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, � ,: <br /> � �rn,..� <br /> ' � � <br /> '�' aa33�3 <br /> �aoRTrnr.e <br /> b1C)RTGAC;l:L(?AN NO ._�'�.. ' <br /> t KIVOYr`AL.I.MENBYTHES$PRFSENTS:That Regency Construction� I�C. <br /> �!; � � � <br /> +'^ Mcutgagar,whether c�ra a�mam in considention-af die sum nt <br /> ; Twe�aty-eight 'f'hous�nd and Nof100-------- -------_----�-----�-M----------- -------_..vo�.L�Rs <br /> t , � � <br /> � � Iuaneck to snia zxaortgaguc tsy T}ae Equitabit$uilding ensi Loan Assocaati�n�f Grand Islartd,Nebra�lca,Moetgagec,upan 2$� sharea uf ssa�k of <br /> snid ASSO(;fA�'IqN,Cartificata Nu. L 22,f"j J$ ,do.'sexobY grnnt.c�nvey and mort�ur�to tlze said ASStX'IATiQN thc fu€lo+ving <br /> ^ deaccabc�ct rea]asteta,situatcd in Hall Caunty,Nabraska: <br /> 4 1 <br /> '� ' . . . . � .. . . . � . ... . ' . <br /> � LOT NItJE (9j wESTERN NEIUHTS SUBDIS/ISION <br /> ,; <br /> � � HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � ,i �, <br /> � <br /> � � . ` <br /> �� - <br /> ;,� " '`. <br /> �a <br /> , <br /> s : <br /> , <br /> ; � <br /> t<�gether with aL3 thc tcncments;hereditaments and appurte�nu;ces themunto beton�;ing,.gnduding attaahod �'loor toverings;u1T wi�tluw scrcnns, '. <br /> � w��iiJow sha�ies,dalinds,stazm w7ndows,awnix�gs�heating„su enr�die:oning,and plumbing ancl.wutcreqnipmcnr and accessucies theieto,pu�c�ps;stavos, <br /> r¢frigeraiors,and odier fisturos�id eyuipment now or hrreaCter attached tti or usad ui conire-:�dun witlt Snid re;ii est.aCe. <br /> � And whereas tlie saici mortgagor has a�cec3 und does hereby�serea ttmt �hc morigagux shsll anfl wili'pay alt taxrs and assessmenis icvicd or <br /> xssessed apon said preinisas and upnn Uxis mqrta�ge.and thu bond secur t y�y e�re ihe same sha8 becvsne delinaZuent;to furaish approred <br /> n ���U.U� <br /> insurxace upo�i r�ie buildings un said pcemiSes sieaated in t}ne sum of� � �Sayablr to said'�15SUCIAT[QN xnd to dcLyer t� said <br /> ; ,� <br /> ASSOCIA'�'IOti t�e p�ficics fnr said insurance:and not tr�cammet or permit any wasie�n ur a6uut said premises: <br /> ' In caso af defauit in the performance oCany oCthe tKems anQ eunditions of ttus mort�age,or the bond sccured lzereby,tiie martgagae skanll. £ ' <br /> ;1, on dcaz�and,hc �ntiUea tc. �mnsedi3te possessiora af the mnrtgaged pza�uises sa�d the maregag�r hereby assigsas, transf'er3 und xts a�ec t� thm <br /> � mortgaE;ee rall the rents,revenuex and inc+zme to !�c'deriwed from¢he mortgeg�d premises duzmg such tine as the mqrt�el5e indebrertnesr aha;)r+emnin <br /> � vnpsid:and ilie rsiortgagee shall have tI�e�+ower tzi appoine any�agent or egents it niay des'tre far the purpose of repuring said p�emsses and rrsiFing <br /> r <br /> =� tha semr and.cai�ecting Hie rents;�evenuas an�3 incume,and it may gay uut of said dnccamc all exprnaes�t repa�ring snid premises ar�d'neccssary <br /> ti� coinnussions and CXFiCJ7SCS incurred in ranting and msnaging.thr s:ema and of cottecti�g restials ihemCram; the batnrcce remainia�g,i�any, 3o be <br /> ;� applicd tnward tkse discharge of said m�rtgageindebtedness;tluse rit;hts uf the mortgegee may be exercised at azny timc during the existenc�of svch ` ` <br /> i� <br /> �' del'uult.icrespeuti�re�f any cempc��ury wairer of4F3c same: <br /> � Thasr Proscnts,h�wever,:ua u un the Caitdicinn,That if the s:�id D1urt <br /> p gagor shail rcpaq s�id lo.•trc on or Eet'ute thc maturity of s�cld si�eres by <br /> r pnymeni:pay mcsnthly ti>s:+ld ASSUC IATION vf'the sc�m speci�ed iia thc Bond secured tiesahy as interesc ar.d princi�al on aaid toan,on or bafore <br /> * ; thc Twentieth day uP cach and ever}�montli,untit a�id loan is Cully paid;p¢y ali taxeg and nssessnients levied ageinsa said preniisea:and on t€�is Mocigage <br /> � and the ltond:4ecairod theFcd�y,beFore delinquency;furnish approved insurance upan the bixildings thereon�n[he svm uF S 28 a�Q�•�1Q p;�ysU�p <br /> i to sajd ASSOCIATION,iepby tc�suid ASSOCIA3"ION upan demand all money b,y it paid las sucli ta!rns,assessments and insurance with iuierrsc a� <br /> � the ma3timum leg�I rate ilieaCe�n from�ixie of pavznen[a3i of tvhich Alortgagor hercoy abrees tc�Nay;pernxii n�cfascc un saitk pramises;kteg and compty <br /> � with eEl the agrcernents and cond.itions of 1}ie Boncl(or S $��Q _(���s day$:aen by cL�e said i tartgagoc to suid qSSOClATION, and ca�aply <br /> �',�3 with a3L the requicements of the Crnutitution and c��said AS�tX:IAT[t�N;then t3iese prosents shull 6ec�me null �id n�i3,otkatrwisa zhey <br /> „� shall rcncun in frill fnrce and.may 6a fareclosed at tlie opfion of t1-�c suid AS50C[AT70N uftei failur�-far t3vce nrandu'to ms,ke an�oF said <br /> � paymeaats�r be t£ved montifis in arrears in innking said monthly payments,ur co keep nnd ccnmpty wit�the agreements and eundiki�ns caSsaid Scrnd; <br /> ,� and Mortgsgar.agrecs ro��}iave a rcccivor.appointod Curthwith in�suclx foredosure prucerd'nigs. . � � .. .. � : .��� �. � <br /> y ,;� "t#'thoro is aa�y c6snge inownexstup uf the rcnl estuie anortgabed hexein;Uy sale or oth�cwise,then the entirt.rema?nu�S indebte[Pnass heraby <br /> secured sfiall,yt u�r option af:Thn Equitahle Building and Luan.?,-�;rciation of Grand Island,!�lebraskn,bequme immedigteiy due and psy�hle without <br /> � !'urthcr notice,and�ha amvuni remaining due unde�aaid bund,and any uther bond for aray additional a3vances made thereunder,shati,Crum the <br /> b ctate'nf"exarcisc s:t sald option,bcar incerear a['the maximum legal ruce,xn�i tlyis mortga},a aiay tlien br foreclosad to sstisf'y the smount due an sard <br /> �,.! bond;axad any ot}eer bond farr additional:advances.logether wixh sIl sums psud by wid"fhe L��itabin BuAding ana�Loan Assucastion of(irand tss�aand, <br /> ce n <br /> ^;� NaGrasira fot instuan�,faxes and essessinents,iusd abstracting extnnsion cliarges,with inur�t therenn, tiom date of paynarne at ths maa;imvm <br /> leapt,cata <br /> :� As providad ir�the$ond securad liereay,wliile tlus mortgage rntnuins in et'fect the mortgagec mey hereaf�tet a�ivanr.�additiQnal sums to the <br /> makets of ssit�Bn�d,their assigns or succe�es in interest,which sums shali be r+•itfun the seaairity nf this nxortgage the samce as tl�e 1'unds o=iginally <br /> : seiortd thereby,t�e total umaunt uf principal dei�t n�t to ezcred at any time t6e original amount of xlsis mortgagae; " <br /> i o��Ga rn�s 21 st �v or ,�une a.n_.i�77 <br /> R�fy�NCY C�VSTFtUt:'fION; TNC: <br /> _ � <br /> -����� T . fi <br /> r u. , re : en <br /> srnr�:o��vsattasx�. ,r <br /> CC3iJRiTY Oi=tiALZ� �. aa this 2�:,t day�t �Ud7� IA�7 .before mc, <br /> i ' P CBS����ed,a Notary Yublic in am.d!'or said Couniy.Pecsonally csuia „ . : �,� ` � ;� : <br /> , , Regen�y Cons'tructzon, INc, , Roger W. Luft, , <br /> �..� � � � � wh�s 1�5 persanaliyknou*ntu�.� �� � , ..� <br /> � a <br /> ^� �+t�e;d�� whose nnme 7 5 aff'ixcd to ttie aUoue instrwucnt as m�artgegor xnd h@,r�(s�sl�• I �a"�� <br /> °,ia QY�P���w� �?dttst tant to be ; h�5 croluntsry ac:t acid decd> �;�;� <br /> ' r� � �� '�� ' ry.Izandand Natsrial SaYl.the date.afornsrid.�. . . . . . . <br /> '�* �: G'OMMtSSifi�1 C u e 1 <br /> �iros ` <br /> _��� £XPIRES � ���a�^���.�\ 1.��� . � . �.. <br /> ;�,�,F,"y�i e �I:4 c�q,.��r 1 No •r u b li o <br /> Y q��pF NE��P� � <br /> "".� <br />, � <br /> " � ��.. _..! <br />� � <br />