<br /> ���
<br /> � :..... ,.....�
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<br /> I i!� M�����
<br /> ��`��1�'3S`i'+It�F{t�' `:4:�i:<CT1*:"3,b s'`�»"°:°
<br /> .t'u�^tn �. Stca�cxr�sn .�t�wd �+xar�arcr� �. �z,.ar.rz�aan, idust�,anri aaa+� Yo'es��. ra:-1� aa�k{i. �anci ti+�r
<br /> eaw�rs ri�ht acad m,s a�r<sust, af+ea�ii atthcs. hereat3 ca.11ec3 s.he kr�sator � ��ttsrx c;�ic �ar r�sc3raa, ir� ;
<br /> ca�ssid�ra4tir�n r,�s �%,a. Tho�saawac� asawd ?�ud' iAC1 i�€�,(�O�r. ��!} L'3cailar► 'i
<br /> re�:+ei��d tzianx �;,sante�a. d��s �xans. bar�;;�in. ��11 c�ae�vev aasd�rs�z,::irxza u�ntc�
<br /> Francis L. 1b'eb�r and �Uwr*xz ft, ud'ebcr
<br /> i �a j+aiaX t+enrawutt wi:h rigk�Y �f:�urvivcsxship„ attd ts`ui a� trnanis in c�mrnon. tttn foLlowisa,�
<br /> desa:.ribed r�a2 prop�erry iaa Ha il Caurty, ��karasic,�a.
<br /> �1 Cr�cc ot 3and iss Lhe �out3iear�t t�uar�er oi tizc Noxtiseast Quarter E��.iJ�34E119} eai`
<br /> Sectstaa Tw�anty-ScSux C�4), Townshi� `Twelv�e (12'� t�'ortix, Rass�;,� Tw�iva� (12� 1�est �: �h�
<br /> 6ch p.�. ,E-'sall �t�u�ty, 23ei�r:�slca anci n,�ar+� yart�cuiar3}� describeci as £csllc���^s:
<br /> �nxa�ar»�encias��i� po'xrst �ixi;� f biJ} i��t ss�:��� af��n�th� �c��st 1=.rzc ni :jaid 5tr��t Ext�:nd�c�.;
<br /> Ghez3ce� +cc�nt`s�ain� sc�ut�er�y,al�_,.,� r�,v LVesr. iin� ca2 saic: �&r��e t e�ters�ierl a di�ian�:e aF �
<br /> F�"ow�r Hti�n.<ircd Fc-srt}r-five aud [�ur t��ths (-��5.4� feet. t� a �ant o�s tti�: �ata�,i9n� nf tYa�.
<br /> 5E1 r"4i�E1�#�, th�sace east�:rly �Ioix� a�d sp�sz the se�utts iirie �C �aiii SEI��N�1�� a dista�ac�
<br /> ; z>C Sc,�>eatg lHet�dsec� at��s ivc=+� lltaiidr�cit»� ('�Q"v_ t�'�.�,a f�aat; t,h�n�e 3suxt2acr:y amic� parati�3 .t�a �h*�
<br /> �,'; wesL ii,n+� ca.�s�iz� street �titc:aze3ed � �astau�� c�i t�r�e ksuz�dr�c� ait�e�eeia �a;d t3ir�e tce:nth�
<br /> ffi {31"�',3) f��L� th+�n�� ���sterly �x��' ��a�ailpl �a tkae �uixtlx �an�ca� �yri3. Stxeet a r�i�L-3s�c� ca��
<br /> ;� qn� �kaaxdreti (3�{)� fe�*.t; L•i�:e�zc� sou't3��rly ai�n.�; and uk+on t2xe east line a� 3..c�t Setf�aa {7�.
<br /> ',� E31o�ck F"ive �5�,, k r�urth �4dditi+axa t.� �airo, 2�et�r�ska eayi-endee? a di�1t�saee o� t��en�.�v�i�iat
<br /> ,`; (��� feet; tlae:nce a��ster3g* and }aarai��1 to t3s�: sou�h 1zn� o£ :�w�ia St'.a cet a c�i..�t:�str.c: c�£ "I'�a
<br /> :� E�iuczdred `�`wwsi��g (2'�tDj fee.t xo :x �.roi�.t as;th� *.���st ti�e c�� �ie rt�er SY�e�t�;�rt�ndczu' �eixc�-
<br /> r ixsrt3�rer2�r �ic�n�anci u}�on the vE-e�k 3fn� c�f 33criaer Street �Ktenc3ed a �c3ista.nc� uf fz�t} �5t��
<br /> �� fee�; the�sce �v+�steriy^and ga�a•ailvl to zhe South,l.�.e «£;3yria �t.r�eet� d'ssi�anc��of�e �-Iu�dreri
<br /> ,� L'cSrty i�1�0} feet to a pasnt c3n�h� w�!=t line vi Lo� Si:�`{+6), �33�ck '�esur (�F'�, ,k�Qur�.�, �ddsti��a,
<br /> ;� ta C;airo;' iV�l�ras9:a :exteuded; thence norlherl}��osa,� ;�nd u�sa t�e ��+e�t 3imc: Qf sasd
<br /> ;� Lut �Ix (��, Blac3c.�r3ur �-#) a c�,istans:.e of �iie Hv�n�i�^ea �It3d3 1'�:et �o �,,p�-ain.i oss ttz�e ��ei t� :
<br /> �� lan� Qf�yriac Strcet; theuG+e cz.estesl� �aleng aiad np•oix th� soutk liz�e�f Syria �treet a �.is�x2cr*.
<br /> ;
<br /> o£�"^�uen.ty {�0) t'��t thenc�,saurth,.x3y alan� aiici czpwca,,t�:+e east lizie �f L,o[ ��v�.n(r�,
<br /> �i 733ock F`nur �4�; �ourth.tle3ditian to C':,airo, i\T��ira ska, c.�eend�d.a ci�stazace csf C�ne �uaidred '
<br /> a't F`ifty (ISC#� fe�t; t3��ence �v�ster3y enei �r�i3ei t� t3ie soutti giaa� ot-S�ria Str�et'a c�ist�tace '
<br /> nf!C3sse F-Iczndr�d r'�rtv`(1�C8) F��t to a �aint r�n the �as� iine oY ��id .�tre.et ex�er+.t�ec3; �liergn� >
<br /> Y nor�3ierly a1on�a�ad upon t�e e�st linc� nf sa.i.d �tr�et e}:teneied a �is�ance �E �1ne YEaznrl.r�+ei
<br /> ;� F3ft� (15u� } f�et to a. �soirat on che socxr�i iirse af S�raa Str�et; ^�heiic� w�rstrer�y a�eang z�.nd upeau
<br /> �'� t.'he snut4i lin�ra! Syria Str+eec a dis:tauce eaz ei�;hty (8�D} ���t to �he pnant �E �e�i�niag �.xad
<br /> coriCaatzixig 5�7a� acres inoree�r I�*ss_
<br /> �
<br /> `c
<br /> q �`.� ' .�Ax1�.:E'.' �e I.t?f t . � � . � . . . , . �� .. . . . . . '
<br /> .� .. _ .. �. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . � ..
<br /> �� .�xceptin� th+er�efr<ain thos� c,�rsain tr�cC� a.� land =nnre }�arti�+,.aiarly> desc.rits�ed int.h�:
<br /> [oltotirins;dc:�ds�s Lhe sarrae are aia fi.1e iu t3�� C)T£ac� oE the Regi�Ce� oi T?c.ec3sc+f HmI1
<br /> ,,'� ��i�.zat�*, T�:e}�xa sk�
<br /> I. t4arr�u�* �e�e:d R:�crard�d in Sora€: 1:+6 �'a��e �85
<br /> N 2 14�'arrauty 3�c:�d Recorded an Hoo3�. 1?3 l�a�e �13.
<br /> �� 'To �3ave and tc� h<a3d C£t� �bowe dencribed �rernise� 1��;��ther ���t3t�13. texa,erssc��f5, Is�redit..�me�ats
<br /> F and a rtexsa�a�es ther�io belc�n�in, uaifio t�e
<br /> g PPu. �, �raratees and t�.a �h�ir massi�ns;� ur c�� t3�e h�irs
<br /> r� aaid scasi��as raf tta� surviv�a oC t4aem tc�rever.
<br /> � Arxc� �r�ntYar do�s 2a�r�b�a' �cavenaaak wi�h the �a•tank�e� :�xnd ��itia the.ir �ssi�ns :anc� ��attz Yh�
<br /> �-
<br /> ' ; heir� arxd as�i�„*�a� +�f t�� suxvi�r�r r�f t�a�ar. thax� �a•�ntnz-zs i�.c-a;czlJ�r ��9�ed c�f �aSd �rcmi;�+��;
<br /> that �nc:y,are fre+e ir�x�a sn=:uaYiearance e*:ce�s. east,�n�eaxt� a�id rzsexic�iune; :as ��=cez•c`s.
<br /> f��bft�SihA L'�d.h:iaM13Ei+lTr�.�l` �
<br /> hl'�h�{Fs �'AX
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