<br /> �„
<br /> E ';,.-,�.�i.
<br /> �^ I �
<br /> a��- c, �� �3 � � �
<br /> "C'n fi.�Vi� �ND TCr EXULQ tlae s.an�e� untu t�e blot�gagee, as lierc�in p:7�ovidt:<i. �Fvrtgag�or r�n,res«�nts to,
<br /> and c�ve�n�txta w'ith, Yhe �13ort�a$ee. k.hnk th+� aiorYgagor has p�o�ci riutxt to rz��"t! and convey sa9d pre�irkisex ;
<br /> ttuat tihe� ure free fi�m eneuc�bxunce, exce�t as h�reinotherw ise recitc�d ; tha�t Y.lae 14forigagor tivi►� �°arrant
<br /> Attd ct�efend the same agafnst the lawful cluizizn UF a!I �iecsca.ns �ro•t�>omsoev�„r. &icyx•tgag��� F�rrrel�y relinr�uivltes
<br /> �t1C r��ta nf hrranestestd, alt rz�ritnl ri�hts, ,�ther in tt��v crt� in equit�, �uci uYI r.�ther contingc�nt interests �i
<br /> the D��rtgagor in anr� to thq aEaove•des���ibed� premi�e�s.
<br /> � � � � � � �� g � � � � � ` � � � , .
<br /> P"itttvtDEa Af.wAYsn ar�d ttaese pr�aents are ex�ixted �izc� c�eEzvered upon t}�e €ollotiving canditions, to
<br /> wit :
<br /> &Iortga$or agrees to p�y t€� the Ma�z•tgag�a, ar ar,•c�er, tfie �fua•�s:1id Frincipal suin �vith intet��st frum dat4 ' „
<br /> � �t �he rate �c�f �ight � � per cen6urn ( 8 . O�fn ) p��unnu o th u � i'd k�a3an�e tt rtii �:�id. '
<br /> � 'The ssid Nrixici�land intet•esC sha�i k�e ayub�a z�t the of�ce of rst _ �e era�i � � n aezd �oan
<br /> � � Asa�acaat�on oP �inc ��n
<br /> s'n Grarsd Is lancl , (3 �braska , or at: such ocher �alace �s t}t� ]tald�r aE tlae note rnuy designate i�
<br /> �+vrititn�; delivered armailed t� �he D1art�ag<�r, in month[y in�talltnents ofTWO FIUNURED NL;IE ANI2 54 / 2QQ '
<br /> �oll�srs ($ 2p9 . 50 ) , c,��r�rYicncing� on th�- first cizsy Qf Au�ust , 1;► 77 , and ecsntinui�� atx
<br /> �Ite first dav of F:2tckt �u+:anth titereafter utttil sai�t tznte i: fully paid, excspt tfiut, i;f not sooner 'p�id, the finu(
<br /> ; : €�u1'ment of px6�rsr�31 �d intez-�st �lia�i, be due aittd p�y�ttlle an ktte tii•st d��v of Jiz] ;,F 2�67 ; � lY � "
<br /> :aecarcl3ng to th� tertns nf n cer�tain promissUr-y rrotc� of �ven dake kzt�•e�c=itli executed i�v the:�airi 14liirt�agar.
<br /> The Mort�agor furthe�• ag;reesr , `; '.
<br /> � t
<br /> a X _ FTe wiJl Iany the ind�btc�el�iesa; as hex�ei nbefor-� �rz•ovicled_ k'rivilege is reserved to pr�pay at �tnV
<br /> i time, �vithout premzuni or fee, tlie e�itire inc�e��tucitxess ar any part thereof tiot i�sa thaYi the ainnunt �f o:ti�
<br /> s � : instaliruent, or one hundred doltr�s ($1QO.OQ), whichever is less. t'rep�ymei�t in full shali he �redited on
<br /> � r : the dat� received. Partiai pre�yment, other than c.n an instttlLment due dute, neecx-riot kre enedi#xd uxitil
<br /> y � , , the n�z Yallowisig installmetit ci�te zia'te or tnuLy ciay-y af;,es such pre�a��ient; wtaictsever 'ss eKrli�r, r , , �
<br /> ,� � � , `L. Together with, za.nd in addrtion ta, the munthly �xyments of. pririciizal aud interest pa��tk�le undc�r �
<br /> " k ` tF]C tEl'17ns nf thr� sintv ur�n��ro.7 ti�y �j ., r r...,�..:. ._.,.. • � . . . �' , .
<br /> . , � ar • +•.•a 4gog,vi .t'v`i�t jieay 4U tYlUt'L,�+,A(T,CC� �.S� LI'ltS `LG'k?� . �( LY1C�P,2' �1"1L' t4s1'AlB�O.X k}114
<br /> , ; trust as hereina�ter sta.-ted) on the first day- of elch mnnth untii said nc>te is fulIy paid : y
<br /> : (�� A suni equal t o th�. �rcrund rents, if aai,v, uext clue, ��lus the pregxsiueiis that will next beeom�: due F : '
<br /> � ttind pnyable on policies of fi�•e andF nthcr° tiazard insurance covca.�ing the mnrtgage3 pr�perty,
<br /> � �ilus tases and �sse:��mr.nts neact dxie oia the raortglgici Z�t•r�p�rl�� (ail as �sl,imt�ter� [rFa the i6tnrC-
<br /> , . ; �age�, �tai�l of «�liiclt �Iie Mar��agox- is n<�ti fied ) ics? �ail 5utns alx•csdy pui.ci ttterel'or .cii�Fideci bv
<br /> � tlie nsa�t�ber vf months t�rela��se lat,# ��ra oii� mnitit}i pr ior tu t€-�e dnte �vhen Sueh graz�nd rents,
<br /> % premzums, t<xxcs anci aasessments zviil became eiefinc�uent, suct2 sums to i�e held by �14ortgag�ee
<br /> � in trtst to �Say sx�i�3 �routid r. ents, premitztns, �a.ties vnd a}�ecial as��;ssrnen#�. `
<br /> _ � (6 } Thc�;ag�x•egttte c�!' tlie a.�iotinis pa,y�iUlc� pursu�nnt tosu�Para�gr:� ph (a) ��nd those �aya.ble �xi. Lhe 4
<br /> , - iaote ge¢iiz�e�� he�•e�>„v, shall t�e 7�aid iai �z siit:gl�� pa��me�tt eztch rrso7�th, to kie r���riied ta thei faTta���- '
<br /> � , � ' , ingitems�iu thp�wi�de� sttttesl : � � � e>
<br /> ' ( i ) �round rents, l;sxcs, assetisn�enie, frre a�id othet� hlzard insur�nc� �aremiuma ; ` ° '
<br /> � ' ( II ) interest on t13e n�te secui•e� hereby* ; :knd '
<br /> tiii ) airtat-tiz�tion of the
<br /> � � � princi�al of sxid no�c. � � � �� � �
<br /> ' , Any deficaenc,y in the �muttnt of �ngr such �ggrega�e rnontt� ly }�aymetit slinll, uuless rnAde graad �
<br /> �� t by ti�� illartg,agux• }�ri or t�� the due c�ate of the nexE. such paym�nt, constitiaie an erent of def�ult
<br /> j ` untier this mottgage�_ At �Inrt�,*a �ou's o�tion, •llpx•i�agor wi11 pay a `yat� cktar�e" nvt exc�e�d-
<br /> � � , ', ,
<br /> ing fn�i� pet� centum {�1 �)�, ) of <iz:}• nst:illineaitis�iten paici q�ore ttiitn fifteen { 15 ) riaysaJter the �
<br /> s . due date Cliex•eof. to ccav�>r ,the c�.�trar espei�se in�c�lvn.d izi t�ar�dls.ny� cie(9nque�7t puyments, bu.t :suoh
<br /> � � y "iate cl�txr�;��" shall� not br �p;�yr�ble� aut oE� ikae �aroceeds of�uziy salc� ma�e �k� saLisf:r� �the indeb�ed-
<br /> , ness seettred ht�rel�y, unles� sueli procer,ds <3re sut3jcient tci dischxt�ge tlle eiitire incfebtc.yc3ness and
<br /> ; � ' ail pro7�cr custs and c��peitses secux:�d khereby.
<br /> t!" � $. ; Tf the tota3 nf the pttymcants madc� by �he Martgn,�c�r, ;under (cc) of p�ragragrh 2 preceding shal!
<br /> , exeeed ttae amount of l�ayments �ctually made by the Mortgngee, as trustce, far �criuid r�ents, �axes and
<br /> , ass�essmenta or insuranc� premi�€xns, as the c•.ase muy� bc�, suc}i excesa shac(t be ereditaed by the 14�ortgagee
<br /> � qz� �ubse�quent 'pag�ents tn be ms�le by t.he ASoz-xgxgoz- for st�cn Items or; sa�.:t Mortgs�e�'s aption, tt� ti•us�e,
<br /> F
<br /> k '' skta.11 bo z�efunded to DZortgagnr. It, however, such monthly pay�nentis sl:�ail nnt u� s�u�cient. to pay such !
<br /> z#�t� when the saane sha.11 beconno dne ancl gayable, then tlie llzortgagor shult �aY t.�r thc MorL�agrc. as
<br /> , . trustee; �y atnount nacessury to 3nteke up Lht: c€eftcie�icy within tF-iirty: ( ;�tDl aj:tt•s �fter 1�>ritten notice frraai
<br /> � the Mortgagee ;stating ttx+e amount �f the deficiency; �fihichatatice rn�tiy� be given by tria.il, If at .tny tinie
<br /> r the Msit^t,�agor shall tender to the Mottgage�, in accoic3aa�ce ���ith tht px•ovisiaus aE i;ite Mot� secu�:ed
<br /> � herreby; full pa}rment;; of the c,ntixe indebtedne�ss represented tl�ei��k��=, ttse 1ltort,�age�, as trust.e�, sha11,
<br /> " in �ompnting the amrniht af such indebtedness, credit to t11e nccu�nC of t3ae Mnrt�u�or at�,v cr+edi� baiance
<br /> ; a�c�amulated under khc proviaioag�s of (aj 4f p.tragraph 2 hereof. Tf i:la�re ahaii tse u defxuit u�der nn�
<br /> x . _ of �hc pz-ovisions o�' i2iis tnoit�a�-c: resuitzng, in a publac sule oi Ll�e prernisea :cauerc� hexeby, a�• i# the
<br /> ivio=tgageve acquires the property otherwist� aft+�r c�ef�.ult, the .lfmi•tga�ee, as trt�stee. si�rzll a�ply, �t :the
<br /> ' tizrne af:.the cqzrtm�ncement of such proci�edin�s, or �tt i:he �imQ the �ro�+ertY is �thr. rw�ise a.ec�tai �r.d, the
<br /> yn� z� amauu�:then remaiuing fco credit the :Mortgagcar under (a1 of paragra� 2 precec3in�, � a, cred�t on the
<br /> in��'est �c:e,rueci an.�3 unpaid slnd #�e balarace to 'tdri; principal 4hen remasiai�z�g nnpaid �n skaid notc�. ' �� : z�,
<br /> � F, em
<br /> ' 4, The lien of tliis uisti•ument sli�il remain is� full �orce a.nd ef�eot durisi� any posC�onement o� exten- �� ' � ���
<br /> ; � sion of the tixne of paYcnent of Che �ndebtec3ness o�� a��v �art ther�of secui•eci hereby. �,
<br /> �nr`� b. He �suill a �il ground renaEs, taaes, asse�ments, �e atez� ra�ea, az�d �th�r� > � " o.:
<br /> � �' ' E,*over�m�nta2 or manici- , �,4
<br /> ,; { pal chRrg�s, fincss, �x irinpca�itiotiis, 2•evird upon:sai�d pzroin,ises as�d that he wii� pay r�lI taxes levied vt�on this
<br /> , � mar�Sage, -mt. tkta sl.�t ,s�:�a�ed t��er+eLY, tcjgether �+citfi any �ther ta±ces x�r as�essments «-hiah m�t� }� tavierl
<br />� : tk
<br /> t , und�rt2ib3au°suflti:�i�a�l.a, a�•ainst the �c�r�ag+eae, ar the iega,thold,�r of sa�d ptinci{�al siole, oa account of
<br />�.r :
<br /> ��
<br />� � �}338 111(�£}2'�'[lil@5.4�.Q3tCA1).t 3at7}i£il� Tg�vptP�i# fn» �ll cyt.^-1; :i;...'„.''�..'La +�`io:� w�.c^i.'c�u�vai-� ��iccit il5+�aucz �uitfjEl (`cZ3 Vl �Ai'ti- � � .
<br />� i gx'aph2 h�reof, and lie wi13 �t•om�ti,ydelsver the ot�cia3 receipts therafor to tite 31Soi�tgagee. in defxult
<br /> t ` , thrreofth�.i4lai .,
<br /> . � '�'�C 2T1A3' 7$�'. �.�1t1 afi17111, � . �
<br />� � � �
<br />