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<br /> � �t�32'4'� GAS� JTLLITY EAS£MLN'i'
<br /> ForRra 43
<br /> ( TtYat Riveraic3e :investzfaent, I:nc. ; GrantorY, 4�'
<br /> the Countv nf �dll } the State of I�ebra8ha for an+� in considera�
<br /> tiaii oE the sum of Une Dollrsr (�1.00) and other good and valuable consi.deration„ t.he
<br /> , - receipt of rahich is hereby acknowledged, da_ hereby �3rarat, remise, convey, and relin-
<br /> i quish unto Northw�stern Public Service. Company, Grantee, a Corporation, Huxon, South
<br /> DakaCa,,.-its successors ur assigns� a utility easement, fr�r the installatian� mainte�nanee
<br /> ,'`, and opc.ra[iQns of gas lines, and appurtc:nances thereto, over, undets vpon and ttxrough
<br /> ; ths ffl�lowing c�escr;�bed iands sitaated in the Ccsunty Uf HaZ2 , the State of
<br /> x j �Uehraska , to wi t e
<br /> � ; Plat of a tract:of Ta�c3 comgxisinc� a part of the l�'ortheast S�uarter
<br /> .� of t�z� Sauthsves� Quarter (P7E$SW'9) of Section Twenty Eic�ht (28� , To�nshi.p
<br /> �; ; E2everi (11? 3Jorth. .Range:13ine (9) , west ot tlze 6th P.M,. :in the'city o�
<br /> ; 'Grancl Ssland, Hal.� Coun�ty, Nebras7ca, zzore particularly described �s
<br /> ; � . �allo�,rs:
<br /> �
<br /> �� T3eginning at the ,nort�west corner ot Lot 1,Tine. (9), 31oc3c One �l),
<br /> `; Replat of FZiversid� 1�cres Subdivisian; tYience souther2y along the zwesterly
<br /> i l.ine of said Lot Nine (9), a di.s�ance of One Hundreei Eignty E',ive (�.85..Q}
<br /> : � f�et: thence defZecting rigtit 91�Q3' anc3 running westerly, a da.stance of
<br /> ;� - Eight (8,0) feet; thence northerly along a line Eight C8.0) £�et west af
<br /> �;� ' and paral3..el to`}he 'westerly line of sa:id Lot I3ine (9), a'distanee of One
<br /> n a ; 'Hundred �'ighty;5ev�n and S�ven Hu.ndredt2xs {187'.C37) £eet, to �k.�e south--
<br /> F� ,�esi.c�ly r:;.y�4-��--�ay :�.;.a.e c�i S��ecaacts Road; thence soutneasteriy a3ong
<br /> i the sou�khwesterly right—of--way of saicl Stageaoach Road, a distance of
<br />�:s °Eig'�?+",ar.� Three Tenths {8.3) fe�t, to �Ize p1ac� oE beginning and containing
<br /> ' { 'A.034' acres more or 2ess_ `
<br /> �
<br /> � ; Plat enclosed.
<br /> �.
<br /> �. r
<br /> .,.„
<br /> 4 �� �����..� . . .. � . � . . .
<br /> � ' .. .. .. . � ' . .. . � . . . . .
<br /> � TQ� HAVE ,AND TO HOLD unto said NQRTfEWESTERN PUBLIC S�RVICE COMPANY, its successors
<br /> �
<br /> and assig.s, �� lcng as such ueility 2irr.es anci appurtena�aces i.ite�el•a shall be ma.intained '
<br /> � and operated, together with the right of ingress and egress from said precnsses �or the
<br /> purpose of constructing, instalLing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, r�enewing and
<br /> � , replacing the;-property of the grantee located thereony o� removed thereof� in wtzoLe or
<br /> :; � in part, at the will. of the grantee.
<br /> � ,
<br /> Tkxe Grantor furthez convenants for themselves� their heirs, Lessees, successors,
<br /> ,, � or assigns that the Grazitee, its lessees, successors or assigns stzall at a31 tirsses have
<br /> '_-.� the right to cut and rernove or trim all trees, bushes and`saplings growing upon said
<br /> Lands above described, or extending over same, sv Ear as may be reasonably ,necessary
<br /> 'f.or the construction� reconstruction, operation, repair, and msintenance o£:gas lines,
<br /> ;
<br /> and sha11 have the right of access and esitry to and upon said above described lands for
<br /> such parposes.
<br /> •, � GranCor :reserves to-themseLves the right° to cultivate, use and occupy the above
<br /> ' � describ�d lands provided such use and occupancy 3s not iraconsistent with t,'-ierrights
<br /> ' ; granted by tl-eis easement.
<br /> ? This easeinent and the rights granted and cosrveyed hereunder s:ha11 run with -the
<br /> 4 Lands a:�ove described aad shall inure to the benefit of and be bireding on the heirs,
<br /> Lessees� successors or assigns of tlle respective parties hereto.
<br /> � Da xed this �3 '� �ay o£ 4'��C�'G , 19_.� at �'�!t N1� /-fL-.�1�.11 f��
<br /> �� � j ' / / .�t/'i�.!S�
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