<br />� , �n
<br /> . .. . . . . . . � .. . � . � � . . � .�> B� . .
<br /> �. �. . . �. : . . � � � :�.
<br /> � liOf, P.X�,8T1C3 DT� jJOSIj)OItt. Yi1C (�t11e�: :131tC �Ol' �f �iC 1]lOtilY �l�\' IZ38iF1V � ]ll('riIF I �?ft'l':`CE� � TO :il j".i:i7'8�'P�2�1'!�� 1 (�Il[� �`�� �ICI'CDI .:()P .
<br /> cliange the un�oun6 af suci7 m��sllme��ts:
<br /> � � 1'0. 8orrqt�er Not iiel,ensed.s $xte,ns,xo�i of ihe; tin�s � ,(��r na��c��c:au irr rno�ific�t�ion n( auaarGizatiion ot tCie �smrns � �
<br /> seoureci by this, .1Lurega;ge �riuit,ecl 1>�� I.efider to axi�� �uecesccai• i1� iniezr.st af 73orra�c��:i� sl�alt nnl Ul�erais hn re?egse,
<br /> in any ma.nner; ihe iiahi �a�y af-il�e �ri�irpal Bocro�i�cr n.id; Iiorrowc-i's sueeLsson iri iiiteresi. T.eiidei• st�alf nat be
<br /> required to evxiianence � at+aceedings ngain=t's�r,h suc;ecssor vr reivac io excen�3: time fos �nyrncnt., or ��her�vise modify :
<br /> , �` umortizatinn at" the sums secured by t:�i. \ Tux•t�a�e by re:�sou ol' ai��,� ��emantl macie by the urigiixal 7�nrru�ser �,nd
<br /> Borr.ower's eaceessars in interest.
<br /> � � 1I; Forbearance by Lender 1Vnt a Waiver. any foebearanc� by 7_ender in exercisin� anv ri�ht oe rerziedy
<br /> � hereunder, or o�hertirise afforded 1>y a}�p1ic�.ble laiti• , �l�nl? a7.oc lie � ts-aiver af or ��i�eclude the exercise -of any righb
<br /> � ' � ar rexnedy hrreuncier. 'I"lie irrocureaz�ean of insurance or c Iae EraymenE of ta,xe,s or other lieaa or charges t�v I,ender
<br /> i �� siusll nct Pie a. tx�aivet• af Lender's riKht, to acee�crute tlie rii�Euritv csf ttie xr..debfec3nea� sfacurecl b,y this 1lortgage.
<br /> ` �; 12, Hr3medies Cnmi=3.aHve. �1t remedies prav�deii in tl� is _liocc�age sre dist�rref, and c?imu}s�tive t4 ang oti7-ier '
<br /> �a ,�; rigl�t or rerned,y undhr tl�is \Iortgagu or ;iffor�lert 1>t- 1u��� �r t��� Gcit�-; �.n�1 �ii:a�� i�c c=.xereised corncurrentlu, in�iepen�-'
<br /> ; ; ently ar sue.cessivel}. - _
<br /> � 13: Snccessozs and Assigns' Bouad; Joint �c2 Sevezat LiabiliYy; Capeioas. fihe eo�•enants ancl aKreements
<br /> � tierein conitline�i shalI b'tud , anrl biie ri�hts liere�ineic�r aha31 in�ii � .r> , t3�c respect�lt- succe�soi.5 sn�i assigns ot Lender
<br /> � uud B�rrorver, �,ubjeci tt� x >ie prog*x�ion:; ak rr ir��raxp�h 17 l�etc.oi r31t' �o��ti7anks :� ese3 �,�Gc�meni& af F�e�#z^owEr �}�all
<br /> ;� � � i�e jo9�nt arid nev�r�tI. T�ae e:�ption� a�rd t7c���m6�r: � ��ri zhe p:� rags.a�i�h� o + ti��iti lSortgr�ge� a,re !or eo�nat�tiien��c�� Wn1y � a�nd�
<br /> are not`to beusecl tu inierF�rei or define tli� t3rc�ti�isiuris iiere•�a.
<br /> S9. No3ice: ' .4ny t�oti�c to SQ��rotuer i�rovitia�d ior in tlii� \Iort �.AGc �asall Ix� gi�-e;� k,w i�zaili�2g sur,.}x notir. e ii�v
<br /> r ' rertifieii iry� il aeidreased to ISi�rtr�wer at tl�c Yrc�r�ert�• .�cieires:. �t;� tc�Z hi:[rr�r, esca:��t: t'�x• aii�� n�ii�e rec�uire�l candex
<br /> ; paeagraph 1#� laryreoi t,� lse �;iven to I3oi•rnurr iF� zize �na.sixei iue�cr= lied k,,� ,a����iie:tble i:itt�. � ny notice proc-irie�l
<br /> �. ; � � ior in �Y't�ia �AJotrt¢*a�u s��d��ili i �� rlee�a�eti tU laaan�e hi>.c�n ��v�nao 73arrcnr�er �ri�err � kn�cri iu � t.izt� mttn��er �3esi�rnai.ect herein: �
<br /> ' , 15:: Uuiform Mortgage; Gov,erning Law; Sevezabifity, I i .i� f��rm �>i �uortqa�e coinbines tmiioz�ni covess,�snts
<br /> ' � for na�pnal�. u�9e s�nci aeoi��-uflifor� coveii �u�ts 1vi#�,I� li�initcrt b�:� riafi�iiR h�- � uxis�lichoii to c��nst,ltiitc m u�nx;orcu secu. �
<br /> �• ; ` �� rity $iYriru'mepi eawnriak� � read �,�ru�ert�� , "I'I�iis \IcrA•k���6e sha3p ue got���rnecd t�v ��th�: 7n�v � �wf the j �urisdic�i��n� ix�� whiCh �
<br /> � � �he Ps13F�e:�y is� ]uaaber3. lzi tl�e r���reiat� that ��� sany provi9ior� oi- ul�,e��se ��t tl�i,s \IorLga�g�� o�z� b�tit �NoGe �c��r�,flicis ��ivitti �
<br /> :�ppliGable iaw, �uct� confl�ct �hnl.i not cif�ect. �rl�ei� ��rocisi�n� o:' thi:. .li�art�a�e or 1,�ie i�'oGe whicir can li.e gir�em.
<br /> effect w•iElzoul tl�e c�nflictin� �1roi=isiorr , .�nii ta f hi� end ti�c ��i•ovisioi�s at' Ghe :\Iorc�;an� si�c3 the N�te arc cieclared
<br /> t,o be severable.
<br /> 16. Bomower's Copy. I3orro��-cr sha11 be f;trnislieti � eoniora�ec: cop�• of khi� � inrtg:i�;e :�.t tlre 2;iin� of exQGu-
<br /> ¢.ion or afie� recosdatir;n liereof.
<br /> ; or transierred 1>y- f3nrroomer �� �th�ue I.e.ide,T's !>rior tis ricteri ,, nti �rzrt of thh Yroperty crr an it�terest there'rn is solei
<br /> k7. Transfer of the Prapezty, AssumpGon. Tf al. �r- ;s
<br /> � ' � ui� =� nt , c�:<tudiilg ( a ) tha ci�ariosa at a lie�sa or eneum-
<br /> bran�e subordinate tc� t,�rs ?tiFortg3�e, th ) �S7e areatiota oi a hiurcdaase moncy sec�,i:•if,�- i�teresc. �or }��eseYsold 'a,p�3i�
<br /> _ � � ance�s��, ( ca a t,ra��a��Per t>� t3�wxsa, de�,cent �¢� krog� �,prerafirerc ��r l8« u,p�an t��e dc��tfa ot «� jc�int ter�aiz�� ur � r�) t�e graY�tf� �o�" �
<br /> t any 3easchold interest o£ Chrce vears or less not e4r;t�inmez un o�riiriir to purc��sssL . l.e.r�der n�av , at Lendez's c;,ptian,
<br /> " � de�laro all t:he �ums e�cureG bp tliis \lvrtgage tr� t�e �mmedic�tcly ctui= ;�ncl jt�eraLle. Lc>nder <tiafl l�ave �s��ai�^ed suclr
<br /> optton to a�eelerate if, �rior to tlie saie oc tr �n ier, I r.ndcr a�sc{ t i�c; � ,ersan to �ch�nx tk2�� Yro}�erty is t� k�e sotd oz
<br /> tratx�ferred reuc}a a�reemenr, in tirritfing ti�ut, tlie r.reciat ui sutli leer�on �s sati�iaewr�- to €.enar.r anct thnt t:�c interest
<br /> ��ays�le on ihe surns securedb}� 'this :�Sort�age �La11 h� rt �izcf, ratc a, Lender shall requesi,. Ii Lendcr laas waived
<br /> � tfte optiori ta aceelerute proz ided :n thi= ps ragrapli I7 iind ii I3arroaa�Ei ; suc. ce�sor in interest �ias ekecuied a �vrii-
<br /> a ten assumpt.ion ag;reensent :� ccepteti ii� tvritin� b�,� 3leniier, I_enr�er �fi;i11 releuse 13orra�;�er' froni zafl obligations und�er
<br /> rhis iVIortgage and the Note:
<br /> If Lenderexereises suctx option to uccel4rake, I.endcr sha11 �naa1 Borrower notice oi acce3eration in aceoz�dsnce
<br /> c�.�it}x #suragr$ph l�4 liertui. �ucli notxu� s} eal ! yrovide a pez•iad ui noc zcs, tiaari 30 duys fram ihe date il�� iiotice is
<br /> ivaile<i tivit}ain tivtaich liorroc�.�er �r�ay pay thc �uins � eclareci ciue, tt F3ori•o«-er iaiis to zi,tt� suct� suin� �irim• io t'tse
<br /> ' ' ex �iration c>f suc �i
<br /> { period, Lendei• irxay . «•ir3iout iva2iieruatice or r: ciY�unci on f3'orrower, invvicz iuxy rerasedies �er-
<br /> mitied by p�ragr-�dph lf3 kiereof.
<br /> � � �c»�-t.? xrecne�z � C.'�>�=F �ns�rc.� �.13<� rrc�wer tin�3� I.oader furE:}ier r,ovenant sinc'x agi•ee� :tis � faila ���s : � �
<br /> `
<br /> �' I8; Aeceleration: Aomedies. lxcrc� �1 <�_ ��ro�-idcil in � � aiagr;t�i�i ti hereai, i�s>�r: Borrower's bre.ar:li �f anv
<br /> , ;' � ebve�nssnL ur �agreement oi' 73a�rrc�wer in t9iis \turc�rt��€•, ini�iutiing ti�e e �ve�nuntv to t�a3� �c6en �� ue tdnv suxns� seee3rec3
<br /> � by this \iort�age, I.ende�• � � � rior• to ..�•relt�xati<�n�� �)�ylt in;�il � �atui<x� tc� � l3o�rt��ver as � �x•�3uih_tc,i1 i1r pa�i:3,y;rzap�i�� l4 liezeof
<br /> � �� •peeifyinfi: Ui tlie E�reacl� : I 'l } �t1�e action ii� q�uireci to �iu�c uc�ii 1>r<�aclr, �� t�31 i 1lut +� . uvt 2r. s: t ;ran tNirt3 r3a}-a
<br /> frcnla t,h� daz,e thc noticc � im � : iq�l�d to Titirroiecr, } ,�• � n- 1,x�li �ueli i.uY,;�^li m�tat l;c cunc�ut uiid 14 �! cLat ia�sItix�o ro <v+rrq
<br /> ' such 6mach osi or l�efora Ch�e dr�6c � . pecifiec; i�i t3ie notice - izaay� rer,ult in � aeoc.eleratiut� <�i tlau �urus srcured �bv tSiis
<br /> ' � �� � ;IIar�;�age and ca�.�� of tl�ie k'r�perty . 15 t]'�e �i3reaeil� ie� ryi�t c�rr�i on �r• 1��� fora t 1�r,. dace � s�7eeifie�l i� tl�ite aaqciee, Letxd�r
<br /> � � � �t 7.eader's o�tiori �i'�ay� deela�a ali of t.�c Yuui� ser, ured 3>y� , iz9� � :lZUrtgsgr� ta I��c 'anirs-�crlisttAl �� due �a�nci � �r�y;tiirir. �
<br /> wittiout iurt:l�er deet3uad xnd ntay iqreclosc t13is �iari.�;;i�;e t�i• j �a�itc�iai ��rucecdin�. l.ender shtil! i::e entitleci to ctillect
<br /> ; r in sucYt ��roceet�izig all expenses oi torrciosu2•c_, ir� cludit��„ trut aioi limited to �e�ts o� dacumci�tar�� e�vicler3ce.
<br /> r� bsiracta anti title reporis. -
<br /> x I9. Hoszoxrais Riqht to Rei�stata. �ot�i-itlis�anding I,encl�i's xcccleraition o[ tl�e tiucns .e� ur�cd h�• t3>=�s
<br /> w � A4ortgage, Borrower shs13 have t6e right ta tia��e a�1�- �iroc�eding�= ixe�,�xui 1n• 7,ender ru eni�rrcr tiii, \Tort�a{;G di�-
<br /> cdntinued st anq time prior to eatry u: a .ludgrrient. ez�ia�'cinK t#�� � loatx* x4 e. �f � i � Nn� ro:ver nE�vc 3.ender a;1
<br /> - sunw.wi�seh wqulc€ 13e then clue un�irr thi� \ 1�irtR.� ��e� : - hca \T<,t � � n.r+ . ��t ,,� , e .. . .:,, > ..; .,. . :1di � .:c� ,, .. a�;i , had nu
<br /> Heceleration occurred ; ( bl Borrow-er crures i}Ii P�resciie� os :�n�� �tl� c:r ea�-��n;� nc� i>i• ;ti�mements of Borro�ver cor:-
<br /> �'. � taineti in this Ivlortgage , {e '� 73orrower tx�,ys all reuecrnable exE>ense� in�^urred hy l;encler iri �nt`orcing the cu��en�ant�s
<br /> • ' und agreements oi Borsower con'tainecl ia ihi. \ ic�rt�*ri�;e n :t�i � si e:� icn•� �in�; T:endcr'.� rerz��dies as �rravicte�i in ��arss -
<br /> ° graph 18 hereo€; including, but npt limite�� to , re:�eoi�.ibie ��r.torne�•"- f» e. ; z�r�r9 ir{ i Korro���•er takc5 such setion ::s
<br /> ' ;� l,ender inay reasonably require tb assure tl�sit ihe lien ui �}iis '1Sc�rt�aCe, Lc�nder's it:�:crest itz the I'ropfri,c :ancz
<br /> Borrauer'& ot�]iga.Zion to pay the sutns securec3 iry c}z �. \lcrrc:ga< < ! iai � contisxt�o uniix3p�ired. lii�on sucli piiti•merri �
<br /> � and cure l�,y Barrsrwer, Lhis ?4�ortragc and khe abtiE;ss 'tion, :ecuied !x•tea�}� ;.li;ill ititx�aiti ira full ic+rcc anci c:fre�.% ns i £ _$ '
<br /> . �
<br /> ,� ,; no aecelQration hsd ocourred_ � - 5
<br /> - - , � � � ,
<br /> , ; Z0. P{seignmeat of .Reaets; Apgointment o� Receiwer Lender in Possession. .�s addit3onfi2 secutity here- x`,` j
<br /> ^ � under, $orroan�er }��rebq assi�+;ns to Y.ender tlie renza of tl�e E'ropc x tp , f,a•�1 irirci t 'h�ii l�crr�r�lcea• sii�.il; prior to acceler- .{� „ �
<br /> atiqn under �ara�ph 28 l:e-eo£ o� aba:�'onn.cnt a: ; t�<< 1'ru�,r. rty, i��s. � [ i« 3•i�;iit �� ��oiicct �ayu retain siar.h rent.s I �;;p, ... =�
<br /> u � the,v t�cmm� r1i� �and p�i=p �le_ M1� r:�, ,
<br /> ' I?por. seceleration under paragra��ia 18 hcre�ot 4r nf�undonment q� tlie 2'ra}aea•cy, I.ender: in peraoit. by ng+�nt s
<br /> '� or bp judicislty g�rpointecl receiver sha11 bc enx.ii3ed to enxer u�yon, ti.ke rans.ses5ia:� of and uass�ia�e t}ac Yroperi� ` • ,
<br /> .,, and it�=cofle¢t the rents of,the Yraz>ert�s: "sacludirz� tFsose ��xsr di�r. Ai 1 rr�nr . �•nll�r#�ri i>v 3 ,en*9nr :,1 t �� rccci�,-cr "^ ``
<br /> shald be appiied fiast ta p�ymesit oF the c.�sts -of znaiz�s�emcnt o! tlic I'rrspertg anct coliee#aon o( rent :, inc3uding. I�tst
<br /> r�ot lirraiteci ts�, reoeiver's fees , premiurnr on mceirer's: bomi� and rr.:�sonnt�te :ixiorne. 's ieez. ..;,ca then t� x iie sun�s
<br /> sEeum.c3 tiy this ?Slortgage� I.e�adar and the receiver �h:all he :izsble to :accuunt nnl�� ior tho�e rents actualll- -eceivcd .
<br /> , ,."",�` . , : ._ . � J
<br />