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<br /> � YNlaIVlDUAL
<br /> ,�aP� DI.IL� KlfV SALE
<br /> �''' OPTIONA� FUT[JFtE At��/ANCES '
<br /> r�� S31VlNC'a� E'U'NF3
<br /> . � FORM AF6.720 . .
<br /> � ,����� Lc�an Number___.3372u_ _ if36 I _
<br /> -- t,�o:__ a�a;n�i�
<br /> ?�'- (�!��4�� �lfi 6 fR T G A � E
<br /> , ;
<br /> ,
<br /> a 'i'FII�i 1�i+DTtTC:t�,G�«. rnade nud 4xerute�t t:�is a.,?'�'� . <i�� nf .... � �^� ..: .:. ... A.D.;
<br /> F` Steven F .�ackso� a
<br /> 1J �� ;i�etw�n the R4artga�or �d .�u�.�,� A 7a�#��o� fiu5k�at�.d'au.d�aifa.
<br /> � _ .�o astly,�ad;reacYa in their own,rishta.._... .....:.. ... ...... . ,. ... ...__ :..:..__ . ._....... . ._..::.....
<br /> , ' y Grand Is�aad ' Isnll,__.... ,� N ...
<br /> o£.. ._,,,...... . .... .......:.,�., Ct�utisty of .:...... ..,�isie�,f_....ebraskd ...,hc�eiz2�xfter rrfr:rre�l '
<br /> ta us Che Borrower, anci th� hie�rt,�u�e.c, FTPS'1' F�L�F.Fir�'U SACTI�vGS AND I..C)�N A:�SOC"fA"TIO?�I C)F
<br /> < , L1�tC4.1Ll�t� 1235 "N.,:'sknee#,:LtJ�coln, Nobreiska fati5U1, if:; cuc.c?a:;,,ars nn<i ��ssi�n�_ hem.u�after re#erred lo
<br /> ;
<br /> as I.ezxder.
<br /> � ` c5 - Tl�i Lk s�' Iiurrower {ur �u3 in epnsac�errctis�lt.e�f the suni of TWFNTY Pl'V� TH€7L'SAI�1D
<br /> s' six x�� ��'�'rr � r��Iib� - ._ ..:-:-.. _.: . -7,avitArS �t���.__��>�so oo.:..... .. .i
<br /> ., ,._.... .... .�_..... . _. :.. �...
<br /> 1 putd by�aid Z.end�r, daes, h�ret�y mnrl;��a�t �,rant unci c��mci, {o T.c z�der ii suz�-�casors anc3 ussx�;n�; ktir
<br /> ; follc�wina dt�caiG�preFpertF l�r.atc.d in ttic Cx��tyfy of .--_. .._. .Ija�.l .. ., ctut.e c>f !\Tekarasl�n:
<br /> � , T,ot L.���iteen (?8)e Plock .S�v�znteen (li� iiskzton. Pl��e. sn Adciitrosi
<br /> ;' -
<br /> ' tca t�he City of �:,sran� I lund, Hal'1 Cc�ez�t�r, N�.bs�3siks, r:�c�,p�ir� tl�erefxnm
<br /> ' 9 the No=th aev��n (7) fe�t o� :,raic? �;a�t !:a�titeen (13�.
<br /> �
<br /> g
<br /> ;•j 'i`oc�rHERwith a11 the 'smt�r9v�tne.ttt� na�+- nr h�r�aft�er ereeted c?n ther �7m�>�rt;)', ��nil x�ll easemeniti:
<br /> ; rigl�is; a�Purtenance�, rents, ro��alties. piineral.oil �aid k�as ri�hts �a.Tj�3 Earcifii:�, �=aLei, watt:r rip;iit�, :�nd
<br /> i water st;ocls, �ud a�11 fi�h�res naw�r�aereaft�n �Lh�cti�3 ta Gh�a �a�`op�xt.y, s�ll �^�i w-tifch, ineliadiqp re�laa�r�
<br /> s
<br /> ment�and�d�clitions tti<areh�;�hall 4ie c3e+eme.d tx�bc anr.i rnmain a ��rL caf thcz ilm�yk-?rLt� ru��s��i !�y ihls
<br /> , � Nlort�a�e, un:d a11�f t.tie fare�a3n�;, Y.ngether w,ith �si�i preape:rt.t� (t» tlie leasch�id etitaf.c� itr tta�:c.vc:n#.thi�; "
<br /> : ��,� � Mort�age is��-cxn c� li�asehold) :ire herc�in referreci t�o r�a i.he "Propert��". �
<br /> „t F3orm;ver coven�nts f:h�t Fiorrciwer is la�vfUlly seiseci of i.tie esfat,� hereby runvey�d cand lias the rip;hL
<br /> ' � to m+�rt#�age, �rant a.iad con�r�,y the,YroUarty, ta�ut; tlze Property is unu�cuuibered, und Lhut Bnrraa^er c�vill
<br /> warsaanG and detend �;enerali��iia.e title Co the E'ropert:y against:r�ll cinim:; c�nd c3eu�anr€s, sukr;jc�a•� t+� a�ny
<br /> easeanenis and restrict.ions li5teci in a s4hedule. at'except;ions-t�a r.avergagc+ ix� any t.a#:lc� it�surance ;xriice+ in-
<br /> aurin�Lene�er`s interest in t.hc:Propert,�;or (2} �ttorney', vpinion c>£ title. fram abatr��i of title� enrtifie�i
<br /> , ; 1ay t�citt��ett Abstrncier.
<br /> P P�tc�vw�:7a ALwA�c s, and ilzese��resents ztrR. exe.cutc d and clelivere�upon the tul�ow•ing comc�itivns,a�,r�c
<br /> � ments anci ubligations o£ th� .ticarr�nver, tU-wit: �
<br /> ,;� ,,,.»..:,�.,
<br /> � ; T}3o�3orrower.a�:tecs t� �u� to tihe t,i,ndei or ordtr, ilie �rim•i��tit suin oS _T{+i��yTT,..�IVk,..T13ALi5AND.
<br /> t 5IX„FTiTNll1L£1?;:_I IFTl__ANII.NO/100....... .. ........ .....,__. ..... ,. . --.-1�bllat^s tLiti ti. `s:SaU.5�k.0.0.... _.)
<br /> ? p�ynble ah pTovideci z3t u tt�C.e c�xeculed and de.livered,concurre.ntl,ti h€n��vitl�, the fii_al pa�-n�ent:af}arinri�.3ai,
<br /> % if no� suon�r�aid.on ti�e._._....As.t..._..,.... c�a�-<�f.....�_..Jtt1;:._..... . _..._, .__, 2tFfl6
<br /> � .,,
<br /> Z'Nr�ehi Cp.vr:rt.*��z's. L�<�rm���er and l�e�n�i�z�•uvenanc and ngree.:. as fnilo�G•�;
<br /> i. Paymea�t oi Principal and biter�sL $orttrwer:51i�i! {>n�it���tl�� ��ay when ciue -ilie pcxtxci{��I czf rnnd i�i-
<br /> teres�'on t„he itzdebC�dnass rivid�zt��ci taY the Nc3�e, k>rc+�x�ym�nt, snd Iate� charpte.� ai�Narovic,ie�� in thu �I�ta,
<br /> unci the�rincipai<af z�iud int,ere�st on Urr4•Future Advances�ecur<sd b�r• this �1�.�rt��ge.
<br /> r 2_ Funds #ar Tmc�s<snd Insu:asice. Sul�j�et to Lender's opkiun uniler �:�:ira„ra�ahs 4 .3nc1� he�'�:af. 13ar-
<br /> ' ir�wes-,hall�ay t<�Lcendez on Ghe dr��• munthl,v installcnen'r.x:od' {�rinc�ipxl.a�ir�in#1.rc:stare}�ayalxle�ux�de�rth�
<br /> y I�Sc�Le, until th�e Nate i:�paid an fuli.a sutn iher�in "Fund.'`) t�uo.l tc> one-tY�•a:ICtti ��f thr-. �-early t.��es xixid
<br /> aa4Fwaments w}�ich na�,y t�ttain priority ovt.r tl;z� Ainrt�mge„ and gr�und rents on ihe Yrcaxeertv, if anZ> �x#uv
<br /> �ne•twelft.�:rsf yc�arly- pr�mium fnstatlments fos hixznrcl in�ui�wce, �Ius c,cie-LweIitPs of}����rl�- pc�.:.Afum �i-
<br /> xhUallzzxents fU�- mnrt�t;c+ znenrastce, if ar�v, ail as reas<�nutii�� c;�tamr�t:�c3 iriitiiilh> :xnd froxra �:imca io i:izzza: irv
<br /> l.enc3�r�n thc> basis caY n�se�srnen���nd biils aud nasonable es4trn�Ges t.here��f, lander a1�uI1 apply"ti.tzc:Fuxads
<br /> kto pr��r sairl i;xxe�,ds,.�s4mcnf;�,izayurnnc:e premiaama and grcaunc3 rc.nL�. l.�cnc�er �huil mi�ke t�u rla�r�,e fc�r s�.�
<br /> halding'an�l u:��l3+in� the T�ainc�4 or vexi[��ing xnd co�rr��ilin�t sr�.id a��.�essmc�ncs aiid Uilts. Tlte I:ee�dur.hsall
<br /> " { �iue t:ca Lhe 13carruwer� wit,liout c�ka.nrge,an cinttux�aci'raunlin�;of 3he 1'�uz�3s sl�x7win�czrKii6s�nd ri�.i�it.h to t_h��
<br /> Fuuc�z�nd the�urpv�e far vvIuch emch ciebit to the Fa:tcis tras ssz;�dc. 'T'he k und. ara:plucigE d as a<,3diLizrnal
<br /> st+�uri°h!far ttae.�ums wecuar�d by thi� i14�rt�,�aRe.`L'!�� �3arrc��ver ngrneea tkiat.th�> runds irxay 1xr helci !�y t.3xc
<br /> I,.e�ider and cvmmingied�vith other f�d�and tsie 3.ender's own funds ttad the i.ettdi�r�nav�aay sucla iterns
<br /> frc�nz its owtt €unds and th� Iien�ier shali naL ba�littble far intes•est�ar clividencis�an �u�lx Fucici:s. '"'�'� ' ,��h,
<br /> �f the Arnaount af Lhe�nds �e.ld 3�y Lend�er,to�ether ��ith the tuture x�2anthly instaIlmencs <i£ Futfeis � �Y
<br /> „�� laaya�le U�,inr to:the c�ue;ciates of Yaxas,assessmettC�. is��ur�uce pr+:miUnas tuad gxu+�md r�nt� shait excec�cl ��� :
<br /> � `
<br /> the z�mouat zre�quired 2.0�ay suici t�ses, Mss��iants,insurance premicaxns and grounrl re•nt:.�a4:.hc;Y #all dua, �,a:¢
<br /> ,, suc h eac#z�:e�i;►a L �e, .nb-fiurxvweae s u�iaon,eitu�r�roxrxQtiy rep�id io 3ortv�vt�r or c n•ciiteci to t3ormwer r,n , . ;=arr;
<br /> tn�nt.�ly'.2;s�:a.21t?i.^.n� a£I`ua�s. 7f tlsa amovtxt,uf t.l�c* Eutt3o t;wl�i by T�i:n.tur a.xr�1S �ia4 li4 tiufl:ci�:r,i i[,µ.aV � :
<br /> taaces> a�sttc�e=aent�,iasuranr.e xaremiuzxv�and gr,eaund r�nts r�s they fall due,.�3rrrrox�•er shmll }�zav tc> i.encier
<br /> `asay�nount zsecessar?�tp znake�zap th�cie6ciency cvithin thirt.y tlays after n�Cicr, irc�ns l.ecsder tu Borrotiv�rc
<br /> ceqaesting yasa�ment �hereoi, or Larra�er shal2, Uy riu increa,4.:in manthlv inst.allm�nLS csf Funds requirc=d,
<br /> a
<br /> repa�r .the dea?cienc,y within Lhe t�"und accountux:g p�eriocl;
<br /> LwPo� T�3'menC iss iull of all nums cecure�i �y thi� °.'Vlortgc�#e,I.enaier shall�z}3piv runc3�hezici xis ri crec3i6
<br /> � agaln.st A!!Surns dUP.
<br /> ,. ' �.J
<br />�
<br />