<br /> �
<br /> � .�..�a�i.
<br /> �;. ., �
<br /> �1 I1�D!\/IflUAL
<br /> ����'"�y^' Di1B C?N SALE
<br /> � t3PTlONI4l, �UTURE .ADVAlVGES:
<br /> SfAVIhIGa',Fi.INp
<br /> f FORM NO.?xU . . .� �.. � . . .
<br /> � �����' La�n Numb�r___33�SC�__:�_188 ;�. 1 .,,
<br /> ' � : . . �� . � T+.,rDrt . Offn<h �
<br /> ;.�. ;/���{��`���"�� � ��� �
<br /> .�� M:.OF2 T GAGE
<br /> ;;� � �. ' , � � � >� �
<br /> .�� '
<br /> sa TF3�9•114C}F�T�AGE;nsad+e'And execnzterl this..._..... !'7'°.._:.
<br /> i,� . clay of .„}e�' A I).,
<br /> +�� - 19 .,�'7_Z., betwewn tI3�Mort�agor,:.7.todn�y:..T,,,..:�Ja���i.��,d..�ta.d.An.d.r�:,a.�-....Sh�ff�eld,.hus,�,??���.�?�d.
<br /> it
<br /> ','� ',�ife., .�q�n.t3.� s�d ,�ach.,3.m.xhe.�.x:as�aa. x�SJa�r
<br /> ,,G .. ,_. . .._.. . ......�...
<br /> x'� of.._..Sc:ca.ktsk�.ti��� ...:..., t�a�nty of .,:;._ .....,. ..�...........,Sti�t,�rrE.:N�i��aska .�,.. ,hereinaft,er re£erred
<br /> d}� to as th� T3orrower atad tl» I'viortgtx�ee; FIRST F`EI.lERAL SJ�VINC,S ��?V�1'.C1A1�t1S'a"OCtt�rTtOIV(�T^'
<br /> LINGQLN, 1,�35 ��N,•;Stru�at> �incoln, 1Ve}�raslets 88.5a1,its_suceesaurs xnd ussigns, Isc;reinafter reterreri>tu ' '
<br /> a4,Ise�de3.
<br /> : � ,
<br /> �
<br /> °� �txivttss�x�: `Il�ut the said Bnrrowei for und in considerm£ion eit the sucn af ..�H,IRTY TTc10ZIS.AI�D;,, '
<br /> ��3 nrrP..rro/xno _..:. ....-�-� --.�nos.:� �vs�._, �,.000..o�:.. .. >
<br /> , .....,. ....... . .....:: ..... : ...::. ._ . _.....
<br /> �� paid by snrd Lencler,does heretb,y mortgu�,+e,grant ttnd conve� to Landex �ts tiucc�s�r�s-and t�4ai�,ng; �h�
<br /> fallc�wing described prc��erty locuted in i;he County o�>...... Ha�l . .......:, St�ate Uf N�tar�ska.
<br /> v� Lot Ni�.te-(�� in Block Tc�?p (2) in "Weiser �ubdivisYcan" be�n� E� part of the West
<br /> .� Hal�' nf tlie So�zt37wes� Quarter (W-�SW,�—�) of Sectinn 'y'wo (?), �ownship �leve�.(1Z,1
<br /> ? North; Range Ten (1,0) W�st af thP 6th P.M., H�11 County, Nebre�k�a. �
<br /> .Fti� . . . . . . �
<br />� � �
<br /> z .
<br /> .,�
<br /> .� .. . .. . . � f ,.
<br /> . . . .� :: . .. .. � .. , � �.
<br /> � 'I`tycE.�rxEs wntkf all,t,he irnprovemen�.c now or herea[(xr erected c�n.the propert,Y, and all eusements.
<br /> ttights, appurtenances, rc.nts, roYaltiss, ininerai,:oil ant3:gas rights Find pro&ts, vvnCcr, water ri�hts, And
<br /> �,:
<br /> iwater.,stoc:k,and ai� fixtures nenv or t�ereaiter nttach�d.to thc prop�rty, all of �uhich, includicsg re.�late-
<br /> inent�s and additiian�thereta,sfinll be-deeme�i ta b��and'r�inain' a part ot i.he pro�»xty cavcat�ed Uv this .�"
<br /> Mortga:�e;and:all of ttie fore�oin�,'togatkzer with'suad property (or tli�: le-aseholcl estate in �he a��nt�;hia
<br /> ; lVlortga,ge is on'a leasehuid.) are.herein!re#erted:tU as the "I'roparty„ "'
<br /> �^� Boxrower cavenants that Borrower is laiwfully seisecl af Elie estate I�ereby r;onv�y�d r�ad has th� ri�ht
<br /> tci mprt�age,gr¢nt aud convey the Pmpt;rty, that the Pro�erty �s un�nc:umbered, an�d tttnt .€3orrowe�c�ri11 �
<br /> C?� w�rrant;.anci detand �eneraily-tho<title to tlie Pcoper#,y againsC all alaim5 i+nd-demr3uids, sub;jecl:.ta sciy 'c
<br /> - 4asement�And restrictions-listiJd in a schedule:of exeeptions to coverag� in anv#.itle-insurttnca::polic,y in- '
<br /> Y� suring Le�der's interest in�ho Property,o� (2) attorney's opinian of tiLle irom absirnct aC titie carti�ieri
<br /> hy 6onded abstracter. '
<br /> «T s Pao�-sp�� Ai,wa.is, and th�se presents ara ea:ecut.ed and delivered upoc=lhe tvllowing condititanr�,t�gx�ee-
<br /> =� � �ments an�i obli�a�io,r�s oP the �orro�r..r,#o•5vitc�_ �� � � � � � � , c ;` ��'�.�
<br /> a."�
<br /> � The�3orrower�greoe ta pay Lo the Lendcr oi ard�r tha i�nrxcipa2 sum of.'�H��.�;T.Ei+�ItSA�`3Tt AA1St .
<br /> �, r I30,t.iGtD- .. .----__... _::..:. . ,..__.. --••--,.. ,_.-�----•.. .......... .. :..3?oll�rs tUS�.. 3C..Q90..Q1Z._.._.. ..... ..)
<br /> � ; (�t�yable a�pruvided in a n�te e�ecwEe�i anri delivereda;ccancurrE:ntJv herewith,t}i�6nttl k?u,yrnent�f.princi�aul,
<br /> :� iP nut eooner paid;on tlYe.__.1.��. ..,. __..c. clity of .::.. _J?�„j':....---` ..:....,.._.,�:�c'�Qb `
<br /> ;:';
<br /> ic.5 Uxir•ver� ('r�vx:rsnrr�rs.�3ormwer and I.c:nder covenant nnci;a�;xcro as fc::�,..�;
<br /> :� 1, Fu.yment-of Pzincipal an�3 Intergst. F3or�nwer shall proiii�al;i.v pi�.y when ciue ilie �ritaci�xtl ul aud 'ui-
<br /> -� teresC �n Lhe izzc3ebt�c?ness evieieueed 3ay il�e NoY�, pr�payment �nd late eh�rgeN aiG t>r'�rvided in 'inc�ivi,4a,
<br /> ,F,� tmd the�sainci�al af and,in.�rc�;ti nn uny l utt,ia�4xvanc�s��iur�� Uy tbis A�ort,�ag�. �
<br /> � 2.Fu3tds Eor.Taaces and 3nsurance. .Sabject to Lender's opLic»� im<3er paragxa�hs �and 5 hercofr 13or-
<br /> ' xawer�sha.�l�s�y to 7„.,�nder on the d�.v rnantl�ly instoallzneut,�of pr:nr.ipal anc3 ini�res(.ase�ayabie;tii�der t.kae
<br /> �-� Nate, u�sf�l the Not;e is paid in 3u11,m sum {krereixx "Fundy") ec;u�l to oni-t��elfth ai the,�er�riy tiixea unrl
<br /> � at�sessm�ixts wk�ach m�ay attmzn�ssiorit;r over t.his I�1ori.gaHe, an�l gz-ound re.nts un:th� 17ropNrt,S'. if un,Y, Ftus
<br /> ;:;g �ne-bwelfth oP ycarl�premium inetaliment� for hazaz�d it�suranc�,pius one-twelfth t�f yearly �aremiutn.in-
<br /> � stallmea'�#s for rnc>rt�.x�ge insusamce,if anv, al1 av-ressc�nal�ly eNY:irc3nted irtitially and frt�ai t.ime tca i�ttre �iv
<br />� � t.knd�r vtz ihe�asie c�f aesesamsziis ane vilt�nnd reztevt�z�tile e��az�7sL� t;e.��� 'c.u'e w?-�a11 txppl�'�fie k unrls
<br /> La p�y.sas.�ta�.�ess�enis,��si.a-�_.:.'e�zeiuiuxs..s ard •�i�u�::;re.nta. Lcand... ,;l.a�_ .3a�i��i�u .�lu����� t.;r su
<br /> a � � ���atd'
<br /> � u� a�d agplg�in�g t.he �unc�s'or verifyi�sg aud caza�pi�l[n� �aid ass��;�merits unci bilis. The Lars<ler shafl �
<br /> ,x. givn tv-ihae$orrower,witi:�ut dnarga,ari aaatxual acc�u�i,ing af th�-I'undx'�hawing cr�ci�l.�azid tXebits tr�the
<br /> : runds ancl tht�pc�oaae for whic�enah dek�it tc�the F'unds wa� mnde. The Funds �re pieclged xs adc�iti�i:�I
<br /> � s seeurity:fs�rr the sutns secnred b'_t�thza R'�ort�a��.-The �3�rmtiver a�rc+es that the Eunds �ttAv be 3ield b,v#:he �
<br /> a �.ender a�d ca�ma�in�ied witxa ot3ier fuuis a.�d the Lerndu s ov�m funds an�i ti�e Lender sna,y pay s�ch at�mcs ,. ,�
<br /> _ � . ,a
<br /> '� � irocn it:� W�v7 fuuds,3cnt� the Ler.aner si�aii nU4 be;i�L-lo:oa,,.;�a��t ar;.3i�-idenc?s.::: sucl� T�uttcit�.
<br /> �� , If tba ambu�.t u�the Funds laeld fi��r:;Lender,�o�#�et�scnt:ix t}�e future zzaunthly insiallinerats,ak Fund� ,-�, •Y
<br /> � 3�a3'able:���r te�.�e.,dae�1a�+Qt ta�es,asseseme.ntsa. ansurance p�emiuma snc��round rents, c�luall exca:erl '" ,
<br /> ' :the a�n+c�aL zec��red.to. y sai,3 tases;,�sse�xme�ats,izrsumnce pr�m�ume:snd g�savnd r��t�us tlacy t��ll due, ,�
<br /> � . ,;�ac6�,e�she+.il��._at�rrQw�c'a op�in.either���#�ramp#.ly�r{�as�d to B�arsYawer ar creci�ited to BQr�wc:z on � :' �
<br /> � xnan#h3av"�ansf.�lla�a.�rnta�.c�# �`tir+r��. If thP �zttc�rxt�C t�f 'the Fet�t'?s he14�hy I.,estt�e�'s13a11 *.!n! bF�Tc{�i!��ent tn 3'�'Y "�;•�
<br /> . ti ,
<br /> '" 'tAxRs.,asaass�en�s.i�suri�n� F+�u�ium�z ancl�mu��rl �-en#z�aN Lhhv tall dae. 73t�rrc:�wrer r�hall ps�v #.c,I.en�i��� '`'�
<br /> x any amtru�k:tte�sar,y to nas�e �p the de&+dency:uittt3zt thirby dacys after nratice from 3.enaer t.0:�ozrciwcr
<br /> �squeati�g;.�aysaa�E a�hereof, v� Barmw�er s�rall, by an increase i.n monthly irastallments uf FuadS =equired;
<br /> -e�y�a�3c;:�.:;,y-��it''.s�t t�� �unu' �a�-rtang�a�ic�t.
<br />��.; _
<br /> L3�n, pay�met�fi,i�fssil af att.sums;seaured 6y tl�is lviortgaga Lendar:sha�l ap�l�> Funds held ati a credi#.
<br /> � aqainr�t all aun�s dsue.
<br /> .
<br /> <F �
<br /> � ..,._,
<br />� �
<br />