<br /> �
<br /> � .++i.MW��
<br /> ' .i�r,.<..... • �
<br /> !�►'1"L�TE t11J" I3,�'.9Ki1.7�i1.. (;cra.tlLy of ................................._ .._,.:
<br /> E`1Eet1 f�sectrrri .�n ._..................,._..._...,,, 3.�..._....ac...........................� u'ci�rk ..........,............. SI.
<br /> u►d sbcatc�+eti in tbe Dr.�d Itr�urd ......................_..._....,, E'uge ........_....._........_.....
<br /> c ....... ......... ............ .. : ...._. ............._............._. tcy� .................._............ _..._........ .._ ....._.,...............
<br /> ;r Reg�er of]aeede T�eputy Regivtnr �f.Deede �
<br /> � 7T- C'Q 3 2�.2 S�R�I�ORSH3P VSI�iF;RA1VTY D]EEI}
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ss
<br /> �`raacis L. Weber and Gvven. Weber, 3-Iust�and and iNn€e, each in His and Her own
<br /> �.�
<br /> � right and as,spause:of each <aCher ,heroiu es:lad ttf� �tttnr�evheth�s ane or�ore,
<br /> �, ,
<br /> y; in ronsideratioa oP For�y-nine Thousand Nine Hundred ar3d naJTO[a {$49>`3�7Q.OQy Dal�.ars
<br /> �
<br /> � received from grantces, doas �rti.nt, bargain. seEi conv�,y snd confiran unto
<br /> �r�ris ti�►ri�'"�"ti'"
<br /> '� Radney F. F�iises and Laura 7'eane Hiser���i
<br /> {� :
<br /> 4� as $oa`nt tenants witli ri�ht af sarv�vnrahip, ancd nat as tennntz: in r,ommou, the 4ollowimg deseribed reel
<br /> ' property in F-Iall' ...:. Couuty,��etrraeka:
<br /> � xt .. ..._ . ...
<br /> �� , Fart of the Northeas#Qua xter (NE 1/4)oi Section Four (4) Township Twelve {12) No�t1x,
<br /> x� Range Eleve�z(11) West, Hall uounty, ,Nebraska,rnore particixl.arly described as foYTows�
<br /> CommesYcing at�h�e Northeas� corn�er of the Northeast Quaxter of 5ection Four �4}; thence' +
<br /> � - ruisning Westerly along and umon the l�o.rt�^Zine of Sec�ion F'oux (4) a. diGtane.c� of Niu�.
<br /> � hundred six five �65 feet to the ac�ual oint of be innin t�ence runnin Southerl
<br /> � �3'- � ) P � �� g �'
<br /> pars.11el.ta the Eastealy'$oundary Lin�ot'.Saic� section Four (4) a distance o€ E'ive :
<br /> "� Hr��ac7 red n3n�ty-four '(594} feet; thene�>sunning Westerly parallel to the'Northerly Baundary ', �
<br /> � , line �f said section four (4) a distanc�of three hundred niizety-six (39�) feet; tl�ence rursning�
<br /> `� Nor�her.ly pasallel t�o- t�e Easterly bc��ndary line of said Section four (4) a distance of
<br /> � • five�undred.ninety-faur {594) feet to #he Noxth Line of Sectioa Four (4} '�qucrns�ip Twelve.
<br /> � (1Z),3Vorth Ran�'e�El�ven (11) West of the 6th P.M.; thence;rurs.:iing Easterly alorg and upon ,
<br /> � point o�gorthnerZ�+liiie of ;said section fcsur�4) 3 di�tance of three hua�dred nin�ty-six(396) feeC fo -
<br /> ; �o �ave and ta hold the above 'descr3bed pre:nises tpgether with aIl tonements, heredita.=nents
<br /> �� and'appurteiiagces thereto belonging unto the g>rantees 3.nd to their assigns, or to the heira and-assigus'
<br /> �°� of+the'snrvivor of'thern tore�er. '" ` ' �
<br /> �� tlad grantor does:lzereby eoienant wit'..i- the grantees and �vitli their aasigns ancl with the heira
<br /> aaci.asei�ns,o£t7�e:surr i�•az of them that grantpr is Irxwfully seised of snid�remi.ses;that they^ara£ree fcam
<br /> '� eacnmbranee e�ccept ea�ements and restrictions of"reeord "
<br /> '�, that`grantor ha�gobc9 ri�h_t and luwful a�ithority- to aciuve?r the s�uie; and t2�at �rnutor �varrunCs andc will
<br /> �° ` �efond the titls to saiQ premises against the Iar�Snl clairns of�ll,nersons rvl�oinsoever. = `„
<br /> ;^� It`is ti�e inteirtion af alI parties hereto tnat ir�.t�e evers.t a#tl�e death of either of the granteea,' '
<br /> °� the entire fee title ta Lhis real �ropertv �1�a13 vesr. in the sur�ivizig qrautee_
<br /> �
<br /> �� Ilated .-..i Lf nl P �� 19 .�� r�,
<br /> r . . . . ry/ ' � �,", e .
<br /> y�.�,,��y � 'f�/ �/
<br /> ��' �............ . �........., d. ._�...._�. ....'.�... . ........... �.. . � �.. "�"1��6�...L+.�}��....��•1�:..w�.'.'+�'��+—•� .
<br /> ^x
<br /> .,x, ,
<br /> :� ,....: .._........ . ....... ..:__......... :... . ....... .�.�...,�:.:. /�,�i���.-.._. ......_:... ..
<br /> .' ��werx Weber .,. :.
<br /> � 3
<br /> :� sT:a%r� o�.;f�:6.t��s:�1�"/.�...._.. .. ca��ty o£ ,!.�° ,,.�... .
<br /> , . .. . .... .._. ....._....._....... .........
<br /> Befpre�ziCe,8 netnry�nbiie qna3ified for a�id oauniy, personally easne
<br /> :� �
<br /> �� Fraric�s-i.� ++^yeber dmd Gwen iaYeber, F3usband and VlTii�, each i� His arid�ler o�v� r��uw � �
<br /> x1 ;, ,
<br /> � an�as spoexsp of eaci�other
<br /> .,,'S: � � � � � � � � � � ti
<br /> �:`
<br /> kus3wn,tv iue to Le ike ideutiea3 pere�u e+r�ars�ns zvhu�:gnad ti3e for�goiug in�erumene ans3 aoknowic.rdga3 , � " �,�'e
<br /> ��'; t3�e'�Qeuti�n t-h�renf to- be his.her or their vo�untary aet and�eed, ;z �i�"��,'�'� � .
<br /> F ' ' .. .�� . . . . . �
<br /> ' ��
<br /> s Witaess my htuid�ud notarial seaT o� � . ...., 19_,/�
<br /> � , ..._��....au.�:......l,,.�_ ...:... __. ...,,,�... ',
<br /> � ��� � � �
<br /> �rr■�r.�r...e�r.m- � ,�.�',r7 ���,--� �~
<br /> „ :�il�" ' �,,...,+'��-'-.��-��u�.�.•:'.,�f�`r'�i`^'-f7?,zz...••z.._ ��o'kaz'S' P�zblic ;nc :
<br /> �,� �1M�M�aa.t�aif..'#I/�, c.._.�^'� �f _
<br /> <
<br /> � My commissiarn esp�r�x__. Y`�'_'?:t�:�...a.�__.,19_..��. .*.
<br />^""4 !"e1Vin 1¢WeP}t+m.,tdn.wn.NvA.�. � . .
<br /> � �orm -3,2 T,� i,r riia�rrvv.e�3 Lp \t�isra�3ss �i<eal,e Iia�•."+��ciali�u
<br /> � _ �J
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