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.�,;.� � - � � _ <br />�.,��,: ; �; <br />�: � p � <br /> , <br /> , , � .w. ,,,t�. � <br /> ,.:M ,: , � � <br /> �-. � : � ' . ,. �' <br /> , ;; , , ; . ; , '. , , ; <br /> , �-: �., � ` <br /> � � : , � � � � � <br /> . . <br /> , , , ; <br /> , � ; , , AIdD1TIONAL PROVI$IQNS � < . <br /> 7 ,' . <br /> � � FESTOR � WARRANT'8 AND � GYIVE:YAN7`S; U1 That encepL tor tho �curlty Snlereet Rrnated heraba• Pebtor fe; or to the � es4ent �that thin � � � � � <br /> � � aqreemeni a;alee that.. Rtie. Calinier4t. ip tq � qcqulred qttr.r the �dxte � hor«- ol, � wilt be. thn. o+rner' �C th¢ Collntera[ trec trnm any qQr:eren .lien, ye- �. � � � � ' � �" � <br /> - ��� a�+arlty� lnterant�.br enc�mti;rarice: nnA �.� thet �Debtor wlll �clend ihe Coltatc.rnt nK�.nat nIC cisim�s� pnd demnnup. � ot �all� peroon:e � ut. any � tlmr� clatminR �. . � � � � <br /> i i the .anme or-�uny 9ntereat��� thertlln �(2) ThuY� no� flnuncin� yt¢temPpt cov�rinK (he Culisteral uc� my VrocettAe� thereof �La on Iile Yn eny 4ubilc�. o1(iin � . � <br /> ; ' �,, and �.lhat�. st tlfe rtqurat: �of 3�eured� Pa.rly, � 2kUtar u�.lif �Jpl�w wlth . Securcr_ Yar17 in execut3ng ona ��or ^�oro� IfneanNng�-� � alateMenla�� purnuant �ib tho- . � � `�. . " �, ':�' <br /> . ,;� Nebcsaka Unifdrm Commercial� Code� in [arm �satfstucCiiry to 3ncure¢ PurU�� rtnA �aw�ll yay., [he ciiat ' of ffllnK ai�eh tin¢nclnK atntement, ihlb���necuH, tY� � . -. �� <br /> rgraeiYimt 'and: ,az�Y contlnunilon� 0[ lermm+�tlan atntepre.nt. In x11 � 7�ublie aYfiore whetever fiiYng ip Jeemed� ,�by Securgil�. Nuriy tb��.be nviceaenry ��or � � ' <br /> APaI[441e . entl. ff tl�n Gollat.crel �is� a.tkuche8 � tq rrnl eatate prior '�to thr " petLactinn ot �the nai�urity intereeR qr+anteil� perrtr�� � oN il the� 'Co1,InlrraL . ' ' � <br /> � � Inciudea cropa�:or oil, Sa:r�. ��or �minerxla to be ezirar.ted ur ��. tlmber �ta ' !�e i ul; �� Debtot . will, on d�imand of� Secured Ysr{y, turnleh 3ecuretl �.�'nrty � . . � . � � � <br /> * � witli �g diacisimer .or dleclulrnars� ur � subordinetfon uR�eimcnt slKned Gy ali � peraonn hsvinP aa inlerest in� the reni . eetqte; dleclaiminQ �. or nuti> � . � . � , � � � � <br /> ordlneiting any tntereal. �In� : the Colditernl which is Urtor.' to the 1�ii�iei �nl u[ Sycured Far[y. (3 ) Not to xc16,� .trnnn[er� �cxr dlapoae� �oL Che Col�; . � � � . <br /> �nor� take 3hb' same o� w[Cem�.4 to take the etune � from ' t4¢ � cnunt ) x�li�«n• kept ;' ns :aYoo� r. "'btntM, wflfioul the t�r�on�' written r,onatnb o[ the � Securr.A � . . ' ����� <br /> q , '� PsrtY. . MD 'fo ,ImY eli, tiixes s3cnd saseesmentn 'n[ 'e� rry nnWre ui�i�h , rn��' b����.vl.�d nr�� ��ysvsded �.nKn.invt thr � Colluternl. (F) NuG Oarmit. nr� a.l�o+•� � ��. . . � � .'. ���� <br /> p . . . . .1. . •.. � . . . . .. . . . , . . . .., '� <br /> r aqj^' .¢dverqd' llem. aecuriby ineemat n� ' encumhranc�e whelsoever upmi ' Ru� C��iittir� ral , snU' '. nrl ���i r•'� nuf tlir �.ewme tti �: M• ntSniheU qr � replewlnPd. „ , '� : � <br /> w (6}„That iqe� � Collrateral Is '}n R�+od conJiUuq nnd thnc he' x•111 � a �>w� n rzh�•nsr, kee4+ the tinme 4n ,�Cui�.i. conA�hbii nnd Lii�in iime �lo� � iame .. , , ,.� . � ' ';�. ,�. <br /> � � . . : . �. . .. . . . <br /> at h� <br /> � (mthwith, repince anA repFiir u11 n�ch pnr[s n( tt. e C�^Iln.tcrul ns may be- Uri>kNn . w'orn � ou! ur Admnged� wfthuut n1lun'fng any� �Ilen to � be cr�:xted� � � <br /> . <br /> •`, ' �" apon 'the �Ctilltlternl ort �eiccocent oY�. auch rrpincemPnt or � eei>niro, and thnt ttiu 9rr.ured E'urty mny examfne end inapSCt lhe Collnteie! ut. aRy � tline: . <br /> �� �<� � wherever �7ocsfed: t7P � Thut � he� x'ill ut. hlx ow+n rxp�nac kc�ep tAr� i;olLUeral ihyured In � p� r.umv+�ny �, sutkxlaclocy' to � Seeured Party� .nRN.indt.� loai, b� � � � � ` ;;�`�� <br /> ., ANRroprlace,- b)r �[het[, cqlllyiun;� flrC� and extende3 en�•utuga, wifh� loss pa5'��hle to 9ecured Pntty na It�. tntere+t ninY � al?penr. -axad wili An� ilerrii�n�t ��. . . � �� ' "'�� <br /> , . � ilelieer amud pqlicies o[ lpaursance.�. ur �fuqifsh ��r�oS nf anch insurntir.e tu $rr.ured PFirty,� �18> 'A[ Y1n opSfon 9esurcd Psrty mny. Dra;ure auch. lnaur-. ' � � � <br /> R �i. � ance, � d�ac2iargp�� taxea, IleRa or sectiriCy^ interee[s or .ii[her' encum�runcea nt ur0' umi ievinQ or P�aced on� the Col:atern[. and �Anuy paY fbe the r�pnir � � � � ":� • ,� <br /> � of � dny' danipge;pr injuqy� tq or 'fnr. bhe. �preser�'aUon unil. midnteuu:ic�e o( 'Otik ' CufY¢teTtti, Uebxoi agraea Sb �roimbUra�� :BeCured� -Pattp Gn dennni4 ' '� � � " ' <br /> � <br /> ° ' for� �,ny payrticnt: �od cipenye Inr.urred b>• 5ecu�rod Yurl)' ' 7>ursuant Ln ihe• forego�rxR uutha�nzatintr, Until yuch !'ClhA11.pF8C[IDCIIL, . R11t NftlOUll[ n[�. �nng �� � � � ' �', � <br /> i :: 4 . . . :� �. . . . : � . � . . � � . � almll bo-, aUdeU tr. Lhe� .Indebttdnras. oqrd � � ��: . � �: . <br /> ,{ auch �.P�Y�ent. aith� 1nte�iat atthc� ri�tP �f 3n;. . � eer annum'. irom dutr of f+Et!`ment . , �nt�l � reunilurse�ncnt, .. � � �.; �� <br /> . ., ..��� b)' Dr.htor Rnd shn❑ Le securql. tiv� thls a�;re.�rt�enl ' t4l Thnt t�e 'w�ll nnl �isr� thP Cnllxlrra7 on. 'c�olution �i�C .aqy aPL�sica6le' el�atu[�, zsy^ialaaiun �or � . � � " �T. <br /> � . � ' oriliRtinCe pnd I! an ' q1 tlre' Cnlinl¢rt! ib n1�lUr v .•111Cirti ttxr Anmr. �.'lll nail Ixe trnted, � uaid m n:nxiJ setr!<e� n�r �. ih :n.ny epCad on endurunC✓� c6R- ' ;:; � � <br /> ) . <br /> CCbC�. (iq) UobtGr x•ill .yuy 5ecured Pitrty uny '�n<3 nq cos[x �� nnd� expena«s I�icw�ira In �� � cero�'erxug ��� :jionweanlun uf �the Cnllntrtnl qnA. fncurrHcl� fn � � <br /> i` � enioriolnF .thie eecurS4>' nKreernrn[.: und tl�r. 8qmr shx❑ bc. 9r.cured �bti• th�s nc��ur�lty a6're.�menS. �� . .. �:� � ". ;..' . . ,. . . � � . ,�� ' � ' ��'�^ :�� <br /> . . , . . . . ..�. .: , ,. ' . tv, � . . . . . . � ,�. . ;,:. ' , <br /> : ' : , .. . � . .. ' . .. . .. . . � . . . � . , <br /> � . . '� . . . . ; r.', ,. . . . . � . . . <br /> � [�2KTIL DEFAt1LT Uebtor�� mny 4u� c �posxr.aslon ��ot the Collalerrd unA � uye �t In anl tsw[ul mxanner no4 �ncnna�n[eni wrth thix agree�nient . � <br /> �� NOA nuR . taconaintent with mny, polic}- o[ inauranc.e. 4h��n�kpn, nn3 upon de(imll S..rcw��d Pa.-ty ahuil . hxaa�e lhe immeti 'aale rf�'.ht ta the {�oeneaabo� � . � � <br /> 1 ... . � . . . � . . . <br /> ot �Uie: Col3fllcnL �� . . � . . <br /> z ��� . .. � . � � . . . � � .. � . � <br /> . � . � ULDTOR SAALL II£ 1N DEF',1UI.T undce �lein aK��ainent up.*n the hnPPeulnR ul nny a! thr. SollowlnR crents ar cnn�iiHona : 117 sieYauit . � � � � � <br /> j in the �UeYment nf performdnce ot nny obllguUan, cucemtnt or Lnbility coutxlucd or re(errrA tu here, in ar In any note ��<IdencinK LTir aume�c (a) � . � � � � <br /> ; �. xs:Y. . wnrranty. rct>+'<anntetion or s4itement rn��de ar (urn �e#nrd tu 6ocurra.i Ynrt>� t, or on 6ehall ot L�ebtor . . � � � . . <br /> � Y ' Y���Ns to hpvx been fnisc In erty m�a-�. <br /> tarlel� rr,.c�eCt wprn � madr or £ufniqhrci : (3i an>• e •'en[ x�hlch �rsull� �n t2�e acrrJrfopD�i o[ tLe maturity uf U�e iRtlebtedncam oC Llebtor to c.t)rerx � � . . . � ... � . <br /> � � bnder nnY lndenturr. . a(:rv�emrsil or Undrrtaktnl: : ( -�1 lov.r. [ hef( . dmm�g•r. duwtru��vion n,ate or .,nciunNranee. xo or o[ a:11' nt t.he Colictrrui. ur the, � . . . � � � � . . <br /> makinB UL nny li•vy, seiz�u�e oi' atluchn�enl lhrr.•of ur Ihere.on : l6l �1..�itPi. disvofuiion. tcrtninxtlot� ot .•xintrr�c.. . InxoC. rency. buniness [nilurr , np' . . . .. <br /> � � pofnlment . oI a ra�cr, iver o( :m3� part oC thr prnPerip of, ��nmenl tor tYu� brne(: i nf crrdrtors by. or tiie a,mmcncrrroent �f �+n!' prur.r. eAit� under � � . � � . <br /> any bankrv4tc>` ur inaul ��eairy 6iM•s by ur ag:dn.sf IJrblur or un >' F���'nn2or or uurelY f���' Uebtor. . � . . . . . <br /> k . <br /> : � UYC1N SUCH DEF'A �SLT xllA � tat uny time tlicrwdler. nr � f it ilcrnin tlnalC innrsiu�c. Secured E'nrtJ' Yna,x drtiare. el ! ObligxUonn �rcureJ . . . . � . <br /> � � .. � hereby imrnr,dia(e!}^ duv end. :Jn>nblo xanA shali huae Lhe rrniedlra � of r nr. curv-d pnr[y unArr ihe Nebr.�ykx t!niform Cnmmerciel Ca�1e. Srcured � . . . . � � � <br /> PuttY nuy rrQuire � Uebt��r to nenetnbie lhc Coilutaml and d�dirrr or rnxlce it nvx� il�bte tti Securrd Yurt.y M1t r l>leace to be draiRnule.d Cy Hrcvrrd� . � � � . <br /> Fatty u9alefi 1� rr,tstitinnblS' +'q:���enipnt tu Guth i�ar2iPx. Unl�can t7�e Coll�itrr�tl ix prrtshehle nr ttrt¢satena Eo Aecilnr nC�r«x1fIY ln t'slue� or �a o( n typw � . . � . <br /> � c�atost:arily� boid on rt rer.-cry;r. ;:xetl mnrXet. Secured 3"xr: y w� all gicr L' ebt��r rexaona :'�le i�ntire .�f !he Ume un;i rdne�+ uf W�1' Wublic aale t}:�.rc�*S M . � � . . <br /> � �. vf the tfma idter w� Lich xn�- . prhvte axlr nr xn)' <stfirr fntrndrd disposilion LhnrroX in fo Ue madn. � The rryuirernPnta <�i rrabanxblr. npdce aha31 Ae � � � � <br /> � . . met iC euct� nnUee �a mailcd. . pusta�;e 5>rrP�+ �d, to tho ndUrexa of Drbtor sl :nw�n nt xhe 4rR���ntng uf ihir ugrermant ut leruil tive da5'a be(are lhe . � . . .. <br /> ��'� lime of thc x�le <sr dixpnaltiars . � � � <br /> �.. -�.. . � . <br /> { � . . Nb x�nirrr b3' Secured 1'urt)' uY nn�• drinult. ihu❑ oPe• as a wxi � e.r oL Yn >' other uafuuit ur ol t!�r R.xrne d «fxult on n faWrn i�cc+i-a�on . . <br /> y � . The Iuking of thin � yhrurity n �rnemen [ ahnll nut x�aN'�� ur imp�ur tmy utF:er vir��irst )" . sald 5rctueA Ywrty mab' t�M�'e or hrrraftet ncquirc for thr . . � � <br /> � . � . � pwyment o£ I}�e Above indebtadnesn. nor nliul� the euking of anr aur.h�, xiicYitlonnl nrcurl[y waixe ur innUalr lhia encxulty nqreement ; but eaid . � <br /> . S.w�urotl Party mny reeurt to any accurrty it mey hxvn In thr r�rdrr it rnny Ae�•m proper; � xr�d notwfYhntnndlnK any colleterwt eecurfty. Ser,urcd <br /> ';�;.1 . Pa:13' ehni3 rexpin its rights af. acto(f ultainst Deb[or. . <br /> � � � . Alt ri�;hte of Scr.ured Pnrty h<+reunder siixii Inurr tai tqe brn�•fit nt Its nx3�rv•nnora nnd �naignm � and ntl Pro�s+ienn and du4tar of U✓�+�or � <br /> � � atis!! binQ. his Gerra, esrcutors ur adm� D�slrators . or hie isr iln xurccaaor� nr aupigeie. ] f l.t�ere Le mort IAan one ll�blor, their liabilltfex h�re- <br /> .� uader � xhalk .be � jnint nad se+�rryl. <br /> 7'hts ngrecmvnt. nhxll � tremme .ettcctix�e w�tien fl le a �gned by� . l?rbt.�r, <br /> „ w ' , r _ <br /> . <br /> tir „ . <br /> 2 . .. . ... , -_ ., <br /> 7 . Ayi:: '"n' <br /> : i� : <br /> � <br /> � � ._ � _ � , <br /> � <br />� � � <br /> � <br /> � <br />.� � i., ._J <br />:� <br />