<br /> �
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<br /> ��►, 4�a3�92 �
<br /> MOR'fC:AGE
<br /> !rTORTGAGI;LOAN!ti0._ L Z2,E>HZ
<br /> ti*ipw,�1.�,�era��Tx�,s����se:srs:rt,�c Orvil7e T. Nicholsan a�d Ivey M_ Nicholson, each in his
<br /> '; and her awn rfgh.t ara+� as spause c�f each other.
<br /> Martgagu�r.whethcr c�nc or morr,in ounsileratrqn of the swa of
<br /> �i �fiJltt T�UUsa(l[!;�8,a'td-'P�OJ�4tI--____.._..____-----'_-----_'_---....--'_ � 1�qLLARS� �
<br /> � -----------___-----__ ,
<br /> Ff ''; lc�rved to raad-,mnrxga�,tor 6y^7'ha Equitab3a Bullding and L,onn Assnciation of C:rend lsland.Nehraska.Efartssg;se,nFwn s� shaacs af xixtc3;af'
<br /> satd A.S5DC`IATIAN„Ccrt"sflpta.Na. L �2,�$2 ,do hec�ehy grant, ccsnvey and mvrsgage unto the said ASSOCIATIC?N 'the fallaruinKg .
<br /> �`� � des+c�ihed reaA estate,situa�ted in HaiF t:ounry.Nebraska:
<br /> "�
<br /> ;R i
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<br /> L�T TWO (21 i{V l.tJCRS "' ADDITTON TQ 7F#E
<br /> �,;�
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<br /> i togtzhez with�al! the.tez�eanents;�htrrdi3aments�a�Ld appurtrnanccs�laoreunco�belunyng,includiiig.attache���fluor�veiin�s,�.all wirsdnw..ss:rcens,'�� , j
<br /> tivindpu•shades;btinds,stnrsn windows,awniny;s,heaiis�g,air conditioning;and ptumbing and waterequipment und acceuories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> -�"� '�rcirieeraton,`ard othet�fixturesar.d equiFsment�no�v ur.l-�ercaftei atiached�to or usezi in rannectson witfi said�real estate.. � � � .
<br /> ,,
<br /> �r .c . . . . . . . . . ,' .' '. �„ . ...
<br /> ` And w#�ereas the said mort�gor lt�s a_r.reed and a'oes iicrat>y;�ree that chc martgxgor shatt arecl witl ;aay at! t:�xes and assesstn�nis levied ai
<br /> -� assessefl upon��:said prcinises and�:upon tlussnortgage�ar_d the bond sccured there6v��befe�we�tine�.same shaIl�bccome deline�urnt:�to furtsish�pptxywed .
<br /> ' �� insurance upon thc buildin�s nn�said prcrnises situatcd an xhe sum of S��8 a 0�0_�.���� ��payable�to�said ASSOCIATIC3N��and�i:�dAe]iver ta said ���.
<br /> � rL�SCiCIAT10�V the policias foc sai3 insur.�i�:e;and nnt.o a;ommit or permit uny wastc on c�r about said premisss:
<br /> � in csse c.t dofaul[ui c.i�a perFarmsnce uC any of tfie terms snd conditions of this inurtga�c or the trnnd secuxed hezeby,xhe mortgagae shsti,
<br /> � an�eieinaitd,iar entitied.�ta inunediate pe+ssessiun of�thr mort�;aged premises�ana the mtart{;a�;nr he[eby^��assi@ns,�transfers and sets-u�ror ro the ��.
<br /> mortgu�re ali�.ahe rents,�.sevenues 3nd's;nct�me�to be derived lrom xhe.mo:t¢aged.�cemises dnring�such time as the mottgage inde6tedness shall remain :
<br /> s ,� unpaid;and tl:e tnortgage�e shall lia��e the.puwer to aFpoint any a¢ent.vr agents�it.may des�re for the-purposc of iepairin�,�snid preznises an3 zcniin� ��'
<br /> � the�same snd�.�vUectdn�t3�e rents,�revenues and income,:and i[�:msy.gay out�ol'said incomc�ali�t�penses�oi repairing.sudd�premises�a.nd necessary•�..��
<br /> ,+ cc;;vnissions-and axpenscs 9ncurrecl in renting and managang xhe same and of cY>llecting ren�k lhere£rom; the balunce iemain[ng, 'sf any,ro ba
<br /> ° agptird cxsxtarct tlir d•,seharec of said mcaragagc i�idebtecF�iesc;chese rights of ehe morcgsgee may be examiud at any iune de�ring the exisze�ce�of sucti
<br /> q default,irrespeotive nf any t,emporen�was��r ol thz ssme
<br /> �� v
<br /> . T;c;c��Ps3sencs,�ii:<ti�.arr.�3�r 'hv Cr-sdi i�.a,?hai af.h�s sa�..�7c::;g hc: s`all p�y.sa�:�..�..u.:�� 1._fese:zhn rieturity ef said sh�res by �.
<br /> w paa�menx,pay monthly�to said.ASSOCIA':"flOr of.thc.sam specit3ed�.in the I3ond secured hertby as�interest 3nd przncipa3 mi�.saiditaan_on�or be£oro �.
<br /> � � the Tv�ntict3t ciap of earlx afld every manah,untit said loaiz is fully pazd;pay all zaxes and assessmonts lavied against said pm�nises and on shis htartg,zge
<br /> ;�� � ancl:tht Sond secured them�by,befvre.dcEinquency;fnrnish nppcoved inswancc upan iha buiidings thereon in t3�e sum:of S �.$�QQ�.,Q[) ���.p.vyable '�
<br /> ia,said ASSOCIATl4N;ss�say to said ASSOCIATIQ:�'azpon aemand ali money by it pnid for sach faa:es,ssce�smonis and insuranco w�th interost at
<br /> �r��� the-:max.inaum���log:�l rate.thacepn tiom date ufpa}�meni�:ai)of whic;h Mortgagorhere6y agrees xo pay:perntitno wastaon said,�cemises:kcep�and cz�mply �.
<br /> �t u*iih all ihe agrecmenrs�ar.d.�ntiixions caf the�Bt�nd for S$�Q4o.�[� t}us day-given.by,the.said hle3rigagvt tu.sai.i A5S(�[ATId1V.��xi�[i�a�mpiy-�
<br /> , �+, with all the�'equirements oF the Constituuon a�td Bs^•Laws of said ASSOCIATION: then xhese presrnts slisll bea�me nuil and vuid,ochenvise thcy
<br /> r� q shzll remain.-in tuU fotce und�:msy-be Foreclosed�at��t�e vpti�n�of the snid�ASSOCIATION after fa;lure.fnr tluee��montlu:co mako�.apy-.�uf said��.�
<br /> i+; .4 . .�aayments:vr,2rr�.threetnvnt�hsin�airears.ismakingsaid3nanthiypayments,ortof:eep:utd�wmply.Hiththe�agreernents�and.conditions�nL�stfid$ond; �
<br /> `.and:l�lart�asgor.agrecs to hsvt n�recciver appuimzd to:th+vith in such[ureclosura procred'uags. � � � � � �� �. �� � �
<br /> 'j ��. . . .. . . ' � . . . �. � . . �. ..
<br /> � ��� If thcre�:is any change�in o.vnerstsip oC the real.cst:atc morcgsgcd.herein,by s:ale�or otherwise;tken ctte. entirc runstning.sndebtr�ittess.htreby. ..
<br /> � � 5e�-ured shall�.��t the optic3a ol'The�u.it:r.ble Quilding u.�d Li>an A1ss�swiation of G;and Island.Nr�raskg,bernmt immediyto}Y due and pauabk��without �
<br /> � turtlicr notice.and the aamount remaining due under ssid bond,and an}y other bond for any sdditional advances msue themunder,s€zali;Crum t}rc
<br /> .�• �t � � �clate uf-exerca��se of said�optaan,tiear.in¢erest at the mar.s�num.le�al rnie,and lhis mortgage may� then be fare�nscd te satistj�tlie.s�raaur.�t due on said.:.
<br /> ���bond,and any�-vther bund�.for ad�itie.�nai�dvsnces,tnge:[:#�er witn si3 s�ams paid hy s:aid The Equ`ctable Building and Loan�:Associstion uf Ccand Istand;��-:�
<br /> Nebmska Yeir znsucsnce,ia�.es and vssessir;ents,and abstazeting exteasion charges: ti+^itii interess thercwn,iro�i datt �f paymeni ac t�e n�azimum
<br /> � S�;al rato:
<br /> ; As pxnvrvded in,thr'Aund seeurPd h�reby,whiir iivs morxgage ermains in aifect tht mazigxgee inay hercaftcr ad��nce addicions3 sums tp the
<br /> makers uf sairf Band;tt�eis assigns or suce�ssors in interesi.N�ivch sursss clistt be wSthin tha srcuritr of this m�srtEsge che ssme as t}ar iu�ds�ciginallv
<br /> � { . se�.ured xherel>y,the.zois3.s3nuunr c�t printipat debt�nut to exc�ed at��iy�ime the:originxl amrsuni of this marzgage. . . �
<br /> , ! a-acea c�s .�.�7t[� dau<,t June �.n.,7� 77
<br /> ; .�tif,+,r`�-r!r?'../ j� -.�'�''.,.f��—uZ2�v'� �-�-s d�:-�s %�1 "��1�- �`.�% ;��� /
<br /> : P � �rvii7e T_ Nich�3son � Ive�c�ison �
<br />��._
<br /> ; STATE/,�F NEBRAShA,�
<br /> ss. Qn Yf;is 7 C�"1 day of +.3UC1C' iy7� ,beCore me, s
<br /> k;UCFPITY AF tiALL
<br />�' �r �� � �� - � � � � i us3:3 rs' . a': a ¢ubk 3.fa id o t pr�r on ti � � ��.��1k ' x':"�,
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<br /> Orxi3le �'. NiGh��son an� Ivey M. 3�icholsar�, es�� 3rS f�'�s•a�s� 4�er o��18`I-�g#�� acn�"'�� s�o'�s��`8°f' ,� .,
<br />� �3C ,:, whu dye�' Parsonslly known to ,
<br />�,fj,���. ���r��'+s...��s� .�•..••�"— �ai �uu iu lia.:3�:.+c ui5.al�ssau�c..si d5 a•i'vi.bTia'6'- � �.•.. � i �:w^.••:,�1 . . ����
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<br /> - ac� ' sei�l c:sa Ge thei r vc.tunxary ac�ana deea. Y W '�
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<br />� �.� � hfl A�iY r�i?Ta uty Ysass.:3 a..n3.l�utu.aal.5ea;.>tu.da;a af�,ucs�d. . � . .,� . .
<br /> '- i:€1*i'AA8'��iK3N ri Bx ? . � ( • *.."�P ��'� *
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<br /> a ' ���, . �Q,: . . i! . . ( Noxary Pubhc �
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