�� ,
<br /> � y,
<br /> ' _ � �'��
<br /> � �
<br /> iJMftuw +Covsn+u,�'ts. l�nr�mrar �ss�d Lcades c�rsnr�z �ixi a�nae -rs tot{�ws :
<br /> 1, !'ai�t a[ O+ef�e�i �d I�IreaA. �r�rwer �hrYi pra�npely psay whcn �ue �h+e �+nr�iyaa! af w.�d 4r�ucrGse on tl�c
<br /> indrad[odaaµ sY�deaud by tba A�+ote. Fe+upaYrnaot aua�d tstt cknarRca ss Rrcr�ided an the Nccme, xnd ctce Qru�ci�a! a! a�txd �ncar�sc
<br /> e
<br /> aat sap FatusG atdras� wcuraat by tizra� �4oztga�a_
<br /> ` Z. � 'toe 1'a�ns sn� 4�. Subjett tra apqlwewbie iaw os co a wrstcen wA�wer tsy Lend!cr, ficorrowtr shall nuy
<br /> ,� i
<br /> � ; W L.eader o� tdc day �qttely en�a1lme�ss of pr�et�igal anQ i�rstcmt are peayable uader �he No[e. uce�il the ;+dote is �+aid in full. �
<br /> � ; Mte� theraxc "`Pu�L"'� equai t�p 000-Rwwelfth nt t3ae yeasFy t»�a aas.t asx�w�na whach may attain prinri�r over th�s
<br /> A
<br /> t nra�pye. t�d Bxou� ranLe am �e p�operty. if any. plus an�-twdith flf yearly prcmium installmcnts for harard "xnsurance.
<br /> � Pt� ar�'^�wetEd► ot Y�Y ��wm instaifa�ean !os anorc`pg� insura�e. if any, ati as reaw�rnabty �estimased 'rnisiallr an�! frolxs
<br /> a b++� � � b7" �.ec� an tMe �is of rssoamenp �nd bilts and reasonablt eu�znatea ehareof.
<br /> � `Fhe �'�rods .xhe11 6c lxld in � inatit:�ion che derposiu or accounts of which are insured oc gczarantead by a Federal ar �:_
<br /> t sbtt agency (including ,E,ender if Zeuder is wch an isutitutmn ) . i,tnder shall appty thz Fc�nds to �ay said :axu, assessments,
<br /> ' 4nsu�csac4 p=tm�ms am3 graun�i nrnts. Ler�der msy ract chargc far so hotc�ing and applying tho Funds. anaip�zing saici accounL '
<br /> I ' ar verifying and. compiiiing said assessmen�e and bitls, unleu Lendu vays Boreower interesX on the Faads aend applieablr law
<br /> � gstmi#s Lan�r to make s�scia a chaagG_ Horrower and Lender may agree in writing at the c'rme of exacution of this
<br /> � Mnct�tgc that xnterat nn tha Fzinnds ahail be paid to Borrower, and uNess saac6 agxecment is rnado .�r applir�abie law
<br /> ; rcqtti.res suclt ':nteecst to be paid, Lender sF�nll not be sequired ta pay Borrc�w°er any interest or earaiags on t�e Funels. Lender ,`,
<br /> j shaU givo in Borrowu, w'xchout r,�a[ge, an annual sacountiag nf the Fucsds show�8ng crcdics and de�its t� c::�e Fun3s.and tFke
<br /> r �rpiosc for which esch-debic to rhe Funds w�as ma�. 'R�e �unds are pYedged as additiranai seeassrity far the sums securecfi
<br /> � , by ttxis Mottgagc,
<br /> k ' iE the amoar.�t of the Funds 3�eld by �.snder, tngether u-itfi the Future munt�ely insta33ments r,# Funds payubie prior ta
<br /> % the �ue dates �f xaxes, ass+essmanis, iasnrance premiurns ancf ground renu, shati eacceed the amounr recpuired - to �ay sacid iazes,
<br /> y, - assessmeais, insuraacx: preraiurus and grc�und rents as they' i'at! due, saich ezcess sha1J be, at ]Bocrow�z's opti��n, eichu
<br /> , � ; procc�c�tly �e�naid to Borrawer or credicec� to Borrow•er on rnanthfy instal1rnents of Fund;. If tha amo�nt of' Che �unds '
<br /> � hedd by I.endct shall na¢ 'be suflir_ieat to pay taxes, assesscnents, insurance prerniums ar-d grourtd seats as they fa]I' dur..
<br /> ' -, � , BorrowGr shakk pay tn Lender any amount necessan� ro make up fhe deficiency wir3�in 30 d�ys frnrra the daa�e ncrtiwc as maikc3
<br /> e by Lendat to Bosrnwu 're+questing paymeat there�f.
<br /> CTpan payasent ia fu21 aF a11 sums serured by t3iis Mcartgage, Lend,er shufl promptls� t�fGnd . Yo Bur�ow�er aay Funds ;
<br /> � '� held Z�y l.endcr. If under paragraph S8 h�rte�f the Propeny is sa;�3 or the Prapert.v is achetwise acc{uited b� Lendes, Lertder '
<br /> ` r ' shall app3y, nn 3atar tttau immediately pcior to the sale of ehe Property or its acquisitiosn by Lendes, ar��• Funds he3d by �
<br /> � " .� C.ender at the titzae of appiica[ion .as a cretlit aga� nsi she susns secured �y� this ASortgage.
<br /> f ' 3. ± Appiication oE Paymeuts_ Unless appiicable law provides otherwise, a"t3 paymec.=ts receiv+ed by L:ender nnder !he
<br /> ¢ Note and pazagtaphs 1 and 2 hereof shall hr aQplied by l.erzder fi:st in pay�men[ rs€ amnunas payats&� to Lecsder by Borrowe�
<br /> � "� under, garagraph- 2 hereof. then ta interest oayable au the I�ote, thcn to the principal ot tl�e Note ; and th�n to interesi and � ', `
<br /> '�- . �, Prencipai on any ;Future ildvances._
<br /> � 4. C!�e.��_;. *3x:�. - Bo-ro.vs� sh�Y! ^�: ..3t :wxe�-, asse;s::ants a.-.d o.h � .;:;.- a . � , r
<br /> ;t 4 r 1. ' g�s. .,n� aad :.�:partioas atiri.,.c.taL^.e tc �
<br /> s i , the Prnpertv which may actnin a g�iorit}� aver this Aicsrtgage, and {easeho4d paym�nts or gr�und rents, if a�y, in the manner a ,
<br /> 1 providad undcr paragraph 2 �ereo� br, i[ at�t paid in such manner, by Bosrower making payment, �hen d�e, direet�y io ihe
<br /> << ' � pnyee ihareof: $onower:sbat! gro�:tply fusnEsh to Le:nder a€1 notices of aznaunts clue undea� this paragra�sh, and in ihe event � ;.
<br /> f :�� Borra�ver shal� anake gsyment disectl,y, Sorrower snall promptly fumis3� to 1.ender reoeipts eviaitncing such payments�
<br /> , , . � Borrowor shall prampdy discha�ge any lien whech hac Friarity over ehis Mortgage; provaded, shaz Bona�wer` shait not be
<br /> ; ; � required zo discharge any ,such ]ieo sn Iort� as Barfower sh�1l agree in writing 'ro th� pavtz�ent of thz obli�ation secured : 6y
<br /> ; � sueh Eien in a maaner acceptable tc. Lender, or shall ia good faith'contesc se�ch �ien by. �r d�fered ertforcemer.atof 5uch lien in_
<br /> ` .� legal procecdings' which operate tc-� preveQt the enfnrc:ement aF the lien or Eorfeixnre of t�e Progcrty ur �ny, part thereot.
<br /> 6 S- Hazard lssurancr_- Honower shail l:eep the iznprovements now e� asting or hereaftes ereaec� on tiie Property insuced
<br /> � ` 3 againscloss by hre, tiazatds includ�d wiehin. the terni "exzeaded coverage", and such other hazards as Ze�adec may res�aire
<br /> ; , � and frs such amoczzits and for su:.h �oriod; :as L.:u.ier rriay iac}uire; yrovide::, that Lerider �11d; uot rec�uire th�c the unount of
<br /> „ such covetage exceed thax amount ' of coverage requxred to pau the sums s�ecured by this h€ortgage_
<br /> � Tho. insurancc carrier ' providimg the insurancc sE�all be chostn by Barrower subject [e� apprav�t- 6y (.3eirder, gcavided, i
<br /> r; .� that such aQproval shall not` be �ccrcason�ly wiThheld: Al! premiums . on, insuraxxce policses shatt be paic3 ;ii thc �ianner ' � ' � '
<br /> 4 - providerl u�er ,paragtapfi 2 herenf or, if aot paid in svch manner, b}• Barsuwer making pa��ment, when d�o; direct3y [o thc
<br /> � � � � � � ' � : ` , � � �� �! �;
<br /> i� msura�e carrier, . <
<br /> , .� Eill insurance ,policies and rencwa[s thereof sha11 be in fQrna acceptaf�l�e to Lecxdcr and s.halt inctudc a standard rreortgage
<br /> ;� clause >in £avor of and in form acc�ptable ta L:ender_ icnder shatl ha��e xizc right to hold t�e polic5�s and ranewals �hereof,
<br /> y, � snd Borrawer shati prompUy furnish ta Leader all rersewat rsotices and all rcceipts ot" paid premiurns.- In t�c evenx ot` Soss,
<br /> � Botrower shafl give promprnotice co the iasurance carzicr nnd Lender. Ler�der ma�� make paoo[ ot {ass ii na.� madc gromp8y }
<br /> � � ' bY �4trower. '
<br /> l7nless Lender andBorrower otherwisc agree in writing, ,insurance praceeds shaJi 6e uQplied to restorataonCor repair of
<br /> ; , �� the Propeny dan7aged, provided ss3ch restoration or repeir is economicafiy� ' feasihle and rhe securi[g af t�is A4art�a,ge is
<br /> not thereby im.paired. If such restc��ation or repnir is norecanamtc�lly f�siblc ur if [he security af thls '_'�lartgage -wuuld
<br /> , r be impaired, ihe.iazsuranct. procee�:s shall be applied So the sums secureci by this hfunga�r., with -<he eac�ss, if aasy, paid
<br /> `-' F to Bo�rxawer. If [i� ptopeny is 'ab�ndoned by B�frower, or it HorroK•es fails [o rppond to Lender within 3�l da}�s zrc�m xi�c
<br /> � ; datt nntice is mai�ed by Lendet to Bbrrower that the insurance carrier c�}Tess to setx!L a clai� for in�urance ' t�enefiu, Lendcr
<br /> � is authorized zo :r<:31ect anct appl}� cHe insura�cc proceads at E.endec's uption eithes to resta$ation ar repair bf the Proptrty
<br /> � ar to the sums sec�red by`chia Mort�age.
<br /> � ,; �
<br /> Uu7es: Lendea and $asrrower estherwisr agree in wricing, any such apglica�ion r>f proce+cds ta princi{sal shall nui extend
<br /> Y, � ot postpone the due dau of ihe monthly uYstallments refe[red to in paragraphs S and 2 ircreof or change the amounf of
<br /> � , � such irsstailmenta: 3f undcr patagra�h f8 hieseof the P�opertv i� acquired by l:ender, att rsgtat, title az�d inaeraest nF Boirower
<br /> ; in and to any insurance potacies anc� in �nd to ihe groceeds tlsereot msuitla,� from da�nage to the Propercy priur to zhe sate
<br /> � or aequisiuon staa@� pass to 3xnder to the extenx of tfse sums secured by t3us Itfortgage imcmediateis� prior to such sale or
<br /> � e acquisizion.
<br /> �- 6_ Preservstion and hinintenaace. of Propertw E.easehofds; <�ondomieiums; Planned l�nit I3rretopmwenfs. Bcrrrower
<br /> � '" sha11 kee the �'reneR In oed ze air and sbs2i no: c+�mmit cs�as;c o;
<br /> ' F �- 9 g . , F �r�it im�airm.cn: �: de tri�:az:nn .�F L'ie Prapert}
<br /> `- ;+ and sha1S'comg3y with the prensio�s of ang iease if t�is Mnngage ' is on � leasetar3ld. lt t�is A9ortgage ,is on a ureic in a
<br /> , , v condom�nium or a planned. -ttnit deweiopmeu� Barro•x�r s:iaii �serfoac�i ail . of Borroweis obligatiuns under ihe dec9aration
<br /> ,r ; or coveaaats cres*�ng or governin� tha ca�aacninium or piantied unit 3�velopmirnt, the i�y-laa•s and reea�la� ions �f thc
<br /> ��; s condeaaxznitTm or pdanned unif devr.�opmena; ar�d canizituem dacumencs. It a condominium or pfanned ursi: �ieveic�pment 1
<br /> ` .w ridex is !executed -t7y Sorrower �nc� �ecor3�ri aogether a�ith xhis Mra�tgage, [he cnvenants and agreements of suc3x rider �
<br /> �r
<br /> ; l sha3! be incotpocated into and shall amend aa� supglernent the co��enants and agreemenu c�f this Marxgage as if tFie ci�er � " " .',`°�;
<br /> * k
<br /> � were a pars hereof.: �, ,�
<br /> `r � T. PnolecHou o[ I,eader's Se�auity. I€, Borrower faiis ao pertorm tt�e covenants anc� agreezrc�nu cua�tained xn this +x � � Y
<br /> "y^ ?�Sortg�gie, or if amy actitaau or pr+�i.�eeding is comm�nced u �ich materin.liy atIecu Lendar°s inacrest 3n the Propetty, '�'�
<br /> t
<br /> " � �netudi�ag, but noi �imited i�o, emine�t domain. insotue�acy, co�de �nforcem�z, or areangemr_nts or prmceedirm¢s involving a °s� �
<br /> A
<br /> `baekru�s or docerFc.�t, than £.eader :a# Lend�s option, aspan nnzice to Bors+o-wer, may ma�e ssauuch appcarance�, disburse such " - �`�.
<br /> � aums srsxi taice su� w.w.[ium as �s nccessart* to prot+ecs i.cnd�r�'s �nceres[. anctudmg. bat n+ot l�mitexi xo. d�sh�rserr+cnt of
<br /> " '> :eason�..''�3c at:oraey:'s f�ees ,r.n3 eni� upuii ."+t�e Prupec; l�' io ezaaF.r 3epair�_ Ii Lencier reye:vired mx-r:�ga�e �nsurance as a ^
<br /> ' zonditiosa of makug [he ioan secuaed by c3�i� Mortg.�ge, Borrower shatd pay thc prea:iu=ns reyuzred to maintain su:-h �
<br /> { insurarsce iai effect untii suc3� time as the rcquieaemeat foc sucte insurance iarminates in a�p�anc� wi:h E3ormv,�er's and ��
<br /> ,. �
<br /> �
<br /> ' �*�^^+n� _ �„�. �J
<br />� �.__ _ .. .. __... ._ _. _. ...._ . _ ._ �
<br />