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<br /> ��� �r�gkt'# �ti�d as Spca�use of �kho��th�r, � {
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<br /> � .,e 6"�"Jk��C'' r�anry:Nobrarlc�aa `-+ '
<br /> �Z . � mortgv9or.�..:and Hom.s P�d�ral�9ariaea+aad Loan Awel�atian a�t Cicnrl Isiemd, r:.
<br /> � a��bao m9�+nlmd mxzl ssisfln4 under tlur laws aS N�bro�lca wteh iu prladpd oltla ooad g�oca ol baau�iaaa�at G:aaB 1x2mW.IseDzasica. �
<br /> �.. � ,. , . . ��,'
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<br /> ' Wl!l�SETH �bat aa3d Morlqagnr�s!or cad 3n aanddezaNtra�of�tbe stua oL_ �
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<br /> �u�f, �. .. . � �{��.� � ,r
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<br /> � � :
<br /> � , �;' ; , C 10);y lN B�OCK ONE 4 I ) , �EL—AI R ADpl7�f QfV TU THE �I TY OF �RAMD ` ` �' '��
<br /> � � �. . �.,. ,
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<br /> fSLHhtQ, HALL GOUN7Y, NEBRASKA. ' *,;;�
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<br /> y ���� 3"oqethei�vtitlY.a1C�heating,�:Fa�ghUag, asid �alum6ing equlpment aad� #Iccuree.�3ncYudiaig.stokera and bucnrre.:scr¢�nt,¢�vaipga,atorm wlndaw�a � :�
<br /> y� , ��., ar+d-daora.amd Wtadow,ehadetl oz bliadn.nced:�on ar!n���coanmetioa�.�.with aaid.�prapaxty,'wLethaz�::Y.a eamv zt�e is�w.7otciaa ou e¢za ra rig,��, ��
<br /> . . :' cv heteatterp3a�ad thereoa�:` . ..'F � r ` ''' �� `
<br /> � � �'O:�HRVE ANp Tt!80LD THE'SRME�.b ethar wltEa.a71 aad��.a3a � �� � �� :���' .: .��: r
<br /> g . qulac tho trnor+toate,Lezedit�enb asad appurtenancea Ih�rzaunl4 bePoi�.g �,
<br /> � i
<br /> ..� . . . . : . . . . . k ,,. ... ; v��.
<br /> ; iaa,q,�ot{n any�wito;appertaiuing,torevar,amd warraat the-litie to�tho ecsna. Suid morlqagor�_haruby eoveneaat�:.with aexfd martgoqere. Y
<br /> � � Ehat�.t.A . . � � .. .i �: ` ;�. ; �:
<br /> , e_� '�_.571'""'..5,.__,at thn�delirery;heieof,th�lawlul owaerS.oE tha premiqes above.�conveyed��and debsiibecl,aad�,._�,i"B }
<br /> i�: s.eias¢o!� ood and indaleas[ble wtata a£ 3nhezilanae tLsorein,fzeo�and c(aaz-ot all encumbraacae,and that.__�'}i � t
<br /> ;1�, 9 . . . . e�_wikE warrcnt aad ? . ' .�,' ,: t..
<br /> S : delond ihe Y4Ze tGe:eta lotev@r againmt the clalms and demanda ot,�a11 pazeoaa whomaoevet . ;' �.. , , ,+ ,„...
<br /> � PR0ITIDEL�'ALWA'3CS, axr•d th3a�inatxumant:�ie execuc�d and �a-�altveza:l��to�so�ura 1ho pnpacsnl-�.�f the eea.c a"
<br /> t
<br /> ' THIRTY '7k-iOUSAhID AN4� NO/IOd—^-----^-------------=_ __---____:__—*+o1�a:a c5 3�1:,Clflp� s
<br /> y' � wiih infniewt C3�eroon+togut3ie� with eucL cisa�gos and ad=uaucee as-may tw���dua m1d..payable�.to eaid mortqagct� u.ndot tkxe,.tertas tzas3
<br />�'h ' c+�andltiostp::ef !he ��roenFeeor � note o(�.evea date: herewi4fi aad seeurarl hexeby,rszeeuted by eaid snortgaqos.5...._tp sa[d morA o e¢, � '
<br /> � � as e�zetsed 3,a eatd note,nd.to seeuTe tha � q a �����
<br /> A parlarmancro�.�af dl tha��terass and eoaditlone cpntained thetelu... �T.3�e,terma of sdd nole as��
<br /> hereby^inaorpo�raled hnzeln-bg thfs�referoae+e� ` � � .�� _ ,
<br />�Y � � If i��;tb.eiatantlaa and:agreament�of tho:partiee���hcret��haLthis'moriqage�;.�.aksall ���dlno oecuro. aay���lutsue advan¢sa meida ta ���aid
<br /> �z '�.neartgaqa[,5..._. bq�.:said mort�a9ee, and an�and a23 fud.sbtednem�.in aildlGoa�to the amami nbove atatsd��:�wbich snid martgcxg�+,ar tmy -
<br />�,r .�.ol thom.`�Y:awu�to.satd morlgagee.�.2�ow�ver�aulde�nced:whq�her.:by.note.�Loak accaunt oc otherwlee. Thie azorlgago ahafl aamain Sa 3uIY �' .. . . ' '. �
<br /> rfoaca:aad �alf�ect�betwasn lhe:^pardam;he�nta�and��.tda'rx��:he5re,.peraos.al rapraeeatativem,�;:auxoeawre���nd-aesiqnr, unUl-�.nll amsrunta aecaaxeci
<br /> a!
<br />�°�� ��h+gieaadei �Eac#z�dtug iuxa::e ad^vancse.cee pald 9n:�tu12 mitts Sater�at. .� .. ... .. : �.. ...: �..
<br />� A'he",imostgcqnr s....:,�.�'�eratsy.aseiqn;�_,_,.�._Yn,eaild tocrtgagee aA.rente QA(I 3ACb.mQ as�ialag af pn�nnd�all��l{rtrae�ttem.aoid prapprty KFqa►
<br /> F ��h�xcby auWprFze raid�mortgagee or its agant, vt 11u. optiop, upon dutoult,!o�tako c�azge ol said�.proparty and col4ect�pll ceats apd Yacomw �
<br /> f� �'thcrafroin and�apply�ha�amas ta tha 7mymeatl at��intoreei`�-prtaclpai. insuaanee:.premiurms.�,taxea. ansc3aunaote.���ropaSte or-�improvamenta aacerr
<br /> ha
<br /> y soYp ta keap sald proFaszly in tenaatabie cond3tion.oz 3a-�other chaxqep�r paymsafs pravided Foi�:h.�srein or ia the�no�o.tae:�by securad, 3'2�is
<br /> t� '��.T+Ra�t aerigammnt�6aI1 mcitinws 1a fosce'.,until Ilte unpadd ianlance ot.�:sa13 aote::la iuliy VNd. 'Phe.:tckleg ot�poane.�xeton hayrsunder.�ehalE ia�.no
<br /> �.tnan�ter�preveaR or:-zetmd aal�mortgaqae ia tha�calSaciiozc oi aatd uAms.by Eoroclasssxo�or olherwle'e. � � �
<br />�� The!a#turs of��i'�a,.r�� � �+..n�+m,.rd!�rio�t� hereuader x.ri any tix�we s6dl not be.cc:nfirumd,an a 'waiver oi i�s riahi m�ezt t
<br />�� '� � � 8e•. ' —..-........�., ,."'ti.:a.-.....asseusur iuici.wmpkiance :witu a:i�tho lurma..u�d pruaiotuns aI a¢xn.note �ana ot�.tau #� .�i � .� . .��.
<br /> 4�y., ;"ths r�e.a!aav litt r?+�_..•••�•� � t...x .. -. . . . . � .
<br />�� : :. . .. . . , �� � �
<br />` 'Lt�ald sass�9agoz�..S-_thcit aauia':=to t�poid fo wfc3�Rao:tqaqee t6a entl:e ama�unl.d�se[t heretzndar,an.d uaaier the�t«rau amd.provimonr
<br /> E. , �.ot mld;tata::ihexa�Ey,sacurad.tqc3udinB.luhua.sdv,aiic��:.�wd 3any exRan�sia�a or r.�a�w:cP,::sE4:.2.;,. e�awr.iW�t<er�::�,soa:j Ihg..�.......�si�y�ro�isia� ' - �� .' .�,.:
<br />� � ��aa Ywl�( ik�Mfldk ' �=y�.�ads�d�.mot'Y7a9M�+Lo,li baa oabded w.the�;�o!f4ts ffiorxga9++.tts�an�hw�s pc�t�m4 ttsall La v�oid: . ��. � �
<br /> �'';�a�-mW�79a4or's5—ahaH ceaEFl wlfh dl f.L•+s rovl�ioaa od►ald�.note mtd �
<br /> Su..:.iS�.fo.z�.^.i and. ba ' poaaqasion:�:ai ull 01�aaid proPe�sp�d:may. at,Ids. '.
<br />� ;Ci#i�u�edare ilte;frhat�ot wid Ltpte.-amd di int9*bNrdnev rspre��nRed shetebY�bs IminodfaMly.clue and paYable,and may fareclore tliiti - w �;µ'`6., �
<br /> �a'l9a9q?r tm�n ti+�y otL�r t+qRl oC�m ta p�otrct St��iti�L4 aad 4aam.lme dab af sucL datault a3I Ueau.02 lncia6bdnew ssouad h�arabY^ „�.ry�s.q, '�
<br />�n st�Eet!^dr&'w'+stsaart, pelr asnaum. X.ppratleamrat wutrad. . � . �. ���
<br />� �� , �,, .
<br /> ���,��Uisrhe�l�o.,��vpun+med�ohall_.,�nte�,lo�hs b�ns9M•a!3L�3�w�� �:rcutora.:cdwmt�t�am:�. �ucce.socs and�-autqas ot� � � �;
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