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! � .��i 1 <br /> �... . �� �� � <br /> ��� �e����� <br /> M(.�tTf�Ax•E <br /> 't�10R7�:hC,F.LG.4h?�Cl. l 22.��12_� ' <br /> `�, KNO'Nt ALL�tEN 8Y THESP.PRES£NT$:Ttut T imothy J. �a�eron and Bonni� J. Cameron, each i n h9 s and <br /> ••� her o�vn �fg�t anc! as spouae o-f each ot#��r <br /> Mortgagor,whetlur one or more,in cc:nsidantiaa a£thc�um vf <br /> �, Twenty-faur Thousand five Hunrlred and No 100-----�-____.._�-�.------- ---------�ntcnrrs ' <br /> r� laarsed w uid mortgagot by The Equitabk Suitding end 4oan A.ssoclation oE G3and liland.Nabraska,Morcgagec,upon 245 shara of stock of <br /> "� said h,$SOC41iT7(3�V,Certifccatt'No.C. 22>642 ,�i:n tiereby grant� canvey and mortgage unta the said ASSt7(:lA'1'lOt+i th�fnUow'sag; <br /> ; deacribed reat estaza,situaud irr Hall County. Nebraskac ' ; <br /> �;� <br /> � ' - ,� <br /> LdT THREE (3}, BLOCK 7W0 {2), [H DICKEY TtiIRD SllS�IVISIDN, <br /> ,,;. <br /> x� IN 7HE CITY DF GRAND ISL:AND, HALL C011NTY, NEBRASKA, A RESUB— <br /> DIYISTON qF A!� OFBLOC�S TW� (2t AND THREE (3} DICKEY SUB- � A � <br /> � ` , <br /> � � <br /> t;� f1I�lISION, AND ALL QF SLOCK5 ONE.Ci) AND TWO (2j, QICKEY � <br /> ��� SECOND SUBDIVISION, BQTH BfLNG A SUBDIVISION'IN THE CITY OF f �' :� ' <br /> � <br /> ,�'� GRAND TSLAND; HALL COUNTY, NEBR;4�KA. <br /> �"•� <br /> �. " <br /> �� . � . . � P <br /> toget�er w�th all the tenements, hereditaments and pppurteaanc�es thereunao belonging,�netuding acxached floor�coverrngs,alt wmdosv screens, ,' � <br /> e <br /> window shades,blinds,storm wmdaws,awnings,heating,air conditionin$,and plumbing and waterxquipmeacartd accessories thereto,pu�ps,stovos, ±: <br /> k',��� refrigerakors,and ottier fixtures and equipment naw or LereaCter attached to ar used in connection wtth saiJ ceal esrnie. ' ' <br /> ,, ; <br /> � And whereas the said mortgagor has agree�and daes herrby agree tl�at the mortgagor shalCand will<pay all xaxps and assessments levied or <br /> "� assessed upan said premises and upon ihis mortgage und the band secured thcreby before the same shafl hecome delinquent;to furnish apptoved '' y£ "'` , <br /> ;.� insuraucc upon the buitdings on said preinises sitxiated in the surn of$2L� 5�0.�� Payabte tu said e1SSOCIATIOf3 and to cieliwe�to said ` <br /> ASSOC[AT[Oi I the poticies for said insurance;and n�t to,commit ur perrzut'any wasta on or abc>ut said premises; ' ,;-° � ' <br /> b< <br /> §k .. �. . . .:. . ..� : Y, <br /> ;'� In case o£deCault in the per#'otmance of arsy af the terms and`con3itions of�his znortgage�r thc boad secured her�by,the mortgagee shali, <br /> �,Yg on d�mand,6e ent�tled to immed;iate possession of lhc mortgaged premises and the rn�rrtgagor-hereby i�ssigns, transfe�rs and sets overto the <br /> 7 martgagce a]Y the rents,[evenues and income to be derived fcom the mortgage� aremises during such time as-the moitgage indebtedn�ssshall,remaitt � <br /> y� unpaid;an,d the;mongagee shaA hava the powerto appo'rnt any a�enror agents it may desire for tlie purpose'of repaizing said pcemises and renfing <br /> �. , the same and collecteing the rents,revcnues and income,and it may pay oui of said income a!1 expenses of.repniring said premises and necessary <br /> • <br /> cominissions and expenses incurred in centing and managiag che same and of collecting rencals:'therefzom: the baLance cemaining, 'rf any;to be �;� <br /> �� appp�d taward the dischuige of said mortgage indabtedness;these rights of the mortgagee may be exerc'rsed at any time durang tha existence af such ; :' <br /> k dCfau3t,irrespeciive of any temporary waivar of#ha same. <br /> ,n��' '-These Pxesents,hotivever,are upon the Ctindition,That if the said Mortgagor shall repay saidJoan op vr before the matwity oF said sh6res hy <br /> pr ' payment:pay monthiy to<said ASSQGATION o€the sum speci�ed in the Boad secured hereby as interest and prinripal an said loan,On arbetoze , r�' <br /> the T�entieth day o€each and every monch,until said loan is fullypaid;pay a}1 Laxesand as+essments levieci againsc said premises and on this Mortgage , <br /> i . and the Bnnd secured thereb befuie delin uenc furnisli a 5��:�a f <br /> � y, q y; pproved insurance upon thebuildings[herenn in tlie sum af$Z4� payable ' ` r� <br /> ,r to said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCIATION upozx demand'all money by rt paid for such`,taxes,assqssments and ix�suranca with interest at <br /> the mrxirnum 3egal rate t4ereon fram date of payrnznt aH`of whieh Mortgagvr hereby agrees to pay;permit no iwaste on said pr,emises;keep sad ci�mply " <br /> �4,� with all the a�eements and.wnditions of the Bond for 5 Z4�5(3�:00 tlus day given:by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and compiy <br /> with aq the requirercc�ents ot the Cvnsti[ution and By-luws of said ASSOCSATlON,then cnese presents shall'become null xs�d void,o[herwise they <br /> r e <br /> �� shatl xemam in-full fprce aud may be fareciosed at the:optiqn of the said ASSOCIATION �sl'ter failure for three_months to maice arty'of raid ' <br /> payments or be'thte�months in arrears irt making said monttdy paymencs,or to keep and comply with ihe agrcements and xonditions of sa�d Bond; <br /> xndlu�ottgagot agrees to have a ceceiverappuinted forthwith in such�.foreclasure proceedings. � �. � �; .:.: ��: <br /> � 3f there is any change in uwnciship of tfie real estate mortgaged herein;by sale or otheravise,then the:encire remaining indebtedness hereby <br /> � ' seeured shaR,ut the opCron of The Equitable$uilding and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,become immediately due nnd payabie wititoux <br /> f � further no�ice, and ihe arnuunt remaining due�nder sai�3 bond,and any ather btind for any addition:il adwanees made thereun�ler,shall>from the <br /> n , data of exercise of said option,heur inte�ext at t1�e mxximum, rate,and this mortgage may then be forod3osed to satisty the amount dt3e on said ,� <br /> band�und any uther t�ond for addivanal advances,together witli all sums pnid by said The Equitable Building and Lo�i Asscciatier ef Gsand Islan�, � <br /> $�"'' Nebraska fox insurac�co,t�es and assessments,and abstracting exteasion charges,with.interest thereon, frorn duYe of payment at the rnaximum <br /> w�E, . I�gai rate. .,� <br /> +3 As provided irt the Bond securod hereby;-w�ule ttus mong�e rrmains in $ffect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additionai surns4o the <br /> makers of ssrid i3�nd��helr assigns o:successors in interese,wluch sums shall be within th�security of this mortgage the san�as tha funds originally <br /> �� .. secured thereby,tha tatal amount of princical�lebt not to exceed ai any time the ariginal amoiznt of this mor[ga$e. <br /> ,� " <br /> � �aced c� 17tt�. aay�e June n.n:, iy 77 <br /> ,� � <br /> ,/� � �>-�. <br />� n � fi othy �' f eron,/`pe'' ! ' <br /> p � <br /> a'� ' ,�„�,-.�i,- '�,.;; . - <br />`��� $�nr'�� 3 Ca�rta�an <br /> 5�'AT����'+1CA�� <br /> 7,° � ss. an this 1�'�fl day of �UOf: 19�� ,bofore nae, <br /> a C'OUNTX�IOF Ft31LL '� �� �.��. � � <br /> r�S �+� the undereigned,a No[ary Public in and far said County,peiswnalty ceme 5��� t <br /> �Fs hmaii��+ ��.;�Cameron :�and Bota�a3e .3. Camero�, eacF� ir� his and her own right and as s�artuse of ���; . <br /> �� �a�,C�I D��[��""K ;, .�,,� � whu a re Per na11Y 3aiown ta � � <br /> �� "me.4u hG�ha idenziC�PGrson S who ^5*...� �'`ta ed 2a the shuve innrwmerat as murlgago-r S a.�d thBy severelly ' <br /> `� ai�mo�w�,leQged the sea�iastr�mer+t t�h4 .��,r�voiu �i� d dec�:' „��„�; <br /> 0 4 <br />�,a YR2�9tiTE5S fa1 hsazQ an `a� 'SepJ,�;�,te"" /•''` ! �,� ,, <br />�`�3 MY Commiasi�n rxp'ue �ik���5✓�� ,�K ✓.t"..?,��aC�-�t C � 'd.."�l,��___ „� " <br /> �fi M'`°Fr;i 1=`"9 ` ?�otarY Pub]ic <br /> w � b.=4ASgl �.Sr �.,..... •`:�� . . .. . . . . <br />�x t. r�G'f I��.'��s�`� <br /> r :� ' , .�.' . . . �. .� , � � � � . <br /> �.J <br />