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�. <br /> � � <br /> �: <br /> � � <br /> ��'t�����3:�+I�`� <br /> �;�.��,�.;E. <br /> ,���..,�,��e�tr:��.� tc�a►�*�, �L�'��a�,M1G1� <br /> � a�ct�w,�,R.t.t��'ant�srr�sr;xra►:7a+e �onatad t3, Ngrff an�! Rar1�s !�. Huff, ��cl� trs his ,��d �r <br /> . <br /> o� r#y�t ar�d as sP�use of �act� ot�er <br /> . <br /> td:a,4�x.whcihn+:ane u�rt+r,�,�n��aw�+sr�tw�ut tl�o uu�t uf <br /> FQI"'ty'—��C,f�1C TMOt18`i$flt� dtM[t NOPI{�Q�•••. �••• �•••• •••••,•• �_ _••����_� ••�"�•.`�7K?LLAitS <br /> ; _,,.. _._..__.�_._..._ ._.__.... _,..... ,�_....,.__.�_._., <br /> k�aaerl ta saat murtpgw by'T`he F:'qwtadik 8w�d�' grdd Luun Aww^aatu�n ut+K.:r�,�1 l�n.l.rirbrsak�.Mua tg;r��ca,upun 48�I a�l�uar wf uuct u�' <br /> xxid PtSS()CtAT'lQN. CardC�Cat¢ Nu.L. 22 rf�5 '1(i��,du t,acreby ya�a,conrry rnd rrwreg�e uraav thr,a�u! ASSGC°lai7'IUt+� ttts follo'wu� <br /> dascYi�sed rrat cshte. situatec9 Ls tltll Cuunty,t�4ebrr�{cs. <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> �.o� ���r��r� C�s) �� �����rs Fa�Rrr� su�ot�r�sro�, <br /> �; a HAL�. C�UNTY,_ NEBRASKA. <br /> , -1 <br /> ,- , <br /> ,''j <br /> y � <br /> ..� <br /> ,i , <br /> g rogath�r wfdt s�fl tPte Cenements,hrrc�t-itumatte and iippuuenqnaes Lh�sreuntu befon�;ing.lncheuing attdc:Y��d tiaor c�vunngs: aU win�lo+v scccans, ;� <br /> ,;�. wind«w sh�dds.6linds.;stc�r�n-windows,rwninKs,laeutin�,aic contlitioning,an�t plumbirr�z un�watc�equi�ras�t�t and xccz�surfes thctrtu,purnps,srovcs,,, ' -`! <br /> � refri�arafUra,nrid other firture s and equipment now ar hnreaftrruttached�n�tr uacJ in crarznection witir saicF rc+tl rstuta, : <br /> �,'1'� etnd whe�nas the wid mortgagvx tcus agrced rncl dues liacaby agrec tl�at thc m�n�gagar ahat�Nnd wi1S pay ulf tr�xns und�sse�smeues Icrir�ox <br /> '�� �asscssed uKnxi�said.prCrnises snd upon tkais niortgage�an�i t#te band securcd��tYiercby�befare the�same�5hu11 becotnc�.�ieltnqucnY;tti fttrnt5fi.�approvett �� i � <br /> ',� inxuranac upon the builcli�igs wn s:t;d preniiscs situated in ttiesuni uf� [�$s(x(J(� C� puyab(,e tu said: AS50CiATIC1N dud4:ta deUvex tu said <br /> ASSOCIATICIN tt�c�<�2icicsl'c�r suitl.�insuranu;;artd.�.not tac€i�nmilor permlt�:anywuskc uca qr k�baut..suisf�praitlius. <br /> {'`� !c�case ot defaulc in the�rfpr�nanra of un�uf the tsarms u�id conditi�xts uf this mortgn}ie�r thq t>ond sccured lwceby„tltc muctg:s�ee shall. . � . <br /> y� ac�.cle�and;Ue entitl�d tu hnmediatc�sscs�i�n c�f zl�e ncurtgagud;prenrises and Ihe rnurtgu�c�r hezeby aysignx, transfexs and sats avrr 4n ttte <br /> �.,, muctgu�ec ull the conts,revenues unil ine;unic t�be.derive&.(rtim the mor�guged peemises durin�sr�cl�time�zs thc n�origsge Gidetatcdnosa s11u3!xatnplrs <br /> {�i unpaid;aud thc muctgagee shaiLhave the p�wer tu apnoint any agcni or agents it muy�Sesue for the purposn uf repuiring wtid{sremiscs and renting- <br /> ;� the sa�na and:caEleating the rents,revenuns and incvme;and it may pay i�ut �C said incomc s11 cxpenses of re�aireng.suld ptamiaes antl rstcesSaty <br /> ; � - c�mmissions and expenses incurracl i�z r+enting und managing the same and �f culleuting rnntals q�ernfrum;.thp balance renw"rning,�r;�y,to be <br /> applicd u�wurc4:the dixctiarge�I srrid muctgage indebtcriness;these rights af t)xe martgtigee�nny be exercised aC uny time during ttae existonc�uf suc)t ' <br /> 8ef;�ult�irrcs�roctivrnG any temporsry wrivnr uf thc anme; <br /> ��'A T3resr Prrscntx,h+�wevnr,�re upon the Condition,"Phat iE Uic s:iid Mortg:agar shutl rrpay s:tl�7uan nn ur before;tlze u�aturity uf said;cfixrns by <br /> ,��`; puymerrt,paycrnonttily to suid A55UCIA1'ION aC thr sum specil7ed in thc 8and sccucrd here6y as Inturass'and priticipal an s•rid loan,an r�r baforc <br /> ihi TwcnlFeth ilay uf cach aud�very moiczA;untii said loan xs f'ully p-sid;puy u11 tuxes uiid aysessmen xg Icvic�!aguinst suid prrmisos;nnd url thix Mc�r��aga <br /> ;,'; <br /> + ' xnd"the IlonJ secu�ad xf�creby,btFurn de3inqucnuy:furnixh-rppruved insurune�upod the bwidings ehereoi�in the sum*at'$4$�Q(��.�Q paYaUle <br /> e <br /> �, ,' tc+said ASSUCIATIQN:repuy to said ASSUCIATIUN upyn denWnd all moncy 4y it pnid Cur suc�roxas,aa'sassments nnd inaurance with intarest at <br /> �'� the m•rxnnum togs!rate there�n fr��tn sintc of p�ym�nt aIl of whlch Mo�tgugur lirreby ogrnes to pay;parnrit nc3 waste vn said premiscs;kanp und carnply < <br /> Yvfih'nll llie�gresmrnts and aonSiti�rns of ilie llond for�Q�'j 0,oQ.Q� this c4ay givea by thc-saial h9artgagor tcr suid ASSUCI�A.'f10N,and'wmply <br /> '� with all �hc retjuiremenis u(the Cunatitueipmund l3y�Laws ot'sa+c�A550C 1A'C'lC?N:�hen:ehcse prv�ents sttal] bccume �aull xn�l votd,otherwise lhoy <br /> '� sh�ill resnnin in faall fqrcc und m�y�c-fe�reciuscd aLtha updomuf the suid:ASSOC[AT10N oftes Iatilure for three,mw�tha to mnke uny uCsusid, " <br /> x� paymei�lt or bn thxee months ut urrnars�n making suiJ mursthly paymenw,or co kenp and curnply with the agreemCnts and eonctitivns r�C said Huncl; <br /> r and Mort�ugur ugr�es ta h•rw u recuivrr appuinieci farthwith in sucft toreclosure prncecdizigs. <br /> �i '1�Ihere ix:any c}iange in owxiership of thc real estatc rnurtgegeci herein,by s�lo or otherwise;then t}ztl entiie mrnamu�g in3tbteJness liereby <br /> a <br /> � 'i secureJ shull,at thr optitin uf T`txe G�uitssbla 13uild'ang ai�d Luan Assuciatlotti of Chxnd(siand,No�ra:ska,beccisrip iinmediately duc und payabla withuut ; ;.,. <br /> i f'uethcr nntice,an�the pmuunt rewalnir�g duc undet suiei bond,azid any�ttzer vonJ for uny ad�ilional advunces maxlc tl�trau*�+1er,shaU,;�»��t khe <br /> + �. date of exac�isc of said opt�ut�,hcar interesl at the muximurt�legul rate,and lfii.s euurtKu�e may tiacn be fUreclasod to satixfy tLe amowrt due r�n sxtd <br /> t band;an�l any��ttacr bvnd for�ddition�l adrunces,tAgethcr svitli all surnx paiJ by said Ttkr:Gquiteb�tc Buitdir��und Lvan Asaociutivn�f Grand Island, <br /> � `� ; Nnbraslw fqrinsusunc:e..taxes anci assessmeiats,nnd a6seractingext�nsibn chargex, wida interest it�c�aon, frum datn;uf puynwnf:ai tFm,mexlmuin <br /> t Y� lagt�t,rat�, <br /> ?} As�roviJad in thc Bund secured hrtcby;whila thia mortp�age remuin�ie� effeet ttie mortgagce may lzcresl`ter auv�anc�e addatio��al su�x�s tu the <br /> �„? makcrs+a�saiS BcNrd,tFieir as�igns or succ�axars in entcrest,which sums shall be witliin the secucity of titis rxaurtgagc the smne xs t3ie funda originelly_ ' <br /> y+ Y, securad thereby,Lhe tota(arnoutxl of pridr3cipal dcbt��t to nxceod at�ny time t#ic ariginai amount of this tnvrtgage. <br /> r;j llatod this /r.�'"J duy ot ;yr•ti✓c s._c:.. �h.t).,14 .%'r.' <br /> , <br /> ,.F . . .{/ .. . . . . � � . � � <br /> v�. �' � ,��..�._...,..�_ . . � � . . � . � . . .. . <br /> i Ua�i d� Ho� !wp� '��?W <br /> .;. � d .s�: s:s�.t �s�,.. <br /> ,'� Darl ene A. Hoff f <br /> � 1 S'TATB�1F N�S�CASIC.A� Y � �TUt1�2 1. 77 ,he€ore iue, <br /> 9�^ ss, C3n U�is 18th 'da uF �> <br /> k E CO�UN'['1'Ci�11ALL� ,,,�� *` <br /> � - , , thc uudersi d,a Motary nn�for ss�p Cvurity,perx�xostly cnana ' �, <br /> �� - pqhald..D,.„�of� and Tfarlerme A. Hoff, �ach in his and �ier own right and as spouse of ea�ch other �� � <br /> �` � ". wlw d t^52 �erxonuily kcwwn ta ��` ;w <br /> � -: me w b�tha idCmtfiicat p�otear�, whose ne��e g A Y�,+ eCfix¢d to ths.above iasvumettt as mortgagos ei�d the,y sevcrel�y f? ,." <br /> � > <br /> 4 9CICA1f>W�M�tHCSd!{Tl+AetY��RMR'FfO.:}1C thE'�t' ;wilantatyaC_e:eddce�._ //� ^�''''�\ � � � � i'--""" � �� '` <br />�+ -.M....�..,..».,.,..w"'� ..P \,��fk9�t5�8SlQ �UtY[�S-^�.2tAC�BtC$rOLCS314�. � 1.- . �,� . .�� /^,. , . . . �S'",'. <br /> �e � ,��� G�M�'kRc NCTt'.a+�'tY��3� �. �� . .. . � . ' !' . . . . � <br /> }; Jkf�At�;�dY�e�wnqxpires . <br /> „, <br /> �e � j .dtlY 4nmm.CxR,atisav:IE,l�� ., . �rt• � <br /> G, L'-..�.s,—."�, <br /> 'iuc�iary Yub�c � <br /> "�""�-� Kt . ,!�''G�—� .r Y�, /�"7' G--'.� <br />� ,� � <br /> ��. � <br />� ...._.. <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />