. . . . . . �' ;. . .
<br /> * �.�.
<br /> 4 .an iT+l�
<br /> �" ?T- � �
<br /> UtJ3236 . -
<br /> T`o Hwv� sr�A TO FIc'�Lr> the sume uiit�� the Alortga�,:�, as herein ,� ruvirie�l. ;'�3ortga��r r�;pre�.:� uts to,
<br /> � and coven� nes w°_ith, the Moctgug^ee, t��ut thr M1f��•tgsrqar h:is �ou�� right to sell xntl convey v�id �rr�mi:�s ;
<br /> Cha� ttiey uc� lree f'rom en�umbrunce,. excelpt :�s �creioiothea• W� �se re,c�ite<l ; tViat tiie 1V1�re•C�a�or ��-itl warrant �
<br /> a�id ai«�Eenct the san►e agaixistth� latct't� l claims of �I) pec�sons whomsa����e:.r. 1lortg:�qox° hereby rcl?nquistaes
<br /> ' att rig�tta Ut taam-estead, all 3nurikai rightv, k�ither iu law �r in equity-, and all Utnea� c�ntin�enl, interest.s af
<br /> r; the '�rl+�tegagor it� �nd t� tn� tsbUve-�iE;�ci�iUed premises.
<br /> Y�tovTnEn Az:wnrs, anc1. - these presPnts ure executec3 anzl deliva�x•eci upon the iollowAn$ �onditions, #o
<br /> � wi� ::
<br /> 14tr�rtgagor ugrees to pay t� the Mr�rtfittgee, o� order, the af�resuid princiFrat sum w�ith xnteceat fram dza:ta
<br /> � at the rt�te oP egght and one-half per centum ( � . 3,'% ) er anntam en llie un�af�i bal�tc3ce until pxud.
<br /> " The Aaad principa,] xnd interestahaIi be payabie ��t the o�ee of �ir:,t Federal S;3ving..• ancl Loan :.
<br /> , ; 1�s sac ' a t of" ine�1�
<br /> in y���p� , or �,t such otkzer pltice as t�ie��a�c�er of �e noE� may designate iit
<br /> �� ct•ritin� deliverQd ormaiiet3 �o the i4Tortgagor, in ananthiy installrnents �f On� Hisndred Eighty-thr� e and Ol� ;
<br /> Uollars (� 1�3 -Ql } , commencin� on the first ciay o£ Auguet , 19 77, and eontinuing ern ' 1C)�-- '-
<br /> the first �luy �f e�ch tnonth thereafter unlit said note is fi.allY paid, exce�:?t that, af not saoner pazd, the fin�t
<br /> � payrne�lt aF prtincapal and intet�eat sizall be ctue and, payable oci the first ii.�v of ETzt1y 2407 ` ; al1
<br /> accord ing to thr� terms of a cex•tair� I�rrrmi4sory nc3te of even clate hcrewi th exeLnted by the snid 1f4ort��goa�.
<br /> ; ' TE�e Mox•t�gagor further agrpes :
<br /> 1. He wiil prmy the ir�debt�ac(ness, <�s heresz�bciore 2�xovided. PriviFege i� reserved ta, pz�epay at any
<br /> x , tinze, �+vitli�ut �zi•em;um ax• f�e, the exrtire inc?cbte<lness qr any pax•t thereof noi less tl;an �he �rnount� c�f vne
<br /> instailcuent, or ome: huncdred'dollars (�100.Q0} , whichever i� less. I'repayment in full: shail be ctedited aan
<br /> , ' the date received. Partial pr�puyment� other than on an instpllment due date, need not be �redited until
<br /> � the; ne�et followi� instatlme�t due daC�e or thirty clays aftersuch prepayment, whichever is ea�lier.
<br /> ; � � �
<br /> -' 2. Together avith, and iai addition t�, the m�nChly payrnent� of principal and interest p:ayabie anc�er
<br /> the terms of the nate'seetiired hereby, 1V�ortgagor wiil p��y ta �fortgagee, �s trustee, (uncler the terms of tYsis
<br /> : trust as hereinaiter st�'t��: � u�i ii�e 5rst i3ayo uf cacli znpnth �anti? sait� n_�tt is f�l1y n�ir? :
<br /> (a ) A sum e�ual ta the 3;round rents, if an3•, a�ext due; plus thc pr�nii ��ms that iviii next beeume dae �
<br /> and nayabte on �olicies of €ire ancl okk3cr hazard insurance eove�•ing the mortgaged prop�rty,
<br /> plus tax��s atnd <issezsmrnts next �?uc on tlae m�rtgaged pro�rty (ssll as estima.ted lay the lqort-
<br /> �,rabee, anci of a�-li�ch the :��oa�tg�gor is notified) less all surns already paid tlieref�sr divided t�iy
<br /> ; the nu�nber of montl�s tu �lapse Uefore ane month �x•ior tt� the dAte wEzen such: gsound i:enta,
<br /> '. � premirlms, tu.xEs and assessments �vili becoxne �ielinquent, stach suzns to be held b_v �'fot:tgagee <
<br /> " ; in trt�st to pay sa:id gi•ound rents, px•crniums, taxes anel speci�l assessm�nts.
<br /> ' " ' (L � Tlie ag�re�ate of ti�eam�auntspaya�Ie p�irsunnt ta subparag�•�ph (� ) aigcf �hose payable on tEae
<br /> x' nate secured hereb,v, shal3 l�� p.�ict it� 1 single payrn���at each rnouth, t<> b<e apptied tm the folloi�*-
<br /> in� items in the ox•der statecE:
<br /> � ; ( i }� grouncl t•Ents, taxes, assessments, fire , aiid other hazarci insuraraee, premiurns ;
<br /> • ( i1j iitterestc�nthenate secure�i he3•eby ; and �
<br /> � ( Z�T ) mimortiza'tion of tlae priiicipal of said note. ` '
<br /> € Ariy deficiency in the amounl of any sueh aggre�ate monthly pay�ment shall, unies� made good
<br /> b,y 'tE�e Vtortfia�or priur tr� t�ie dtie ct 1tc- of the na�-t such F�ayr•sent, coiistitute an event oP defau�t
<br /> ` � under thSs mort�agc. .�t illortga,�ee's pption, ti�ortgagor �vili pay a "late charge' ' not exceeci-
<br /> ° { ing four per ceiitum ( �l �c ) �rf any instuli mez�t w�ien paid mcgre th<xn fi£teen { 15 } d�ys after tt�e
<br /> t due d:�i,e tltereof �o eo�•a;• t'_ e e.:.tr� �•:;;ii�se in�:ol �•ecl ;n }i:zn.r<ir.gcl�linq;: eiatN�;,�rnesits, bu#: 5t�c;in
<br /> y "late cli�rge" sha.11 noi be p�nyable out of the proceeas of any sale made to satisfy the indehted-
<br /> s,` aiess secui•ed liere�y, iinless sui;h procetds �re sufFacient to dischurge the etitiro indebtedness and
<br /> ? ali pro�er eosts and expenses secicred �herel�y. �
<br /> t �. .If the total of the �s.y�ments m:�de b,v the Mortga.go3 under (23 of paragsaph 2 preceding shadl
<br /> ; exceed the amaun� of pt�yme�ts actual�y made Uy the Afort�a�ee, as ti•ustee, far �round rexir>s, taxes t�t� <i �
<br /> i nssessm.�ents a� insurance premiums, as the case anay be, such excess stiuli ae creuiteu u� tiha A4c:t�gm
<br /> on sixbseqaent pay3nents to be made by tlie Mortgagor far such items ar, at Aiortgagec's ogtiors, as truatee,
<br /> ; : A � shnki be refunded �o Mori;gagor. If, ho�vever, such montt3tiv p�y�xtents shali not be su#Ficient to pay suc33i
<br /> t items �*rlien the sacme shalY b�ecome du� and payable, then the Mortgag�or. shall psS* to the 111vrtgagee, as
<br /> tz�uatee, �ny amc>urht necessary to m<�}ce up the det'i�ienc,y witi�iin thirty ( 3C1) days after cvritterr notice frorn
<br /> : " the 113ortgagee s#a�ing the R!nour_t of *he c�efi�risttc,y, nhieh notice may i�e giver� by mait. If at any ti�e
<br /> Gthe Martgagor sttal! tender to the Mc�rtgagee, Eai uccardance with t}� e provisioaas c�f the nute securecl
<br /> � hereby, fuIl " pay-t��nt af �he entire indebtedness t•epresentad thereby, the hiox•tg�gee, as tx-ustee, sliai?,
<br /> " ' in eom�vting the amount of .�ueh incieiaLeiti�ese, cFedit to the account of the lUlortgagor any credit 6alane�e
<br /> su:cumu�ated unde� the provisions of �a) of para$i•aph 2 taereof. If there �hait �e x defau7�t under an�y
<br />�� ' uf the �rovisions �f tl�is ruoL-tgage rtisulting in a uuUlic -a.1•_= � F � � �;«aii��s wc<r:,�3 litr��liy, or if ttxe
<br /> . � irivr"r,gsgee 2cqu�re-s the prap�rty othersvise �#t.Er !lefa ��l+, t�ca '.!'Ic_+g�g�e, :� trus�ee, shali aPP�Yo at tlat
<br /> time : of the comm�ncement of such proceedings, or at the t�me the property is o�hexwise a�uired, tli+e
<br /> ; amount then remaining to c^edit the l�iortgagor under ( a) of paragra�h 'L prececiing, as a eredit an the ,
<br /> ; interest acetve-d aad unpaid and the ba�ance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said _note.
<br /> r �,�� . . ^y
<br /> - , �.' '9Che lien of this instrtzment shali remain in :fudl fores an�i efFect durin� any pvstponemer�t or exten- . .' - h °�;,
<br /> F siolt o� ti3�e time of ��yment o€ thr. inelebatedness ar any part th�exeof sec�arecl hereby. � � �,rt� ,,
<br /> '; �„} " b. �ie tiuili payF aU �roun�3 ren#s, ta�es, assessrnenfs, z�Pat� rates, ancl other go�ernmentai or munici- '"a ;;
<br /> } pal ctiar�es,.fines, or impoxiti4t�s, Yeviesl upon said �remises and that he wili pay all ta�es levie�d ixpon this '�`
<br /> .. ,•.�,
<br /> , ttiortigt��:e� yr 1.3�e daUt sc.:�.?���3 lPiet•euy. L.ogetitr�� �� i lii auy i,tlacr tiaxes ur as��>aetx��nl:a cafiir Ii xnb.Y be Ievieii ;:. .,
<br /> .� ; uixidr LI�eiMwavf i�e�rmska x�aiiwt LIie :�2ut•E�'s�ee, ,ur the lcgas laulil�r uf sai<l #�ri;aci�:al nuLe, ui� uc�viuEit ui
<br /> k�iis ind�htedneae, �exce�t wh�n pa3*men€ for a�l su,eh items h�s tliet�tofoae been made uncier (az) of para- ���
<br /> �ra}sh 2 hereof, ��d i�e K�ill pxomptly deliver the criticial receapts therefvr to the Atortgagc�e. In default
<br /> ttiat•eof .`.he Rgoi-tga,ge�sna;� �a�• the s:.m�
<br /> � ... .--T --.J
<br />� ■
<br />�
<br />