. . . . . . . .. . . . � . .,:,k� '
<br /> �
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<br /> � �]�'"� �
<br /> . ���i��M'�11��� ' ..
<br /> ��i a.fi1��Y;Y . .�
<br /> tic�xr�.�=_;t ton?��.a,L 22,�87._._.MG ..__._
<br /> � �.�aw,��.t.��v Tts�s��e'x��:rt�t {�hari�s it. Het snn and .�anf ce !�. Nei son,. each in his ar�cl
<br /> :{ her o�rm righ� aad a;s s�use �f each ot#�er
<br /> '�� __ tA-ari�xpac,=�h=ther��ne or more im ron�ad-ration rf tha.euxz af
<br /> Eleve� "thaasa�ad Nine t�ndred an�i No}lOT)-- --_ ___ � __ _ _ . _ _ ____.tw�c�a�s
<br /> ____.___ __...�.� ,..._____� ;
<br /> ,� k»:aed ttsYsa�a!mortg�srat�a�"flz+e'�'c�usuL+io-Bui3dGy��nd l.axaa Asve�ttntnzn c�E(.<reand Is�ie�d.N�bracica.M.ars�z�ee,r�prwa 13.� staar�s�af�cr�of '
<br /> '"� stSA ,+lSS'OGiA'flC}AT,sC'aetifta�c N�s.�. 22*1�g� h9�j•L�to Ixcrohy�ranx, ��arcru an�i m�aGtpx�tsc u�.aa che.sa��i rI�SQCtATIqFi ahe fotEu+a^ixcg
<br /> dusccii�ra�laestaRt,�tastad �n tia8!Cbun�t�•,Scl�raska; �
<br /> �
<br /> ;p� '; ��r r� (2� �rv e�c���c rE�v ���� irr ��ss�i ���c�R�s
<br /> A�3DITIC#N TC� ?'HE CI�1" OF Gt2��1� TSLANC3, tl#lLL �OtINTY,'
<br /> " �E6R451�.
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> ;�
<br /> r�
<br /> s,, " tc��tct�r witri-iati itte tchrmen��,.l;cr�ediiamc*axtx aataa�.appwtenariccs tlscrcxmzu t+eloatgircg. in:.lu�ii�tt;atevc�te+3 Ro�r ct�ba:rn:�+f,`aii.wdndn�v:screests. . t ,�
<br /> ��iit�ww sl�ssadrs�.�.6licuis.:�toxta�wixida��s,awne���cgs,lte�tiiut,'ai[cun3idc.�run�,and.�s�uYttbing an.i wetat cyucpm.ent anS.a�.^ttssaxie5 tlmreCv.pa.�mp3,at�s^es,
<br /> �' � . . .. � �` � � .�
<br /> � rPfrigtrato�as,a�ad crt$cr�s¢nnes sn�''ec�uipntent��tsaw wr hexcaftet attauhed f�u or uscd in��xosnertrun��ti�ati saux rcai estafc_'�. � �
<br /> ���:\�ci bGcreaa tlie.sai�t mocz�gur!ias agrrz^�3 and doc�IrercL�y agr�u�tlxaa�cizY astmst�,sg<+r sI�R���and v�°i,'-J}tay ai3 taxrs aM3 xssc&smc.srts itvirc3 c�r �
<br /> �" '� as�ssed uge�n�ss�a greiraiscs aad u�on ti�is u�prr�e a�d tiie Los�a sc.icrcci�chereUv��etorc t}:c:a���c st¢aiS�htcr�teta�deiir.rquont:te��fwrasst�a{apmvc�3
<br /> i�nuranc�rpun tl,e baiF.:li�tgs un said�aecrrusos a�tuatezi in tlw�urra ra(5 11,�Q(�.Q� �A�.�aGi� ;� said.;ACSOf',Ira7tCti artd ;o sic�i�e�to saiJ
<br /> ,� , _ ,.
<br /> rlSSClt:iA'3'IUN iUe pulic;ics Pnr.sa"vd'ntswan.�t.�ed n..��tu�rotn��it.�r ixta�et attv rN�aste an�ir a�ut ssiel ps-exziise3: ,;;
<br /> � ,
<br /> [n cz��c��C�iee`axilt in the{aertorrnance of as�y t�r the ter:=as and 4o�:c3iiiu�ta c�t this�ia+�rt�.�c ur chc buitd aecured h�mby,t9ae moraga�ee sh�14,
<br /> o�t 3�tx.�+na.l,!x entiti�c! to immeriiate�wsstssitan af ihe ncortga�c<5 psrm�.rs ae=ni Lhe nxo:tgsgu= t�rre�v ass��ica, tr��t�'en�nd aets�u��er ta ¢it+t
<br /> � " ri+��t�gee alZ tlar rent3, revcirues atu4 inwrome te�bc�erived Crnns tfac snortg�eu�,roreiatiscs durieaµstic'�2imc as tpte mwrtga}_±a ittcicliYeetataas sha#I tttxs4ztt
<br /> a
<br /> unpasri;atx:cl t1�e mcart�a�ca sh�lt Eaas�tiu pvwer t<a a{s}�iint anw a}:crst�r ahents ii ma�� desicc fs�i Xl�e gur�.sc+af tapa€tin�saad prcinasns an�i lretttix�g
<br /> v. the satt��a�d cv�llecYiti&:tGe�ents,retie�ues�nct imt��e,snd it wsay pa�'out nf said in��uri�c a�f r;�j�enxs al'mfixirin�.sa3tt pirmixs arsd necessary�
<br /> ,� cum�txlssiu�s ui��i elepenses incur;cd��itx een�int;-,�rad�na�uaauttt chc�s�.nrr.am3�uf.cullccCii�t; rcnc�is Claecr.traa�i; f}fe�atanr�rcanaining„tt at��;tn E*e
<br />�yp appiicxi ta�varu r.i�r cusc�ar�r,e cat sasd tn�rt�age in�lebtsdness:tAe�s�}:ritsof che rnorinakee ma� Uc exerciu3 at an�•cime d���in�{lt=¢tatist�ait�ev�i su�i �
<br /> , i�f.ic...r_^sj,_eE:re...�My:...mk�c.....;,�.1„:tcrut`�.t�fc��sanie.� . �' �
<br /> ,; 1'13es+c 1"rcarn�s,truwcvcr,�ct u}�n tlae Gvnditi�n,7'hat�f ihr ��d�iurrgagx3r sl�ail rr�.a>� �aid luaa can rn hafore she n�acurity e!+:tiid sl�ar¢s 3ay
<br /> Bay'mc+u.�ry mantlii�v eu sai�t a1550C�iATIO;w�af tPec sune sEuaticai in tiie k31�n3 setared itecc�+��as 3rnt�cest and F+rattr.iy?a�v�t sstid}aarz,c�a�ut l.efixac
<br /> tA f
<br /> �,� the Tucn�zrihdar v�f car�i ari�i evriy iY�anth,a[itil saa3 luau is C��tty}aaid:pav�li taxts an�1 as�sxca�rnts te»ed a}tainat said pre�nsW s�atd dn tksit\iorr�age
<br /> � and t6e Bc3atd sotured tt�ccrebv,befu�e+9efinquesrec;i�zrtush apprut^c.�+i9 insu�a�ee er )it 1PlC I�aitdirspsthcrccacs ira dge suqa�.�iS (�
<br /> � �" 1� �QQ.� i�b'�4>I�e
<br /> ��` t��S3 AS�C)CIi�Ttt3P�l:E+apa„Y tca said ACS(Ji'I,�TICIN upc>n�ema��all mc�net b� it paid fe�+sudi.cakc�,ssscsxmencs��r�ms�iraq�z wit�xintcrast ac
<br /> c
<br /> ��, iltc nia�rintune ic��1 r�tc hcreac�fcum sa�e i f pa,snecsc ali of w lva8.,tor�ga��r li�r�b,y�agcees w�ay:Fierxaiix nc�waste��u said�rimisrs:l:¢c�and iro�xa���y.
<br /> with�i�l rhe agreemei�t�a�td.�tmditivxts oi th¢l3u�xd iw�51� ��(jC�"t)Cdtis day givea�by t4r�taid;4Svttt;a�ur m san3 A,IC�t:�A7`I4�\,�nd�rom�aE,w�
<br /> � tivitCi ali 1ha requirertic.nds nt the C'onstia[Utiwi arrcl!3y-LaWs c�f sant a f:17'IC?ti;than ttxese�teaauts s�a�i.la��romr ¢��li an+�vui�i,c+il�ec�tiuis�thc}•
<br /> , ;��a�l rcrrtaieai i»;£ult t.a�c,-r'and ztsa�r be i'i�re�l�s�d�t r,hc opti�an uC'Uxe said �#SS121'IA'I'tU\ �fte�iac�urc iqr thiee nl�nths ro snuke �r�V'uf card
<br /> EwYnecnta e�c hp',ilir�ta_nl�intlxs in xrre�rs'Ln ia�akc�t�auici�nuroticty�xayrnents»car er.� kecp xi}s3 caa�a�d,y wxti�tqh�a�reeccicaits��d i,Un�itia��s xa�i'aairi t3aRaa�:.,
<br /> nad Atcar ot U
<br /> t,{�t �ares t�i 3�a��e u ceceiti�r a�}5uan#eai k>rs3rnhtlz in surlo toscci��u�r p:�.iccrriin�,
<br /> ,.,
<br /> if tlrere is�ny�.��um�e m uwitcr�f:ip ot`Utc rt�i�atate snuctg:�a,cc1 Eecrein.�iy s.�te�r catistnvise,t3uen td�:a enterc rentasni.ttg iadebt¢aiaicss lre�tb,y
<br /> cr�uce�s9�all,.at thc ozati�n of The�yesa1a1�1c 13uiiding ana l.eaan Assxsciatiota+�k craftd CsYars3,N�Urasi:a,tse��csxtiie f�a�»esL�te�'v due and;aayablc��-iehaat
<br /> fwth�x nueicr,:�nd xlke::�iuc�urxt ;rn�iaUng rluc undes s�id bund,and aa}°oil�rc lwud fzsa any�additional ai�un�,�cx snaJe timrcun+�er,ah�ll;Tii»n ch�
<br /> :�, date ut'eaercfsc oC saai.��ptioi�,laeer in�aras�at t2a��maaiikiu$aa le�y�I cata,and thu esi�art�a�n�ay, tlicn INe f<3necla:ed c+a aatiat�'itia��maxanc�iuc asi a�ir�
<br /> & t>and;��ad�i�e ntiicr ixinrl tuc sdh4txctrtagl acl��.n��ex,ha�ther��ith:3!saR�s}1a��tay aai:i T'��e Fqustatstc 13u'sra[c�attd lx::ui.�ps,a:iataur.uC(,aaitd tstaxtzi.
<br /> u
<br /> �"� �1'tbraxkct t�r tnsurxnc�,aa.Xes an3 aaseasnre�its,usa.i abait�rtin�t catcr�ai��ii ciraa�es, n•iti� in.eresc tiaerctnst, trutn date a�f�mymm�c ar t11c ros�imum
<br /> te�cil rate.
<br /> ril
<br /> '� a4s�+rv�tidecl ia t�e Bond sccurM# Vie�rby.while xtiis mria t�ngc te�nains in e�i'r.t tixa inorx:ga�,�,ec ma��hcrraftar a�fvpraae xrldit(unal sutecs to tise
<br /> c e
<br /> makers.,t�id Bon3.tiie�r assigns i�:x�sc��ssu+rs irk interest.whiih aiaa�is sh�lt Mc sa..thin t?�e u�cu�iq c�i'tAa�ir�aii�age�lfc sa�i�r as tAe t"uK�.�s u�uina3t�°
<br /> a�^Cuta+tl th�arby,thr.9c�ea1 aatca�tnt e�R�rxn��i�ixl t3ck�t ncal ca c�cxad a�xny tixtx�tile nrigiaal atrn.tueut of thas snczft�aXM, �
<br /> .� x
<br /> ,� ��xar!�;s �4th ��a�r June n.��., zs,,�
<br /> �. �ii�r'te,�" "Nelsbn ��:. ��?�:�_~,'lr:.-�_ �
<br /> � , _ , , ,�
<br /> d ,,.w �.,�' �
<br /> ,� �iani+�,�� � l�e3�or�
<br /> � � S�'a.Tfsi3k N1a6RAST�A., ss. �n c��is 1'��� �a,vu�' Ju11c I�i� . hrtiu�cczxc,
<br /> '� t""�UI�9'i�t�ffiA[.L} � �
<br /> 3 . � . ,- .. . t3ae usadei3i�urci,y 1�iolmty 1*ulaiC�:u�u��t C'vr sal��":auaxl��,{�rra,�-u�l,v�2ae �� � � � � 9 c��`'� .
<br /> � Ch�►�7e^a, M�t-.�tan and ���.�aice !�. �etsan, p�cfi ir� �si s �nd he�^�s�a �-�ght �nd �s �pdus� �ff e�e++ _�
<br /> ` d"�i �a h�IC�{" ` �r�h� dt"@ i?ersearialiwkri�awn tn � a y.. �r R
<br /> yw�"�M� � v►htasennmeS �Y'@ at'C3xrilcuUxautxuuveinstrunmed�tasdr�rart�o�a�t g a4z�! tFK°�' mcNeraila•
<br /> � ` ,�0'��trl ttic�iid"'�pstr �t w bc 'C��i r vN�u�ta�r�a.:a aiid d€�e3, ��ri�
<br /> �s � " +.�t�7,as 3trwre�l�d N�tBrtr�i�ta�thf zt�4c ui�i?eu�kl. ,� '
<br /> E ` '�� �r+ a..:�`�'�—� , � � f� �;. �; �
<br /> � - s.Aintf2r�1*�ur� u axFicRa �!•t S � �a � ��(!1 }�,��,.•�l f'�
<br /> ���� \ � � ,
<br /> �^ w P .�...11.....A��...�..,�.�..1fi� �{}- -�y y�
<br /> '� •��}"��"''� .9X.._�.4'fi' `@' . . . � � «...,...�-..__....._.. 4, � �\�LF'sd\�{"ZlI/�.�4__,_.. �
<br /> �, d+] �.s ."^ns.»«t««*.,kwCy". . . � .. l.� . � . �� � . .
<br /> � ��..������ . . . . . . �...� .
<br /> . °S„`FY�,"k'�' . . . . . �
<br />