<br /> �
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<br /> 1/s U V�+r'+r�J i�
<br /> MORTC.AC:E
<br /> MQItT(.A(;f:LQA4 Nt1_ .�- ZP.�BrJ
<br /> iC1KOWALLbi�i+i81`THESE,FRESENTS:,Thw� Ronaic� L. Baurke and Martha �D. BpUI'k2, each in f17S 3�d
<br /> �
<br /> ` her own right and as spouse af each pther
<br /> r i _ Muctgagor,whetber one or morc_in con�idcntion aF tho�un af
<br /> , Twenty Fhousard Eight Hundred and NoJ10�--------- -----------------------------��La�s
<br /> ; tqaned to said mortgngar by The Eguitable Buildin and Luan Aswciatiun of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mfuctgagee,upon ��8 shares oE srock of
<br /> � said ASSQC[AT10N,Ccrtificate hto. L 22 a68� ,do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the wud ASSC7CIATION th�following
<br /> � ' described'rea�estate,situated im Ha12 County,Nebraska;
<br /> r ,�, � � � � � � � � �
<br /> �,_�
<br /> �'�
<br /> y f� . . . � . . . . . . . � � .
<br /> i:1. � .. . � . � . � � . .
<br /> �'�� � � � . . . ' . . . . . . . .
<br /> ,� . . . . . . . � . � . . � . � .
<br /> �£ . . . .. . � . � . � � . � . . . . ..
<br /> �y . . . . . . � . . . � . . . . ' _
<br /> a .. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> � together with el! the eenernents,�heceditaments.�.and �appurtenances�.theceunto 6etonging,.ineiuding atta�:laed�floor coverings;all window screens, .. "
<br /> � window shades,blmds,rstorm wiiidows,swnings,heatittg,air condit:ioning,and plusnbing and waier equipment and accessories thereto,putrps,saaves, , � "
<br /> -,;y r�frigexators,and otherfixtures and equipment now ur hereafter attached to or uscc3 in connection with said real estuta. `
<br /> � ,. � _.
<br /> �;3 And wliereas the said mortgagor has ag,reed and does hereby agrez thnt the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxee and assessmantsdevied or � '
<br /> „� assessed upon said premises and upun z}us mortgage and dre bond secured thereby before the samc shall become delinquent;to furnisLs approved
<br /> � ie2surance upon the buildings on saici premises situated in the sum of S20,B�Q,0� payable ro said ASSOCIAT10riI and to deliv+er ro said
<br /> t�SOCIATION lhe policiesfoc said insurance;and not to commit or permit any was{e on or about said premises; _ '.;
<br /> � In case af defuult in tl�e performance of any of the tezms arid conditions oF ttus mortgage or the bond.secured hereby,Uie mottgagee shall,
<br /> � on demand, be entitlad to immediate possession of thr mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfess and sets orTer ta the
<br /> � rrzottgagee alI the rents,revenues and lncome to be dezived from ihe mortgaged prenuses during such tim�as the mortgage'rnJebtedness stxall ramain <
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee s3iall�have the puwar to appoint any agenc�or agents it��rz�ay�desire�for 3he�purpose oC repairing said.premises and renting :�
<br /> 'i ' the same and��.collecting the sents,7e�renues and ineom�,and it m:�y pay uut of said�income all..expenses�of repairing said promises and'��necessary
<br /> � commissions arad expenses is�cu�red in renting and managinb the sasne and uf collecting rentals ttierefrom; the.balxnce remaining, if any,to be
<br /> appiied tow�zd llte dischargc of said mortgage indef�telness;thesc ri;hts oi the mo�[gagte tnay be exercised at anytinte during the ezistense ot suah —
<br /> � i,# default,irrespecdve uf anytemporary wuiverof the same.
<br /> : ���- These Presents,however,are�.upon the Condition,That.if.the�said.hluctgagor sh;ilf�repay.said toan on or before the maturity of said�shares by ��:
<br /> y payttiant;pay.monthly�.to said ASSOCIATION of the�sum.specifierE intheBond�secured hereby ss interest and�pcincipalonsnid.loan,on�.orbefore - _
<br /> � tlic TwenGetHday of each a�fd every month,until said loan is fu!]y paid;pag all taxes and assessmcnts levied agaznst suid premasrs and on this Mortgage
<br /> $ aad ibe Bond secured thnzeby,tiafore definyuency;furnish approved insur�nce up�n Ihe buildings thereon in the sum oF 5 20 80p.�� -P�Yable
<br /> �"� tts.said ASSOCI`ATIpN;.repay to.said ASSOCIATION.upon.deman�i allmoney by�si paidt�or sucfi taxzs,assessments,und insu�tance withfinterestax '
<br /> ,�� the'.mrucimann:[egal ratc thereon from�date of payment�all af which M_o[tgagerhereb��agrees to puy:permit no was•ta on said prznrises;keepprid.comply ��
<br /> t with all the agrcements and conditlons of tl�e Bond for 3 2Q�g00. 00 this day�iven by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIAT[Ot+f.¢nd comply
<br /> ,� wiih all the reqmiremen[s of the Gonsticution and ByLews of said ASSOCIATION;=hen these presents sliall b�ecome null xnd void,otherwise thcy
<br /> ��st�lt:remain.in. full foroe�.�arad�rnay�be��forcclosed at�the��optio�of fhe�said.ASSO�CIATION.after`fuiluxe.�fo��three.mantE�s�1o..mst3:e�a�y.:of said.�'.
<br /> - � payments or Ue three months in atrears in making said mott[hIy payrnants,or to kaep and comply with[he ag;ecments and-conditions tiP said Bmtd-
<br /> ;�.M 'anai Mortgagoa:.agrees�tu haue a receivec xppointed forthwith idsnch t-areclosure�proezed'uigs.c ., � � . .' � �� . . � ���
<br /> If there is any chunge i.n owne.ship ofthe real estate mortgagcdlierein,by sa�e or okherwise,then the entire remaining inde62edncss l�ereby:-
<br /> secured shall,ai the option of'fhe Equitable Building and Loan Association of Graad Is1and,Nebrsska,become immediateJy due andpayabl<withoui`
<br /> a �i fuzther notice; and thc emoant`remaining due under said bond,and any^o[her bond for any edditional advances made thereunder,shall>froat the
<br /> .- t �.�daie of exe{cise�qt�s��id.ontic+n,begr interesl:atthe�maximum legai�raze;and lhis mortgage mav ihen be�forecic�sed to satisfy the�.z_maceat dveon.said ���
<br /> � bvnd,xnd any csther bond for addi[ionsl asivnnces,together W�th:a21 sums paidby said The Equitsble Buelding and Lqan Assczciation oS Gra�d Island,
<br /> ,.,�; Nabraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting axtensiun charges, with inierest theraon, fram date of payment,a[ the ma�cimum
<br /> a�y �. ..Ieg:tl rate:� .. � . . � . . . . . � . . . . � . . � . . . � .
<br /> � As ptovided 'u�the Bond secured hereby,while tlus mortgagc aemains in eff�ct the mongagee may lsereafter advance addixiuna3 surns to the
<br /> +' � make�s c�f said Bqnd,tpeir assigns or suu:essars in interest,whic3s surcss shall be wittun the securicy uf this mor�gage the samx as ths funds originally
<br /> -_b rc�s t -
<br /> , � secured thereby,the totzl a�nuunhof principal�debx not tn exceed at�.any.timc the originat amount af this mort�age.- � � . � .� �
<br /> ` � `' pat t is j da f �Ut'1@ A.U.,19 7]
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<br /> - .a �
<br /> Y '—� . OU!'r.r`'.`� :.� �-�' � � . . .
<br /> '' ,.�nT •^.r �.r �..�: .../�
<br /> �,�'� �d7�C�'Id a�. g0 @ � � � � �. ,�
<br /> ➢
<br /> ` sae'aT�oF rt�BRasxA,� l Oth J une 77
<br /> � ? CQU�1'1'Y�F HALL ss. On tlais day of 19 ,t�fore nee. �.,..- .;�`�
<br /> � � .the undatsigned a tvo[ary Yublic ii� and for said(Jounry,pecsonallycame . �,'p ""� `"�'6ti � ;
<br /> R�ond3d- �: �&ourke and Martfia J. Bourke, each in his and her own ragFrt and as spouse o�f each �' �• - �
<br /> r � (>��1 who d Y'2 Personaily bcnown to "
<br /> � ���� . ��.
<br /> � as whosc nameg ar@ a!'frxed to thG above instrument ss mortgagor S �,a they severally �
<br /> �3 ae���insk e„i cfl� the i r valuntary act and deed. a .
<br /> , ��TAR �$ y hand and',�lotarial Seal 2he daYe aforesaid: �
<br /> r �i CQEXF3�$"'Cp� 'un txpues j;y � t �� 1.L.3. � � { �µ".
<br /> ' �+ \9�a�� � ��� y �--'Y.-.b`"°x
<br /> � x. y�`,,,�,0•3��1g. �Q. ' �__�utarY Public
<br /> - ,$�.�f�,,��4P.�< 1
<br /> ,.- � �
<br />� �
<br />