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� <br /> � �q <br /> w 1 <br /> ° `:`:�:� <br /> ��:,, � f <br /> ; < <br /> T...N°.z�a ¢;1�° ���,,.�v°�� r,i�M '�.�fv.t��;" ,�`"r�(� ;' A � � w 4 "' �✓:�s , ° '- . . . . . <br /> .:Uo.. ��w.�rw.� . <br /> 7�r, . C� (l33 3 `7 <br /> ; <br /> . .. . � . . � . [ FQRM (JF �C)ivi` (Jf' TNF.. SLRItS UIJE a'FXl7 �. <br /> No. � <br /> , ;. ; <br /> NORT"HH`EST�RN 1'UE3L1C SERYIC[ CU'�SI'AT�'1' <br /> � � � ,'�I <br /> Ctxsr Alc3xrc;nc;r. 13c�rwv. $.80 r, 5�=_xaF.s nt�r 1Q�! 7 <br /> � <br /> t�c�e J�3r,t: � , zc�o7 � ,� ? <br /> <,�`; ,:i <br /> � <br /> t��rthwcstern Publ�c Serv�ce C'nrz� p:iny, a Ileluwarc cc�rporation (. hc[�einadter <�3LEcd the "Compa�y'" ), r % <br /> Cof yaIue r�ceiveci. here�y �tc�mises t.� pay tn or re�istered axsi�tts, ihe principal s�z�u �f �' <br /> > ��� ` >,, <br /> I7o�lars ot� the first efay uf lune. 2qU7; �and co pay interest un said sum 1rr�m ck�e datc � ,:' k <br /> hereo#: ut tlah tate c�f ci�lit and cight-renths p�r renYum y�cr annum, rayat>Ic liult=yearl,y� ut� che first r3ay af �` ' ' <br /> � <br /> June and tttc ftrst day �8 Ueeemiacr irx. each year, usitii said pricacip�l suxn is paicL Th� interest �e� �ra;�abl� '; , �. <br /> an any' ,Iune i �rc 17ecember i , subject tu rer�ain oxceptioas pro�•i�ie�i irr. the 'u`u�piem�ntai lrr�lentum y� � ' �' < � � <br /> hereinafier rn�ntic�ne�i, �rll be p�ic: t� the pe:'son in whvs� nzame [his bcir�c.) is rc�i�tcred at the clase of ' ' s <br /> business un the immedistely nrecedin� M:�v I S oY I<3uvell:kser 1 �, as tl�e r.a+c mcay be. Both the p=incipa} �sf ' ' `, , ; ` � .� <br /> and the. interesi nn this Uond shxli be ps}�a=blv ait the etiice or uKency oE tk�e t:ompany in the City v!, ' , " � ' �41 ' ,y ' <br /> 1 !1 f � <br /> ��� C(zicnga, 5� atq aC ttlinocs, in an�� 4roin c�r�� eurrency� of the� Uruted� �tatos aP �Anicrica w�hich �t tC�e time <af ' , � ° „ � , � <br /> �nyment is Fegc�l tender #'or pu�lic anc3 pm�ate debts, ur, at the c�ption �xl' the registered c3wner, in like �rain � ' ' �� ; , xw: <br /> or currency, at thc c�ftice: uc agency �f thc {'onrs.pun�r w tttc Boro�ugh c�f M�r�hattan, che. City nf New York, � , ' ' � <br /> Stata of Nea� York. ` ; , ' '' � � <br /> T'his band is �ne �f the 6ands issucd and to be uwued from tim¢ t� time under and in actvcdance with % � `,, ' <br /> and aii'secured by the iodrnture of mortgage or dceci uf trust ciazed August ! . Iy4Q, executed anci deli�ered Q ; .; � '" '� � <br /> bV 'the Compuny;ca "]'I�c �'huse Natioz��i B:tok uf tlaa City �t`-ATew 'Yqrk ( ta wl�ich The C'hase INantaattan , '� o' , ,;;` � , � � ' <br /> Baek { National Ass�ci�tti�tt), lie�einaFter sometimes reFerced to as the "Tsvstee", is tt�e successor ) and `` "' � ' <br /> Carl E -liuckiey: ( J . J. O'Con�ietl being lus su��;essor ), as Trustces, as supplemented " and axnended by ' " � " <br /> certain indenwtes supplemental theretca, includi.n� 'a Suprlcmenzal lndenture daled flctvber I , 1 '94G, and u � � ' '' i' A <br /> �� Supplecaiental Ia�denture �dai¢d June l , 1y77 ( the Su�hl�mental lrld�nture dr�ted June 1 ,��� 1977, being hercin � '�r+ , � <br /> refetred to aS tGe "S�pplemental lncieneure '", anc' ;:aid , indcnture of` mort�cige as so supple�ncnted an�1 � , . r , a`�". � s�', <br /> J � � p ,- <br /> amended being f�creinsometimes eeferrcl tv as thc "Indcnuire "), to wlrich lndcnture r:ference is h�reby ' � ^� ` ` � r <br /> madc for u description rsf the propert� mr�rtgaged cind pledKed. the nature an� extent of' d�c iecurity nnd ' ' '"� � +, ; <br /> the ri�lits nE the holders and tegistcn:d owners of sald bonds and of the `Ttustces pnd oF thc Com�eny;in p ' '; ' ,; � � <br /> reSpect oF such security. !iy the tcratts of, the Indcnturc the hr�nds tv be serutcd thereby rare isxuub�e in A � +r � `� ' <br /> � sents � which rnay v;ary � :at tc� da�c, � a�tount, d�tC� �N' inc�iurity. rate of iatcsrest. rcdect�pti�n �»rovisions; , '` ` <br /> mrJium �Cpaiyntient and i�i other mspects as in khe lndenture provi�fed. Ta the extent permitted by, and as t �, , <br /> provided in, ihe litdenture, modifiCativns or etlterati�ns vf tl�e indcnture, ar c�f any in�fenture su�ptetriental i ' <br /> , � � <br /> thereto, ana iif Che right� and vbii�t�tians ,nP the Comparay uiiei of Uie holdcrs ot the bands and coupons � <br /> ,' i a� :�f ' i • 'v v 1 s b � <br /> may be m.�de Hith the c�3nsent of" the Cv npuny by hrn au c ute UF the #su dets al' t�c t les3 tlaa�r 6 �i� ' :- <br /> �n a�gregate ��rinci�al a��ou��A �f the bvnds entitled to vvtc ther� t7utstanding; at u meeting erf bandho�ders = r � "' <br /> called and held �s pruvi�ed in thc lrAdenwre, anJ �y �n alfiirnatrtive vote o #` tNe liotiienc �aC irot tess th�n � � <br /> ��� � (ib'h96 �� in fl�$,r4g�te �rlr��w1P�1 � arnt�u�t �Ai the bbizJs ul` rax�y s�ries et�ritled � �o� voie �� x):ets uat�t�itiikding anc! � � ' � <br /> ut�'ecteci by xuch n�odificaetion ur allecation, in c3se c>a�c or anure but Icxs tlian ,alLof the series of b�ndH 31ien <br /> outstunding �iider tl�e lndenturc are sa �flerted; pnrvided, h��wc+vcr,-tiitit nu siich i��aciilic:stion aralicrs�u�n. <br /> �, � , �. � .. . = � <br /> aha11 Ue:ma� which will: al3'e�t thc terrs►� aCpayrnenc of t1�e pridc�ipNl df, or L;terest Ur Prernium, iJ' any, ��a; ` <br /> this band, i � : <br /> 13onds cst' the Series �lue 2W7, of .ivhich this is ohe, are subjecrtv rcdempuon as fvl�uws� ` <br /> ( [ ) At t�ae optioa nl' �he Compuny �n�i upun the nutice and in ihe narnner and with the e1Te�t pruvsded <br /> :n tl:. �:�cn��:c, a�y or sll c>!' the bonds ul' the Serie� due 2C107 nyay be rc�eemed by the C�mpuny ut any <br /> ntne and ai'Um tintc to ti=nc upcan payraent of� ahe Aallou�ing pc�-scnta�:�x of t.3u principsl :ina�uni ther�6G <br /> � <br /> S �x : � <br /> � rat <br /> � . . . � .. . . . � . . � . . . . � 's�i�w�^ � a �iV <br /> �+ M , } � <br /> `�` sr,4Ac.' V.ry: 4 `Wt:'� - . � N ,��.�� ` .. c �... � �+/#ly, ..�, �. <br /> 4�x. fan r+sf.�e.- �4 d,.r�, +* ,{,�,.3 � t"=� "„e e u.s.s vw„ A > r x:. . <br />�., r. �a.�a"�.. �'�"���'a�'a�.��S�;?�4�'r.E��Y�i�*;�.�Wl�. . a �.,se-;a4 ,�'�,,,r,��r � r . . . . :� , # � t: �a <br />$�e#Y . " ^.0 � ,ie .. . ...., ��x.,, . . >� . . , ,.,-�::.: 'r . nc-.�e.� tt., , . Tu': � . .; . � ,i . . � � .. . u � .�7�� � <br /> : .�,. � <br /> �� <br /> , <br />«anao. > ii-� _ < . . . � . . . . . . _ . ,,,,4,4:= <br /> r <br /> 5?.n a . � � � > ;.' wy <br />�^ � .`- � . ' .` ' � _ ' � . � . . <br /> ,. , . ' , �, _ _, <br /> .. ,i , � �,, , , .� �. , '. , „ � _ .; .. � � . �o- <br /> vr . � .. . ._ :. . - . . .. � . . <br />� <br />�wa� e �., - . , . , ... .. . . . � . . . . . . . . . . <br /> : . ,: , , „. , . . . `� . ,. ., . , ... . . , � , <br />�.�es . . . . � . � . . � � . � . <br /> v i � � . � . . . � � . � � <br /> c � "� � . � .� . . <br /> � <br />