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, �s <br />=�,_ <br /> �. <br /> ' �:..:� i <br /> �^ � <br /> na�, �Letic# ar p�ostEwrse cl�e atue elwtc +�t �1��° rrioa[ P� fr• iii@r :iihnene. c.� ferred to iro psAra�;ru��}s�s t ani, :' tiereot or <br /> ekis�nga t#ae arr�;ount nn aueh ir�s�siltrnent�, <br /> 10. Bosrower No! Reloacsed, �:ztensior� ai thr tiKxtir !nr � �:aymrirs or ��uacl�tication o€ :urrurtizaeion nf the sums <br /> secured by this �furt�mge grante�! Iz�r I,�ndce fu anp si.rcc:�„or .;n c�f Bo;r�a-cr shal� not o�erate to release, <br /> ia �tny niannt*n,' thc lisbilit} c�f ti;e flri�inul t3s�rmu•+er nncf }3o�ro<crr'�. �u9�cessr;r. in ic�terest. I.�nder shaEl not be <br /> re�e�uired ta cornmeuee procaedings �pairest sucl� suce�s�or or :•er �tnc tci r-�Ytend time for �Ayment ar other�vise modify <br /> � arrsortizatian af whe eums secuxed bq tl�i.y \�cercgage t�y rea.�su1� �'i arry� c3etr�nA uisi.ctc ta�• thc originaf I3otrovaer and � <br /> � , � Ba3rower's auc�es�oru in iateresC. <br /> � 11. Forbearaaee by I.ender Not a 'Waiver_ �1.ny f�rbeurance hsti^ i,�nder ii3 exercising a,my ri�ht or rsmedy <br /> ; � hereutider, or atherwiRg a�fforded by apyalicuble lrs�v, Sha�l Frni lvc a wuiver of or Fareclude the exere.ise of any xight <br /> or aemedy heretinder. 'Flie �rocurement af insursnce or the F�uvinent oC tz+:xes or other yiens ozr char�es by T�ender <br /> " '�.� G ' sh�l! not be a *.vaiver ot L4ndc�r's rigtzt, #.4 accelernte the enaturity of the "snde�uedness sr,cucec� by this blortgage. <br /> ti'� � i�. a�ea,e� e�,u�a�Ve. - Ail reEnedies pruvide�3 irk t?iis llort�age :}re distirxct �n�.t cumuta.tive to any other <br /> "� � ri�rt or ren�eflgzun�er this tiloxtgage or nffor�9ec1 b�� l,i�v �rt• eqc�iky. 3nd m:�y be exercz�rd concurrc:ntly. independ- <br /> , v � �nt2y or successively. <br /> a 13, Succegsazs aad Assiyns, 8ound; Jeiat and 5everal Liability; Captiona. Tire cnvenzants and agreerx�rente %' <br /> r <br /> � herein contained Rhall bind� and the ri�hts i�ere�sneler ytiul � innre. to, ihe rc;pe�tivr. suecesaors :tn<i �ssi�us of Lender <br /> `` ;� .Ynd 13pirawvr, sut�ject tn the �rovisions of �iezra�rap�� 17 4ierf.o, . A!I eovenants i�n�l agrcements of Borrower shall <br /> f >'�" be 3oint and �+esr�;ral, The r,aptioi�s nn� }acndirigb of tl :c ��aet��rn�i6s of chiw 1(ort�;� �e arc for conveninnce anly and ' <br /> 3rs not to t� tt��ed to interpret or defne t�re ��ravi�ior�. hereaf. <br /> s, 14. >Ploiice_ : :� ny rifltice to'F3orro�ver provic3ed £or �m cl�is �[artga�� s�zal}; bi� �xcen by irrailiug suelr notice by <br /> T;� cextified axis�i! nciilr�ssed to 73orroGver :�t. t6e f'ropert� Ac#dress 4t�rt��d helo�c•; �� •for nny no�iee rc�uireci under ` '`' <br /> _� `para�r:i�h 18 Ziereof ta be �;iven - to F3oa-ro�i�er in the miu;ner ���eseribeci liy :1p��licable la��-. An�- notice provideil <br /> ,� � f+�r 3n tl�is �1ott<�age si�all hc deeuzeci to iaacc been given to .Botrov:er wt•. en given ia tite manner designnted heseita, <br /> i 15,` UaiforzrrMqrtgage; Governiag Law; Sevorability. 'L`Itis forrn uf niort�;.zge coml�ines uniform coveixants <br /> , s �. . . . . . . � . <br /> ,� for nationa.I use nnd nc�n-uniform cotienants �vdtlt lnnited c• b�� jurisciiction to coustitute � uniforrn secu- <br /> , ;� ritg instiument covering reu3 property. �'his llortgage sh� ll bc governed 'ny the !a�c of tl�c, juri�diction in wl�ieh <br /> = zhe Property is ,focnted. Tn the c�ent it�at uny pru�-ision or uiause ot this �lortgage or the �'ot,e eonflicts ' with <br /> {" applicnble Yaw, ,suc}t conflict shatl hot .► fl'ect otlitr �r.�ovisia*�s of this _1Sortgage or the Nate �chic� r,nn E�e given <br /> ;� effect without tlie confIictin6 provision, aiid to this end ti�e }aarovisions �f t.he �Iortgage nnci the IvTate are declared , ` <br /> ,"r�� , - to be severabie. ' <br /> R 16. Bozrovirer's Copy. Bnrrower slnnlLbe iurnis�ied a cnnt'ormed c�i�y nf th 'ss :�iK�rtgs�ge at the time of execu- <br /> � tion. or after secordation hereof. <br /> � 17. Tz�sfAr �f ti±e ?-o�rly; .4�su�ptian. Ii �:ii oi• any ,�nrt oi the Property or a.n intezest tlierein is sold ' <br />��' or tznnsferred by Boi�rower �z*ithout Len�er's prior written consent, excluding ta) t,f;e creation of z lien er aneum- <br /> � brance suborciinate to thisl �'Iortgage, ( b � the r,reatinzi of ts ��urchase monev . security interesi, for household sppli- <br /> ;�' ances, (c) z� tranefer by devise, deseent �a� uy orieration �f ia�ti• rt3�mi ihe desj.tti uf �, joint tenniit or (<t) the grantcaP <br /> any leasehold interest oi three yenrs or lesa not rontaiining un option io nurchase, Lender may. at Lender's opbion, ` � <br /> ' � decLare all the saams seauied i�y this Morc�age t� Lr. iF�nitaediuteis• ,due sencl payrcble_ T,�ncier slaali have �vaived such <br /> , - . <br /> opti.on to aceelerate it, pr��r to the s.�le or tr:� nsfer; Lender and thc person to wla�nY tlxc Property is � .e sold or <br /> y� trausferred rettali agree�rierit in writing tlnut ihe credit of sucl� i�er�on is sut,isiactoey ta Lencier anci thnU .ee interest <br /> �� ` paysble on the svms secure<l l�v this 1�Iorfgnge sta�ll l�c st sucfi �•atc as Lender sha11 request. If Ze.nder has �c aived <br /> the c�pLion to ueeelerate provzded in tt�is g�arugrapl� 17 and if �ioi•rower'� successor in interest 133,s executed a �vrit- <br /> '� ten assmnption agreement:accepted in rvriting b}r 7,encier, Leiide� hha11 Borrower from all ok��igations under ; <br /> this ]Yfortgage and-the Note. , . <br /> Tf Lender exercises sual� option io ucceler:ite, ;Lender shail-=_z�ailBUrrocver noiice oi acceleratiora izi necordauce <br /> �vit,�a,puragraph -14 hereof:: �uctr iiotiee staali provic':c a period oi not le�s tktxiu 30 c�s,ys from the'- daie the notice ,is <br /> inui3ed within w-i�iclr;Borrowei• �iiay �>ay the sums declru•ed duc:. It Borrots=er fails �o pay suc}: surs�s ,prior ' to the <br /> expixation oi such period� Lender ' msy; �i�itl�out. furtl3er notic� or tlemalnd on ]3'orrower, invoke zny- remedies per- <br /> ' ` initf.ed by paragzaph 18 hereof. ' ' , ' <br /> }- �ox-t;xt�orsai - C'ovr:rr�rTs. $ars��wei• axid ���ndei• i'urthei• c�rc-enxnt ancl ahree � s �'ollo�vc : <br /> ;�i � � � � � <br /> ��� 18. Accelezation; Remedies. ' ' L?.cepL ns � ai•o�'icied in ��arr, gr:y�6 17 dicrenf, uF�qti 13ormcvc:� 's bretich af ai�,y <br /> �' cbvenantlor r��reenaent of $orra�+ er in this \fat�age . �ncicuiin� thr covc na��t� to Ixiy �rl�c:n duc any su�ns secvred <br /> by tl�is 1lvrtga�e; Lci�cder In•iur lu accele��ntion slrall snail natice to Borro�rer u. procic�cri m �is�ra�xai�ly d4 I�escof <br /> ;� specif,yin�;_ ( 1 ) the brez<.eh ; ( 'l ) tlse actioii irquireii ro cw�c aucl� fireacL ; 131' t datc, not Iess kl��n 4liirty da,ys <br /> , fronzt.he dute thenotice i5 inailed Yo I36r��owci; fn• « lzich �acl , I� rc;lch iiiust bc cuicu ; .irni 14 ) t :utt liilin•c to eure <br /> suckn breach on or b�fore ttie datc specilied in ilie,e nray result in aseceleration oi Lliu .sum, sccured Uy xhis <br /> :�lortga�;e ancl sz�le af the Property: If thc brcacli isuot cured or� or before Ehe date specihed in thc notice, Lender <br /> � , cat I�eneler's opti�n msy deelarc n7I of tl�e suln, seeurecl l»� thss .�4ortKxge 'to be im�iaerliz�tetv ciu�e i�nci Crays.ble <br /> y avitksout £urther, demanci ant9 anuy foreclo�e tlii� 11'nr��_igG f�y ji�dscial praceeding, Lender al�a]l k�e entiWeei to ooJiecC <br /> in saich pzoceeding a!L esFaenses pf for� cl<>sure, inclu�liu�;, }�nt uot ]i �i�it �rd to; costs af documeiititrv evidence, <br /> absiracts'and title report�: <br /> ,a` 19. , :Borrow�r's RigEz: , to Reiaatate. .�atwit3ist�ndin� T�ezader's �,cce2eration at zlie suiYis �ecured b,y t1ai� <br /> iVIor�gage, Borrow�er shall iiave the right �u huve any proceedin�s begun b,y- T.endcr co �its"orce L3iis \iortguge c�is- <br /> h�; cont.3nued. at angr time prior to entry of n-jiidgu3ent entoXcin�; chis \1oi3gage i ( : 1al �3orrower prsys I.ender a!1 <br /> - � svms which vcou€tl be then due under this \lort��gt, t �zc Note an<.i iiotes seczarin�; Fiiture :�d�•anees, �i �ny, had no " <br /> ,., . <br /> s, siceeii�rataott cx;curred ; i1� j Borrower cure: a1C bre�acl � es of x�n�• mther co�•oraamtc ��i. parne��ient� af �areower - r,c,n- <br />�.,� taine� in ihis blaarGgage ; (e) Sosroaver f�ays all ieasmz:361e ex}7a »�e� ii�curr�c# b}• i ender �n entnrcai�R ttie coveci3nts <br />�f and a reements of $orroK•er eontained iee thi� \lori >:x � � <br /> & }, �,e s�ari in �cnfui•rin� I.enil< r'� remect�es ras providerl in }3arit- <br /> �� gra}a� i$ hereof, ineIuding, bux ,not limited t.o n .�sor,rxble aictr�3ue��'s tee a�xi � rl ) 13orroti+ er tr�kc � -ueh action as <br /> v,�: Lenc�er may reasonably requise to ussure thst tije lien of fhi� �lort�a��;e, i.end�r � in�e� esi in tlie Yropea•ty a.nd <br /> $ortwwet's obligation to pay Lhe sutns aecumii by thi� �Iort�;a�,r_ cli.sil continui° tniirn�aaircd. t'7�on �uch xiuyrnenL <br /> � � snd eureby Borrower, t�is ,l7ortgnge xnd tlu oblig�tiau� ,ei� ure�i Iwreb�� .�lisll reuisiii ir full forco a.nd effucc a� if � ;.�i . <br /> `� no a�ce3eratis�n had occurred. � ,� <br /> �� ' �Q. Ase"sgasaneat ot Reat�; AppoiaLa3ent o4 �tec�iver; Lemc�,er in Passession. .as additionai �ecurity nese- K" <br /> " ;; undu-3, $ort'ower �erehy sssigns Lo Lcnder tl�e rent�; uf � #ie Yrot>erry, �it•as-SricK3 thai �3arrotiv�»r �lixlt , rraor tc� ar.celer- i � <br /> , � <br /> «�� , �#Spcc uuder paragraph ,t8 :liereof or aba�donment af Ukte k'tr�pe3•Iy, i�ati�c tLs right to coilecx. nnci ret�in such rents J • �"�, � <br /> ,� ss th�ey bect�ss�e d+ue sud pavsb�e. ` � ' <br /> � 'Upoti ti.c��elePaLiott uxadel• 9�aragrr���ii 181�e�Y�f ur slrun��ca���, oi thr� ,3'ro�w�Yti• : Lrn�9er, in ��ercnn; l�y xgeni � *• <br /> ;c tir byn^ judici�ly a}ipoiuted reeeiver: sh�il ��r;entitied Go �;nter uf�on, take {x�seesioca ot �nd ma;u;�e t6r Property " <br /> �€; arn� �a coll� tbye rents n£ -Lhe Property, �ncluda[�g tfiose ;aast dus: AI� x•e�zt� collect<-�d }ay I.cnder os tlie recei4=<a +� ' <br /> shsll he:applied �istto payxne�t pt t:he c:�si� of :na.nngament af tiaqk'ro�3erty and coItc�<•ti<m oI rc iau, , anrludinQ , l,�it <br /> . ',; <br /> nob 9i�mteti to, recetver"s iees, $�retnzuczas tran rece�ver's t�an�lr snd reusonxble xttorn�3- '� iees, iinci tdieri to t,he suu�s <br /> �nr4sd,b3 tlais S�iorLgsg�e. Lenderand 't�ze rceeikea� sha4l Ix: lialrIe #u �xccouni a7nly for those rcnts ae# uallp nrceit•ed. <br /> r <br /> ' �'Mw1,�'. ._ . . . . , . . . . � � . � . 1��.. . . . . . . � � : <br />� � � . . . . � . � <br />