.. . . . . . ' ' M �h..
<br /> n
<br /> � 'M �
<br /> � �
<br /> ust� �st��ti � or �wrart �tte th� c+u� e3at�* uz il ,r- tunntiai�� in>t :iRm�-s�t . re�fcrrrr3 [�r in �,:¢rc��;rnr,ih. t nz�d '•3 herart•rt or � �
<br /> eb�su�e :dhe arnvunt nrf auclz z:.sts�lmc.yt�.
<br /> � gD. �orta+�v�s Not A�l++as�ci�. ].:x�t��:sioia �ni tlir s inu� t"or g +:�r�in�nP� or ir�oditi i.tit�ioa� .+f ursaorcizntmon c>f the ss.i�m�
<br /> se+eur�d F?y the!c _lior<�nge grtt:ttetl ��' 3 .�n�ier to :is�} i;ct-e�sair iri inrc:rest af Ei�rra��•rr ahaii not �per3t� t� retex►se,
<br /> xs
<br /> in s�ay �t�apner, th¢ k�abiliky ot �t.}rv nriginui l3oi°row-cr �sa�l f�a�rrrh���e>:'c. �u�ee.scrs+ in inte;res.t. t,eniier s��li nat be
<br /> rec�uia^ea#, to coutmanc+c �>evice�e+din;,a �qait�z surli sucee�v�r c�r re�iu�:r, tct ext<r:u3 t �n2e E�r pi:sy�ne�� ur otii�rwiae modify
<br /> � uiunrsisution of ti�e saauixs c.eeurcci by t}� 'z� \Icrort;gtt�e Frti� i•enson oi :�n�• desi�and et=7ndc l��• thr, oi°iqinai .I�asrower and
<br /> Darrac�rsr'eena+er�sctr� az� inteseat_ ,`
<br /> 11. Poebe�acte� by Lsndex Not a Waiver. :\xiy f.�r�exrancc by Lenaer i�� e.xereigin� nn4� rigi�t or remedy- ' :
<br /> � Iiere�usd�e.r, �r oLtierw'tse zl�orcied b,y u}��>3ic��ie lu�r-. �l;ttli x;c�t l>e ii r�:ai�cr ai or� ��reelude tP, e exercise oz aY�y right
<br /> � + or reasedy hereun�3er. _'1'ho nrrac«�et3iet�t of in�dcranae or t1i�r ��:sy.eneett, of t-��es o� nt6ea� Riens iax ciiarges by T,endnr
<br /> � yhail not b�s a w�iver af C.ender"� riqht co accclerate tlre annkurit�• caf itie i�dett�edness �ecc�red by t.his �4tort�age.
<br /> 1�2. 8oa�edias �umulative. All rexr�,eiiies }arn� i.ied in tiuti \ 1or��age are dist,inct nn�1 cumulntive tr� nn�� oLher
<br /> �' �" � right �+r r�nxecfy unde�'tiyi5 �fnrt�;a�e or aiffarcic�l hv Iats• ni cc3uicv; s�mi =.n�:� h,; e�erciseti conr,urrenti�� , it�depetad-
<br /> � ent}y csr seaaecssivetv. , • ,
<br /> � 1�. Suecesaors aad Rssiyas Bouad: Joiat and Sev�ral Licbili�y; Captiaas. '1'}�e �rov�n,�nts snd agreetnente
<br /> v � htreirt>cosatninec3 s�t�Pl bind, :tncl the rigttt:s hereutiiier �hai i iz�ure hv; t l�e resn�:rtic=c cliceessnrs and ass'zgras of Lerider
<br /> � �ind f3orra�v�r, subjec� to Llae provisions ai p:� r�.�rul>I� 1 ? l�eiiot. �# lI -e�vt�nsz�c, aud ani•eetnr.nts nf �orratcer sF3all
<br /> � '; , be jo�nt ss.nil sec�rul. '�lie ra��tio�� and licadic�gc•. of ttati. � r�i'tigra��ls;. oi tlris' � lort�agc arer foa concen�ence orily anei : • � .,.
<br /> s nre nc►�to be u�ed to int�r��ret or r.iefine tlae. prcarisio��c lctceaf:
<br /> wx ; 14: Natiae. �yn�� nntinc t.o }jorroc��e•^ nro��ici<xi for +n thi� \Ini�t�nge ,L:� ll la�. �i�:en [��� ���niiin� cuc�3 ntrtir,e b�•
<br /> i ceresn�ci ena'sl arr�drecs�d tn I3c>rra-�ver at the l?ro��ertv- :\c�etG•��s .,:t.�ti;r's i�c;laev . rxcept ior an�� notice reqttire�l uncler '
<br /> �" �aara�rxplt. l�i herec�f to E�o ;;iven ro 33orro«�cr in ilit: rrisnnur ��reccrahed i��- ata��li�:if�1n In�v _ Any natice {,ruvicied , °.
<br /> � ���� � � _� �
<br /> G � forira ileis 3torC�age sh;t}t Ire ciee���c�i to ,lzz�vc �ccn giyen tc� Borraa3•er ���h�:n `-;ivct4 in tiiu inucsT�cr desi�;n:�Eeu �ei�eixi.
<br /> e
<br /> ; 15. I�i�ifotat Mortgago: GovemiaQ Law; SevezahiHty. Ti�is f��rm of t��artgnge coxnhines uniiar�r� ooxrenrsnts
<br /> for nntiocsal us+y and aon-uuiforn� covennnts rvik:ii iin�ited �•:�risiiuns b� jurisdict.ion f,o consti�ute n uniform secn-
<br /> s •
<br /> ` �� rity itrstreament covering reaai prespertt-, '�'I�is lfurtgAge,stsaili -k�e goc�ined b�,- tli� la5v o€ tlie jurisdsetiaxs in tivl�ich F ,'- ;
<br /> 't tt�e Pt�opertp is lucatec3: In tlic erent ilist any provisioi3 ur cJnuse tif tliis lIo�t���;e,� vr tlxc \�ote - ronflicts a-ith
<br /> _,;; : upp�iaabte IaH ; such eont7ieE shali x�ot aFfeci other �rro��isions of thi� \lortgage or t�ie NoYe Gchich enn br given , '
<br /> ' ` effeet �vithout t1�e wonfliciing F�roc-ision ; astr� io !liis er�ci t}ie prc���isionw c�i t.l�e \Ic>rt�;u�e and Lhe Note nx�e: declared
<br /> , to be sevesysble: ' �
<br />� 16.� Bo�owez's Copy. Borro«*er shall be l'urnished :�. r<�nfnr*�ie� couy e;{ tf13� \Inrevava gt lf.n �±mn �f n,.�•���
<br /> ' ��or, �r : r^r �at.�atio-n iiereoi . a-` M
<br /> r ,. lT_ Trcns(er. of the Property� Assumpnoa T.i aii or uii,y purt �t tlic Prop�rty or ari fintere�t t13er.in is soid �
<br /> � ' ur transierrea Ey iic�rro�ver �vifi:Iiirul, I,a�x�les° � g �ritii• �vi•ittera c�n�ent:, excluilix�g ta i thc ca•eation oP a iien s�r eneuzn-
<br /> � , 'R'.
<br /> ; i�rnnce :subordinate to xhis \Sort�age, � li� tl�e cre:ti.ion of �i }�urc{rzise mnncey>> secuu•it�� intezest :far houselzold ,apgli-
<br /> �,` '; :tnees, teJ a transfer b?.- de��ise, d�eeift or by czperation c�ti 1:���• ri�insx.the denth of s ioiait ten:znt or (cll tho �ranti . of
<br /> uny lessehAl3 inierast ot three yc3rs or lnss roa� coui;�ining nn optioii # o t>urcl�aser Lender muz�, at T.erjder's option,
<br /> y; deelare; xIl the surns secured by; rtais �iari.gage to bu iixunedi=s.tei�' cius ancl 3�s�•auie: Lender, sI3xlI l�a�*e �va:iv�d:sunh
<br /> ;� option ta �.ccelersste if, ��rior to tiie snfe or ir�nsier; L�nder aud t3ie F�er�on :�o wlaom tl�e �'ro��ei�,,y is .. ta t�e , sold or
<br /> ;� truusierrec3 rea¢3i a�reesaient in �ti•ricing ilaa6 the.crecii� of s�acl� persnn F , •ait.iafv ctor�� Lo Lender iuid ti�st, tt;e intere�t
<br /> ,, .
<br /> pays�bl� on the aums secured by tI"iis .11ortg:nge sliall 1>r :ii sueL rate sa Lender sliall ret�ueat. If Zender has }��aived
<br /> t � ' the option to iieGeIerute provided in t�lyis a�flrcagraph 17 :�uc2 it liorro�c�Er s �ucreGsar in int�reei= l�as exeaut-ed a �vrit- �
<br /> Y � ten sssasmption agreeinent accepted in �vriiing E�y I.ender. Y,es�der sh� l3 t•elesi�e ,l3arroi��er €rom all obligmtions .under
<br /> ;; ,� �� � this���Iortgsgepud ihe �3VoGe. � � � � ��
<br /> fi� If Lender exereises�such �ptirsii to sccele.rste, .Lender sl�all :nzail� I3o: roiver natiee �oi accelerntinn iu.�accordance �
<br /> _ .
<br /> � �t tt �!: g:�r�arpgli l� her+=of. Sucl� n�ti�e ;l�:�l ? �. a�•;:ie ,� �,er=uu at ryut� : r,_ t'.,;:�: St? d4ye Irem ?lie iiate ttz� uotice is
<br /> � . uz»il�d xrit3iin �c>3aiclr73orro�vz:• :n�� >a � e2ie s�n:e declare:i :I��: It I3ocron�er fmta i; tt >i� �z �
<br /> ' ) J � � f y xch si�ins E�rinr to the
<br /> � ' � � ` espirstaon ot suci7 pericad, Lend�r mny. ���itl�oicifurcliei• ncatice oi• ciecnnrid on Borro���er, iai�•o�:e any rernedies per-
<br /> ^, . ,; , mitted bp pnragrs�ph 3S hereof. '
<br /> �,•
<br /> , : . 1'�a:�r-Ilxinotcmr t����Evnr:ls_ 33c;rro���e�� ta �id Leueler 1ai•tLc=r c��rcrzitini and a�rce as i'call��vs : '
<br /> �
<br /> ' ; . 1$� Acceleration; Riemedios: 1 �ce��t ix pi•o�•icted in � r,xru�;ra��'s � 17 l�crcof_ ujitin f3a•rvoe.i � t3reach oI any
<br /> F t covenant qaagreemenc of Borrotiti�e� e�i tliis llv3�t�;;ige. includin�; tl3r coeen:� x�t� to ��sy '���lxen ��uc tn�• �t�iLs 5ecured '
<br /> + I�y tt�is :llortgage, Lencicr ��riar tcx nccclerr.iti��z ,I �ait iii:iil nuticctu Iiorr�a��=rr a� 7iro��icici'r iai puri���•:� fali 14 liereof
<br /> ,"' s}�ecifyin�: ( 1 ) ' the 6re�ch ; f `� ) L3ie ;tctioxi rcc�uire<i t.o curc auclt I�rrncli : ( 31 �s �iatr. .t� nk less tlivx� fl3irt��� davs
<br /> x�' 3' from ih� date tlie nuticr is utaiPed to 13c�rro��'cr _ I>ti� ���liic•li ,�iicl� I �ri�cecli uiiist be� cua•ce1 ; sncl , (4 .t ti�tti f.3iltire to citr�:
<br /> �"tw�'� �. � allC�l �tii:�i3C�] 1111 �C}3'.. �.TCfOTC+ �fi1C (�Ai�f�. 4UCc:if]f�(�. �lll ��.�7�` tl��� ir�! 371�sv rt!vt �]i !it .nnnnit.� ::r.lCn �j{ ..�.i:� ��I!?iv � tiCCUIBCl �ly.� C}7�5. . . . .
<br /> lfortgss��4 rand sale of tkre Yro�>ertw. If the tareach is >>vt curcii oc: e !� kaefoi•c tli� d2xc spe.cified �n thc nofiG�, i.encler
<br /> �; '# aG l.en�3er's optioai �i�uv cieclare s?i ot tl�e au���s :crui•e�i ��v tlz�� \'io.rtKitigc to i>� immcdiat�l,V due aind paynbie
<br /> � �cibkoutfurtherdemrtnc€ :M1ndmauivreclnse. thi:� \l,?rr�a, n, �, y a : 1 .,: _ _. r �
<br /> . . .. . w . �. va.�cua+.aE,, a..ii�ilel' �Itllil II{? l'17L1Gft!({ t0� CO1�QCt � .
<br /> � ; � � 3A SUCtT'� ['ll'OCCf(�7II� p�j .Q\�1e12ENS O� �C1Cl'.C�OSI.k3C. ..1T1Clllt�l73g� �)Ut.`I2d>(� ]1I11lfl:C'�� � 10. CU9��a � [?I (�C3�Cllllll't1Lt3T}' �+E1'I(j�I1GE'� � � � �
<br /> ^� abPtracrs and title n�,orks.
<br /> rs
<br /> ' 19_ 'Barrowoz's Righ# to Reiastnta. Not«•itl�stszidin �; ] cuder:s nccelerutiozi o4 th� sz�m �ee:.zr�c� I1 ; t!:i.
<br /> a. Mortga,ge, Borroiver shall:hac-e tili� ri�lrt to hat�e xc�,y i�r�iceecim�;, ��e�tn b�' 3�e.nricr to � �ifort:�: � hta rf4rtgagc di�-
<br /> �ontinu+�ci atnny tima �riar io enary of sc jud�;iuent e:i;a<;.ii�� il�:� - 1o:i�u�2 i. _ ( iil �3�.rru�-er ' Ei�vs 1.c�ruer uii
<br /> -:� �ums wtsieh �Yauid he th�eir clus under tliis ;iort �u�;c, t }3e \'ote and siotes �acurin� �'uiure Adv�neee; af sn1 , had na
<br /> , xcaclers.�ion occurreci ; ,t.b1 Borro�a�r curer atl i,r�ztirlat�� o!' ar3�� ot €iei• rat-ezianis or s�rc4xnc.nzs of Bczrrocti�er citra-
<br /> ,� *sined i� i�*:.s '_i:v��,.a� _. (c ) ;3orrouer pay� sl; zv:�aot�:�li,�� v.y ,a�uaa: iu�-��rr�va i�,v i.�udc�• i�� u�lic,rring rrt�c c�.��"r.aasta:r,�
<br />�'�..' . �..BR(13fi!'�CIIIEIIES .Of 230tP01�'Cr uii:ui:� �� . _.^ "h ,c il�irt:v:txFr' :bnl1 �t1. ��i13�irrin�; 7 ,��rN �r+r�. 3�•�=n,nriiN, ,. i ti�•n��i�e�e'e:F . itl. �S�Yt':?- . . . ��
<br /> e... s � . .. � �_ . . . , .
<br />�?'; � �raph lE3 hereoi, 5.naladtz�g; biz£ not; limited to, reasoi:ak�le. sttolirc �� ', tec� , ai�r3 Irj3 L'iorr���:cr r:nke� surh x�etiun us
<br />� � 3.�Rder ma} reasona6ly require to assure .tf3rit ttte Lett of th �a llurt�a�;r, I,t.nder'E inxcl�st i.�� Uhc �'ru2 .�rty anci
<br /> " "+ . �ormwer's �csbiigatiun tc� ��ay tl7e az�u�� ;ee�ua�ed bp thi; :�Soy t�* L�;e �l :ai3 conY;iiiue u.niiupf�irt�3. 1)p.�n sual� ;��x>'mc�y �.
<br /> F i � �nd cure ta Borrawer t.�is :lfort
<br /> •ti Y � ga�e and tlte obli�ation� ,e-curc � l Iiei�en�� .hafi ren�ain in fiili foirc nnr# effect, as if � , ' .+ �
<br /> �, ao secel+erat3on hsd occisssred. ; . �' ''
<br /> s
<br /> ti � ;' 20. ,As�igam�ac oi Fie�iis: F.�:nt��.. .9 4s^�:-s:: 1�nd... ia D w,.-�iaxz_ :4s .ad:runat security licm- �'
<br /> s�nder, S�orron�er3t�reby �ssigns to Lender t2ie rc�is of f�;e t'ro�ercy. pravidr+<3 ztiat �3orro�ver shall. priur ta aeceler- ' �` "
<br /> M � ,�;}^ ' �� `�„�:'
<br /> at,ian uu�3er �aragraph 18 ,herenf or abandonme�at af- tix� i'r�o�rerty, �� sc-� tlie ri�ht to colli�rt arad c�etairz such renis �� � -
<br /> 'r,ti« . f � �e the,y fiaecp�ane du� and.�ayable_ �� � � ,� ,��^
<br /> � >� ,
<br />�, ,... I:�}� n►euelernti��u uu�iec ��xxru�mpi� ib hereeoa ur at�arndo=nnenc oz t.he Yn�}.eexp . Lxnde�r. in �,errcm, k,�� agent ," ` - ,
<br /> y > caT tt�' �ua3ici,ally a}r�wit�i:,�xl res,�iwer shali �x ruc �it}c�z9 tcr �-n='+kr u�.on_ tssce �>aa��e.,��n c�t unu �i�sua}*e t,iae Yr���crty
<br /> and to oollect .the. ,rents �oF ths Prvg�ert}; ir�cludsn� thuse iaxa.ct due. .1i3 rent.� r.ollt�cked hy i,cisxire� or slie recci��er a-. '
<br />� � � _ ��atrtne�s. v# 3he ece�Y� ai� �aanage:�eUt of� tt:i i rG�,e.rt}' a��i �;�llectivu oi rcuts. iircluciin�„ bttc�
<br />�- ^- ?�3a�11 t.a �p�s�c� �t tv ane
<br />�� ' � �� rant �vmi�ev9 t� rcewivcr'�� feea, • � Q - '� � - -� •
<br /> � Z ?'CdCSS'Uif]. O17 � �'('CC�1'�''T .. �1'CriI�_ . A'.1C1 . . 0.�5Q.V^.a�iC SL:QIa.�=\' 'S �c11 �,_ klizc� j(�ell L�� 1 � �� .u;�t�
<br />� scaured by �is :vlattgegecLender �ead the rncri3�er �1�e11 krt� liahle t� ae+rciunt onh fc�r rho,e renr:. :ir�ti:x3h� t < ie�ceri .
<br />. � � �.....� . �
<br /> , `_
<br /> � �
<br />