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<br /> TJ�-Q(J3`...''8£']
<br /> MURTC:AGE
<br /> i +�<aK7r:�,c����.aw��. 4_2��fx�0�....�.�._�__.
<br /> n � �vow�u��.*�Br�rt�es�t�.s�vn:rt,�x Donala �, f11Z inger an� Marjorie A. fiiili+nger� each in
<br /> 1;
<br /> 's his and her a+rmm rigt�t and as spouse of each oth�r
<br /> "� A4ortgs��sr,wha3her cuu nr murc,m wnstcixrsaiun af the xtut u(
<br /> Thirts�_n:�'kausand and !^�O/1Q0-�__�� -cae��.[.�r�s
<br /> .�;� Ioancd to aaic3 mortgs�or by The F:quita�ble Building and I:uar.A:.�iacion uf Grand Is]an�i,Nabraska,A1�rtgagee.npvsi 13a`_— sharca a�'stack of
<br /> �+;.� said AaS+�CtA7"fC1N,CCrtiticate No. t�2'ab9�} .do fiereby�rant, conve�y and mort�agc�uito the saidE ASSQC'L4TICIN'the i'utivwzng
<br /> ,"� descri6aed rea}'estate,sitwxcd L�Halt Gounty,Ne�easlca:
<br /> ,1<
<br /> e
<br /> y9
<br /> e� ALt �pT SIX �,6} AND THE WESTERLY ONE HA€_F (�)
<br /> �F� 0�' L€�T SEVEN (7} ALl. ZN BLOCK SIXTY-QNE IN
<br /> ;� AND.RECORDEQ.
<br /> ��,i,
<br /> �k
<br /> �P� �
<br /> '"'� zq ether with'al! the tene+nente,hercditsments xnd aa urtenunce.x tlxereunto bei�n�ing;includin attached 31oor cover3n ulTr window scrGcas, ' "
<br /> ��� w nrlqw shades;blinds,�iorm windyws,awnings,heaung�air cwnd'stioning,and plumbing and w�rcr:quipment and aceessnues herato,pumps,stovd,
<br /> 3afrigerators,�nd uther tixtares and�.equipnvent now�r hereafter attactie�to�rn.tised:in�connection wit3i said.ceal cstat�:.-- ..�. -�.� F;��
<br /> ,;� Ar_d whereax Ute said mortgagor has agrecd and do.es hereb�agree,thet thcr n�5rtgngor shslt and wIIi pay all aaxes and assessmenls tevied or
<br /> -� �ssessefl upon�.said premises and.upon x:nis mort�age:an3�the bund secum�}.tya-e�•beforc the.�s:tme sFW11 brccme delinquant: to.#urruxh approvctl.�
<br /> a;� . misuiancx upcvm ihe buil�tings on said premisessituatect ia ene sunx�t 5 3 3,000.o4. : payabla xo said ASSOCt_9T10\ and ta�.delivet'to sasd
<br /> �� ASSG�CIATIA_T9��he policiet fcai saitl instcra�Lcet and not to��commit or penriiit any waste on.or about.said premisas: .. � �:� �
<br /> �`�� ln case tat detault in the perfarmsncc of any+aF tl�e teims and corsfiitions oi this mortr�nge ur she Uund xcurrd harnby,the martgagee shs�l,
<br /> t� on demand;bc en�itled to nmme�liate posxession�C the rnort�aged prerniscr and the mongagor li�reby assi�ns; rsdnsfers and sets orer to ttxe - '
<br /> snortgagee nit aLe rents,revenues and incume"to be derivad from Yhe mortgaged pzemises during such time ru titn mocagage indebtectness shall retnain
<br /> '� s.�n�?aid;�nd ttse�morteagee stvzll have clie pctwer:to arpoin?any�.aF�nt oi��=gents it�mny desiro tor�.[he�nurQose�of�rcpairing said;pres�sises nnd,sentirag � � '-
<br /> , .' _-
<br /> r, ahe same and cciliecting tlae zonts,revenues siidSacnme,and it may pay�ut uf said incama a1t eR�enses of repairir�sald prexnises and necessxry
<br /> commissiuns amd expcnxs iricucxed in reiitsng and manx¢,_,�ng[he ssme and of collecting ren�uls thexefrom; ths Us:ance remainirag,iF any;lu be
<br /> ' applie�t iaward ihe diuh�rgc of said mortgabe indcbtedn�ss;thesc rights ui the mo�t��ee may be exercised at an}•cizs�e during the existencc nf such
<br /> ," delanit,Srr�spective ot any tesnEwrazy wai��eto1'tfvn same:
<br /> ��
<br /> :These NreScnts,hawever,are�upon ttac Condition;Fhai if.the said�4lortgagqr shall repay said loam on�or.cefore the maturity�::of w.id sh5res by
<br /> s�� �aymeat;pay:mni�tlaly co�:said ASSOCI�T[ON�.of the surn speciGed�in.the�fiond secured herebV as�'cxxterest�and principxi on said Lonn,an or�befora
<br /> �� alie Twenxisth day oC each anr3 every ine3nih_unrit said toura is fuliy psid:pay all iaazs and assessmen�s fzvied against saic�premises and on this�Tort�age
<br /> k�,� snd xt�c Bond secured therqby,be£ore delinquency:iurnisEz opproved insurance upan the vu�ldings ther�on in the�um of$13'Q`�G.00 gry�b3e
<br /> ao said x1S5QClA'6'[QN:repay to said ASSO('lAT[QP.upon demand ail muney bY it psid Coc such taxes,assessrnents und insurann�with in[eres4 at
<br /> „i; she znyxa�nurtt:legal rate.there+on frtim da�tc.eztpayment all of:which MorLgagur hereby agrees tu pay;pernuf nu:k-aste an seid premise5:kaep snd:�contgty
<br /> { � �rith all the a�reements�nd cxznditions ai t}�Bond for 5 �3,a0{�.00 ihis day given by the said A2orzgagor to said��SS'OCIATCC)N,and compty
<br /> 3witta all che rac�uirzments of s�.ie C��nstitution and Sy-Laws uf sxid AS50C1ATiplv;thcr_tf�ese presents shali becaxr.e null and void,othenvi�they
<br /> "�� si�all ren�a'sn in J'uU farer and nvYy be aor�closcd at the option uf the sfid ASSOCI�TIQ\ af#et t�ailuxe foz three �ponths to asske any of saxd "
<br /> 'wg �aaymonts ar be ituee months m arreazs in rr�uking�ic nzont}ay payments,or to kecp and comgly w3 ah the a�cements and mnditions of sai�i B�ansi;
<br /> �r y and�Morx�agar.agrees tq.have a receivrr a�pc�intrti fortftwich in such toreclosurt proceedings ... �� . " � � � � .�'� �
<br /> '�'. !f there "ss any chan�e im u�vnership uf U�e resl estate mortga�ed heiein,Uy sale�z athern�ise,then ihq entire cemaining indcbtedness iiareby '
<br /> >ecuted stsatl,at the opuan or Thc Equixable Building and Loan Assaciatio�x uf'Grand 1sScutd,Nebrasl:a�becomt imme3:iately�±ie and payable without
<br /> s3 u
<br /> � furthrr r:orim<and tho amoa�nt remain3ng dae under wid bond,and any othar bond for any additianal advsnces raade thereuatde�,shall,from tlae
<br /> date ul'exCrcise Uf said opHon,6ear interest at the maxim�m legud ratn,and this mor[ga$c nuny�ihtn(�e foreclassd to aadsfy the amowil�iue on san+d
<br /> •� bund,and xny other band Far additianal advances,ts�gc:ther with sll sunzs pald by said The Equitable Building and Loan Associatioa o(Grand isinnd,
<br /> ,:3i'. ?�:e6raska for insuiance,iaaes snd assrssnw:rsts,and abs3rseiing eaxensrun chaiges, with interest r.har�an, from dare �nC psyment at the;m�imurn
<br />� '. �egal rate.
<br /> t As prpvi�eJ ni thr-$ond secured fisreby;while shis mortgxge re�n:iinx in'effcet the moci�,¢ee may i�ereatter ad��nce sddition�l sums:¢u the
<br /> makers of said Aond,their assigns or suceessors fn incerrst�whrch sums shaA be within the securicy ot ttiis mustgx�e tL�e ssme as thr funds origi�wi}y
<br />�r r secumd thereby�6ha toial am�ount iif pr'znci,pa!debt not to exceed at any time the a�rigssxal amount of t3iis murtgage. ,
<br /> 4�"r° r �
<br />� �; �3pYec�ttzia �f t�i 3ay oi �UPt2 A.C.,i:%i i
<br /> r^ ° ��/ % d S�`�'' //.1'� ` � ..> . . . . . . .
<br /> k �. �f,r�r.rce,����`6�`��'�"'�'�aF�'"
<br /> a k ffana��.R.d�'i] �:� r ,/" � � � � � � � � �
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<br />�h,Y.
<br /> ''F 7Nar�4 e-`�1: F3 7 7 i r�ger �� � � � � � �
<br />��°� STAT6 iJ�F NE$RASKA,� "
<br />�r
<br /> COLIt3TY't1PHALi. ;sc_ Ont3iis 16�Et dayof JlJR2 I'�]? ,befazame,
<br />� � the undereigned,a Notqry a�ublic in and fos said Couaty, personullycame ,* � ��'
<br />�Y Dar�a]ci R_;.Filling+er and 3�la�^jarie A_. Fillinger, each in his an*.l her own right and as s�ouse ;:; -� '
<br />� D f 2 3 C�1���l 0 1^. whu d t'E F�rson�liykn ca � .
<br />�.,u�.: �e xn 6e the identusf pe.esan S whnsc �,/'` aff�ixed fo thc above iRstrwne¢i as marlgagor S and t�'72y severa3ly
<br /> es •
<br />�� - ,���athe nxirl#+�acT,nxr+en�t�-hc . ',y. �',"—�'O�S�� ��ar�d 8eed�. �.��. .. . . . . . . . �"-�... .
<br />°��� WlTNESS ts�Y Itand �dt�l��aF the�A,a - , '�
<br /> �� �OII�DA G� AI�l�A.;. :,.. . � ?`:F . � .. .x�
<br /> y t s.r:rc:����� �� f� '1:�C��,,�'Y7__=_,�1/�i�..-e''":.f`f-�t''.���.�-%:
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