediace passession uf ttse :a�ortgug.e+d,premises���er.d the����niungaeor' licreb,v'assxgns:,�,ri�aresLets anc, sets aver ta th� <br /> moregage�ell flie rents,revenues and nre�ine�co Ue derive:i from the mcrtgaged prer�ises during§uch tirx�ie as�tti�moieguge indebt�dness sha11 remasn . '' <br /> unpaid;and ttie mortgagee shall have the pow�er tu appdinr any a�ent or agenxs it may�desire for the purpuse of sepairing said premises_^_nd renting . <br /> the same a��d collecting the rents,re�enues anci income,arfd it mey puy out :�f s:�id inc�me ali expenscs of r�pairing said prernius and�neu:ss'ary <br /> cummissic:sns and expenses incurred an renting and managing[he same and of collecting rentais therei�rom; the balance remaining,it atSy,to be . � <br /> applied inward i�he ilischarge oi said rnortgage indebtedness;these rights o(the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during che existence o[sact� <br /> detaut[,irrespec�ive of uny tempvrarv waiver oY the sa:ne. � �. � ... <br /> � Tliese Present.s,Iruwever,are upon the Conditiun.Tnat if tlie sxid A1or[gagor shaL' repay said loan �n or before[urity of saic�shares b}* -. <br /> }�ayment; �pay mont hly to said ASS(7('IATION of[he sursi specif3ed in the Sond secu�cd hereby as intesesc and principal on said luan,aza or bet"ore� � . � <br /> - the Twenc.ieth day cf each and every rnuoih,uniil said l�an is 1'ully paid;pay all taxes an�assessmen[s levied agaiasi said premises and on tliis Mo�igage �� .. <br /> and the$a�nd secured tltereby^,before Jelinyuency;f'urnish app�oved insurance upon thr buildings chereon in the sum of 5 24 ��Q.� gayabEe � . � � <br /> to said ASS(H'3A�t i O�:repav to sai3.ASSOCIATION upon demand all monev by it paid for such taxes,assessments and insu�ance a•rt�interest ac . � . <br /> . 'k � ehe maximum legal rare ihereon iram date of payment eli c�tw!iich'�lortgagur hereby agrees to pay;pernii�no waste on taid premises;keep and compiy . � � � � � � <br /> widi a11 the agrcern�nts and a3nditiosts of the Bond tor� j.4,QQQ.QQ this day given oy the said biorzgagur to said ASSOI;tRT10N,uid comply . . <br /> with all tlzY requirernents of ttre Consaitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATIO�:;fhen these presents cl�al!becurne null znd uo�d,otlterwise they � . � . <br /> . shall rem3in in 1'u1? force and may be fureclosed st the option or the said ASSOCIATION alter tailum fur th.ree menihs m makc any of said - � � � � � <br /> pnyn�enls nr be tiv-e�e months in arrears in making s'aid mondilV payments,ur to keep and comply wish �he agreeznenes and condizions oi said Bond; � � � � <br /> and Mortgagu�agreex m have a rrceive�r appumted forthwith in suc}2 Coreciosu:e proceedxngs. � . � . <br /> U't!:aere is�ny chunge i�ownership al'che rexl esiate mortgaged herein, by sxle or oeherwise,cher. dte entire r�maining i�debtedr.�ess hereby �. � � � . � <br /> � securod st�.a0,st tt3e option of The Ecguitable Building snd Luan Assoeiatfon oi G.rand tsi:tnd,Nc6raska,betoma irnrnediately due ar:d paya�le withuut . � . . � � . . <br /> further nc�ticr,ans the amouni rerrzaining due undez sa.t�l bond, and any other 6ond;or any additiansf advances made ttlereunder,sha,2,fiom tkec . � <br /> ci.ate of exeicise of said optior.,bexr interest at the maximum legal rate,and tiiis n�ortgage may thzn be Yorecluse3 to satisfy the asnount due on said � � � . �� � � <br /> bond,and airy�ther bond fnr additianal advances,togethes with al!sums pard by said 7'f.e Equitxble Buifdinv,and Loux Associativn of Crand Isian�i. . � <br /> Nabrxska io�insm�ance,�axes and as�ssmenis.and abstraeiing excension cliarges, with intercst thzreon. from dace of payment at the maximum .. � <br /> legal race. � . . . � . <br /> As pfurided in the Dond secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in eifect.t:1e mortgagee may hereafter advance addi'c.ional se.�ms[o th� � � � � � <br /> makers oi said Bond,their�lsigns or suu:ess��rs in interest.whicn susns s!:all be within tYne szcunty of tivs mortgage the same as tne funds�riginally � .� � <br /> secureJ tt�reby,the total amount of principal de6t nat xo exceed ax any time t.he original amown of this martgage. � � � � <br /> Datedlhis 22nd a;�y�r June ,�.n.,i<�77 <br /> ' I� • '"—� <br /> . ___Q� ��__ - __ � <br /> r i am .�2owe <br /> � <br /> STATE O�NEBAfASKA,�ss. On this <br /> COU'VTY OP E#A1.L 22nd �a>'oi JUt1E? 19 7] ,before mz, _ <br /> che undersigzxed,a Noiary 3'ublic in and for said Countz.•,Fersonally came tr j" �,� 4 •. <br /> ; . $�1'1�7�711��.�.�ROWP_� a s i ngl e person who 7.5 personally kr_own to � "�' ��� ��� <br /> . me to ba t3x identical person . o�n�ieMrL. aY'x'ixed to the above iastrument as mort�agor and he XdP{rt'XUp9( � �� '` <br />� :.:tc:^.oa:e:roed the:,.�d.n.:urer.i• „vi �;��'�,3'-:,�p 1.�,.c sn.;d�cd. �aw <br /> ...TKEoSrr. 1�' i \uta�alS�anTli y <br /> •- y �:� F 4 d � f�3�seid. : <br /> � tJ'LITARY _ ��: . <br /> � . hiti�Commissio�x�M1�s.�iiFs 9r� ���{_ -��'„�.��-.���� „ <br /> Y = ��7 /.. � J' �A �'.!".C.'JL't � J�J� <br /> • A. {� ' 1.ntarvPwiblic <br /> s-�sb a: J'�� F2 �' <br /> _ �{it'� ,�4'��� .. <br /> `�t��y��`� � ` <br /> ,____ � <br />