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�. <br /> * <br /> " :`:.M:� <br /> � � <br /> �w �J�J t7 r.i�V � <br /> MQEtTCAC�E <br /> hica�ere.wc.E �,oAh r:cz. 1,22.677 � <br /> � xrrowwu n��tv aY�tEs�P[t��x�'s:'rnni Ed Kolar, Jr, and Oonna B. Ka7ar each �n hi:s and her <br /> own right spause of eacM other ; <br /> Mortgsgur,whether cane or murr.,in�:oiuideratiun of the aum oC <br /> : '' <br /> r ; �,,�. . ,._.._"'_'_'__"___'_'_"—_—'__—,.'__'__""�_�_---'�....__ DO[.LARS <br /> Th�rtv ThAousend and No/1Qt}- <br /> K 34arhed to saicl�nertgagar by The[:yuitabt�e EiuildinR end Luan Associatien�f Gran�i Islanc�,Nebwnska,l�iurty3egee,upon �00 slisz,cs u[staclr ut' <br /> said ASSOCIhTIC3N;Certifccate_Na.L 22 ��J ,do hersby grant,conv�y and moregage unco thc wid. ASStIClATtt)N the 1'ollowing <br /> s. � <br /> deacrabed reut ostate,situated(n Flall C�aunty,'.abraska: <br /> },. _ <br /> ,s <br /> �y <br /> j� ' LOT �W£NTY-TWO (22j, 4fES7 BEL RIR <br /> � FIFTH SUBDIVISIt7N, CTT"Y OF GRAhiD <br /> ��:€ � � � � � <br /> � , ISLAND, HALL GOUNTY, �t�BRASKA. <br /> � <br /> ;� <br /> � �� ': <br /> =� � <br /> yr� <br /> _ tqget3her wieh-all [iie tenen_ients, 1acre�iiaments and nppurtenances tk�ereun[o betonginb,including attaclicrl tloor coveringa;utl:window screens,' <br /> `„� win�iow,sfiades�hlinds,storm windotvs,uwnings,k�euting,uir araditioning,andt plwnbing 3n8 wuter equipment aird�ccessa�ies•thereto,pumps,stuves,- <br /> Y�, reFris3erutors;aud ut3�er fixturesvnd tquipinent now or hereafter attached to or used in canneation wici}'saici teaf estpte_ <br /> � And wl�ereus the said mortgagor hus agtaed anA does liereby agrce chat the mortgagor shull xnd wiZi pay ali taxrs and�ssessmentslevied oc <br /> „�� assessed upnn:said premises ancl upon this mort�-rgu;md th�be�nd secured theczUy bef'ore ahe s:imn shull become delinquerit;to ILrnish uppruved <br /> ;� insuranse upun tl�e Uuildin�s c�n said premises situaced in the xum v(5 30,���.�Q payable tu said A550CIATION and to deiivar to said <br /> ; ASSC)(:fATlON the,policies f�r said insurnnce;and not to comnvit or permit any wuste un�r abou[said pre[nises: , <br /> � � In case vf de['nult in thc perf'ormance af any of the terms and cociditious of thfs �nortga�e pr the bnnd secueed liereby;ttza mortgagee shall, _ <br /> on,d�mai�d,lie entst�ed[o imxnediate possessioo uf ihe mortga�ed:premisns :snd tlra mortgaguc 7ieceby assiKns, transfers and sets over to the <br /> ,�� mortgagee ail the rants,revenues und inc�me[o bc d�tived frorn thc mortgageai prrmises durin�,sucl�cimG as�he mortgagn inelebspdnrss sli�(I remain <br /> rE�,$ unpuid;:and the nuarly�gze shall huve the power to appoint any aXent or agents it m��,y desire for the purpvse oC re�airing said premises enJ renting <br /> ¢ the,snme and eolle.;ting che ients,revenues xnd incume,and iz may pay i�ut of said inc�me all expenses of tapuiring said promises and nacessary- <br /> ` .'w mmrnissipns and expenses incurrcd m renting an�lananaging 4he same and of cullecting rentals,thc�effurn, the balance remaGiing,if nny,to 6c <br /> a applied toWard the discharge o1'said mor[gage indobtedness:zhex rigltts oC th�mongagee may,be exercised at uny fime during the existenca of surh' " <br /> , � del'au3t,irrrsF�ective of eny tempurury waivrr of zhe same. <br /> ?� .� Thvsc Presents,however,nGe upan the Conr.iition,That if the s'aid�1ottE,agor shati.repay.ssid loan.on�or before�xhe mttturify of said�slta[qs hy..� _ <br /> paymcnz:pay�naontfily�tu said:ASS(XIATION of the sum the f3ond.sccu:ed�he=—eby�us ininiesi.und.�principui�an suid�lvan, beEore � <br /> thc Twentieth�3ay vi each sn�!evezy iuonttx,untii�aid loan is fullypaid;pay ali taxes and ussessments levied ag�tinst swd preuaises end on thisMort�age ' <br /> � and the pond srcured therehy,�efon delinqucncy;l'urnish approved insurance upon the buil�3ings thereon in�he sum of$ 3Q����.Q�) payabte - <br /> �a�` to said ASSOCIATION;`repay to said ASSOC1ATInN upon demsnd all xnoney by it paid fur such taxey,asscssmenes and insucance wieli internst rc <br /> � the'.m:iXimum.legalrate:thereqn�Gc:mdate��ot`psyrn,eirtullofwhichMurtgagorls.¢rebyaE;reestc�pay;permit�to�wastconsaidpiemises,keepandcornpiy :�. <br /> .,�� wltli all the agreemenls and conditions of the Dond for S 3O OOO:�� ihis du,y given by ttre said b4orty,�gor tu said ASSUClAT[nN,and comply <br /> witti all the reguirernents uf the Constiwtion and By-G�ws of said ASSOCiAT10N;then tHesa,prnsenxs sdall becume nuil and v�id,ottxerwise thny <br /> i;,,� shul! reinuin-in full forcc;uid inay bc fureclused at tlw opiion uf the suid ASSOG1ATtOf3 ufter failure i'or thrac nronihs to make miy of said <br /> +� paymc�ns ur 6e tLrae mqnths 9n arreurs in making said monrhly paymeucs,or ao keeN and eomply with the ugrreit�ents und cooditions+si'suid Dand; <br /> and A�€ortgagur.agre�s to havu a receiver app4intrd-Surtltwitl�in such foreciusure pruceedings. <br /> 1f there is any change in ownership��f ihe real estate rnort�agcd herein, or otherwise,then tha entire remuininx i�idebtedness herehy' <br /> ff secured sl�xll,at the option of The Equitablc Building and Luan Associati�n of Cran3 Island,Nebraska,becvme immediately due u»d payaUlo withoux <br /> �- furthar notice;and 1he amount re�nnining due wider said bond,and any uther bond fvr a�y additional advancus madn tticreundcr,shaq,fiom 7.he <br /> .� dalc of exarcise of said optlon,beax interesi at tha maximum legal cate,and thss mortgage may then be foreclosed to satist'y the amount due on sxid <br /> _� bond,and aa�y other Uond for additional advances,together wath all sums paid by,said The EcguitaGla Huilding and Lpan Association of Grund[sland,' <br /> Ivebraxka for insurancr,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extensiun r:liarFes,wit}� interes� Uiereon,fiom data of payment at thc max.imum I <br /> ` �� le�el rale. <br /> As pcuvidesd in Um Bnnd secured hereby,sv�:il:tlus monfeage remcsins ira effecc the�nortgegee 7nay heicafter advnnu:•rdditional sums tu the <br /> �;� makers of said Boird, eir assigns ux succexsors i:a Literest,whicla sums shsl[be within tl�e security uf chis»ortguge che same as the funds orig,inally <br /> �•„.� xcur�ci thereby,the 1 al amuunt c�f principz�!debt nut to e�c�ced at uny time c:lie original am�unt of this mortgage. <br /> � ,� �,re n a�yoe Ju�e ,a.n.,i9 77 <br /> ���¢ <br /> � <br /> � > r. <br /> � <br /> ?� Dcjr�raa�6. 1C�oi,ar:- <br /> f �5 S�'A'fE QF NEBI2ASK11�� <br /> .� ss. an this . 271C1�. . day uI . �UP1E 1� ]� .�,betbre me, . <br /> s � tCUUN"[`�"�L3Ff3MI,L � � „�yy�,<. ' �. � <br /> che undernigy�ed,a Notary F'ublic in and iur sax3{:aunty.Ners:�nalty c�anie � a a,, <br /> � ` E�I LCalar,; �r. and Donna B. Kalar; each �n his ar�d her own right a:��;h�s spouse f e� � ° �� ` <br /> 9�h�t' are P�r§�o,i aown[o <br /> . � '. <br /> ���., nxe tss{�tho person.5 whcrse�em�S d Y`Q affixed to the bbov�inst rtgagur g and they sevarally ���, <br /> �, t:�. <br /> �4+r y ackuctwledged:t3�a suid inxt�ux+►enD ins bo tl'�Aa t^ voluntac�'act�id 3aecL 7�y ,a <br /> � 11'ETtetESS mY 1�,arLd and Nc�tarisl 5eui thu date ad'uresaid. ,�,-,. f ,. 1 �' <br /> E ��� r � � � � � � � <br /> ,y IiCB ' �� . <br /> �tkERat��'��a� s i� �1� / � <br /> ' '?�+1��5�pv.(3.LWa'15:v � . .� �.� � '�"_ , ary F"vhlic . . <br /> � v <br /> :� v,2�:^ :,..» Nrw i'J. 1S' �' � ��:J / / �� ^v\ . <br /> � �..=..a«..�°^*'�.'.. . . ._. <br /> . .:... . . . � <br />� � <br />