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<br /> �x.
<br /> � '-��.
<br /> ���, � �
<br /> 8TA"l"�,. +OF 2�tF+DRAE{�,il, Caruntr �t ._.......„».,_..�.._............................... ..:
<br /> . I�iiia�d for rr�ard aad eutereii im 2�iumoriaxl 3ndas
<br /> ou ,...».....................................�...._.......». sL _.........,.._._ cs'cloak _....._......... 35.. �t�rilttNr �iswc:ws.
<br /> �nd raearded in D�med It+eoerd .,......,...,,...._..........,, Paege............._..............,.
<br /> ,.....,..»»....,....._..............................._.... Iiy ...._.,.......,........_..................._............-_•• + NE8FZIISKA DC7CUI�.7EI�ITA.RY �
<br /> Cvns�ty CSarit or Deputy C�>unty Gier3c or SIAi`i[�'IAif
<br /> �` Reg�etee of Deeds Deputy Regi�ter aY Deeda
<br /> ,1�!« - J �9T7
<br /> _ ,i��,�10314� WARRA;NTY DEED� $�-5::��v����
<br /> ALBERT C. & DIAriINE M. QUANDT, Hc,s�+e^d and wife, each 3❑ his & her own right, and'
<br /> WILLIAM L: & LALTRA R. B(TERSEN, Husband n wife/ �Qrein eslled the grantor whether one-or zr:sre,
<br /> each ir= his and'her owr� right., '
<br /> in eonsid�ratiou o£ SEVENTY-ELGHT THOUSA,ND DOLLARS ($78,000.00)
<br /> received Srom grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto CLAF2ENCI: I. .. 9E3UDA� an�d
<br /> VERN�E K. S�iT3DA, buybanci <-and ici:fe ;�nd .,tUEE I:. ST!:TLSK �nc3 DORU7,`IiY M.
<br /> SI>3"L�Ii, h�ask5�nd 2nc3 wiie:� , �as cenan.ts in canrmon
<br /> •' � ; lzerein called the �rxntee wliether one or mare, the following deacriLed reak property in '
<br /> !
<br /> A M ', .... ..... ... '...... ...._.... ......... .._...... Couuty, �Vebraska:A tract of land comprising.a part of the � : `
<br /> �,g ' W�1�F� of Section 35, Townsh�.p 11, I3orth, Range 10, Tdest of the 6th P.M:, in Hall County
<br /> S ` iVehraska, tuore particularly described as followsc
<br /> a';�
<br /> `� Beginning at the Southwest corner of Wesbroads Estates Second Subdivision, said point be3ng
<br /> „k 1;.316 feet southerly from tfie North�asterly corner of said aVortheast Quarter3 'thence' Easterly ; "'
<br /> { along the Southerly line of Westroads �statas Second Subdivisiun and Fires3de:Estates Second
<br /> � Subdivision, 1;311.58'feet :�o Che' East line oE said W�NE'-�;` thence Southerly along the east
<br /> . n line of said W'�NF3t, a distance of 6b0 feet; thence Ldesterly parallel to the Soutiierly line o� ; ° `
<br /> ,� ` .foresaid,'Subdivisiong, a distance of 1,3Q7. 4S'feet, to t1�e proiongatian Southerly of the West
<br /> ;� liae of saitl Westroads Estates Secord Subdivision; thence Northerly aZong said Southerly �
<br /> � Pralangat=an o.f the West line of'Westroads Estates Second Subdivision, a distance of 660 feet �
<br /> x
<br /> � to the plac� o£ beginning.
<br /> To huve and to hold the above described: premises together with ali tenements, here8itaanents
<br /> Y,E and agpurtenances thereto beLonging unto'the grantee and to grantee_'s heirs and assigns foaever.
<br /> ; And the grantor does herebp covenant v�ith the grantee and with �rantee's heirs and assigns :, "
<br /> � that grantor is lawfially seised of said premises; t�at they are free frorn encumbranee ' ' , .,,'
<br /> _ .� , ; :;i
<br /> ,h
<br /> �;
<br /> > ,
<br /> '� i
<br /> �,�, tliat gra,ntor l�as goocl right,aud lawful r�uttiority to convey the same; and that grantor warraate and will
<br /> � defend th�e title to said prems:ses,ugaiust tlie la�Ri1 eluuns af all persons�vhomsoever.
<br /> � Dated June "Jtb 1977 +
<br /> �
<br /> � / ���/, �, � �/.� �
<br /> (^��'�''"s!`�5�...�.::.�ii�t�-.-,GL,!-!1 .. ��,Jr.C.��r���..c.swt.,..�..�r?..:4:{?XJ.1?x�y,...�!.....:___..
<br /> ....... ._... ....... ....
<br /> � ..�..[arrsz,.ce..::..l.(.lw...��{:GL:z��' ...:..... c�a.t;t.."Ld�. .(l.).,...:Qk'�:`.4-�:.�!vLJ... ........__..
<br /> ..:Y . � � . . . . . . : .,..,�...
<br /> ` S't'ATE OF N�$RASI�, County of .::.:. .............._.....,..: _ .._........::.:
<br /> ]3efore me, n �ot�try pulalie qxizilified for enid county, personal.ly came
<br /> ' .� y ` ALS�RT C. &'DIANNE M. QUANBT; Husbaud & Wife, each in his
<br /> and her own right, and WTLLLAM L. & LAURA R. BOERSEN, Husband
<br /> _. ; _ "`- ' and Wife, each in his and her own right
<br /> �
<br /> i�rxoivu tn me to t*�e the ider3ticnt pere�n-or persona who signed t3ie ,
<br /> fare�oin� iz�struxnent and acknowled�ed the exeeution thereof to be h�s, , ��'.� '
<br />� �aer or �.'�,e:r vo:ur,ta.�y avt ranci deed. "� �' �`
<br /> y } -�
<br />�: t 'R�"Stness my haud and natarial seal on ....�.zk.4:d':✓1.s.. � f��� ...._.. ,',��e�^
<br /> � � -•�•�^� �
<br /> ...._... .....
<br /> `_ r-�,.� �"`�.�_, f�� � ,�
<br /> �, .R:reWM�NN-�Iwll�rr� -' �. � . . �°-�4.
<br /> F . ; rsa�t'r�.:� . �_.=..-��.��:�.�..�.. ,,,�::'�:ceL"'f-�'.�.... Z�7�tsry Pu7�3 ic q w ,
<br /> �
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<br /> . . .� ,�. ,- : . „ ' �', .`
<br /> ,.. ; Ivly coturni�s�fln ,exp�res .-�keC...... ..—�.................._.� 19 . , ,.
<br /> Ci�.�__,
<br /> • . �rarm 22 +#�Proned by Nsktras§a Btatw �3az Associstinn i.icm t wou au..a.:aodn.xcer.
<br />�,
<br /> � / ,�
<br />� �
<br />