l� . . . . , . . . . .... , . .� . ... . . . .. . ... ... . . . ... ... . .. .. .. . m F,. .. .. .
<br />� . ... . � .. . . .. ..... .. . . . .. . . . .. . ' '+ �..
<br /> e � ry� �
<br /> ��'_ OCJa4��
<br /> ,; 1 �� ��h30RTC;AC;� � � � � �
<br /> _
<br /> _ �� _—__���--
<br /> ?,���rc,Ai;r.tun���i. _�221Q2 _�
<br /> j uac�wn�.[.��Na��rx�sF�a�s��rs:r*�r Jeff N_ 4ac+1ff and Karra�a H� 4toif�, .each zn t��s and taer ,
<br /> , � ; a
<br /> , ; own right and a� °spouse< of eaeh other,, `: ;.
<br /> Mcert�tagor,+.�ltether�ne ir rnore,isa ouns��ieraiion of th¢sunt uf
<br /> Tw�t�ty—eight T"xiovsarid- and lYt�/lOQ--- __--__ W-- ----_ _---�---------_------------ [xa�zA�is ; ,
<br /> �. _ ��. --- ------ _
<br /> Ir�aned ta syii�nwrt�br by T�ae��liq�uts£�1e��Hwidin�aiid L�ah A�.�c�ztion s�C�L�rnnd 3�slan�,�.Ebiasx.a,hSurt�tagee,iiFwn, 23� st�eares,�.f sidc3:bi
<br /> said ASS�OCIASIO'v.,,.CcrUfi.�es(c��\ii. D;:. �Z2�Q2� .dn hereUy.giar,:, cn:�.ve�� �aitd �mox-zp;rt�;e�untu ttle sai6�ASSK?��1A'[2O`_v�the 4aIfowinpt�
<br /> ��:.�eseci6eci.�ees1 estate•,�titwte��.in..Hatl L�3u�iry,Nebrasic��.
<br /> �.ar d�r� (�) a�ra �-�t� casr���� rwe�,vE ���_ �i2= � o� ��r
<br /> ,.
<br /> i'iJQ (2) IFl BI,OCK TWEtVTY EIGE-iT (2:8) IN CP-iARIE� WASP1£R"S
<br /> �� `;� Yc�gcther v:�izli ;�'il..Shc ter�eiY:ezrts,hcrec3itasncnts:a:�d:�}a}:.urtena»c�s thrzcur.to he3�>ttginv,is���iisitng a.liactte�i tipor a>i-.^rirics,.;a..:�;�udniy s::zecns,, � � � � , �,�:. :��;
<br /> � �windawslradc�.M�nu:s,�stuins �.'iiriiuw>,:au�nings,.it�atiag.airc.inditi+<�+.ing,.:�rad��tu�ithierst�tnti:��,.�arereycrip�mentaesda<�ces�rac�ehere:�-+.nu.nxgs.stuves; �.;� '�.
<br /> , '' re.fu�crnt+.�ra,aiEd uthci li�twcs aaiti eau;�niew nu���. .��r hereafter atta�.*icS Yo�u.a i�sr�i•in c�asmc��i�ir�����tl;ssiu':�esl�stste.. ' ,�. � • .;�.
<br /> � -. �1nii�wheaeas tt;,i�5aid�n-s<in�agt�r 2ia.s agiced;�.n3'd.iesJ:c.reh�°as:_i�ec tliai tahe r.�iur.t�ag�?r slr�.i{and wiii pa4-�sl!ta�e3��an�i ssseasmentS�.lr��ed ur.
<br /> xs,cessed ufroc�sa�d pr-cm�ut ax��l upun tt:is 7wripa�c..and tEu:hucrd st�ur�d i�.;�e�rcby be: re t';C�s:sme afiau�U -�:nr�?eLn.yuent�:2.�i urnisf�appru�r¢
<br /> : �'��, ir..suranre upu.n thc D�tiiildufgs c.n sa:J pre�tti�es s�tuate�in.tfu�su�n x�t S �G�B�,Q{���L�0 {�a}�:ib�e :u� �utid� AS}3(x;1;1'Cltlol.�iid. io delivr.r i:�.sai3� '`� . �� �.
<br /> :ASS(xIrS.TI<lt��liepa.iliciesfo;ssiif�nsurant�e•snd:a...,��.tu�ronitnite�rpcitnitusiv�v.�ste�ara t�ixl.q�ix��3�,�prerniSes:
<br /> tn.aSc�.�af defs'z:�'Ip i��tf}�:, p,ertn;rrrqn4e�ut anc z?f,the re;,r:�ss:and�4°unt�'id'ux�� �iG'�tt'iis x7�oii�:,x�gc, �o� tYae�bo��d�s:;cuxed�l-icre�)y�,bhe�sxart�;agee�.sit7li'„
<br /> �an�dr.m'�y��t.,bc ea2it�c;I.to ic:7in4d�iate pa�ssipn<��th�"an��[f�a�e��r�xmasc,s aen�d alYe muiteag�.a3. ,itreby �»�xagn�, ti�snst��s a��ic# roe,'{s bt�eF rra,�the
<br /> . ����� . �nort4age��:aii.tia�rerx.xs..�.�^ercucs..and�ia.cU:z�t to hc:�.deri�^e3.(e:d3n tMe'xi�ori8ape�3 p�em;scs dur�ng�.5iich ttinn as tl�e:murtgage in�febtrdra¢ss.a3ta?i rrriwiii .',,� . .�. . . .:;
<br /> � � � unpaid;�.nc!ihe m�»t�tgager.�Yerelt Uae•e tttc peawcr tu s�pt�inL ain�aFcrft<�r ugentx it i�tac•aie�ire Ilt €4fc par}r�s¢c�f repaidza�;s:ti3 preirtasca nn3 xentfrt�, . . . �
<br /> + � ttae�.amr and ci�llreting the reszts,rc�rnues and ina:�zue,arxd ii may�ay oiit i�i� sai3 incurne all-�tiprnsrs af rFaaairinE..�;:i:!pre�aiises en3 na.ressan� � . � �
<br /> � c�ammissiuns and ea:�a.nses im.eurred in renting and rnanxging(�iC 58112C�15(I oi colfectin� rerntals t?lereirurni: tS:¢ balaez�c;e re.ruai:ai�itiz,v(an}��. ic�bc . . .
<br /> . a�.Plitd totih•ssrd the das,harge ot saW mortpagc�ndct�tedness;these rigi�ts of thz ;aurt�,agee m:�y he�r.�rcised at a_rc�•time durinfi the a.x�srence a4 sach ; . � .
<br /> �de(audi,irrespective o£uny ters:yurary cr3ivea of the saure. . �
<br /> '
<br /> �' 'Thes,r�"resents. ]iuweces_ar�upon�.t�tCc:nd�a`cnt,Ttiat il t1�o svaJM��rtr.agoc shall r-epxw��ar3 loa�x exx 4�� hei"�arn tlie maatiuiY�=�4£sait�i sharesbt� � �
<br /> .� payn�ent:.p�y n�ni�2h?y to saiw ASStIC.'.[ATLO\of E?�ie sum s�citieci�n ttu I�u��d secure� hrrrhr as incerest �na pri.ncipal un sai�t+�an,ozi or hit'are � � . .
<br /> � � . ttze TWent.ieth daY of eac(+.anci.c,ven�cmi�nth_until ui3laan is Se�11y pai�;pap ati tares�nu szsessine,::s Ic��ee1:.�,nina.t said p:emfses and an tliis Fioec�agr � � �
<br /> asaJ I3xc Bond.secureci thereby�befi�re de1Sn>{uency;ru�aish approved<vsurance upu=i ehe!.i tiildings zh�re�om in che sum uf+.�` �8�Q�1�.�d pas�at�le , � � �
<br /> � i.'��aid A3Sf?C'IATt<:1\;reps�� to said:�SSCXIATIt)N uy�cm detnand allmunev 'r.y i1 pa,.�tui-su.-:;�tuxe,,u.�usar�aienrs uia�1 insucance x�ith i�xcerest at �. � �
<br /> �r.he niaxi.nuin legai rste titere:7n Sinin da.te iai payntrnt al!of wft�clt hac:clka�,ur hereby agrecs�c7�pa�'�,�+e�mi:ei�r��-a>ce«risusd E�rec:iises:�eep and curnpl�. . .
<br /> ti� �. vva�l�a!i rf�e agreements and cc�:�dirinn.of aize B��nd 3�nr 5 Z$�fl0�.�0 this cls��git�en tv�-tt3e x;,t�i 51onEs�,�r:�said,AtiS(X',IA`I�IG�N,xnd Yxannlq . � � � . . ..
<br /> . w�iih alI the requirerocnts oCthe Constitatiosiand ti�--La���s af said AS�.tI('fA'ffQ�;tfua tliesa prrx.nts si�a1S he.on:e nuli an.�x�id_ otherw��iae they � � . � .. �
<br /> . � � st�all m¢i�.in im iuil .:.-orce anc: nea,V� br iizreclo�d:�x the up�io��uf tP1u said ASSOC'IATI O\ alt+�r failure i�x tL•rec aaenttis W rnaAe�aaiy ot>aid . .. . � �� �
<br /> �s:�yments ur be.th.rce inonths in arrcar�in anaAing;scuid mceuilily pxyf:zents,or co kec.t�ai�ci cump3��,.+:ith�tlie:ag�eeroenis 3;f1.i coi�Si[L�+-ns of sai:i 13unJ; . . � � �
<br /> � and M�nicagvr agreea io have s.i�cceirzr:tp}x�inled tc-�rtl�wiilx in such fc>reclosurr proiccdsns,s � � �� �
<br /> . :�, � 1(ctrere is a4i��c-.f�angc ira o.rnershap ui:�the rca:escxic mort�,agcd hercin, t�y wie or �nth�nvisc..then:h��� eixxiie ieinsizi.inK�n3abteJness.herctr�� � � .
<br /> � � sc:cu�ed stzail.�nx ihe caplion on"'Tite f:yuita.bie 8eti]diazK and Lorn As.u>c�iationoi i:;razid l�isa-id,�:ebrask.a,i�c�wme iez�rncdiatet4 3uc�ii3�a��sbie w��il2uut � � �
<br /> � . furttcrr�x.�tice,nn�9 t k�c amawu re.muisyink du�� uit.ici sai.l b�iad,aiid aGiy��s.31rc 1.>Un3 f.:ar es�y a�:.friiwi+t7 a��arr�.:¢s macie tiicrruic�{ec,�tiali,#�v�xt U�e � .� �..:
<br /> 3sttc�ot excrcise oi sa.id option,bcar interesa vl the rnarirnum legal rat�,and t.kus mor��;ag�ntay et3evn 6e(orcclused[o satssii•if�e�na�unt due�;s�seid . � �
<br /> � � bcind.aitd a�xy ether bond for acfditionni ads°anues,ic>gether���itls all sums pvld�by sxid T�hc Gc�uitable Ruilding an.�L.oan:+�ssuciaticn utC�ran�i laland. . .� � ��
<br /> `:ebras}:a.tor insurun,:s,iaxes.aiad a�sexsinents,:cnd a.bstractin�r�tensaon churges,wieh ic:urest t:k�creen, f'rom dste uf yxsymen2 a: thr vta�irouan � � � � . �
<br /> . iegal3'atc. � � . . �
<br /> As{.azn�tided in the florad s¢cured heaeF.y,wha3.e tlus m�arrgage remsuis in rffect ch�ntort�;si.er traay hercaster adt�nce addxtiuxaal surz:a t�.?thc � � � � .. �
<br /> �rsukess ctfi said Bond, tlieir assutn�ur�uccrasors in ir.serest,wliict�sums sliall�e �aittnin th�scrutity i�t`c!us mort�sge the snme us e2te ftm�ix oa i�inali}�
<br /> � sr.cured t:��ereby,the ;nta]amc�unr.>Cprinci�al debt nnr t��eaceed at szny time the c.s:ginaE am�wzf a1f this rn�rtg�e. . � �
<br /> � ���ceci u�as ��3t'd. �.r�a�r J une �.r.,i�> 77 � � �
<br /> t�� �^` �_��.��'.�' ,�. .,., , . .., .j
<br /> ��.�Wolffi rr------------ •�rran H. o f '
<br /> S7'A1"EOF ivE$1tA.yliA.�ss_ (�n this 23T"�. da�,'uf �UT1G tq�� .4,eYiare ma
<br /> COl3*+'TY OF IL4LL
<br /> �� . . . � � �� .t?�c widc�si�zxsd,a N�tary Publii in�,�d 3'or sa.i3 t;onnty.verse�i�ail�>cume . ..'�"-� .�
<br /> Jeff N: Wt�i#f and Karran H. Wo1ff, each �n:his and tler owr� �•ign� arxd as spause of esch �, ,��;�
<br /> � .. .�� � Ot�E.'Y`�. . . .. � . . . wtso dY'E' pe:sc�naLlyknae.nto . :�
<br /> ' �„ ��meto be the id�entica.�person5. � w�f;ose natno. S . dl'2. at'fixed.to t:."ee abo�M itts�rtlt�enC"3�,nivrtgagar S� and 't�'#e,,� severaltv � °� ";�. -
<br /> thez r � "�'�
<br /> � aa.knowledRnd the sxtd¢istrurnmeti tc�br vu�unsaq+act.anu deeci r��
<br /> rn
<br /> .{ .. •��7l�b.�sy.�and ac�d�!v�otariat 5�exl�,he tiace�aroresaid.. . ��t . ^"' ,'I"�'' �� ��, � .. „
<br /> • �,�.., ' . ,.
<br /> � S t�th kn *i�rR � �����ir wa��r„ � \., , . ,i '�' ��
<br /> tP k���; ��;,i7�mi�uqu racpires � �,�,. .�
<br /> � My .,>fl:n�..62 7.rv:t 7 N.; t.. . . . ,."._ �-""i L�L"�:�`_:T. ,t'fL�.�_�__,��_,^T""-� � .
<br /> �. ,._.,4....�»........ . .. ....,.......°` . ,- ..i.: )�l;�`I f
<br /> .. 6.t aiA!Rl,._._�._. ., �.m"�/:. .P°�-� a'CY '+%��`�� �,..- .
<br />� � �
<br />� �.._ _ . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . ..
<br /> i�
<br />� '
<br />