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<br /> �, _ ,, � . e q'. � . m 1) i . .
<br /> . . . j = til#���[Po '.4fii.�Ib�j�1. � 2F ` .rPrat� � f � ) ' 1 -� ipli \ . ,• i .a i + � t Y3
<br /> � . � k -
<br /> ;�11'sll wl.�,a�)�ti ��.a . •1w.ef t ��a��"e � iuue rrzt.►C� 1a # t�1r t .a t m m � t 1s �, t r� ,1 � �ta i �+ ! �, i ' a
<br /> i
<br /> I �Ir�i� k✓Y l:+� t(cS� .aC^ CfH U1 ' ,af. uf ltrJ " ['t l� ll�t tr. x 1 � F �l u} ..tr t ! Ii . ,3�^ . . � 1' jA . tf ,. .
<br /> 3� Applioo'ti� alrPacYmsnt�. _ l r 1� :i� , � �lt� ., r�i, . � , � r , �c � , r „ . • � t, �
<br /> ,
<br /> t � � r .. . . s � 1 � ' F � ,t ! ' ,+ 1 tY .1I � �
<br /> ��UIN�CI 2 f'1C :�:lIY :ift�.l � ,1 .la.g:,i, in� � � xx�d � 2 i��Vi � t.w � 3 )',. � 1 2tll ,l � � .� : y I� f -
<br /> ', I.j.Q(14�cC fly ��VCTC)R'f� . fkAa' C � r1[t4N.',Cdifl�Y � rCeU! t � +rb �.�t11 Si t� fto- 1ta8� �a �.at+ " Ar; "� 11� i,� k + d �' , �A,, �y � � ; `! a ilz^c . . '
<br /> . ' ,.,�w, � � .. 4115. r���ORUVYC2' �Sltiill l�..lti��c � 1 � > .tl)ei t �Pi 0.Ct� 1�� e , � ��zi�r� l� k � ltcct � . t .s2t1. . • ��`i , �:
<br /> �
<br /> � "rinv ` ++��d�, t}um t.� �,i:hr � ri , f �
<br /> . � �+����r � � ,1 � � C'L%l'x 4� �t,"J41iiY s .11i� � � rtY t f' �'!1 �t }� 1 '+. 1i1Sa ^+ :iL� � '',1 [7 ( tin� Alt�.byra FILI �t�"af�
<br /> r . W , .. . , , : i .
<br /> utnbl� to� the 1'roperty, rn• h�cfi uray-� uttnu`c i� pnurity�'� o� <• r ! lii. � Al �,rt.�;u�:+ . uu' ,„ : �awe�� � � K nr . . � i� ut� s;,� 1 cnrlrr .+
<br /> ., �� � � `' optiom m� the txxatixier �u��rideil uuder r'�a�rxgraT,t� 'L I�i•r� ut or"��I,�v t3ori�itre r � u�k;n p� �vu�� eYt iahru dio. . � iire-ctlr• xii'
<br /> � �` , 1 � ' ' the {�aYee tbereof, U�zrrau=er +t�ufl �i; prornpciy. ftanu�i � qiu' Lr�n�1 'rr adl n�t �� c�x ui �;iaE �csxmt , � ?� � ., uru'id�� r t1aK � .�r�.gra�,��;�
<br /> � �' �' i "and in� �t1�e cvent 13orrow,rr� st���Y1 �nakr pay �Yrmit d�r4c�t � � , 33uriuti• � r �li�.id '{,rar���{�t1p , h�rni�, t � Gi l.r� �s�i� r, rc���; �( �t � �ts +� •
<br /> r � � � ��
<br /> � . , . � �
<br /> .� ' � �;� ciencir►g'such {rayrsients. Borrower �hall promptly �dischar�e, iii�} 'tien .whi'rh 1�as , � r.ar� t }; � ovrr rtu, �ti�rt�;aw� ; pr+.�- .
<br /> � yided, �:hat Borroiv ershall ' not be require� l ii� disctiurge uny aiiil � I �cn :�#u lon�;, 3:; livrroue � xfinit u{;rcr in urctinK tci
<br /> " `f.hu psyment oi ihe obligtscion 'secured by �cich lien in a :naniie� i�-c�}�labte to l ;i cid�. r, �r ., t .ctii! in ;�;<xx# i:siti� contertsL
<br /> �, suchiie;iby , or deLe�ii3 enforce�ziant of ;+ur}i ;licn in , legal � > i•.nr,E � �i � z�g, +vhich o}7ir� '�ts ta -�ist. rent the e�iiorcement cif" = r
<br /> ;� the lien ;,ur forfeituse �f the Yro er� or unv �iart ttiereof �; -
<br /> �. . � t
<br /> ' ' " 5. 3$azard Ins�raaea: Borro , er ,liull kee�� tLe im�uoven�ents np�v exi_t,in� �>r hec<��iter rrer, ted on ,the Pro{>-!
<br /> ��rty insured against lose„by* fire, hazards i'nyluded �cit}iin ttie"term " exttiided c�verage", an�l sucfi �ther i,iac.�rds s. � ,
<br /> 'I.ender a4aay requiTe .tind in suctc ucz=l;ourits -;snd for yUali .�ierro�j� �• ���'ndct -n7ay i-ecliitce : ��;ravided; that I.eYider shu19 ';
<br /> „�� �, � � t of au,4}'� a,ge e+e,c,Ged .tLac ,�.�i�9unc qf �over2ge 'r'{°nurre<I tb ��ay tlie sums secured'Y�y ����, ,', ' ��
<br /> � �ziot r�quir� that he mnou�rt, t covcr, ' ' ��
<br /> , tlx�s Martgage. , .
<br /> 'Phe ?�nsurance carr�er; {�ruvidin� tl�e insur:iuce chall t�e chuseti t�y 13oi•ro�v� r svl�jecc to aXrprovnl 'u�� 1 <en+iez;i.
<br /> � �irovidecl; that such approyal s6at1 not be unret�sonablp wi�hheld . �Il premiums or� insuiance policies �hn1i i� e paici , ,
<br /> st Lender's o�tion iti t}Ac ninuner provided iander Ianruerac.zl'� 2 l�cr£of or h�� F�orro��• er rns�king p�lynxenb; when du� ,
<br /> � �� Irz t Y 1�'rrier. � � �� � �
<br /> c3ireetly the event �nncec�licy is not renewed on .or b�fc�ie ten ciays of iC� exp�ratiion, the ,Lender; to protect
<br /> ,', ' i ts interest, snay grocnre, insurance on the improvements; pay the premiums and such sum shall become , , ;
<br /> , ; irnmedxately clue and payable with int�rest at . the rate set forth in said riote -until paid and s�all kie
<br /> ` secured ' by thas 1Vlortgiage. Failure by Borrower to ccarnply may; at, optioh af Lender,: constitute : :3.efault
<br /> under the - terms oF this Mortgage.
<br /> All ;inSuranee policies- And renetivnls tiiereof �hi� tl �c xn i'ornz �cccUtai�le r,o 1 crnioi tinc3 cl�'nfb include tt standar€1 ,
<br /> enortgage clausesin Lavpr oi and iri form acceptable to Lender I cndt;r ,lialt hrta e t}-e z•aglx� to l�old ti�e J�olic�es and
<br /> renewals thereuf, s�nd Borrower shall promptly furnish ta I�c�xier aPL i �.ne�v�yl notices uuci all ri;cei�rts bf;: paid pre-
<br /> miums_ In the ,event of loSs, }3orro�ver slial'1 give I::atrF�t r�titicc tv tlic, insurance carrler a.nel Lender, and I.end�r ,
<br /> - , rnay �ns.ke proof ai loss if not ai�ade promptly b,y 23orrow•er. '
<br /> � Unless Len3er �nd Borro�rei•; oclierwise agrec in, «•ritua�;, inturaiic;e proceeds stiull 1>e �ppl'ied to restare.�son, ar
<br /> �` ' the 1'roperty da;rrraged, �rov�ded such restoration oi rc�aii� is ecuiioni�caily rcdcikal� ancl the secuTity o3
<br /> - � repatr oS
<br /> this l�f�rrtgage- is notthereby i�z��aired . If such restorntian �r � c��� �r is nut econouiicirl,ly :easibte �r if the securiEy
<br /> ot Ghis 1'Iortgage would be imF�aired , 4lieicisurance E�rocecd5 shal! =�h a{�ptiea co the swt�s secure�i by this :�loatgage,
<br /> cvith 6he excess;, if, a.ny , prsid to Btirrowcr. ii thc Yi•o}iei t}- is ui>ancioneii hy I3orro�ver oi• if I�c�rro�ver fnils tio sespond
<br /> Go I.ender witl�in 3t3 days: a.ftex uotzce by I.erader; ho Borrow'er tlinL tl�e insurctnce casrter u�ers to settic u eta.im Iar
<br /> insurun ,ce benefit,S, �.�nder is uutihoriaed to eollect and ap�1�' the insurt�nce }�roce�ls iit .Leniier's option either .to
<br /> �, , restora£ion or repair oi LE�e I?,roaent�� or to ilae suins secureei l�}� this \Sortgage:
<br /> Un3ess Lender and 13orro�ver othei«�ise agree iii �dritii�g, sdn�- sucli applicltioc� of praceeds to Farincipal shall
<br /> not extiand or postp�na the due uate of the n�mith]}- installta�ents reierred to in par�grnphs 1 and 2 }iereoi or chan�e
<br /> � t�e amoant of sucli installments:
<br /> If under paragrnph 18 hereot the Yroperty is nequired br• I.endea•, nll a•iglit, title uncl ivferest of Borrotiver in
<br /> ; ; ai�d to any insur�nce,policies and in and to the praeeeds tlzeaeot �. io tfic excent af thc �unxs secured by this ibtort-
<br /> gage immediately prjar to such sale ai' acquisii,ion j re,ult ing lroni d�tciage t.o the Yroperty prior to the .-w' le ar
<br /> �equieition ahali pass to Lender:
<br /> $. Pzaservatiezi cmd MmntenaQaca of Property; Leaseliolde; Condominiums. 13orroi�.-er sh:zll keep the Yrop-
<br /> ; ery,y in good repair aud shal! not {�ermit or cotnmit waste, impairszient, or detcrior3tion oi i,he Proper•ty and s1�a21
<br /> eomply withth� provisions of �eny lea�se, ii t.his \tartg�ge i� on a lensehold . If this �iortgagc is ori :i nondotr3inium
<br /> S ' unit, }3orro�ver shail perforiu ali of �orrotver's obligations under i.'t�e declai•aiiun of condoininiuin or master deed „
<br /> '� the by-laws and regulations af the condoininium pro� ecc :�ncl constituent docuTnents.
<br /> ; 7. 3�zotection oE Lendeis 3ecurity. Ii 13orrower fails to perform tlie covenF�nt.s und .;greeruents eontainad in
<br /> '. this �lortgage, or ii any action or ;��oceeding is coinmeneeci rvliicix materialiy nffect� I.ender's interest in the E�ro�-
<br /> } erty, including; hut not iitnited to, emineni doinain , insol�•ency, code enforr.einenc , or :irr�.n�ements or praceed-
<br /> ; ings inirolving a bu�kcupt Qr decedent, then Lender at 7.ec�.#ei s opiion, upon nvtice to 13orrowei , n:ay mak+e sucY�
<br /> ; appearavees, disburse sucia sums and take �ucl� nciion �is i � ucie.��ary to protect l.,ender'� iriterest; iiicluding, but
<br /> not limit,ed to; disk�ursement of ��a.sonabie attorney's fee� and entry upon the Yroperty to make repairc- . Any
<br /> tz.mour�ts disbursed by Lenc3er pursuant to this parsgr:�}�l� i , ��•ith interest Chereon; s.i�nll becomc additional inJe6t-
<br /> cdness of Borrawer secured by this �tortgage. LTnless Borron�er and Lender sgrec tcr other tern�s oi payment, such
<br /> � s.mounts shall be paya6le upon notice fmna Lencler tti Borro�ecr requesting pa,ymen� thereof , and s1�u12 Uear inter-
<br /> ,,f est from the c�ate of di,sbursement ar. 41ic: rar*.� st �t.ed in the Not.e ��nletis p:�yatenf, oi iirt.erest, at sueh rate wovld be
<br /> �; contrnry to applicsUle la�w , in whic�� evenc such itmounts s4�ll t>ear interest ai tinc highest. rnte �ermisaible by
<br />� ` �-APlienble lum�. \'otliing cUt�tnined in tl�is ;�:�ragra��l� 7 sl�all re� uirc I,.ender tca ineair any expense ur do an,V ac`�
<br /> � tEereunder.
<br /> ; 8.� Tzispection. l.euder sna�� ttiiake ur �csu�c Gry Lc inH�� ie aFoaial>i+ caitr�e5 upozi nmi � n�pections of tl�e Yrop-
<br /> ' f+ 1'(V, �.rl'fiVlf{P('1 i �l .:it'.� �1�(`T]f�PT' c�7flki �t4C �Orra��5f' n(�i �� : e.'; "�� ? () .� _".!.' . ..t ��. , ..��. .�. ?�. ...' , � � � . � .:it, :'C`3�Oil.:i)IC C'�.US::�
<br /> tf3erefor related to I.ender's i�if,erest in ti�e Propert�� .
<br /> 9, Condemnatiea. The j�raceeds of any a�varc{ c�r rlttim tor cf�xmsges, direct, or eonsequsntial, in connection
<br /> tti-it,h ttn�' concietnnaaion or oLher takin� of the Yrol�t�rt.t- , o�' parl i li<•reoP, or ior rn�� �'eyriiit•e in lieu uf concle�i�iu� -
<br /> tion; are herebp xssi�ned and shall l�e paid to I.ender. :
<br /> : In the ec•ent of a totiil ta�king oi tlie Yrc�perty; 2.hc ��r�c�ed. r•liall i�e applied to t ��c surzi� �ecured by t.his 14ort- � _
<br /> �-age, w•it.h ths exces:, ii �uy , �3aid tc> 13orras+'er. in thu e��eazt o1 a ��artixl tz3king ot z.hi� Yroperty, unless 13orroarei' °, �
<br /> and Lenuer ot3ier�vise agree in �c-riting, tliere sl�all be aaa�}lied to tPse swus �ecured i�y t1�is �Sortguge such propor- "��� "
<br /> � tiwi o£ t3.ie }�roceads as is e.^, .ze! to ch�t ��rar nrtion svhicl� the aniouut. oi ti�e sums seeured F�� t}iis �Iortga�e ianme- . , ,
<br /> s
<br /> ' � <iistely prior to the r3ate oF taking �e:us io tl�e 3air tnarl:et. -��nlue �i tl�e. 1'ror3ertp iti: iriediatel,y pi•ior to tlie dste of
<br /> , taking; gr'ith the �ialsnce ox the proceeda }�aid to Borrow c i
<br /> � ' it.t.,�...C'. �aG�4a"�,t i$ �+SW�+�`'�'Gr+CC�' LS� �ie'TrG Cl S: - i ��uCl' liv[� u L " ut. +uc.l ' tV uul'lis �ti�1 LttuL 4Lc a.Utl�1CLlLUl' ^Ul1W'C
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � (r� ft)ftki' ftTI 4�Y$,Tr1 n�r caft7 .,. 3 C��,^..l,.m- '�CP . :.l•.'.'--••pC�r �•:C. .... .� CS �...�a .... - yD L'J � Ci �:. :.f 1., ;...; .�'iJ �i.ay'� ui i.�ic uii�C
<br /> , o� such �otiee; I.enaer is z�.uthorized to rolIect and applx ttae proc�ccl. 3t Lcnder s opiaon eithei c,o re�toration ar
<br /> repe,ir of tHe Yroperiy or t�o 3.he sutns serur�.�c3 bptliis llortgage.
<br /> Unless Letider .3uci Borrower oti�envise skree ixi ivritirx�. anu such anplio�.tion ot nro:.e>ds to nrinrii�ni Fh �l{
<br /> � �,. ` .., �
<br />`�' _ —
<br />