<br /> ' � I
<br /> , � � �
<br /> �„ G�Q3252
<br /> MOR�'GAC.E � �
<br /> „ wc�rt�'cnr:t:i<:�An rvr�. �22,.�8.9 ...� _.._..., .,
<br /> � RNOWh4LMwlK�lf'Tt1E�YPR!'SEN'i`S:ZR�rt �nhn Har�ald Hametath nn� P. �F.BR Nawmeloth, each #n his
<br /> t;
<br /> �
<br /> and �er own right and as spouse of each otfier
<br /> � Mc�rtga�or,wtaathcr una v�irwre,in wnaicictotlun ut tha aum uC
<br /> � FifteQn Thausanc! �nd Na11mD�------. __� --------_r ----��.�:=�y.�: - -- �--�.-rxx�c.t�A�.s
<br /> ;� �crsned k�saist mortgagor by'�he!lqujtablc D�11r1ing an�f Luen A�wcintion nf f;xanci Lsi�uid,Nebraxks�,Mu�iga}�ae�upuri 1����+tiures uf scaas uf
<br /> ` -s said A9SOC3rlTiQNr Cattalicate Ns�, [�'� 6$4 ,du here�y�yrunl, cuttvoy and mart��o un�u the smid ASSCJC'!r#.'I'101't tha foSJuwing
<br /> �r'.� deseri�aed real;estato,situeetad ln llalL C�unty,Nebxaslea:
<br /> s:
<br /> k:� -
<br /> � a
<br /> � LQ7 FIVE (5) , BLOCK (�€IiVE (9�,
<br /> y1"^$ � . . . . . .� � . � f��
<br /> '� � � � CITti'��OF �GRAN��Y5l�AND,� NEB�RASKPi.- ��� � ,��
<br /> � i
<br /> �, r � �
<br /> � i
<br />��.� � � � � �
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<br />� � ` ' �
<br /> r �,
<br /> 6r � logetlter with afl tl�e t4nemenls.herecl�ttaments und,a:}�purienuricce �hereuiuo belvnging,inukudirfg alcachad llur�r eovecinge. ult window ucrens, rr ' �
<br /> windyw sliud�s;:hlinda;storxn wlndr>ws.uv�ni�igs.heutimg,uir ctinditiandng;und ptumbir�y asx4 wsstcr cyuipirwr�c und reccasUrica th�reta,pur»�5�,stoves, ,; � "
<br /> 't� tcttigafatuts.�i�d uther i'ix4nres anJ equiprnedEn�w cx I:ercuftar attrclied tu ar usrd in counc�tic�n wtt11 sai�real extctte. - A;
<br /> `'`� And wlxercas the said murt a ur hns �rea�l uucl.dues l�rrab ti ree thut tl�c`n2vct a u� sF�all vud wiU �a �al tyxas atui asscssmeaxt,slcvied ur s +�
<br /> r B"B 8 Y tt 8'& 6 Y
<br /> i ,,�;� a<sessad upon.xuid prcmisey unU upavi ehis murt�atit uncl th�Gund ae`urcd lhercby bx+(are thc sarnc shatl l�ecu�ne�lelincyuent; l�t furttigii��+,�n�uvocl �
<br /> 3r i ����ipsura�it:c upc�n the.btuiclin�,x nrr saicl��j�ri�nxises aituated i:ri tlie sum cxf 5��.:15�'QQQ.QQ.��.� pay�i�le��c,.�suid.�A.SSC3(`,1.!1'(IC3N antt���eu deliver�.€o apici
<br /> , � ASSCICIATIC7N thc pu[ieies far 9aid'rnsu�aricu;und not to co�umit or prrrnit any wnst4 c�n ur abvut s.aid��ce�nisex,
<br /> iti`� }n ense uf defaui4 in alie perl'ocm;an�e aCa��y ut'�t-ac t�:nt�s un<l cc�nciitiana 4�f tEzis nuxtgu�tc ar tl�c bnncY se.:s�rr�J haraby�. tha ixaoie�agref shatl,
<br />'" �; �n �ie�nanrl,b� oiatitled ta.invncdiutd pusscsyiun ef th�moctK,igad prn�iuses itnd tgtc anuetguycvt kdervby assigns, tr�ii�yfers anJ seta uva�3u Iltc
<br />��'^ q��r�gagan alt.lha reuts;rcv�aiu�s en�inevanu tu be derived from ehe�nurtgs�;4+c1 prcmis�a dur[n}3 suc:h tlme us tlin�azurt�np;a�ndebloiluexs sliyU zcmeix�
<br /> y ua �id:aiid ilia z�trjtl a�ee shall I�ave th� ciwur to a uiut nn�a ealt ar u ci�ts dt �u�s sie�ire Cur Ii�c iar�use�f rc�alrirt xn7d �oriiiscz atul,reuGa
<br /> ,'�� F+' 8 P PP } 8 F� Y P f [ B i� 8
<br /> the sasne ut�d cullo¢ting ihe �ents;ruvenues;+nd,inca[��e,;ind it may puy aut uf'.said 9neume al1 exg�enacs ul'xepazring snid preacttlses nnd s�ecassury
<br /> "e c�etimi+.�ions ancf Kxo��tties �iar.usred st �:tt'ing un�l uaurcvgind tl�e sam�,and uf cUlircting rent�ls eharofront: thu byluncc remsliiing,if uiiy� Io be
<br /> F
<br /> � upplipd tuward the disetuY��o of�uid tt�oit�age inJcbYeJncss�thnsc riE,ltln af Che nxur�ga�uv may �e�xc�usac���e y t::e 4��.a^�F?in existeri�w taCsuelt
<br /> �� defaUlt,ures}tcccive of'tuiy.�cm��orary wuivar of t1Ae sa�u�. v 4
<br /> ;. . Thcse t'resents,huwe.+cr,uro,upean tLic('.onditiun,'1'I�ut if the siiid Moi tgu�ur shaU repay�ui�l-lu�n on on c�iiara chn�tGrturity,uC unid ah�cr¢s by � '
<br /> r
<br />'�s"� puym�nc;Pav.inunt lily to's::iid ASSC7CIAT't(7N�>f thv svm specil:�ed�n thc Hund sceured,lra�aby us intaecsl:uid Wxinci pul un sufci lqur�.�an t�r 3te1"ura
<br /> s�
<br />�t � tUc�.Twentictta�lay oC cac2�aad uvary m�ntLs.untit suid lia�n ia l'ully,{�ai�;,pay all3axos and assesx�nani-4lavlad ugainst sv1�ptvniisea�ndvn tfus Aturtgag�
<br /> ,t una il�e BonJ seeurqd diei�by,baf��re dolh3yucncyi furmish ap�aroved ussiuuncs u�rcra �he buiidin�s th�rcuu in the�unt o1'.„S],5 i OflO.:Qa �S�,rolalc a
<br /> H ,: tcrsni4 ASS�.tcAT'IQN;(repc+y 11�Fnid AtiS(7(t1A'1'1�n1 is�+on demapd a!I inoricy by i[ paiJ far su�h tnxos,-;isscavnrents and i�i�urunco with t��kctest ut
<br /> �' thn;maximarrz lagnl�utc.cl�rFnun tx�7m duW��l'Nuy�ne�zt u]I uf whic,h,Mirrtgagurl�mcei�y��grecs w p�y;�.7aintit nu waste�n cnid prsm[se9;kme��ud r.x�mtaly
<br /> � �
<br /> ,� witl�u11 tJ��z�greenicuts und�unJiuuia5 uf tk-ac ilu�rd far$ I�J s 0��.00 this duY lSivon py the snldc Mortgu or tu�aid ASSpC'IA7'I(1N,und��mply ; '.
<br />� d. g
<br /> - v
<br /> ',�`� with atl c1�0 requiromex�ts ut thc Gc�nstitutic3n;utc1 HY•E.u�va��f s:�id AS3�)G IA'!"IUN;t3�en'thcse presents ehull becors�a iull ai�d ulu1,otbnrwiac lhay
<br /> , ; shulf-tc�nain;in fu11 Cuice and may t�e kbrsclosed�c tli�e uptioa uk tlic xaid ASSCH>IA'TIUN uktcr l:��lure for tlicec months ic�n�uka Qiry r�t s,iid
<br />� '� pay4tar�tx�i+ bq t6reo rtac�srtthn ip acrema s in anukin�suid xnU�Atlily puym�ats,ca�ln kee�a an�i caiTtply wldx xhi ug:aecsaoiKtn autd can�itiona uf sald Ilona;
<br />� ' and htc�rihu�ur xgrqes t�hav+`ct rrcaiver����inte�d Curtliwith in sucli foreclust�rc pructCdin�es.
<br />� ' k!`there is anY c)iengr itt uwt�erahip af tlic�eul esl+�ic murt�5agud k�sercUi.�y �ul�rar otherwisu. IhCn thff an lia,cn:aii�ing atd4faecdkaass�zra�y
<br /> sccuced sl�nil,-:�t the option 4CThe[i;quitub�c i�ulidin�un�Loan Axsoci:+aliun uf CiraricY lslund.Nebrus3ra,bewma im�nedintely due�a�id pttyahlc Ns�l�wut
<br /> f furtHcr.n�itic�.and tlze an�upnt,rcingiziin�slue un¢et�Id hun$,'am4i uny ulher b�aiid fur a�y udditir>u:�l�1�Ivances made thr�'eua7�et,shaii,f'r�'�an tha
<br />�� ; dutti af ex¢rcist:oi�;uJ�ption.bear inccrast et ttae�naxianum Icgsl rutu»nr�d thi�rxturtg�gc��jay theri be lotecluse� �o-xatia['y fY�c emouut s�us,di�nai�i
<br />� `t 4on�l,nud uny u1l�cr 6ond for u�lditiuna!uJ.vancrn.to�etLicr witti ull aurr�s paid by �aic3 I'he fs'c�uit�ltic llultdln�.an�i i.�an Assuaiat#un uf<;ran�..3slaud„
<br />��i Nebraska fur insuianre,�ux<s ena assessnirmts,nnd ulastractin�t extrnsi�n chus�ea, wi3h lnteaeat thcieun, 1'rarn dnt:uf n�,y;nenl at tlie maxlmunr
<br /> �� leg�i ratc�.
<br />�' � As piavadqd�n thn k3und sucured hercl�y,wlulc �k31tt rrw��guge:tciiiuins in rffec t tho ruuct�a�4ce anay licrcul'Imx udvauce adciitiunui sufnx ta 11tc
<br />� E� n�akci's tr!Rre�,B�ynd,tl�uir;sssigns ur sus`q�ccsurs iu uxl�ie�l,wl�ich suitls xhall b�wil}tis�Nta aaCur ity i�f tlxls xt�oA'tge�a�t).ta,r;�rr�u u�ifEe f°untix urig�Inapy
<br />� �
<br /> secuAed t6oraby.the tc�tal tcmUunt 4af'4�rii4cipul Jebt ncii to execed ut uny tima lhe urigiital uruoux�t c+rt thlx mn�t�yapr,.
<br />�„� � t�ated tttis .��'�tt �lxy�f �Utt� A.17,.!y ��
<br /> t{ � / �,, -
<br />�.; �
<br /> T � �#Uh€s arOt c� liaa+B O�,h_ .J�'"_..m ...._,..
<br /> ,..~� >r �
<br />��',,;� P. C+.Ndtnelti'Ch
<br />�b � sr�►�r��r�st�s�c�a,,( �
<br /> Q ss. C>r�tli�x ��'�tl �<luy c+l' � J Ull� t'�1 77 ,hafcato inc, �
<br />"� .� C£1l,IN1"!'C}f�'HA,Y,G� ��
<br />��! � t ir. .idraa�nud,u Na s:y i'uUiic u.w�u n sbid t:uuniy.f'z�aunsllsr esn e ���'
<br />"� Jahn Haro7.�1, Hameioth and P, Jear� 1�ame7o�.h, eac�h �n ��s and �er awn r�g�it and as spouse of "��"
<br />��".� T 28C�'! aQ��l" ' wlur 81'@ Pafzunally knrawi�t� �" �%�
<br /> s� � �,�
<br />�wr'� ma ta h�s dw ade»tical�rar�S wl��e ae � 1dY'�;p ed tn tha al�uve L�atsumant a��nort$�gur g and Lh ey xc++crnUy
<br /> a.
<br />� WTTN��ipv)ueni3 t�ad 1�7 ,+�b�i�1iu da W�"�Ma�+�. f .
<br />� � ' aekno�vLsd�d tkia swld ls�sit�nent to be� '� i�"�'""�.•'^Y�"1�+tqrK deed: i k
<br /> r� � � t ",�,
<br />� � Myt;ca�nn�ai�dae+axpirm�� ��"�����: �.�� ,�/f � , J,1"n �f ���' � +4";�'`� -__ �
<br /> ,a�,.�.�..�.:�..r�..�.`..�_..utM�..,r��..e�.�,fc z� ,.��
<br /> „ � li ti . .. ���� �.u. �
<br /> . � Nute�Y i tifa���;v.�
<br /> $ 4 S.::w iL.' . . .+''��. �. . .. . .
<br /> t!'�o.�f, ! 1. 4yV �'f
<br /> t� �
<br /> ��l'h�t` '` j
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