' �
<br /> t st "�a�'
<br /> � YS taz�der �rwragrmsah IK ktarrczf thc F�ru�ut��•6� i� ��>id us� riu I`r���pa* rfe� i� r�th��rrvirr .�ry �afrrr.l I,q f . z m�ier. Lrmie+r �
<br /> �h:�11 a�;ily, �xo iater ll�an uracri�diut,r.l1` i�n�zr to t �tic �nzxic� of tl�,� !'rar��e.>r� �� �,t st� nc�� uiriit «�n i ��� � F����f�, r, :�rlr- I�A�r��1�
<br /> hefl«i by S.cnd�r xt atrc� �.imr crf n�i_�ai�cnt�on M. u cre�i�t .�:4a�rxt � lu� r�m �a t�v i� rr. i b�- i tup � icat� �rayt^.
<br /> � 3. Pllppli�aRioa � ot �aym.otttn, [Ynt�*w�� cr����itic€�la��• I .ticr� pn�v�.�ez�� othGrwi�e, ;�. 11 p:�y° ti�xr.�� r��c�+� r«�el ����� I ,a,ndcc
<br /> und�s tkatd��Tcut� �nd ga�raugra�iia t rtitYd 3 k�ert°e��i shwU � �e .�r��piid��i In� I.�-ndrr licHt ira� ��a�•�a�ent uti zic3�ar�a� kv 4���,yuiy6e ke�
<br /> I.c»e::•r IIay I�orrowee un���r ��araFzra��li 2 lu,re.�+af , thc�t t� i�[ernst ��:Ay�<°slre nrt shc �ii�t�? ctrrsi on t�'utai��r .1 , Ivnitc�a. if
<br /> ntiy, atnd then to the pRinca�r:al of ,t,h�a tiate ancl tc� tli� ��ri,.qcipul uf 1�'�.itiu•r .\ otv-tircree, tf' anv.
<br /> 4. AGhatSToa,: I3emus.: C3arrc+�va�' shntt .�ny aiD tatxe�, t�xrb�att+entn arad utlier r,z���grn, Gnew dr.��i imEtiasaC.ioxi� sattrita-
<br /> utabte G� the t'ro�re�rty which tsmay at,tafrn s� {}riaritw ����r fluw �f�we.g�ige, a�nd �ri�usic! r-e!�t,s , ;fE a�iv-, uG I.end¢r'a
<br /> , �, upk.icur+ �n the tu�trnex �rovief�ad u.arder ��r�r�g�c�i�t� 1 hx^rr,vf or Ir�� I3trr��ver �s�s�ku�� pnynaent , �vhen c9uM, z# irtetly t�a
<br /> ;� the �ay�t� t}ierec�f. k3accptv�er rsliu�ll arnm�tl�y ftZrnts�a tn T .wheicr all x�oti��en of' nt���iiiits +iatr E�ntier tEii� �i�r�grapE� ,
<br /> e s
<br /> � !�i � and in t1�4 svent linrru�vnr �8a+�ll �n�ake �>�yui+ent tlirectl�•, 11Urr���-er �Inoll pr<>ati��it�k �• furn��►z ic• I,Eauiex• r�r.�iy�t�s ev 't-
<br /> ` � den�iasg:: suali p�yro�ks. l�ursuw��� shxtl �.sr�rcx�l��ly rliselr:�r�e , ;�nv iieri ' �vl»eh ��a� }�rinrit,v uvcr this �iqrt�qe> rrci-
<br /> � „ vided„ G��G l�arrcrweruh�k! xsqt be rec�uireci Cc� di�srhor�e n��� xueh lie;tc sn lonk zay i��orrn�•e�r �tia.11 m�tre� in c�ritix�g tc�
<br /> t�te� p�ay�zlent at tltn r�lilignGiun sCe4trr�i by cur,ga fic+u ier n nzwnzmr ���cte}a#able t� 3:citrlcr� c�r �tiaai iir p�ad fui�lt Ccmtw>e�
<br /> � , ,, � � 'snah �ien by, nr +�efean�l c�iff�zheetue�'�t� oT su�l� liet� �r� ,( Pc��l ��ru,r.ercrtia�yx ,w{:irti ���era.tcs tb x�rev��rYt° thc �r�f�rccemen6 0!
<br /> r � the Ii�rs -nr fiCrieitutr. vt tlie �'rAp�erty ar ax7�� ��nrt tliereol. ,
<br /> r, � 4 S. LTasard Inuuranrg: �3ursower xlinil l�.cep t1u= i�is�aroveuients esu�r rxist,ing nr Lerrattcr trectccl ou �;}�e Pra�-
<br /> y . ; 1"M 'a3r6q ins�r�el x�mi�at luse k�v �'ire, �ili�nrd� znei:rdeci cvit�in ihe te�•an "fixter��icd et�verr,i�„ zcni3 �uch �i+.Ck+cr l,� �nc�rde s,�
<br /> , , r �'+ T.�nd�qrs�tAy requirn atnd in r�cich atnotntt� siis� for :;ua3� ��rriad:� :t� I ,Wn�icr triay iuc�iiire � }�ru� ideii , f,txnt T.et�d "er nhalt
<br /> �'� ,f not reqt�it� th,�t .tkte slmoiuxt� of sueY� covc;,•u�;� �+t:eeii Llictt, atitiziiunt, ni c:ov�rnge ieaukrcii t� {�n�c� tho p4tnis �eoured "k+y
<br /> a tlaie. 3�+To�tga�e.
<br /> ,, � '�"kc� ipsur�ncQ �urriei• ��iv��i�ciing ttie in,uiance sia:tll I�ra :c[�rxeti E�y fi�irsv�v�*r suh,jeei. E.c� �ppeovnI #ay- L+ettder ; ��
<br /> , ;, prursciec�k, k.�tutsuch s�ppcUva� �lia:}l;nnk� k�e tR� eroaPaT�u�ly �vithlield. .r11i preniipzne on ,iueiar�ri¢e �olioies s�i� 41 laa paid
<br /> , a ` �t Lender'e opGi�nn ira th� tnanncr prorid�d .ut�dcr p:�ragra,plz 2 hcreat ur hy I3arrc�rvvr tnxlcin6 P:�ytnent, ��hen d�e,
<br /> . :, dire�c�ly iu t.�re instiz�ance exrrier.
<br /> � ? In #ha eve�tt any pqlicy is ,nut renewrd Un ar before ten c�ay� of it,q ea:pirai;ian, t1�e :I.ender, t<i protect
<br /> ; ; a ita intez4est, mny procure insurance on the imprc�vem�nta, pny the premiursic3 ' and s�ch sum sha31 becnme
<br /> '�.�" immediately due and pnyaihl�s : wzth 'sntrar+�f. trt the rste '�et lorth in said ta�te until ' puid +ancl shull ' tie
<br /> -r, � h4�cur�ed` by this M�rtga�e_ Failure hy Borro�ver t;o r.omp►y rr�ay, at optioti of Lender, cpnstitute �t rle��uuit
<br /> , '-'t under t�e te.rmr� of this 11�Iort�age.
<br /> ,R 'x r�11 = ineura�ti+�e )ac+lieies ai�cl rei��wale tl�Z;reot �hali l�r i�i foriu �.ccr,;rtat�tr. t,c�:Lc7i�tue itnfi sl�all , inalude :�. stairuiu's^d � � '
<br /> ,' ,; �nurt.gngu clause in favr�r �t' axac!_�ii form accc;it:sl�le to l�e3xlcr. l.ua�ri��r �linli t��ive iiict rihltt t{� lic�ld thv �rsliciev �A�'icl
<br /> P ; rene�vai� t3tereuf; �xnd Barroa�er; wl�:�ll prottapCiy fitrnis}� to i�e�r�ier ni2 rancatiW�a1 notiCf�a and ;�ll t�eociF3�.a o�, paia pre� _
<br /> � r,;� '� �� miurns..:�� Tn fikie ey�ia� of lbss , l3��rro�vcr sIiz�il givo- �aroiaipt natice to t.3�u insur�n�.�; ceirrier tin� t��nd�r� ar�d l,and�.r � ,
<br /> .s muy niske. {>rovf: uf l�iss �F not ttaade �ren'iut3,y i�y i3orrt�wux•,
<br /> a,'j ". , � ' 4i�i insurarx,ue a�uaecds sPinll' t�e a > II�d tu rets�;oa�x�tlon or !, x , .} .:
<br /> 3 Uii�ess Lecf��r �ud Borscative� othercv isa :��ree in �i ri g� } ! t3
<br /> " " '� rep�:: �i' the 1'ropc:rty ��+�sna.qed > pt'ociiicti'scaetl ieet,ur�ittcm :ot thsrt� r ts ecunmmrnlly fee�eik�2� and t,lxe, secerril,y af N
<br /> ° � this il�astgageis' nut. tlxerebf irnpuir�±ci, ii Suelt rest��ratiaai ���� 1•epctir is �iut ccoi�oaiicctlly fea�iU[e or it tlic seattrit•y �
<br /> '�"': � of t•his 341brtgage wvatdd lic im}yxired, ttie insr� a•ance a�x�oceecls �hall h�i' s�p{�liri� t.� tiac etuirs �ceut•cii lay tt�is"�Iortgng�:; �
<br /> r
<br /> � ,� ,� " �vith tiiee.ceess,, it at�Y, Puid t� 13wccower. It t�ie Friz�>Lxlv irs ubandunc�ci by 13b��rotise�� or- if 13orxow�r fail� E� ros�sunci
<br /> t ` ,� to Lencfet witl�in 3p di�,ya raf�er ciuLiu� by� l..enclmr to }3o��rot��uc t1�nt ttic in�ura.a�ec earrier offcre to st3tt2e sd elnitn fur `
<br /> insurance benefitsy L�n�ier i: mutliorized tu �ollect :�nd a��aily the is:�iui :�nce �:irocacds a�t, I�eudr,r�S Oj3ElOIL eitl�or to
<br /> ' G restorateian-ur xepair of Lhe PrUpm•Ly or ta tiae s�uiye secucod U;y tfiis �lurtgage«
<br /> '� � LJnYese Lender �xud 1lorrolver'� ather�v�ise c�gree in �vrit�r��, uuy� such .tC�plicutdum uf � proccedti to prih�ip�l stisll
<br /> � � � . . . . . . .. . . _ .
<br /> ;, . . npL e�.teznd or pastpo`n� tlie due d3ttc o{ tt�e lnoutl�ly instulliUeuts i•eferred to ifi �an�ngrapl�4 L and `l liereof or et�nti�e
<br /> $ " tlio amount nf sueh inatallmeats, '
<br /> �+�,, , If tander ��at�gcnpfY iS here+ol" the Yrnpca•6y� is acquired 1>v ty�si¢ st nli right. liBle ua�d iatciesG of I3c3rrowar in
<br /> a��aci �o-€tuy- ii�surauc�e }�glicies :�u.cl n� und . to Glae �coc�ods tlu�rec�C ( ia thc, ect.�nl c�f thu c�uYn� e±.ecx�rc3 tay, tlris A1brG- `
<br /> ' ., fi guge iin�llediutuly }zxlot' :tu �ucli - salc or azcquiait,�otij rce� 3li:in�t fr�m ciaiaa�x�;�:, ta th� Y�"o�cr6� Cmior ta pl�ac s�la or
<br /> �? ;\ aoquz�it�on stiull; �rwss 6o Lender. , � ' `
<br /> , , 6. Preservatioa and Mcsintanance of Pzqperty; Lea�eholde: Comdominiums. l�qrra�var qhnl! IcceFa tU�! Yrn�-
<br /> , ,-�;: � erty ii� �;pod re}�air and sliall nat l�ermit oi• r.<tmiuit ��•�xtc, iiraphiri�ie>att , w� dc�t,uior�3ti0ri ot t13e i'ro�3ertz' ��nd s1�a11
<br /> ' ;- � ' Compiy, ���ith tLe l�ravisiuns of rscay leatisu , ii' i � �ie lU .7rt.�;:xge iE on n le,rselinlci. Sf i.11 iF :lioa•tg�ige ie otx a co�idon�'tnius�a
<br /> � .: � rmit, Z3c�rtorver ahalt per(oria iiil . of Iiorr�wer's okil'igatioc�s ur�r�ler tlu- di�elnrczt,ic�n af �ioncloeniz�itmi c�r �ixa�ter deed,
<br /> �'� . t,he bp=Faw�s �nd� te�ulutinns of t�io eonciotnirzian�� projeet :��caci aonstit�iont docuu�mits. � � � � � � � �
<br /> h'� , 7. Pr�staction a# Lender's $�cutity. � � if �33or���wer fa�ilc tu perfnnu.thc covcu �+tits � uti�i a�rau�nec�t,s contana�d, in
<br /> , si u , thirs l�icr3't�age; oc �C �tu�� Aetiou Cr3• f>roe�*eding is ommzaeuqti��t �vhich n3atericellv all'eats Leniicr'� ix�t�rs��t ia thc� i'ro;a- , ;
<br /> � ` ert,y , inoluding, but, not `licn�ted to, eminenf, du�txiin . iuholc•cuuY , c�•Ju enfui•ceuaeut , ur urr:icigemewiw t�r [+rocaed�
<br /> ' ,� � : ii7g� zttv�lvixa� s i�a3calcru��k �r �tecedent, tlien l,ender .;t .I,cuci�r a capf:i�u , up�xi �u�taee t.o Iiarrpwcn�, ni�w inanka such
<br /> a. !�' , � ap��urtrttnoe�; disbut�a sticli c�ums t3t�d tnke :�vcli acLi.�n ns i�t xie��r�siiry to r�rc�tect I:.cr�ii�.r'e n �tnrowt, iiicluding, but
<br /> y,;� uot Euxziteci tu, il 'rdi7xircoh��:cxt c�t' t�eubonat�lc a�Ltorne;y 'a 1'eus nt�d unt,ry upr�n tlic* [',r�perty' tv iu:tke reay�irs. Ariy
<br /> umaun Va disksur�ec! l�y� 1,etsder ta�reuant. to this �uzr;agrca�>iz , 7 , wzth -iaitereyt tt�ereun, ehull i��canit� uddi�i+insii anclebtr
<br /> � adness c�f Tivrrowcr �vc�rud b�� thiF Alox�t.gttig�. Unle�s 33arro�vnr n��d ��uxidcr- ragt�;e to pk,lier teru�s of �attyxr�cnL, c�ual�
<br /> � a�Yiouuts ahul! We payablo upun ni�ticc fs�aii� � .erzd�r tra 13or�`qsver requca�iu� payinent� tli�xenf, r�nd sl�all l�enx inter-
<br /> ;; ` # est f:ots� thccia;.� o!� ai�l�ut��zaae*at !�t th�> r:4t� s� t�l.eri ;,� 1ka� '\'ot,e unl�ss payii'�ent� of iuterest aL sucls tuEe ��rould k>�
<br /> � eonCrar,�* 4� a�a�sliaa�Crlu Inta` , in wliieli evc�nt 5uc4 :;mo���at� nht�ll i�e:�.r iu6�renL at U�r ]u�i�eax, raLe iterucisnibla k�y
<br /> � '3 itppi�ca�ale law. '�t�t�lung oor� Lni�aeii iu t3�is 1>ar�gra�� ta i sl�tLll raryuir� l .cuaer lo uacur :an,y� ea��ec�ne or dv any nc+b
<br /> < � herevnt�er.
<br /> e
<br /> „ a � 8. ��iapa�tiott. I ,ender :nav�in�ice ��r �i�i��p to 1 �o u� �a�ir.�� r�a���au�l�l� ci�tsie.*.:� upou �nd izxti��ect�c�n� �>f � tlio S'ro�-�. �
<br /> � :, _. . . . � .�. .. .
<br /> � crt,y, l�r��vi�ied .tk�nt � I,endmr alix�il���ive 1i�ra��r4i iauzica Iuio� fu .�u.-� ,u� h i�t5r;��cati��t� � c� �c.�dfb=inp rr.asc�i��:st�ic� c�usd
<br />�, , tl�erefor ru,tated tro Leender's antexe�t ua tti� l'�laerGF�.
<br /> � w,_ . . . � � � . , • v . ,....�M_• � ,. , 1.'s�,s,
<br /> r .g. �.irQ�0.6i�61i.10x1.. ";i �ti }!I''(1C4'NQtl iJl ��i4t2�' xilViyTti UI' ti1M1111t �v� �sesi��u�c� � -::�a ,.-+,� ,+; . � � [ 1��s�a.r
<br /> , - ; �vl�lz �n;g� .�utjdes�tti��atln Ur c��hea` Cxiltin� c�i t�ic� ('ru��ut�tv , ul• � �xrt, tlic�rcof , car ' foz� ccai��•c���z�co iu tie� i Eil cs�u�#vknr��-
<br /> < . ; tion . sra Iteret�y ,;�ssi�neci i;nr,3 et�xtill bo paid 'uv Lender_ t
<br /> � xn #die e�•eni; ut a totu] t.�zking oC tlic 2'i^ugwrbF�A ,I}ie g>r�aeeilrt rtiiili liu u��}�lir�i tu #:hu �ii�r�� Gci:uied Yi>' t I�is Il2vr4-
<br />�> � ? � ,' � git�u, �v�llt G1iU usae:��� if� itny , pn `sd� t � Bcarro�ti cr . 1ta �thc evtmt vt :� �,n.rtinl te��r.1n�, of � t�l�c }'r��>�ci�i�,p , ut'��LExes 13uri`c�wer d:�, �; . ;" �`�� �
<br />�� �' � � atYd �t��Qerr oti"serw3�e agrer it+ �i•it�in�, �:i�ere° sl�all� Lsc^ a�,+��liet4 tv the �au�u:� �:>ecur�d 4�y� t.t � i:� � liurtq�,�[�* � �ucL }�ro�wr- � ,�r' , t� :
<br /> " ' � t'set: ef �h� pt�e���le n+� i�;����1 r,� a.huc �axo{�crrtion �vl� icli tiic �mauiit.. af tl3c ezctnr� eccureci b}� 61us 1L1�rb�rs�� imm�-
<br /> �, 7 ` � dint.r..�y ;�a•i�hr tv tl�e duze uf tak�tag� 3�eai�r. to�3��c f�,ir �ua�rk�t �•c�luc af� z;lie t'a�c��cart,�' isna�ied 'a�tel� ;irivr t�o t�ae dater'ut � w �
<br />,,ti a takix�,g, �dt�h Ehe �ralau+pe nf �e pa�r+wd� ��id tu 73oz`re�s��er. '�`� `
<br />���' Id �Jao J'rol(�ertt� .is a(i�aa+d�nc+c�- by 93csrroas ar ur aI c�I4er �iuf iou iau I.cii�L�+r t� B�r�x,�a� ur ldiat idu ouc��ic,t�axio�� olC�ra1 ,,,,'� , -
<br /> +tir i > .� r T i � a
<br /> , ,
<br />,'��,,. ., . - Lo m€a9Ke n�:t>�`33rd �+1' sett#e .n e3;ail;ia Sc�r tixt�ges, 33asx�*�r fails �to ren��onc# #�� { .�miier tis��tl�in �30 dnv� n� 1.1�a Kt;�� �� �
<br />� . k of slaa2i�'��C+�4*e�s ��deY 3w eku�txpr��st�d tb t+�u11s3ct. aftct syaply ttit* }mor.r.aa9� ai l.�nsier'n o��txun e��hi�a• tKr rx�vtc�c�tic�n cra. ,a;,;:�-< �.
<br />� . g � � i�apewi,a� �' t�he Paao�c�Ey �ox fu� �hv e�t�e rsre�a�,i 1�y th�n :�inr�c��gr. �� � � � �'
<br />' : ,i ��tt�ogs I,�nder a�nd }3ct�`aroweNr-, c�6l�erxrf�ie :���'ce im wt�'Ling, an;w s�carti agpiicatiqn of ��raoc�d� t�a i�+rira+- ipal �hrzi!
<br /> x
<br /> � � ;
<br /> ,,�,.
<br /> ,.,a: �
<br /> �,�.,: �. . . . .. . . . . .. - i.._� . .
<br /> - �
<br />