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,. � <br /> � � . . . � e� M : � . <br /> ror� <br /> _ ��� r � <br />�� <br /> ; � <br /> �: h S' nW' xT "yy' E tt^fR rctt^ :�'W k:� n dY'8ek� ]t ., p. ., <br /> r h � o a s s� µwz $� '� n • •�' x S t! r. <br /> ,,,'',�° '�'��k+�9a'�`.U�7fhS�AF�M4;w,9n�v r er,s�"# � o-., .� -r, , r ,- ... . , a . , . - . . , .. . . . <br /> , ��� ,� ���37� � E. . <br /> ,�A , - <br /> l � , <br /> SUPPLEMEAITAL IN�ENTLTRE, da[ed th,e Yirst day o:f June, niactetn huadred and uwtncy-seven " ' F': <br /> ( l477j, made bg and :between TfortrxwFs�tenN E'uetic SER�ric� CQeae�K�, n c�rporazioa or$anizcd and � <br /> exissiag uader thc laws of the 5zace of DelAwar�; ( hereinafter called the "Compan}!" ), pany of c�e first �i� ; s , ' � ; <br /> part, and Tt�� CHwsE M�tvrt.�rr.�x BANx ( Nadonal .Ass<rciatian 1, :+ nauonaJ. banking associaaan organiud '�` <br /> and �xiacin$ undei th+e-Jaws uf the iJniced States of America and having izs �rin+cipa.l office or p�ace of ` <br /> business an xhe Bcrxough of Manhaezan, the Ciry o!f` New Yc�rk> State �f Ncw Yotk, successor to The Chase ` " '. <br /> Natianal Bztnk of',the City of New York ( here�af'ter called che "Trustee"}, and 1 . 7. A'CoxnrFt.1,. of �� ' F ' <br /> Holmdet. New 7erse3r, succ:essor ae Cert E. $c�cktey ( the Tr�stet and; ;said 3_ J. t3'Cbxr.sFu , beiag �, ' ' ` ��"': <br /> � ,,� , �n�� <br /> hereivafter called the "Trustees'", which term where �e context requires may also designate their e ^ < < j ;�: y ,q , <br /> respe�tive predecessoz� in trust, the postof�'ice actdress of' the 'Trustezs beang l Chase Manhatta�a Plaza, { r� ' ' �k��, �"r, <br /> - New Y+�rk,>New Y�irk 70015, Attentions Corpora=e Trust Adrninistratinn C3ivision 3'- as -Trustees: under the ' '' � , , ,. .,� ' ; , , �,,., , r „`,: <br /> Indenture dated Au,;ust 1 , 1940, hereinafter: me�zaioned, parties of the sewud parc� rf� i, ` ' :' , r , �� <br /> �. .. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . .. . � � piy .� 4 I 1? f C '. � .. <br /> Wtt�xe,�s the Company has heretafore execut+ed an� delivered it� lndenture { hereiraafter referred xo as £v' � ` = � 4 , t � ? " � „`n � Ffl,"; <br /> the "4riginxl" ), dated August 1 , I94�J, ro the Trustees for th€ securi[y oF the band� af the .;' ' - t M1�, ` a ' �; ��; <br /> CQITF}�Hlly ISSUCd 3Dd.-LU IYC ESSUCC� L}1�2TfUA�CI� 'dll� � , � 4��ti �e, � ' '„t 3 y „ t 4 : �s y <br /> ��- � :�. �. . � . . . � .. � . . . ,_ . ... x.t�� t� � �� :i x�� A; <br /> Wx�at�s the Company .fram time to time, �Zas herecoforc duly mude and delivered ro the Trustees � � � `b �r��� � �� <br /> � ti� r ji � my 1 v ti e .sf'iif <br /> certain iadenmces 'supplemental tol'che Origina� Indenture, ineluding <svpplementaL indentcares dated � , „ N a , , � � , �* �r� � <br /> . 7anuary 15, . 1941 , August lS,: 1945, September 23, 194b. Ocaober I . 1946, July ?4, 1947, Jun� 2 , 1948,. �r� ' ' � � f �� <br /> , � �� <br /> � . �- . : ' a ..2 ) h c ku .. <br /> September .l ; 19d8, June I , 1949, Aa�gusc 16, 1 �50_ March I , 1952; May l , I45?, February 1, 1455, August ��� S. �' �> �"� ' `�yi n,; <br /> 27, ;1955, Octob�r 1 ,; 195fi, July 1 , 1557, August 3 , 1459, 3uiy� 1 ,. 19G1 , �lu�y I , 196b, 3eptember 3 , 't47Q, + J ; ' r ` 'r � �, z � " . " wN <br /> Aug,ast 1 , ,1972, Juty t , 1473, l�:ovember�� �14, 1974, � and May t , 1975 ( the �� � �Ori�inal ;�lndentvretts � '�,�` ;� r , , ` � � � ;'";; � ,� �'��' <br /> supplemented . and am�nded , by the atoremenuoned supplerrEental indentures :ind by this Supplemental �t'��" �3"� <br /> Fr � t. << � � , { � <br />; In�lencure beiag hereutafter referred to as thc "In-c3enmre"); and`_ ��� ;." , ; � x: h F r�� `r� <br /> k a , �„ � r /, , �5� <br /> ��r , ,� - r r „ ;,s�� <br /> WH�tens pursuant to the terms ,and provisions of the Ori$inal Ir�denture and a Sugpiernental `� ` ' � � `' T` `q�` " "�'� <br />, �'. . _ " ao� � a� S � N .-, -�, nl lv qY � dd <br /> Indenture dated Clctober 1 , 1 �946 ( hereinafter ref'erred to aa the "Supglemental Indenture dated Octaber 1 , ' �� ' <br /> o a� �v i � � i„w x��.t <br /> t94b" ), the Company ,created a new series af bands, to be issned :under che Original Indenture: anc� ;to be . `' � : 4 � '' ' v` K °s,'r�' '�ti <br /> known as First Mongage Bonds, 3 r°"c, 5eries due } 473 ( hereina£rer called " &onds oF the Series due 1:913"), �' `' "` '` `�y <br /> �at � � 4 "� .-� y � �.�° �' a <br /> of which lionds oF the Series ; due 3-973 there wer�e herecofore issued ffiG,275,000 princi�al amount, ,all of � - + .�� � ' <br /> which wsre ; 8id in CuII at or: after mawrit and aze no lon er outstandin and � � ,4 il` ` � � 'y� t � <br /> P Y 8 � ' <br /> . , � . ;, <br /> � s �` ' ��. M ;p� � � �� � <br /> ..., ' ' ,. �. . . ,.. . � .� , -,' r r ' �'' � s � 7�, i7 ' r` v j <br /> V4'x�ews .pursuant to the terms and provisions , of the Ociginal Indentnre and a Supplemental . � � ; � �� � ', ��µ <br /> Indenture dated June 1, 194$ ( he�einafter referfed .to as the "`Sup�alemantal . lndenture da[ed Jnna . l, �i ' ' ' � ` ` " �° � ^ <br /> � � �. t � y ` '�+ � � ��' � �< <br /> 1948 '' )> ti'se Cnmpany created;:a new se;ies oC bonds, to be iss�ed under the Originai Indenture, anc� to he ^� ,+ , , ` �, „ x �>: <br /> kno�,vn as First Mortgage Bouds, 33''sPk Series due I 978, of which Bonds of che 3�4%, Serics there are issued �„ : � s `� 4 � 4 ' � '• <br /> and outstanding, as of ahe, daxe oF this Supplemental -Tndencure, $b00,OqQ principal amauntand for ^which . � ` 'f ' � � � � �� � � s�� <br /> the Campany received� exclusive oF accrued interest, the aggregaze sum of $602,820; aud ' ' ' �' '" °, ^ ' ' <br /> , , , ; <br /> r: , <br /> � t yr,t <br /> Wxe�E,4c pursuaizt to the terans and provisions af the Origiaal Inden�ure and a Supplemental. ' < , '- � os a ' <br /> Indenewe dated September i , 1948 ( hereinaFce� referred Lo as the "Sapplemencai . Inden[ure dated i � '� ,„ �`, <br /> September l, l948")y the Compaa�� created a rsew; series - of: bonds. to be iasued under< the , Original i , , ' ` '` ` ^ " ' <br /> ,, , <br /> tndentuce, �nd ta be 1:nown as First Mortgage $osids, 3�fi�o Serics due 1978, of �vhich Boncis oF the 3'�� } ,. , i :, , � , -; <br /> Senes zhece are issued and outss�nding, as of the c3nte of this SupplemCntal. Indentuze, $7()();bGU principal ` ` ` <br /> J I ..,. ., � 15 <br /> amouut and ;for which 't�e Gompany 'received, exclusive ofaccteied interest; t�e aggregace sum of $693,000; _ � , , ,,w , ; <br /> and � � � ,' � <br /> , ,� <br /> � � k � <br /> WHEw:Eas ursu�n.t to the tersns and ginsil =lndenwre and a :Supp3emental ` <br /> p provisions of ttie Qri <br /> Indent�re :s�ated June 1, 1Q44 ( hcreinaRet re£errsd to; :as cho "Supplementa! Indenture dated June 1, ` � ' S ' " ` <br /> ' <br /> 1949" ), ttxe Gqmpany. >c:.reateci a uew series o!'bonc3s, to he iss�.�ed undcr the Original ln3enture, and: to be ` ' ` ` " <br /> knovwrn as;Fust Mocigao e 8onds. 3 'I�3'o Series due 1'978; of which }3oads of the 3%�, Series there are:issued , '; - , , <br /> and auucand 'uig, as ui che ddce vf chEi.i Supplemental Indcncurc , $i00,Ot1q �rinupal amvuui xnd .tur which <br /> , she Cvmpany rec�ived. exclusive of acu�ued interest, the aggrrgate sum of �703.50t3: aad - � � <br /> , , r <br /> � � � , " ;y`. <br /> ' � + <br /> � : , ,, ', <br /> r r: <br /> , ,, , �. . <br /> . . . . . . . . . . , F n.:�.. �� . i <br /> . . . . � � . . . . . .r� ..� k4s'. <br /> 4,t� . . . � . . .. . . . "+� <br /> . aem. • � . . � ' � . . . . . . . . � ,��b�' � ';�L�.i� f 9. <br /> N �, � ' <br /> ,�. ....� ♦ 4 J`P� M`' S� � ' 't�C ��'� x 'b1 - � 5 �h'r< 1v ,�J�Y aKO i v;r a ' k S i . 4 iti <br /> 1 � ,'n. wn � '� � � ��u� � �``1tiA � � '�e�r Sy��'W,r �R � . � i ,KA � . . i a . � a r?J � x .L.s�4 � ` � 4��" � g�. <br /> 1� `�s r Wti�.'y' a �^rr ,�,w�+ ;Y, � <br /> � � �# t% <br /> sc,'q'�� �P 4e'�, t,2... Y,. . , C4. "i r ue"'!4. "ft� . 5 J.�.=. h�Cf' � ;gr. ° . t .�, . . . _ . � . <br />�t+YY�C.3u :� r �M' v '�. t 1 i . . . <br /> hNhS+<'� *Y e vy}r . . �. . YIbCf1m'� x I <br />(i�� � � � <br /> ' <br /> F,.. �I`� � .j <br /> gn + [Ar� , 1}�� '�- _ �` �� <br /> KF �� <br /> Sv�n m �f . , u .. � . . . . � . . . . �� <br /> ... . J . . o . .. . " _ . <br /> J <br /> 4 <br /> 'q' 2v 4 . . .. . . . �� � <br /> � k � �� . , . . . .. . � � �J <br /> . . . �. . . . � . � � � <br /> � . . . � . � � � . . . � <br />