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.,, <br />-�-,�" � �. <br />��. ' �; � <br />� � ' <br /> � f a. . <br /> ;e _� <br /> ' • ,... <br /> � , � <br /> � <br /> i'l»- i)'D;�4 4 0 <br /> MORTC.AC.E <br /> _ _.,_��_�;.______��,._,___..._ -� �— � ,=;__..� <br /> + .. . ,. . . .... . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . AtORT(�AC,G LOA'V NO...�Z��O3__�...�.__: .�. � � . �:. <br /> � r�vownz.L��N.uYz[ir;st-;rn�s�NTs:Ti�,�c Larry R. Bean a�d �iegl inde W:, Beatr,, each :n h�s �^� I ' <br /> her own,'right;,and as spouse of each other <br /> ��,� ���. � . (vinrYgagor�,whcther onc ur mvre;in cunsiJtrat;�n Of tlit sum�uf <br /> P#ve Thousar�d ;Five '•',.:�dred and No/Z00--- __-_,-----.----�---_ _�---- --;--____.--_-_,-noci.n�i5 <br /> 'k � ,.. . . . . . .. . .. . . , � . . <br /> �loii.ned lo�rnortgagor:by,'fhe,'.Eqa�table:8uilding�and�L��uu ASsoautiun eif�Grand Lsland�.Nebrasi:a,Murtgu8ee,uNqn�.. 5�.� shares rs.f`:sto.:ia qf. <br /> s:ii¢ASS4CIATION, (.'erkilicata.�No L ��2�03� ,d��.herehy gianf, coiawry u�nd �tiurigage�untU abe saiit ASSCtC�IATTUN tht�folloWuig� <br /> �:described,ied1 esta[c,.�Si[uate¢�in��lfvl}�Cuis.nty,.Nefir9ska-: � � �� <br /> LOT SIK (6), BLOGK TWO (2) > IN 'CAPITAL HEIGNT$ <br /> r �OU(i�N 5'U8[7IVISZOIV, BEItVG R FnR�' OF TF{E SQU"f'NWES7' <br /> QUARTEft (SW;;) OF SECTION TWO (2), TOWNSHIP ELEYEN <br /> (13) NORTH, RAN.GE TEN (10) WEST OF TWE 6TM P:M., <br /> IM HALL COU'NTY, NEBRA5KA. <br /> ,' Subject to a Prior mortgag,e bo the mortgagee herein <br /> ;,, in the princapal amount of $22,500.QQ, dabed <br /> May 4, 1973. <br /> �tcyg,e[I�ei ��u.rt�911 A1ie,. tenenag'taYx,.Lered�ila[rictt,ts and:��p4rt�0ut�ces l{�e�:eu�il�k b�147r:ring.�rfiplu'Su�g attticl]'�`� Sauo,t cLv�xmgs,,d'�ll�•i�d�ow�s'crde�SYs, <br /> �� winiiow�ikx�,EiHnds..stuim�+°.inSi?ws.��vnin�:s,h�atinF,au cotiififiuniii�t,.anUpluiie�tairigx7id'«•atercyui{�ar�nlanci�acc�ssuries.�theretu.�.��umps.,sfqYeB, �'�.,. � ' ��� . <br /> :"'' refi'iEeraturs�.�and U�IeeY lixtures unci eyuipin��rrt nuw ot�i�iere�fter ultuched.iu�ar used in,i:r�nucrliort witl��i�l rta!estutc�.� ;, ' `, i� " . <br /> i '��� . . And�w�4�cre3slhe rnoi�lg:tgor Izas;i�rerd�.an;t du�sl�creh,y agree tha�Ihe iiiar�tgag�r shall xnd.�wilt�.pay .il.i taxcs.u�d�qssessmrnt��icvieci.�oi ��. , ��:. ���; <br /> aSsesseu u�?iun�aa�J prrniiSes:md�upun this rnor�gage ani4 Ylae bond ticcurcd therrby :tyefiare tfie s;�tne sliall tiecurnr del.ihc�uen4;tu funiisii.��appr�rwed. <br /> . i;esurencr uU�n.the l�uil�iii�s c�ix said prenusr.s.ailuate�4n eLc suirz c�l$ 5 t�j�QQ:Q(,�''�� pavak>l� te� s�+id ASSOC'4P;'17C)N auiJ. i<r�dc.lrvct to >a:a�l <br /> �<' AASSCX.`1AT10N the.pulicii.+Ic�siiid insuran4.e;.and�uot tpcummit ur prentn.:in.y wu�c�un.c>i abuut��id pseniig�s�; ��..�� , � "�r� , ��� .� <br /> . In casr ii(aefuulC in ihe pert'iirmuncr uI any of�the ter�ns.�aiid iundiliuns ul tleis�m�,rtgage�ur ihe Gai�d xuurei��hr,reby,flie iuurtgugea stia3l�,. <br /> . can�acirunii,�6c eii�it,led iu unmeitiate.pusse:ssi�n.o(tlie ii�ortga�ed.p�enrises an�� t.}ie rnvrtgagur I�ier�-bY uss�gns,. iransler5�� und. sets ��vc.t� to�. tk�e <br /> rs?<�rtgugce�al2:Ili�icn[s,.��rcvenues�anci incoii3e�tu be der�ved fruirn�kt(e murtga�cd {�n:.n�isey dwing such tinie as��ihc muiigdue ir�i3ebtrdi�rss sliull,�re.mruii <br /> ' ';� . unpaid;an�l iliemurt.gagecslwll li:tvr tlte�{ibwe�to�.appolnt aiiyagrni ur�tigertxs it msy �es:re fcx r'iie purpuse.oY�reFiuirin�5aiel..pte�wsea�und reartirig� '� ��.�' �: <br /> � t'sie sanu and coUecting the rents,reve�iues and income,anel it muy pay oai uf said income all eapenses oC repairin�,sxi� �reinises and nerexsury . <br /> cnmmissions and expenses incurred an renling and maneguig the sams aud o(colle�cting ceenals themtrom;Ihe belatue reanuining, r!any,to be � � <br /> uppl+ad towa.zd tha discharge uf said mortga��e indebted��ess;[hese rights ol'the murLgag�c may�I'�e exercised al strzy tura�du.ri�t��hc exi�xionee of suati .� �� <br /> �r�� <br /> tfe'luull.irrespeutivuof any ten�pc�rary warver ofiha same. . � <br /> ;; : Preunls, huwever,asa�e upun the Cun�f.ition,7�}3ai.if thr said�tortgagor sz-�all ropuy saiu luan e.m ur L�e#are ttu rnaturity oC Uiid n3iares by � � � � <br /> �Sayinnnt;psy mcmthiy to said ASSbC'I.A'TIDN of ihe sun:specitied in Ihe $nnd se..:ured lie�cby:is iuterest and princlpul uri said luan,on.�r be('ore . . . <br /> :� theTwe»ti¢tkidayofeachande�Meryrnonth,vntilsaidioan�islull}•g�aid;pxy:�Iliaxes.aridasu�smentsleviedngninstuidpremi�saudunchisMortp;ag,a <br /> .r�. . and tl�e Bc3ne#securc�i iliereUy.t�eforc delinc�uen�y;I'urnisle approved insurance upon che buildings�herevrY iri the sum uf S rJ�rJQQ.Q� p;p�a�aEu � .. <br /> � iv said ASS(3t:lATl(?ti;repa,y to said ASSCIC:IA'fION upondemand ail ntconry by ic paid Si�r sucli taxe�,asscssrnents mtd irGsurancn w�ith intcrext at <br /> �he rnaximwn legal iate.�ho:con from date ut payment.all oi'whic}t�1c>rtgagor hereby agrees tu pay;pennit nq w�sw on s:aid pre�y�ises;kaep and cumply . � � � <br /> � . wiih�I!�he s�reemcnes and candition�uf thc Bond for� 5�SQQ.QQ �liis duy given bo�the aiid 11orxgugur to suid ASSOC'7A`I'IC)N.,and wtriply .. � .. . . <br /> �vith all ihe reywrem�nts of ihe Cansxitutiun and By�i�aws of said ASSGC1ATlUN;tt-ien ilzese yresents sl�ell bcc�rmv iwll and vaid,atherwise tktnv � � . <br /> s`iull remairi ]n liall torce�eui �nuy b�loreciosed at the aption uC�he suid ASSQ('IATION after t�ailu�e li�r tiiree monUis W make vny uf saYd � <br /> � paymenls ur bc tl��ee moni}�s in�irrrars in rti�king�id nws��lhl)'P�yiii�nts, tu kcep un1.cuiriply with the�gteenaents and cz�nditiona ot said Bond; . � . . .. .. <br /> 2n�1 Mortgagor agrces tc�have a receiver uppointed I'ortfiwi[h in sucii(urrclosur�e pruc�e�iings, � . � <br /> .-{ IF there is uny cl�.ange in uwnersliip of Yhe real rstate murtga,ge�d he�ein. by sule or otherwisr,ihen tiie rneire remxinin�indebtrdness hereby � . .. <br /> secured shall,a�the optiun�C1'he Equitable BuilSing aiid Luan i'#ssociation�3f Grun� tsland,hebraska,brcoina im�r�edi:.ateiy due and pa}nUle withs�ul . <br /> � further notic,e,a.nJ thr�mount remsiuing c3uc under sai3 bond,und any ofl�ec burid far any aJditiona]advances made thereunde�,shall,from the . � � . � � � <br /> d�t��u(exerc�se of sai�l upti�n,l�ear inlacenl �t Uie n�iaximwu legal rntu,nnd t}iis uiortgage may 41ier�be lbrecluse3 Go satisty t3�e xmuusiC dua un wi.i � � � <br /> � f>cind.und any�nttien c�yriJ for udditiunal advunces,tugeclier NIIFI 3II SUI71S�81t�Il}' saici 'I'he L-:yuitable}.tuilsiing and Lonx�Asaix:iation of t::ra�Yd Islsnd, � � � � � ' <br /> heb�ask•r tsar insuruiic.z,taxes und assessmen�s,and abstracting extension chargcs. wi�..h inte�rst thexeon, from date ut payment at che maxi�nurn � � � � � <br /> ��egxl rute, � . <br /> �. As provided In t#ie fi�nd securc-d hcratry,while chis murlgage rrmains in ef'li+ct the mart�agu4 may laereai�ter uc.vance adJitionui swns to thn � � � <br /> m:+kers of said Unnd,t}�eir assi�ns or_=.uccess��rs in interest..vhlctt sums shull be witl�ir. t.he securit}�of this mon{;sge tlre sume as the I'ux:ds urigiqally � ��� � <br /> se�cured Aliereby,the toisl nmount o!'princiEsal dcbt not eo cxceed at n.ny time thc�originnl ami�unt of t}iis murtgage, � <br /> ,�af�a c�,;`'� =�3rd. ahv��r June n.i>..i�, �� <br /> i��i4�..r�v�.,�..'�- <br /> ,� �,v✓ _�,�'�__:_ ---._. _...._____..._ <br /> . eti � .. ---n <br /> Si@ linde W. 8ean <br /> � ;, STATN,OF NEBRqSiU, Ss. (Z��this <br /> 23rd. a�y�,r June i��77 .b�ror�,nr, <br /> cav���or�iA:..i.� ' ,�� <br /> � � �k;e unJersif,�red,u N�tury Ful�lic i���xd fo�said C'aunty�Peix>nait�..:sznc , <br /> Larry R. Bean and Sieg7inde 6•,. Bean, each in his and her own right �nd as spouse c�' each � �s <br /> . . .Q'CF10Y'�. � � � �1,�- � . w lo d Y'2 Person y " ��ii�' <br /> me�tobeihe idhnticnl gcrscan ��`���whosec3�a are affixed to theabove znst.cument as mortgagu5 and the�r�se�verally ��� �"� � <br /> aelcnuwledged U�e said inst j.t��it1 E h��1��„q votuntary acl xnd deed, <br />� WIT'N. �y,-hslic���id^Noi�frieJ 3.7a ht date afc�resaic2. � � <br /> My co ����Ni r e,�� ,�.;i' /ry�'Ll �'(1.�'!r��y.7 r'_____ %,%�'"%'L��.k�>�-,.-._- _ � F <br /> ��� .. —� No[ary Public <br /> � 4.1�-2M HI � � � �J"•�AGC I7. �tC� ' . � . <br /> ryrF• �,;:i�` <br /> Uf NE� '.•-- <br />-, _, , � � <br />.� � <br />