, ro , uw .
<br /> r � ,.,,�,����� �x�u ,� � � �t� . �, �.��a�, w b� , ��.� �» �. .v�. , ,� p:: . . - � .� �
<br /> , . .3 .
<br /> " Y..,:wsa�„M�,. ,�w �aaMm, e'i�,c- id . Wrµ,wyg.tyt f Ar�+r� .,�.�,.a ;��o k + 4 .« 4 .. . . . . . . , . .
<br /> , �, r . � x.:. . _ . _ .. . . -
<br /> . w :4 . . , .v .
<br /> ysw.ra+.r+t.+L. .i4C (�A�1Ydfw .ti1NaMM`yMW�kan"+4K�'�N. . .`�' � a #.n*�ypra. a�'W'nu.t�.^-wp ca. � v �%w:ir?yr.�..«
<br /> # .wn. 'Yn�mN`d�t.�4LY<xr +f4'`�m6skf R r.b�t{ 'sfiC ;Gs- a4 Ws.: Aa::, m ax. w i 1 ,. au.. ' , < is } « d • .:.". n .�. � +.. w �w.x . . om;M , , a , o .0 �
<br /> � ..�ma.,fi34^R MA, m�m.kaKaO + � �Ns<ywYi�°aroS '�.q� 4� ,a a+��7iY4=`�uk4F��' �°a . �wi'$isa �e ,; : .,wrva;„. � A ntl
<br /> #
<br /> _ w . .
<br /> ��mu�eN�t;ar ��rv,, au� ah,ewmei �za«r�: y�i�a"t , luxx. r,a�m# 4ti � , w=� ` 4 •• r.�ati.�ro a „ � P�. d.� x <;x . ,. .�.w.. � ._ ,.° . w � �,- t, . . ,
<br /> �.kml+^.tM �"yWAd',� �3w �"€wPC$Mu�Mwtf�` a,�r�.+^;ia�M,.^�' }nM1e d�sr '41�,�ts,�;y�',,...s �. nf� qP,+ �S.a 'y, „ cq� . °v, rnwe ,� , a. "�rf :3 m,. . '� . .rt , .. , . ..
<br /> Ru
<br /> . . .. . . . e . ., . . . .
<br /> �"WI�EIPi}Ni��p: iP�'IAW� �M6" e;�c'KlkGam� .i .�WIWe.tOt 'ski �:kJv d�^YhFAaeM1 � e � }gm+nm4MNMY'ARY= [:^�M'BA�rt�xVad}F .{ n4r. .a i ^��u�l. rtr ,. +�<n . -Sir _ Sh �°wxnko.
<br /> Y
<br /> anwt�fr .sa YeP�'3 rs+�, �n�uaz,.� akca4 'a!'w.� re�}+e�;¢ m uz�: c,�',,..,.atl#w�rxct : y ..� t xb,M . ,� , rr- , , w , �,."+ m ^�a, � i �, a . ,.- . . . . .� + . , . ,'� � . , � .
<br /> �:asw +�S�3s�cax �� ra>«1r..a er•xg;�,ar� !e » �r3 tnte� �s�M F+�., a:(� e. �e5w.erg;�wg�:�.
<br /> �JNMroipM+9�S4+� MY9MM�+ Rnvm A68wM �1M�,�Ad�'�' 4kAcir�r xF�nr+ aac,�'Meww m .fa�.��:'x+�w,d����.�`. ^ n�w.aay . .A , q + � r . -1 �91 . ��;a.ai� d�vx en � E �. � .y . .a at
<br /> eutp�Fb�dttlY� '�JWt%k�f M�'MtlK iwMH �Uk1A�� tif"�FS4. «w^wfF �uFW�4 }+tA' 11N4" F*'�VRxld-"Yk�d ^�Y +�.5,p,+' 3"! i4x�w•�r mYG.s , rvdyi m+. ;��,f a,�+�a+'Y . �in"tm i % i'�'�srr r s .arr° i . ra ?>.�- � .
<br /> �� :� „ai�.rakK�+el »r+ �erantx f�crr t1^as w.n�>rr� ��s1rw«��^+�� F� rJpr.. � �wr.+e �:�xR�.r axrcmwlx«,l�arerew .. . .
<br /> "T'4r y�r+�rwwr��. �Ir2�s.we e.,, m�i) nrimr�l�aln 1�T tJrr 6w�eu� d€6 •4 tt,.� p.q., raa:a��,��- , r �r�r xr.r S � d «• <.i' tP�:+ �.z�r�x�;ue-�: • -r5��,...d .b� �� �=-, .a ,,,r4
<br /> RWJRI@�'N^1�Y #,�iML`r7MAQ. t��nlY.'i++e� a2 ��++i�k� {e•3i s�:�11?i#� �`��rt�• 7�ax"^� prir�iud ,,.rq :..N rr! 'r �q.-4� g �� ,z�aSe�sF . •�x.urxr: .r. Hm �,:.rsnx b , . dxwkd At,. f ;uitar.�t �E€� � .
<br /> � IslM,ateTS�. �'�val�t�a.a, stld ewrdt�+�lGt'�r^irar�� �� . iTe i�larel„�sJ:'��+c tr.�a r.K�µ�.+�a�.. izn :�n .�rzmc+�unC i��.� �:r�i in� it,«� ce..E�..k.�tac3nr-«ac nrv. ur-a�� h, t3Eas . � � .
<br /> a
<br /> .. �tSj�!'m GbIIbt� 131 G^N�[kt�}AtYlY;S. MM;Cx'�,rS.Akl��' tn,• Sfu° �i�'S13T1":�y�;.n�se, weiXa ;c�br� j�ify .+}'4u+ C#IYut+�'w` eIb Cxfxn �Y < � ��aYc.A ir4 (^t.xRY� Hh:P)xiNn,{'!�v !� ; °,w.,= M1�+.vt�� . . . .
<br /> �k!!F� Fk1. �.�IS f.AYIEA'{� kY1�' {ICtl�FI'�`" IN. t4L91� $i^TPYMk�:� xYFL tit �RY�e.-➢PP �A li. � � :3tw �.t( af.P =` ](CM1l57TI:trPl. �.�'!f� �.'�11(S�6'�Nhl•�� 9^k.i3'�' � 1fe �tlTc". (YIMAItalYf4Y' faJl P�A�? � '
<br /> , ��
<br /> � 4tn'•1a�'��^�'�� {naY Zh�r gtrrrz^z�uwA � ��bra^cor. �x�d mc�rh sutt� xkvnli !�+s;..�n« .•.+•,e.a�..v� . ., ,.t,�.. a �,�a ;eayahG� .,�, z.At�� vr. errpnre4. ,at f,Ca<*� r:�tc- H++t. � . �.
<br /> � • iorxFa- in .vr,a�re�: �mAs s�eil �=�x+ld ,tnd s.°mIi Mra� �awur�r�0 R�v t!�is znnctKa�¢r. b'nr4earc. ux� tks�t pa �t s�! t.he �durt&sx�cu ta. R,icmieh six�h renm�..n6+ .
<br /> � aan sern iircesifEi �aQu�tx..`r� nr faibueB kr> Kuty xrz� �urtu� ;+rivomc.,�xrni I�e= rwmds•r u�asMlOr ut c4zc� uE�trFuy �_{ t}^w� yl�yxt�n�fica•, c,1t�.Pt �tiNa� &a .ivfauPt . �
<br /> , oaxwd�c.*� the te.v�a'�n.� ad t;�tci,w rxt+t�rf�nK�'. �T'��c ele•:ea ��ry Ero3rea�r•?� �aulia��i �w e.aaall. ar�a tltr• r. e�e� x �i �2�-4.u.4E . �a:�sisletir �'w :cn ��e�ai�enin�ial c3:� th� �an�
<br /> esrnxvl Pcvrttcium.
<br /> { . .. .. .•ln'a� ru�nrt r.nCt�l�.vcl. hv i`sa��. i'4lurt7�snK.^w 1av zv`an:nn +�I� l�;�ax <�r .3rxnsaav� ine;�as'eil .uuarr<.t n^srv� iw.. rwtr,�r�Pr1 t.4 !hn 'twY�itmentta.w�-.,.. .. . i . � � , .. "
<br /> arycT �. APkaCir�- .�ynWarrt � thr ��uysn�tt4 � o( . the ,�r,hxt 4ar,r«�iF.r _a�r,urrrc9, x�,r. :it lh�� c=pYenn <rf tl�n �i,� vt�,a�,ae� �Qze.�S s�is�t�� .,..xtl7� r r. �raakly� .rr �a�a . .
<br /> - .Y?ari� na�Y f•e'<:: Raed c*��r #er lixx:� �G3c� rkgpa&nr �r+ t,+et xsu�c3 Gef . rrpnie vctc}t 2�anl�Eira.�s ur !4> t>�sit�! � r«rr�r &,xtilalire.�:, in : }+t�a�;- 7�1a.':� .>r� f;rr urn?r�.
<br /> r
<br /> � ` � v�df,k+�s� �turposu or qby,tn`-C ;caYF:�fzrr.ivasy. 'Co � t�a^-� Mvzt�;�z}Sre^� lritMihut adTrtifeutr �'ts+a liF•n on thf anqr2y;at.a.• 6,r[ t�hc� Pr�Il �nm�caau� .i^r•�r.atert hwj � .�..: .
<br /> � - . � 1ay tx.G�re� .»u�rla Pay�-^-�=.nE r.u�,:r. i���k �. 'jile<�r: � . . . . � � . .
<br /> � . '1'r,> j.iPumpW;y rd�o,alr. � x�st�.vrr, � ear za�buiYe . ax7w ixstJdinti`s s,ar irt'a7nr�.�ve�sttents t2.aw or 1�e�riW��nEza�r on tFnt� I>rrm �i.n+ag �ah+a'ta� 7aYa'� hc�-. . ' .
<br /> �� � � . � L�e�s�ene clunax;tp;.,ed ot dt:stmytxl;. � to Ac'-c{a �saxid p•>renxu�+s w� .��txid +��.e�c3,itit>r� rtnd .upalr arur,'1 tcce� !'rc:ni �ny .viar=cta,nruc'x Pov�,r9i .ar wtlaae3ie,r5 rrs � .
<br /> � e�igsxax nf lie.n.�� not ez�ire:�Fy s�t�unit�ated i.:� il�t� lia.n D�ire�w�f; nut. t.x� suPTrs or �Fac•rn� t ant� �:nla.vfrtl �s�se ��fl'� i�r .ax�i axsxi+arotx� xr.x:� erxtxt t-a �.�
<br /> , 'r sabd��: pr�{arst�'r ncrr (u ;}�etv�tt awnxst ,r �� � sui�'§ }ire.ecviw::s, nc�r iv c#s� .my r,ttac•r wr.�t whurc•?iv tho :xra��.:a�rty It,c+Ae1,7y �renv.e,p�eol sks.�&P�.h�e^ewarra�a :�.
<br /> , ' � 1e'�s. �:+ralualaIct�.�nor lo t,'�imr"irrah or impni�..Ith� . u��qlw�i� :tap -mny �et nr .�matsbia� C�> .a�t•t�; 4n �e�^rxxip3v wikfi� nd3 t��yta <�yeimrv�te uY �law with.itiyapma:� �. -
<br /> . ti .� . t� ,�he r�2oc�tg�ged Rrc*zxiiscw :in<3 E.h�a use� tlta�rc�a�E � . � � . � � . ��
<br /> � . .� .. � ' . . . � . � �:: .. , �, I
<br /> ; . � . . Tlaz�Y 9}tnult3��' IRr�* �>rexvi.srs� or �on�e FURrt, tF�a:�re*aP �.!. ki+kx�i ur d..tenaxec�. �hp r��a.:u�x �c.f rsa7w. �p�s2i6r uzoSa'xi�. F.rxivr� S :nr xv�ssrg�rian;mnaxs. �.� ` ` .
<br /> '� z Rro+'er�<�Der�.. �z.�r undun` � Ehi* ri�hi. at e�•{nineriC, c3orz�:%.'rn.� � rr �rw �an±d ceth�r ��mmx:�iea. ' .thv �V1r.,rf2zc�e�; �3sai1 �. br rn:ctitic�l ro w�li � ccrmEa�:�:nxztAi�nR» a,:i
<br /> ' ; $ u�rsz�is. and .:..any +.�Ch+�r��{�uyn�x:nt �c�r n+lief e.t�erefe:r,�� anc3 cc�a[k �.t�e rntiEEircT :3t �e�ts � t�;et.ct>n. �t�. cmm�:crste, e��-aC9ertir ici etra<3:..�>ttase:+tute:.. ;ti 1t.a- �.
<br /> . � owst :. num:* �lV acSioza ..ar {x�c`redizyg, or. to make ��tiny <'amlatr�mise:os wetfk�nuani xn er�n��a•cKirnn wslP� aic:ir �L,tkrni[ cns d3=nAixa,. til: vuC�v. �. ';��;
<br /> � - -� crooxi�ea.watinm. rnviarF3..�c,=ciarnugex;i raght �af� .- amCfon ���utad }trd+eeel.c xre }acr�f�v ass��;��k�� t�r,�tt�u Nfcnrt�,n��. ��:,{ho n��y. 'aft�r - slr,tivatin� . ,x.���.
<br /> � Lhe;nettQrn a�:"it�s eacp�c�e�. xt����ce .flnY ane,asxeya. an:e.cei+z�ecl�:lay it nr :i;s�l:r" t4;e.�snmr nn an,v insir6xedne�+ si�^ur�ei .3sarrahY, `d'hR�:;lhesrt- ' ��- " ,.�
<br /> ga�.ax�a$ree�:v.la axeasfet� s+ich: furttaer ��avi�.nments � ot any cr�h�;xcn:vvtie;rr. ti+v�a�r:iv. <idme�;es. ,.nci .rzghtx raf . ac4ikrn an<l:��:prue��rr3a�.ias Ekre
<br /> y�. � h4wtrtge4:er.�� �uY reQr�.tire. . .. �. ., ;�. � �. . .�: . „ :: , ;:
<br /> . . . .. , _ :� .. . :.�_ �. � .. .:. . ,
<br /> . . _r . � Ths��i u� casr <d Ceiiuna io F.serfo�m:� tinV oF I�loi� cvveuauis hcrein. ti..• '".1dciMagee t�a� t�.> ocs� 6he :l1br3.gng<fr'. Feihnl:" a"vrr'��thir.� .: o"`^�' . ,
<br /> '. .; � � � e-,n, cntiennnt�l; dhxt tlm 4iurt.�nge+e� maY aFao rlo an„y .ut it� re:ay ct.�em �e�ecra,::lry tu ryrutect the� ;i�.^n lherehf: thnt tho � RlnrtK�Fvr w•t13 � a ,° ,
<br /> �repacY' u�n.n -;detnand t�n,w inuneys pnid 'or'"€ii.6uned kry thr, blort�nK�*e tcxe- ar�y 't�F the aitii>�u �r�rrp<k.ves. anrf sueh i�o�r�±'ys t�iKcYiket witks �; �+ ;
<br /> � .�' " ititez'e�t ther�eon �sA =tiiii:�. su� provic�{xc1 in'�ssi�l notr_-"ehalt �i��nme srf� . 'rnanh �.:ec7Jitionut � itie�:Utrelnasa I�r. nrk+y '�»e�uured :finc! sn,ay '�tra in�. ' .�a^- '
<br /> ciuciedin �:atx:_'vd�'�t:rer . Sprecl�s;n�� tt'�ismurY.p;age � a���l kx:� �oid �tst �� f �.tFroe rent.s ��xr }�rr��heh:� of z;ale-� t�[ sund .;j�remrrar� ��.if n+at at}aenv�se- . �� �. � y�,
<br /> c
<br /> , � � paicI: fhnt it�- � shalt n.ak��bc obiigato�cy n�to.n she�. ..M�irLgaK�c .t<? iaiquire ie�ta t�w � �vutiditv ..�>f anv �� li�in, enr;unibri»ce:•s,-.or ciaSm ���in uti- : ,,.r...
<br /> vant.ang mozer;ye' as aboYe uutkrorit�d, bnt:.�rrothins;:i �terein:cantained�;�hatt kr.:�.�. imu€,rucd�-a�. rc�uitznq th� h'I.orkge�e���,ta eri�n�.�rz any `:. """" � ' �
<br /> ma�qeya.far„any sueb �Yurpq&e ,no,r, taf°do arsy aat hereu+�s�er, rnd Yhat i�ioxt�a�p:e s4ti.a1T nc�t �ncur eixy prr_wrxaal li�bitia 'y„I�vnyr�e� 2f any- s
<br /> �cs
<br /> ` th'ixy�.�t:maY_=., do ar �zaai,Wta do tioneunciec. y
<br /> � . �
<br /> �„ � �� Tn the eveni ot the tSeia.u�.4, Uy hS.ariGu(;ur. ;in tla:e� ;aayment uf � nv instx�lInxr.nt, ao re.*quirevl by thc` Nute �ecucerl hvrehy. a�- .��
<br /> ,_ % in Lhr: performsnce c�f the obli�;at�cs�i in this martgu�e �r in ihe aaote 5ecurNci -il�erelrY. the �teertgu.Ku�• ;t=a6l t�a vnc'rilivl to dcc,7are thr_
<br /> c3ebk. &ecured _;herc6Y ciue, asxd puya�le .vjt}sout nvCice, u�tcl, tkse Alc�rtg��;ee K2�nll kw t^ntitlr�{ nt. its nFat�nra withuiet, oatxce, ui ee: hv ita�2[
<br /> „� or, by a in.*ce�e�er ta.b+��'apF�oircfe�i: b7' the' ecsvrt lh�rrYrE, a�r1d without regarc3 ta ihe acicquacy� �t uzaJ' srcv.rily Pcrr t}ac inclelateciney.r w+= -
<br /> � - 'r au� hereb3-. tv enter���wq �h�1 tak�^ na�.�es.4iaaa of' tha mi%rQ��eel premises, Snci kci c�llect and xrceiv� tha� [^c�n{:sr iSbrN�+r� asect nraiBtx
<br /> , ;' ;
<br /> i
<br /> y� t!r`ei�..ra£: anci�� :npply K�e! �mp. .lt5a c��aGa i�F o�x:ration anz3 cr�llcatz�rn. u[�n t3�e �� iy�cictrt��cArae�s Mece�red hy thia ma.aS'1};x{;L, sra�d�' re4ltar,.` .
<br /> ' ��' �C� 3T � �t z3 & � ' � � 1 snent bf ai1 indc3aYcidrxM3as �x.w: c�ti +Fs.�ri+la"� � � . ��� .. •. � .
<br /> ": i�.vs,res einci pl�flts bein ' herel� as.w nezl ti>: zhr. h4�rt za ¢e� nc further seacur�tv fnc iha �ny , 4' Y�
<br /> � `
<br /> Tfie-.��MartgagAe eshnll :havr lhr rtuw<±r ta> ri�i�x�int :iny n�;ent or i�Kc�nts �it may �ieaire (or t�e pur{aase of r�-#aoir�ng ,s.a.tit3�.,�nm .
<br /> � ' a
<br /> r � , i�;� rwnGn�: ..the sazne; callcr,Ling �hn ronta. ravenuvs flzid �ia�ec�me. �vsid it :m.a>' p.�y c�ut��ts: .r:�uct �.incvttf� all� .s=xK'ense�s;ine�irseci ,iq rent� ' . .� " ` �
<br /> ^ ing and ma�++ging �" sanre aiid c�f cnllectinK thr rentals thcrrefrc�na. Thc tii�lance remuinin�t. .e� nnY, s3is11 1�r atiptic+d trsward thcP
<br /> �IidchArge nf.���:.the mcarl�ag�: indgt�k�dnes.r.� Thia r�avignmanl. i� to termi�tate and hcec>mr � nuil anrl�.:v�id apan: Teltruerr of this m�rt�Afie-
<br /> ,� , � .. �. �. . . . � . . . : . . . . . �. �� � . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> r� � � � � � . . � . . . � . . . . . . . - .. . .
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