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<br /> 't�217. ar:a,Sta:e a? .':t.bi,.<, xi�: ' , tw�hif:
<br /> � ; L"c?t S��en <'7) �-r� :�lo ck Sr�x (`�3 , C,c�rrt�:�c>nt al. Gardt n�s �r?. F r3d'i,�icn (
<br /> to;<th� (;ity c.�f r;rana ?sl:and, k�ai'T �7ouncY, iF�bi�asri a.
<br /> N�E�RASKA+ QOCUILFEi�S7AR`f ,
<br /> S�>ahli'TAX
<br /> . . ... . . , . . . . . . . �1 Uc'� :.fv:�# 9��:1,
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<br /> ' � TO HFtVE AA1D='�J HC}LD tho pre�nises.Ybove described, tcgethe*v.-ith al!the Ter.ements,'Hered+_ta�aents cnc"t `s
<br /> ' ,�p,^.�:;rtenar.c_� :.ere�.:nto 'nelonging•,y-ato the said gcaniee(s7 ar_d to t:is, her or th�ir reirs and assigns foraues.
<br /> And ihc r�r�rntor herein ie.-itsel[ car its successors; does he:eiay cov�nant ¢nd ccgr�e to ar.d vyith t:ie sc�icf ';
<br /> giQnteets} csnci his, her ar t}�eir hea'rs and cxssians, zhat at th2 time of the e�ecutio=^. and delivery cf these .:
<br /> prasents it is iawfull� seized caf said- prerriises; tl-zat it nas good right a.-id la�vfu3 autha:'rty to convey the s�ame; '
<br /> ttia# they,are f.--ee fram encum�.-ance
<br /> ; except eas�ments and rastriction� c�x a-•�ccsr� :
<br /> ���,
<br /> �' '£hat gran#or do�s herel�y_ covencsrit to warrcmt cznd dafend the s�d premises aga�xast the lcav,�iul cl�ir.is ot
<br /> all.�ersons whomsoever. '
<br /> y = 73�1 WITNESS.WHEREOF th�:said grcmtor i•tcxs crzused this ::s�strucricnt to be axe�uted by ifs psesid�nt and
<br /> � al
<br /> � ` its eorparale se�l to la�affixed 33ereto. �'�� '
<br /> _ d� �
<br /> ' Signed t�is 3r�d day o! Turie i9 7? � �i
<br /> � „ Garaturv I'.n{er�rise� Z ,c.
<br /> .� In the,Presenceaf _.._._...._. ...___.. ..------.. _.... ......... ...... .._.._,._ .. '
<br />� �,�Y �.--e.� � t, wi�urui,uJ;
<br /> , `,_. � �"
<br /> � � ..
<br /> .--•• --�--.�._._ .._..... ._ .---.... ..:...... . ........ .::.. ... By.---�-----�- ��,�__.._..��.G�l.dt.�.,,,,._ _......President '
<br /> < �'� t� <_.
<br />�� �� . .�. .. � .... . - ... .: A92eafi�� ,i{��L9.L+t':f,iX�^�'�i��-f'�-�'� .. . ..._Sc>,^_retr.sry . �.. . .
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