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�, <br /> � <br /> � . � <br /> :�. <br /> `1 � � <br /> �l�'* �.I�`��.�� <br /> irnrea�r;;u;� <br /> , ,- <br /> � <br /> as���tt�..�c.e ����*�r�a. .l.._._._.'._�.._.__,w,..__..._. <br /> �cr�w,�„�,��r rrr�r�e��:a��cs:�r� 4ta I ter H. �t�s t l and i+�txd�cnr J, S Cu l i. ��,c h €n h i s a�d I <br /> i �r orm right a�d as spouse of each c►ther <br /> 1�1<u�gnagor,wlricahar unc cse cnurc.uw c�niuder�tiuz�uf 4lie iwun c�f <br /> :��� rc ;.� �' . '. <br /> � it�r��y-�4ve Tha�usar�d and No/�.00_.____�.____�.__... _-_- --•----_-- ---------..-, <br /> �.�.,, �.�..._,.. _ --w?a�.t_a�xs <br /> �i �la s�iA t�wwrttt�Frs bry Tda @�tcitab�Bt�tldf�n�{qm3 l.rrxn:lxanxratywn o(t.xaend islanS.:'Vebnsks_�fort �5Q <br /> �e,tipan shartac uf atack af <br /> � aswt AI.S'.K7ftAeTtOht.l'trs�lkak lKay.L �e�s7Q4� .d��heroery grant» canvcy and murt�a�niu ctra said AS5UCi�'t713t�F tFre/u8owinp <br /> �, 3�ritoad nri cxwte,aitu�ted in�h1a11 Cuunel�',hcbtrrvt�c�: <br /> .� <br /> � ALL OF I.OTS SE�dEN (?} AND F IGHT €B) <br /> � �: <br /> ;� BEING IN BLqCK FOUR (4), B(1�GGS AND <br /> ,� �iIll'� ADDITIOl�`TO 7'FiE CITY OF <br /> � �GRAN� ISLAND, F{ALL COUNTY, !'l��iRf15�. , <br /> �� . . � �. � . . . . . . . � !. <br /> � . ... � ... . . . . . � � � <br /> �� � . .. � � . � . . . . <br /> ,,"�+� [t7�`Cl�;CS l4'II�7 t3.« l�iC iC41G'!7k't1fS��;CIC(��41iT1�.ilT$:tt1t{1Ik?j]U�'ICIIARi:C3 (tYC[C�UIIIO �JC�O17�, i11C�l1t�li1(:, :11I8C�1C1{ {�t?Uf CUYL`7"3tij35.81T�N'YtlY�1'.dW��$CtCCQ9� � � �'��; "` ��4 <br /> B WIf1K�OW'S�i�d(�CS������f1(jS�fi1L#T';lI W11tij.CSW�,.�WY11ff���1C7liR�L.:i1f�CU�li�itlllrtt37�`�atll��?IUltib171}'„J1tG�1Y5LQf t!.t�i31�TiTI4`!II ittli�.&GCCS9U{SCS tftCYOIOapU13Y�1Sy.5�Y�FYCS. �r�'�:� <br /> � rcPrlgeralt�rt,an�i�ather(ixtcaics and�quipnxe^t7t r�ciw ar Iscreafr�r att�cPaec,i tcti or a.�¢d in cunnr.ctiuia wizYi suicC rcat e�xala. <br /> ;� .��,0.xu6�vhereas tlre said�m�.�rtgagor h.ts agre+ed and dz�es7iereby agrec�e mueCg2gcra.xhall tust�witl���pay .:�ll�t�xes xncl�usscssinen�s:lerkd or �. i4.,,;' <br /> � nsscasr� iipon said prairiiva and uWon tlus,�io::gu�e an�d thr,bond secuxcd t;irreby heti�re tlic sante shsll bccorne Gelinquent;to Eurziist;.,apE�r¢ixd <br /> ,� insurancc upun thc UwI:Gn�s�tn 3ar�t�rtmixa san�sisd in the suni caf 5 '�5,���.�Q gxxyabla ta saici:e1SSC?Clh"f.t0?'J at�ti tu deli•rer tn said u i <br /> ;� ASSCfCLATIOh_Ttti�+c 4�ics tor sai�t insu�nnc.c-;v�d not to cornmit er pern�it any w�aste on or about said pren�i3ac: <br /> ?� I�t pt_dr.f.�u}t in xlte perfacJtrance uP'3ny oCthc tcintis ur^�d c�ridilions c�f ti�is m�rcg�ge ur :t�e bund sec:urrd ltereby;ih¢ martg�ee sEaati, <br /> g�i..�e�et�tille.J���ta inunediate.pnssessiQn of thc e»ert};agcd prerniscs urAc3 tPic �mvrzy��gur:hernby ussi�ns,.�.tra�isf�ss��gnt��scts uver.�ro zha <br /> �i murtgu�re all che renfs;rev�enucs anct ia�cnme to be deri��rcl from[he m�alga��d premises ci�cring sucf� Limc as thc cxior`.ga�o indeh[ednesx&Ewit rn�caain <br /> -';� un ai�l: and lhr mart=a re shull i�avm thc ruwer tu a oir�t any a ent ur a ents i# may dexix� for the `� <br /> H' h� f PP B & purpoxe�f repairin�said,prcn3ues:cxld.xrncing <br /> � tl�n s:rma und ce>iieutinglhr rcuts.tevetiucsand zncumc.�ad iC may pxy vut ul's:ald incomc ulI ex�xnses at rcpuitlng saic3 premises�nd �ia4�esxary <br /> c�u�missiuns and rx{tenscs incurrcd i�r ren(ing a�td mana�aing Yhc same and of tvllecting rentnls therefrom;the hulancr renwhining,iC any-,to tie �.' <br /> ;� sspplacd iuwxed th��dischargc,c�C saici rnurtgago i��ehCcdreess;the,s�riglits uf t.l�e nwetgagec nzay ye uxcrc�sod al any tinze during�t�e a�is¢eizca aCsuctz <br /> �l�fauli:irrespcctivu ui an}�trtiipumrl'+�'ai�irof ahe same_ <br /> A� ' Ttxeu�P�escxus;rho�wevcr.are uFwtt the CanJition�,?'hat if'the said�Alor�ga�c��ult.�rop:�y�suid luan un�or.�bcfom�tRe rrxaturity�ut ssic�sl�arcs by ' <br /> �raymcr?t;pay montl�ly tc�sgid ASSC7C.SATIC)N��I ttfe saan s�ecified ict tha l3oit3 securcd l�e.�c6y xs inzerest und princip:il on sud lo:tn.u>-s pr bete�re <br /> �,� ' tl�r T�vr�linthciay oC eucli and cvery mont.�.unta l said taan is fuUy paid;puy al)txxes and asscsswcnls I��'ied ugainst salJ ptenaisos attd rysl this hlatt�a <br /> � �� and.ttie Fi�md securce!�tlicrebl',befurc velinquettcy:fun�i�h approvcd inx�xran��roupon tlte�buiic�ings.thtreon�in the suan uf.$¢�*Q�('�::��(� �����ayt�bFc <br /> j: ti�svid r�SSUt[.�7101V:tcpay tu suicl AS5CJCIr'tiT'll�N utaon denwnd siL��unc;a by it�>nid f'u�such l�-«,ce,aswsscnenty unci insurati�e wicti.inlettss�l <br /> "i thc.�nuximunt�}r�al.rata�tl�ci�confronzd.utcof.patyincntaLt<ifGvhirhAlortgagorhereby.aF�s.topay;prrxraitno.wratecinsaidprcmists;kccptts�d.c+�ntgiy <br /> witli�iJ;tie ag�eements ai�d e-�ndicion.caf Ute�o�il far S��,d�0.�� ilcis day given by t#ie saiti!�fortgagvr 2u said ASSC?ClATIQN,�[sd caniply <br /> � ccitfi ali xhe reyaairemencs ot>!ic C�mstiCution ane3 13y�l,aw�of said AS5C?C1A77(J�i: then thes.e prnscnEs shal!bccurne null aaid vcaid,-ottiex-wi�e tC�ey <br /> remuin.iri f'uiJ Cnrce.anJ may�be fore�loscd at tlie�opUnra oi'.tiir�said�AS�QCIATtOti �uttet�.(u.iluro.��fiir.threa:tnai'Chs'tu�make ur�y�al s:axd <br /> _ � � iir.he�tlaree.�tionakss in arrcacs in tnakis7g cvid�nstanthlV pa>•ments,ur tc� kerp�nd c��ntply�vifh the sgeee��.�enfs 5nd conditloiis uC'�s;iid.Bustd; <br /> �'; �� usi��4crrsg��Zt�r�agrecs l�o hsvc�u�r�eivcr nppi>intre{Icanhwitl�in such f�acec3qsure pe-ocecdings. . � � � � . � � � � <br /> � It thcre is�an,v ci�uiige�zi�uwncrs,Feip of'the-�e;i!cstnte ninr[gaged herain,.b,y�ute�r utteer���ise,ttxen the cAztire�.temuiaa4ng itidCbtedcres3:haiohy� �� <br /> ? scc«reei�hstl,at thr optfon uf'Chc Ciquitnble t3us:ldin�t un3 Loan Assuciati«n of Grand 1xluna.z�le6raska_hecvrtre icmm�diutoly cluc and pavablo�vithc�ui <br /> ; (�ithrr notiru,axid lhr a�nc;xiint ienxainiiag duc un3er ssicl bund,ac�d�x�y oil�er U�and fot ua7y additi:an�!advuncc�made tf��ewader,slxali:.fruw tlie ,� <br /> d�te ai'excrcise oi'said�ptiu�t,bcar isxt�rcxi�t[Sio�nnxin�urn lega!raCe,a.zid tftls m�7ttKage cnay thon Ue torecl�sed tu satisfy tha atnount cf up un said <br /> � U<,nd,xncl aiiy oaher bcind f�.r udditta=xu0 udvnncea,luge�her with all sum��aid liy suid 7'i�a 64uitabie k3uilding and L.oan Axs�x4ation u!'t;ras�d[slauid. <br /> � Nr6ra�kz k�t insutance;ia�ce�:tnd asses�me�nts,aa�d.nbstraciin�,�.xtensisan chargcs. wilh. i�itec�st thcreon,.fi�om.dute�o(�puymt�it.�at��the n�axintunn � . <br /> Ic'gu!rat�. <br /> � :1s provider!�;n tlic 13c�nd�sccurrd herebv,�whil��Il�is m�.irtgagr remains in rf9rct itGe nzti�rtg�tgco znuy t�ci�esft�r ud��unee adctilianni suxns 1t+�[hc � <br /> r.:aker��.Tt said}3c�nd,their as_�igns ur successcxrs in interest.which surna.sta���•it2�in i.iie security��ot xliis.trwrt�;ag�e{hc sansr�3s tft�funds origi�u��tll.y�. <br /> � .sc.cured amr�unl oi'�pr�i�iei��51 d.cbl�nrrt to excectl at any 4m�e thc c�riginsl�arn��wit uf mnrtNu�;e_�� .� � . . . .. <br /> �, �� t�dc�n�s���ncl � � �.,y � June � n.i>„i� 7� � � � � <br /> _� �,�.!,�,� <br /> � ��.. <br /> < Wal.t�er�, tu1 7 I���; M. __ . <br /> �.�1 H �.� ,�1 <br /> ,�.�J� �.�.�e ('� �..�,r; - � <br /> � N�det�e J.��Stul�i ,_ � �� <br /> S7 A1"E OI'Nii13R ASKA�� 2 2 tl d � <br /> C'CIiJNTYGjf=fIAI,L �•. On this ilayvf �U1lC' 157�7 ,hr(uramo. <br /> .S <br /> : . . . . the�•i�;dersig,nad.a NGtary E'xi6Lia in qnd fiie satd C,uunCy.Peisc�r�llycarna. .- � . <br /> Walt tull ar3d Nadene J. St�:�ll , each in �i:.: :�nd her own r�ight and as spouse of each '� � <br /> p � MC�(�,�.q" . � � �rho dY'G' Pers�nal!}•iclivwn to� f ��s <br /> f� tC�l.i,be�'t�'�.i�d�. � n S� � w�luasc narrie S are afl7xcd xo the xkwve ivxxtrumrnt as mvrigago�S sxul they seaeratly ^� ' '` . <br /> � F' �.�'rr4?^dge�tf:d'"�G3ui �.:�rr.ttobc ttSC'I t" «:ut,t..y�et en.:de��.� � . ��;�,� , <br /> x� } . ro-1TAR`f a41'�. :t}huud:uz�1u.uti.ulSca!il�.:uate u(uieanil. <br /> r['nrrtis4tCi�t .. <br /> ' � CxFi��IiS �1v{.�n "ssiun expires �` ,,,� . . -. <br /> ��'+."� '�� ea � � .��,g__ � <br /> r ��''f �`-����tiy�� ,1�`� _____.��_.i�:'�.___ .+-.+y,� _t; �N,�i-i;r_-__ <br /> � �fNC •+1 <br /> � <br />:x <br />� <br />