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<br /> ,; S+rm Griameii�,er �nd Kay t�ris�i�i��sr. '�iu�cb«c�d -uxtsi wilK, �z►�h 1n tiLs ar�<i i�e:r vvn
<br /> 4
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<br /> � , c1 !ht and; ns ap�^rs�e �t, th� och+�r, tierriu c�lt�d th� CrEinir,�rs. in cisaslderaticrsi of
<br /> ` , (;�'A_J � . �_} .,�t;�._.�3.'4':—_., ., '
<br /> � '' iecsipt:4f ushich ie hereby 4ckmowTedged', und ot t*�e further agreements N,ereln aCaYed', '
<br /> ,, , „' ,
<br /> t
<br /> "' her�by-'grsnt azad; c.n.rsK�•r us�to t?-Ae , ,
<br /> a iaunicigsi corpozaC�on in HaI1 �ounty, Nebraska, as Granteey a perpetur;T easemenE; " � ` '
<br /> ; '` and right•-of-way to constr�r.�ct, operate. xnaintain, rapair. replace. and r�inove over-: : -
<br /> head and undergrquud el�czric utility power liney, ut�.11ty- po es, an�hor.�a, ^�51<F
<br /> - ;: !E? R.µl.G� dtw.� 7�V, riv�t� ,p.t�["u"`., ` ,
<br /> ; and other appurten�nces connected therewich,''upon, above, wiChin, underneath, and •, � '
<br /> thrqugh Cfie sha�ed areas afaown an the at�ached drawfng Lot Twn (Z) af Becic Subd.3v1-
<br /> , parC of Lats �t�+o (2) and Three (3) o� Garrett � Subdivisioaz in the Cit
<br /> ' '' sion, and ' 1? '� '
<br /> �
<br /> , :,
<br /> oE Grasid Island t�ebra.ska. nl� of s
<br /> , areas shawn ozz the drawYiia signed
<br /> aid esyement
<br /> by �. P�ul LSicht„ dated 4/3�77,-murked Exhibi� "A" aCCached hereto and iiicosparated
<br /> '� her.ein by reference, to.gettier with the following righks: ' , '
<br /> +; , „ ,
<br /> 1. Gr�ntee shall have the right ot in$ress,and egre:ss ac�nss"Grankc�rs` pr,operCy
<br /> = - �or any purpose necessary 3n coanecCion with the suruey, constructiony recanatruction, !
<br /> relocation, 3nspection, repair, reglacement, extensivn, add3tion to, maintenance,
<br /> � operation and removal of said 1i��es. Such ingresa and egress shall be exerc3sed in
<br /> t�.�� � � � �
<br /> a r�asonable aaanner.
<br /> 2. GranCee shnll have the ribht to trim or reax+ove all trees and brz�sh on said
<br /> �? ' right-o£-way as may be neceesary to efFiciently survey, ccxnstzuct, reconstrnct, relocate.
<br /> t?s .'. . . . . , . .
<br /> inspect, repair, rep�.ace, �xtend, add to, mziintain, �perate, and remove said trmasmi�siou
<br /> and distribution Zines, togeCher with the express praviaian that any and all tre�s which,
<br /> in £alling, would come wiL-Yai.n eigliteen feet• of the ra eazest electric line conductox,
<br /> may be topped or removeci. nii refuse from such tree cutting ar lrimmin� sha11 b�
<br /> burned or re.nioved by vranC�o.
<br /> 3. Grantee hereby agrees to p�y the Grantors, or Les sees, ns their 3nCerest mriy �
<br /> appear, for any da.mage. to ren]. ox personal property, Cences, 1.ivestock, and zn growing
<br /> crops by �eason of Yhe suz'veyy construction, rc.cans�ruclian, relocation, intriection,
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