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� <br /> ( :� <br /> �_..M e.,_. � -:;+:Y.�.. � <br /> 77'"- tt�3353 � <br /> � MO�TCA�E , � <br /> j h10RTGAGIi L4Al`�;NO. L 22�6�� <br /> � KNOIY ALLMEN BY T?lESE PRESEIITS:Tha{ Kenneth H. 5chm9 dt and Phy1 T%s C. Sehmi c,�t, each �s���.s. <br /> � �� a�nc�.her�vwn +right�a�n�i as��sp.ouse nf each�� other, � � � ��� � � . � " � �� ;��; <br /> � <br /> s'� � tMSortga�or;�whether ono or�tare,in co�sideratioa of ii�c scim�of +�: <br /> �``� - - —'-T�LLARS <br /> "-_-_ __� � '` � ' `' <br /> ,a� 1�an,ed,ta cul�at muxtgagar by'Fha Ecruitable SuildinR and Luea Assoc�tw�of Grand Tsl:and,Ne6caska,M�Ftgagee,upon ��� sYrares oC atucic of " <br /> � said A5a^QEEA"FIt7Ik.Certi6erte hi�.L Z�,^3�3�{ ,cicr h�raby;ten3 u$yo�nd.^-.:r:ba6,..zato.t;.,�: ,,,,vi,tNTlvi.:ti��Foiciciwing <br /> ,�� descsi6ed rr.eY xstatc,situuted in Eiall Cnu�ty,Nebraskn: � <br /> �<<� � �;� <br /> '� �� LOT TEE�t (l0a IN BLOCK SIXTY FOUR (64? <br /> �. IN WkE��ER & L�AfiVEii''S RDQ£'fIOK TO THE ` <br /> � � ' GITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, , <br /> �`� �� ;�, <br /> � NESRASKA. � <br /> n '� � ' <br /> �L.� .. . � . v�. <br /> ��� <br /> i ), <br /> rf'� � . . � � � : <br /> w� . . . . . � "� <br /> �l�' � . . . � . ( ' <br /> y � i <br /> � . .. .�� �:�. .�. � � �� � . �. .� .1 1�. <br /> !''. <br /> ?z` � together witli att tha tenements,h�reditamrnts and appur[enances thereunto bnl�ii�.ing,including at[a+ched lluor criverisrq;s„at!window scraas�s, <br /> w�nilow sha3es,blinds,st�rm winctows,awnings,heating,nic conditioning,anct plumbiiig and waserequiprraentand accessories therctn,pumpa,xts�ves, <br /> �t� rCfrigerato7s,and other fixtures and es�uipmeni now or herraf2er attached to or used in connection with sxir3 real nstate: " <br /> '�� And wherens tlxe said rr:�rtFago�has agread an�i dnes hereby�grce thxt the znorcg,�gur sha�31 and wzll pay sIt taxes ar�+i ssussizxtnts levied or � a�- <br /> �t� assessed upnn said premises ancl upor tkis,martgage and the bond secpr•�t f e ebx before �he asme shal�become cielinque�t;to Furnish appravrd , <br /> 1 zusutance upan-tha buil�in�.s on said premises situated;i�a rhu sumof� I�,�b�.UO payable to sai�'ASSOCIATtOid anJ to deliver to sraid` ` � r f:; <br /> y��` ' ASSOCIATIflN the pulicirs f`or s2ici insurancc;and noe to cornmic or permit any wasta ozi or�baux suid preznises; <br /> Yn cxse of defaulr in ttee pertormanee of any of ahe cerms and condil�ons of this snartgage;or t1�e tsvnd sacured liaretsy,ihc rmortgagee shsll, � r '"' <br /> � r un demanJ,be erttiTIet1 to immediatc�pussassion uf[he murtgagid premises_and Ihe anortgagvi lunby ussigns, tFansfers.aud sets nvcr t�s thc; ` ': <br /> � '� mortgaget a1C:the r�urs;"revnnues.and ince�me to he eieri4edl}om the mottgaged pcemiscs durin$;such tiime;�s th¢man e e in�,lebtedncss shall rectssin' <br /> BB <br /> r� . unpaief;and the modg,agee shalf have the powec co appoint any agcnt ox agents it may-c�esire fur'tt�e pu.pose af repairing sacd ptemis'cs end reniing ' <br /> �i- dre sxc�e nr.d:coliecting thc rents;revcnues an3 incom�;nnd ik raay pav out of sn'rd incc�me ull expnnses .af repairing said premises�id:necassary r. <br /> ��� cnmmissions and Kxpenses incurred in rcnting and mannging the sama and af coliectiixg rnntais thereGqm;the balance rcanaintng, iL any,to br <br /> �� apgliec3 townrci.thr discliarge of.saic!mortgage indobter]ness;these.iights�Cahe mortgagee�nsy be exercised yt any,tune durirag the exisrenc�of su�h <br /> defaukt,irrespective oF any tcmpornry�vaiver of the same. <br /> �'� Th�sn Presents,hawever,are upvn th:Condition;Thut if the s�id hlorigagor shall rep�y s•rid lottn oa or 6efora she maturity of said 5harma try : <br /> +�, paymer�t;puy manthty to s�id ASSOCIATION ot thr sum spec�ed in the Rond secured licreby as interest and.prancipal on snidluars,on�r bafase ( ,�! <br /> kt� the Twentieth day of Faclt and every month;unsii said 1s�an is Cu11y paid;pvy nil tuxes and-assessmerits levted sgainsl se3id premis�s nnd on this tviartgaga ; <br /> .tl and th+�$onct secured theraby,�ef�te delinquency;turnish appruved insurance upan the bu[idings theraon Sn ttie suin af$�S,c�QQ.�@ p3yabls : <br /> „�,'r to said ASSQCIATfOAt;repay ta said ASSOCIAT101V-upon demand all money by iz pai�l for such taxes,a:ssessmnnYs and insaiianca�vith interesY at - � , <br /> ry( - ihe maacimum iegsl r0t�lhereon fr�m data af�tyment aU uC whictc�iortgagor herrhy sgr�es W pay;per�nit nn waste�n said preesiises,kemp and campiy <br /> ��� wikk�att the u�eerriencs and conditions oF the�vnd for 3�5�ZDd•Q0 this day given t�y the said Murt�cgur ta said ASSUGIATi013,and coniply : <br /> ,� with al�the xequirements qf the Constitution and By-Laws of sa�d ASSO(lA7'[ON,then shesa presen[s slw�l becamc-nuli ane2 void,a�t�envise the� ` r <br /> � shaii.rcma9a In'Cull farce and may I�foreclased at the.opticin of the suid ASSGCIAT3QN after faaura fur threc rne�nihs to'mako nny.of svi,d <br /> �; payments c�r be thcee monihs in arrem3x in makin said inmllhl �- , ;. . <br /> B y gayments,ur io keep and comp3y wifh th�aKraemencs and cc�nditions of said$crnd; „' <br /> �'• andAlcsrtgaguea�raes tQ havc a ieceiwer appointed forthwith in such f4reclosure ptoceedirxgs. <br /> �`� t�there is any change in ownerskaip of the real estute moetgaged herein,by sale �r otf�erwisc,then tFie entire renutining indebtrdness,horetry > <br /> 5� 5ecured sha11,at the aption of Tlxe E.yisita6le 13uilding sn�Loan,Association ot Gzand 1s1x�d,Nebraska,becnaate immediately d�se and payabla withcYsat <br /> fuzthei notica,::and the.xn�onnt remasninR c�uc undac said bond;and any other bond£oruny bdditinnal a�dvancescrradc cheieunder,shrV,1'rom tYxe <br /> ,�y date of oxetcise of said.vgtion,beur i�x.tercst ai the ms�cainum le i rute,nnd this mort a <br /> $a g�rcvvy thrn be for�closed tro satisfy t�iie amuunt tlue pn ssid <br /> th <br /> bon�;�d any oih�e b�ndSor additiunai advances,togerher with ail suxns pnid by said Thc Cquitaiaie t3uildiag�nd i,nan Assoczatlan uf f�:razid lstaud, <br /> t Nebrbsl�u fox insurance.taxes and assessments;and abstractmg extension charges, with interest thcreom, fram dute o£paycraent at ttaa nwximuu� <br /> � legalrace. : <br /> a <br /> 4'� As{+rovides!u�tliau Bond securo¢hereby,wh�e itis mortga�e remains in eft'ect tha mur[gagee may}aernafier advunce aslditionzL suma tn the - <br /> ,� rnakers oC saad Band,tt�eir auigns�rsis�ccessors in interest,which sums shall be vv�xhin thv security uf this�ortgagn ihe same.�s tha futads arigina!!y , <br /> s <br /> xcured tf}�ercb�*:,thc total amc�unt i�f pru�cipa(debt not tn exceed at anv the oriyinat amaunt of ihi�uiorigage, <br /> �� � eeatt,� 2 th a:rrot June a, i�7 <br /> . ,- � . <br /> , rr-- -� <br /> �'% � y .. - ,, , . . <br /> - .:. —�: , r{•,r,i%% "�`„��° JL_��y�9..v�✓r/-` . <br /> `+�.,� ..:1.....�.l7C .. �#1.� 'C:rJ�1'"L,r �-f �� � � . . . . . . <br /> �t4, i�� C lQl ... � � � � � � �Yfly�.�.'S C. .SC ITtI "�� .... � <br /> �j . . . . . . . . � . � <br /> z`' ,s .., <br /> �3�; . :: ; � � <br /> � sza7"��k��rs�S;:,+�, s�. onrt� 2t7th ea �f J�ne ie <br /> � C01JN7'Y C�d'HAL.L� Y 7� _beforo me, � <br /> � _ � � ,: �w �;�. , <br /> "'�� `' the under' ed,a Nota Pnblic-in and fcu said Co�t <br /> ^� � � � � Y,Pcrsviwlly cnaac � "�'.,d. � � <br /> �, Kerf�n�th;.�. aAd Phyl�is C_ Schmidt, each in�is s and�ier awn right anc;�as s�puse of � � <br /> � ��G�'!'��1�3" � .�,: �� who e�Y`E PersonaL'3tkr,c;�•r.t*> <br />� =.,c,:;.t�the '�t�,�,� ose�ame S a3 Y'E affixed t�tl�e sisuve inserumeni as mm�$agot S und tlt@,y' snvardlly r r <br /> acknuw �`�,��ti+u�F�� ��j@3 i" avaluntary act snd deed. '�,.,� ^. <br />�'� a g � <br /> taraai Sea!tfze date a#'aaresoi.+. :�, <br />�� �'y'���1y��fia�p �'"�/..,�..,i1�1: 1:7 i G7..Y�S �� .:� rd`�1.�_ ���1.'��1'LF.. � . �,�. <br />� . �� �t r '�. r ���b�s�'_+. � �",� :.f � . .. .. . t_�[.�'-r.e_.e,�-G-rY-�.,:,- Gil %� l'�;/�-'�--"iG�......-_._.__.__.. . <br /> � Nocary J2'trbba <br />� 4, saatc au `"'�y� - ;:.... ��`�`' <br /> �`'�F i�E�Q <br />� � <br />� <br />�,, <br />,� <br />