4� . . . . . . .. . . . . . ,
<br /> j ., a��
<br /> : l� �A1k�M` �.�rYM�M�k �114 �'+a%C'CGf t4ra- ��f�x^i'l '+'V 3> aw �. +2 Ux' $ 1�r" �.'�ft}}nrP1 "4' 1'� t+itat fW t�+a� t1.�'�� .:.E ."'Ce5 ; uF� � ..r'lll�x'.T . C.1't1tjS'Y' �
<br /> a���. AX�}°o #AYFI"� �745�" ' L.�p7i1I� L#'�4kfA�M)1�1,I1�:1��11" ¢!C}YY# 11�:J (t4q' a.T�+C.' xi{ IZLL" .�ff�M'i'C 4' A9C tl* dY`c4i.ItR3Ili^91 ��)Y � .�'i �r ¢C'P. .11t4' �"�t�kttt(a �
<br /> t+�%� '�,1�!" .�.,A•^#'Mt�$!" :IS 1�L� �3SIYx �i9a� -0►j/j�f.zWAi.,i+C51i .°f.t ti� a'1't^��II iw#J�:!Snt titt• e1.1.11a ••,rt'�!t'�'el ! r4' € :�.tla !.!iac't.y,aa,.;k'.
<br /> �. �os #M� �ints. �'ry,�ra� r��a� �I�r;�Lt. :uw �ircrs,-ide. �» s�et�•i��� . u [ E (i:iyer�s-x� ta rr��e•la�c.�l i�y' I.eu�ter�
<br /> �wcl+�t t:Faa *►9�e a�tui ��ar.g�'a►;��w 1 utui �* It�virv�I s1�a11 ��«• r(���Ite,f i�}' 9 .� ;+�.dnrr tiewt tro { �atyuiy;it ol uuwut: ta �raym:bl�; Ru
<br /> L.+�,�rby �wt'�e'p+t+�!` �4ar 3'�s�agra�i� � i��rrvi „ ttuau cn� int��r�°a�c pnvu}r�+c• ar� � Iz.• tica�a z� m� crci Futuca- A�la•urlces� xE
<br /> �+J, w�d i4M�n to tk+� i'+�sturA�»as" M€rt tinw !�otK nru3 to rl�r ririnri� �rl o( �utrsre A�ii :ar�A-eKs , if uesy .
<br /> 1. � Ii�wr�, l3tis�tret a:t�w`li kpra�y �l i t�t+�a, as.tiue..iu.:s�l�r sAi�l utitier A�.t�a��;s�, tinr�. �r��i irex�iCinew� zsttrib-
<br /> �Mksbls t�'t Lhe Pro�rl4y� whie}x may xtt�it� � ���iurity czvcr xi4a� �1n�rl��cqe, and ;;rcrs�nd re�nts, ii an,y-, u� I,,�:auder`s
<br /> � c�Ei� in �he maaoae �asovia�ed upder �9ara�U's�r� 'L herveoi ar �,y }}orruw�er ce�xk�n�; �>e�ysner:C , tivhen due, r3wteetly ta
<br /> � 1�lMe psyre�t tktat+eof. !i!m�rcnver �l�sli �artxuptly f�rui�h t+� lxnder all noticcs af ain�eR:nt� du.:. under t32iy paragrsph ,
<br /> '' N�etd in d,ho aveaet Botrerwer aak�uhl tnake puye��etr� cti�ctiv, Borro�•er shnet ��ron;pt�y Zurriteti to L�n,Jrr receipr.:� evi-
<br /> � ` ' a3�[1aia� wtch paymants� 43a�^raaver n�a�l tarornl��ly din��xr�¢�e uug iien w'�nctz hsa priority uw°�.�• this �T'artga�e ; pro-
<br /> YiWd�l, ths� Borsuwer ahsll not ae rec�uired to discliar�e any sucFs lien nv long ns BarrnH er stxn}I ngr�e in writ'xng to
<br /> t�o pay�neaL ot the abl'sybatio� �cured k�y sur,h l�en in ��. xnanner :scceptrible tu Lc:iader; or aiia.Zl in gqah; fnit}� c:ontesc
<br /> st�ch tien by, or defend entarcturnent oP such 1ier:�-in , iegul ��ruceeciings �d��zich opesuic to preve.r�t. the enEotcement of
<br /> tls� iien or fozfeiture nf the Pra�erty or nuy �>art tf:creot.
<br /> 3. Hazead Inaur�sce. $arrower sha11 kee��i tlse in3x�eoverxiti:nts no�d existinfi or hereufier eceeted on ttie 1'rup-
<br /> erl=y inaured against aoss by hr�, lipxards includ+ecl witl�an ft,e ter�i "extexxdrd coverage", fint3 such o�.h:er l�azrsrcis a.s
<br /> Le�t�ee may require and in si�cta nmouixis �nci ic,r sucli neriod. a� L::nder inay reqixire ; provaciec(, thast Lendez- shall
<br /> ; ncat require tha� the amount of such co��er�g� e.�ce2d tl�3.t nn3ourez ot coverugr: reaxiir�<i to przy the sums seoured '6� " ';
<br /> s thi:s l�for�ga�ce. ; ; ;
<br /> ` � The insura��ce currier providing ti3e: insiirsaic�: shail t�e chmen tay F3orro�t�er s�bjeet to siPprova. I E�y I.en�ier :
<br /> ; � provider#; thst saich up�roval sir.all iioL be unreu:�ona6ly wit,hhelri. All premiums nn iziyurance palicies sl�all bF: pnid
<br /> at I.ender's option ict tt�e mann,�r prc�vided under �i:�ragru�ih 2 hereof or t�y Borroc� er mtsking payment; Fvnen due, '
<br /> , p directig to the irisurunce carrier_ ' „ "
<br /> # In the ev�nt any policy ss not reneweh on or before te�n days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> : its interest, rnay pracure ins�2ance an the ir�provements, pay the prexniums and such sum shall become
<br /> � ` imrnediately due and payable-with interest at the rate set; forth in - said nr,�te until ' paic� and sha1. be
<br /> ,-� sec.wred by thi� Mart�age. Failure by Borrower to cumply may, ai option of Lender, constitvte a default � , :, '
<br /> + ;� un,der the terias of this Mortgage.
<br /> � . Q
<br /> Ai1 insurarr.c� p�lici�s ttnd renewflls thei°eot shall l>E in fonn acceptta.Ule to Lende; rinci sha11 ineludc �, skandard
<br /> _ � ; tnortgage,elaas� in �avur of an� in form acce�table to T.znder. Lender sizaU h�ve the xi�hL to liald the policies an�i
<br /> ^ ; ' , , �� ;'
<br /> � �' reuewals thecea#; and $orrower shali proinptl� fuririskx tu T:e�xl�r ;xll 'rene�vul hotic� a�cl :+,il ieceiuts ot paid pre-
<br /> � �, tniums. In tbe event o£ 1oas, Borrowor sl�uil gi�e I�r�ii2�t notSoe_ fo �}ie insurtznce -c�t.rrier axxd Lender, nud Lender ��;
<br /> �'-- 5nay znake proaf of lass ii n�t made promptly �.iy 13nrrorver. '� '
<br /> i , Unless Len<lor snd Borro�v+er ;othec-�vise agree in �w-riting, ins urunce ��roaeeds shsll be applie� to restoratian'. or `, ' '-
<br /> -i regsair of the Property damt�gec3; provided sucli. restoration or repair is economicalPy fea;,ible an�i t1�e'securitv of
<br /> r � ' tttis PvIortgage is not thereby irrapaired. If sucl� aestor,tition or repair is n�t econornically feasible or if the security � ` '
<br /> ;: $ of this VIortgage �coul�i lie imp�ired, tlie insurac�ce proceecls sL�1F Dc ap}>Fied ko the s:itns seeur•ed by thie i4lortgage,
<br /> '� 1vi'th tbe excess, if any, paid to Borrower. if ;the Yroperty is �k�anelutied k>y Boi•rnccer or if ]3orron•er fails to respond ! ,
<br /> 4«, to Lender wi�.hi� 3q t�ays' nfter slotice bt- Lende� io Borro�ves t}fatt,he insurus.ce. c�rrier ofEers to settie t� claiin for � ` ,"
<br /> �;� -insurance bene&ts, L�nder is autharized to coll�ot 'tmc} apply tlze insursnce nroceer3srut Lender's apzion either ,ta
<br /> � �. � restoration or repair.of the Pro�erty or to th� sa�n�s secured t�y tliis \ [orEgage: �
<br /> . :
<br /> } ,:� Uzileas Lem�cler and I3orrow-er othenvise a�ee iti �vriting, arsy such spplica�ion of proaeeds to }�rincipai ehaIl '
<br /> ; -a nat extend or postpone the due dnte of the niont3ilp iusta.lhiients �eferre� to in i>aragraphs i a�id 2 hereof or change , i ' j"
<br /> �. the amount of such installments_ I , : ; ' , - , , 1.,, ,
<br /> - ,� If under p�rngraph 18 hereof the Y'roperty is acnuired by �.ender, :iil right, tit,�e and interest of Borrower in ^ , `
<br /> =",<, and to itny insaranee policies �srsd in and tq the proceeds tlGereof (to ihe extent of t.lae sums secured by Ghis �fort- > '
<br /> 4 gage.immediate3y prior to suc!_ sule or ficquisi:ion) reslilting irom dninage ta tlze Frope:tv prinr tca the s�le or ��
<br /> k . � � � �
<br /> y � : :tcquieition shal� {lnss io :I:ender_ _ �
<br /> ,� . � 6. Presezvation aad Mcan;nenance of Properiy; Leaseholdsc Coadominiums. 33orro�4�er sliull k�e�� the 1'rop-
<br /> + :� erty in ' good repair ttnd s1ia1L n�t permit. or com mit �vnste, Smpnirment, or deterioracion of the Property and shall � ,., -
<br /> � =;� coasaply wiih the provisions of a��ylease, if tlus 1lortgage is on a. leasehoid. If this \1oi�tgage is on -a condominium
<br /> �,,;� unit, Borrower shnll perform n23 of Borrower`s obligations under the decluration oi condominium or mpster deed ,
<br /> ,, ;,�.s` ' Ehe by,laws an� regulations of zlie coiidominiue=-� project and constitueni documents.
<br /> °} 7. Proteetion oE Leader's S.ecurity. If IIocruwer iails to perform tlie coventints :tnd agreements coutain+ed in
<br /> 4 #his f�'iorEgage, or i� nny actian or praceedin� is �oti�manced wl�ieii mflterially ai�'eccs I:enaer's interest in tl�e �'m�>-
<br /> , � , erGy, including, laut not limited :to, eminent do�n:tiin ; insolvency , cocie enforaement , or �rr�ngenxents or proceed-
<br /> ings inqolving r� bankru�f, or 8e+cedent, ihen Ltc�der ait 7.eniier's option, upon notice to I3orrotiver, mav mske such
<br /> ; � appearances, disbursesucli surns an�i take such action :�s is necessary t-o }�rouect Lea�der's ir�terest, including; but
<br /> , _ , ,. .
<br /> k no� limitecl ta, '.ciiebursen�ent o� reasonable attorney 's £ees zincl entry upon tha 1'raperty tn muke zepairs. Any
<br /> , :�a �
<br /> acnounte :disbursed by Lenaer plrsuant tv this }suragi•ap3i 7; cvikh interes:t thereon ; �Izsll become ndditaonal indebt-
<br /> ; � � . ,;,
<br /> „ "� edz�Qss of Barsawer secured t�y f. 2�is llortgage. iTnless B arrower si.nd I�cnder s�ree ta otiter teriiss af payment, such
<br /> ;: � amonnte`shall be payabie upan Totice, ir��n Len�icr to Borro«�er .rcquesting pugment tliereof, and shatl bear inter-
<br /> {� 'r eat from the dat+e of disburseme€�t at-the rate stateci in ihe I�oie Unless payiuent oi interest st such rste would be
<br /> r ,: cqut,rary .to app3icable Faw, in �which eventr sua� amounts shall bear ini,eresi aL the 1Sighest rute permissible by
<br /> „ a
<br /> '�� uppiicable law. 1Totl�in� concaineci in cl�ie nara�ra��li T sl�n#1 rec� uire L�nder ta inc�r any expenso a*� do any act
<br /> u , ; hereunder.
<br /> ,'. .' 8. Tnspeetiam. Lender ina�s• make or catise to lre anadc res�-aia�l�le c>.niries upon nnd inspecfians of tlie Prop-
<br /> r:,- ; ertv, provided t��nt Lencier shn�l �ive T3orrower notiec � �rim- to ;ui�� eur�h in�pection �tierifvin� rra�onab(e cause
<br /> ; ,�,:� therefor related ito Lender's interest in :tl�e Prope�ty.
<br /> m `.� 9. Coadeannation. .The proceeds oi un,v :x-�vttrd vr claizn io:r �issma�;es; direct �r consexluentittl, in eoi�necGion
<br /> "? ; � with �ny conde�nutipn or ather taking of Y,lie Z�ronert�- . oi• part thercoi . ox- for coaR�epar�ce in lieii of condern�a-
<br /> � " `�� tio�, r�re. herebg;�ssi�ned and sha.11 Ue; }�e.id ta Le�der.
<br /> � Tn Ghe evenG of a total takir:g of the Yro��erc�, the ��roceeds �iiall bc applied to i,t�e si.iins secured 3>y this �Sort-
<br /> r
<br /> � k� ga�e, witlx the e�cess, ii suy , ,�riad to i3orrower. In 2he a: ��ezit o£ � }rcu•tiul t.al:in�; af ihE Prvzyert3�, uciless Iiorrower «
<br /> ;
<br /> ' � &ad T.eflder oth�rwise agree in �rrSting, tliere sltall Ue a�z}�lied to the siiins �;ecureci by t:his '_tilnrtgage SUCh prc�cr- ' ` " " ;:". r� t� �`"
<br /> 4 =a tion o�' the groce�eds as is equal s.o that psopprtia3i which tl�e uina�nt �f t13e surns secured b�- tliis ldorigaga imme- E„ ' � �
<br /> q` distelp priat to tlie date of:takiaag l�esi� co t�l�e f�ur ii�arl:tt value ot tlae �'roperty i:nx�ediatel}� �rior io the ds#�e nf a, ��"
<br /> <� tsl�ing, �vith.the .�ulance a3t the }sa�ooeed� }>sid to Burrower. :x�'���
<br /> �� i ,
<br /> i� If the �'z+ap�rty is a�.isudonead bv Rc3nower ox• if xf(:er nox5�e k�v T;on.�4r to Iicjrrr3vrer th�t the cozt�tnr.ur �e:Y � �,"�' �
<br />�" .` tio naake su awa�d or settta a olaim�#or clu��t�ge�, l3�xs�c�w•ei• fai15 �u rYspc�ai�l L� I.,ra�c3ei� wiiftir� 30 dxv� rof che �Ate �� .w
<br />�� of sueh no0ite, I�ttder is authorszed ato �ilect a�d aUpiti- the ��rcr�ceeds at. Lender's o�tian eicl�er to restoratic+n ar '
<br /> ` �, } repsir of the Fra�eri,y ur � tkse s�sns seeured by �liis �f oa-t g�ge. ���
<br /> . ; �1c+less T.�en�er and $orrow�r otheres ise agt�e Sn �vsating, �n�a sucl� �pplication caf �roceeds io prinaipal shal!
<br /> :
<br />�.
<br /> �Aw
<br />, W�
<br /> �,� - �
<br />_ , - �
<br />