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� ,rt <br /> � . :�i <br /> � 1 <br /> 7�- L'Q3138 <br /> MORTGA4;E <br /> ti�otrrc:nc:�;Gc>a;��,cR._�_2267$ __i._� <br /> � �owwu.M�xBYrt[rser�esFr.�s:rt��c �oren E. Lewandowski and Barbara 5. �ewandowski , <br /> each ir� his and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> ' � � Atorlgagor,whcthcr urtc or�mure,in ccncssiderativri of 1hc aum of . � <br /> � Ninet��n Thousarid Four htundred and No1100----------------------_____---------- t�t��,�nrts- <br /> iaan�d to ssid mcntgagor by Thr Equitable Building amd Lc�an Associativn of Grand I slvad,Nehraska,Mortpagec,wpon ��}t{ sharrs o£stock uf <br /> xiid �15SQGIATIf1N;Certiticatc Nu. L 2^G.(]$ .�lu herebv grant, convcy and nror[�atcc unto efiie xaid ASStJ�IAT[(NY th�fodowing <br /> ' rr destzrbed real estate,xituatr�l in tlnll Coun�y,Nebraska: <br /> � _. <br /> PA�tTS OF F€tACTIONAL LDTS SEVEN (71 AMD EIGHT (8), TN FRACTIONAL BLO�K STX f 6) OF ROLLINS' <br /> At3�ITI�N Tt3 TNE CITY"DF GRf�ND ISL�ND, NEBRPiSKA, ANE3 THEIR COMPLEMEN�'S; TO-1�IT:-FRAG7ION�L <br /> LQ'ES EiGHT ;(8} AND NINE (9} IN FRAC?IONAI BLOCK NINETEEN (19),: OF F{. G. CLARK'S fiDDITIO�t <br /> TO TNE CTT! OF t3R�f'dp I:at.AND. NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICtiLARLY QESCRIBED AS FO�LC2WS:-COi�11�ENCING. <br /> A7 R PflIN7 NINE7EEN ()9), FFET E�TERLY OF TNE eJESTERLY BOl1�JDARX LI�lE QF LC1T EIGklT (8) <br /> IN FRRCTIOtVAL -BLOCK STX (6} IN ROkL�NS'ADDITION, THEPtCE IN A NORTFIERLY DTRECTION, <br /> " ? P�RALLEL WITH THE WESTERLY SLDE OF �LEBURN STRE£7 IN SATD GITY, R €�ISTANCE OF EIGFiTY <br /> y (80) FEET, THENCE WESTERLY, PARALLE�: WITN THE NORTHERLY BOUiVDARY LI[NE OF SAIQ BLQGK, <br /> : A �ISTANCE OF FORTY {40} FE£T, THE�f+EE SOUTtfERLY, PARALLEC WITH THE 'r1E8TERl.Y BOUNDARY , <br /> � lIl+dE OF CLEBURlV STREET, A DISTANGE OF EIGHTY (80) FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY BQtINQARY <br /> � LINE OF SA$D$LOGK, AND 7NEfVCE EASTERLY A F3ISTA(dGE OF FORTY (40� FEc'"T i 0 THE PLfICE <br /> OF BEGINNIiV6, BEING A RECTA3VGULAR TRACT OF GROUND HAVING A SOUTHEl2LY FRONTAGE OF <br /> `` � ' FQRTY (40) FEET ON SIXTH STREE7, AND A DEPTN OF EIG�ITY {$p) FEET. <br /> � <br /> � : � <br /> ioget�eor with�.al! ihe�tenentrnxs;6c.n.ditame�.nts�xnd.�nvuztemirrce, t,iiereunta betoz�ging,�:nclurling.uLLYchrd �luor cavenngs�,ati ��•an�acrnv screens,����. <br /> '���-' � �fvinduw shades,btands�,�storm w�induw�s,a�vnings,.heating.air cuuditianing,and plumbing and watcr eyuip.mene aad accessories.�theretu,pumps,stoves,<�'. <br /> � re3'rige�uturs;and other tistures:and�v q�herea.fter ur used in cannectio��wilh said.real estu[e.�' .. � . . � <br /> �,�+ � � �. AnJ whereus�tha s�id mnrtgapur has:�rced acid clocs heteby sgrce�hat the m�7rtgagor shal[�and.will�pa�� all te�xes aiad.assessment5levied ur.�- <br /> � sssessed upon said prem.ises an3 upun thzs�nongagc and the bnnd secuzed tliereby beloro Uze saznc sha11 be�cuine deUnquent;to furnis};..�pproved <br /> 'r .iz!suzg�ice npon�[h�builiiin¢s�n said premises situated in t(xcsum oC51 9�qOO.UO � {*ayable to ssid AS30CIAT[03V� �nnd tn deli�rec to said� <br /> �.. ASSC3CIATION the polfcies for.�said insurance;.and nut 2q.cammit nr.permit nnywasie on ur about said��remises. . � � .. � � � � � � � <br /> �.In ease o!'default�iti.ttte perfrirmxnce a3 any.of che terms�and cu�xlitions of tfus muctgago or tLe.Gond�5ecured�lteretsy;:d�c mort�ngoe shali,����� <br /> '` an��:demand�'he� immadiute:possessiun uC�Ixc�rnorig�iged pretnises and .t3ic mnrt�,;igar iu�reby sssi��s. I.rsnst�ers nttd� the�����. <br /> � rturtgagee aill the�cnts,revertuos aitd inatme to 6e derivrd from the nivrtgaged}f.'entis�s during such time us tlie ntort�a�indabtedness stsall temain <br /> ��un id;a�id��tlicmortueost�all�havethc.� c�wcrtua ainian aentnr3enlsitmavdesireloreFae� u aeuf��uairin �sair3� remisesand�rentia :� �� <br /> p� S$ P PP Y'F R _ P�' P g P 8 <br /> ' thr samc and coilccting tlic cents revenue�and mc�nir.snd �t may pay nut o( sasd income all e�pcnses oC repalt9ng ssid pramises and nccea�ary <br /> ` � �.,..;,:.��..4�...��«nd ..:r r„�:s� ..._.,.+m�.t..t_.:��a�.t1 mana�r+�a tlic sansr ��d of cr.tle.,tieg .enSnit�xltereCn:.m,..tlt+'�e��tncr�Tcmninin;�. if x����,tu be .. �.. ; .. � <br /> a�pl3rd roward-the dischaigc oP s�id mortguge indabtedness�thase cighes uf tlir martZri+gze�ziay be�excecisrd ai sny�n�g{iuriszg tl�¢:a�cisterzcM of such <br /> � defsuFt,irres�ciive 4:f,my�emporary waiver of tk�c samc. .W+ <br /> � �:� These�1'resents,6uwuvcr,are.upo.0 tha C�mdiliun,l'hat it lhe said A�li�r�gsgor shall rcpay snid ]aan on ur L.eCureP[hc tnaiurity caf S�a3d shares bv �� <br /> r ;z �+Yyn�enG;pay rn��ntlii,Y�to said ASS(�IATION�f�the sum��{�cifiad�Six elte Uond secured}iereby as iaterest aad�.principal.on�said�loan,on or�beforo.��� <br /> �'"� tite Tvventizth dax vl'¢ac}:xnJ every mm�th.until said loazi is(ully paiJ:pay all ta�es and xssessmeqxs Ieviec3 againsl wid�rc�raises and on th3s A1Urt�taga <br /> � <br /> s� and the Hund secuxed thereby,bcfore delinyuency;furnish apprcivec!insuranee upnn tne buildin�s tYsereon in[he sum of 5�9�4�Q.Q� ' payabin <br /> tu said ASSCICLAT70?d;��epay to tiaid ASSCK IATfQN.upon dem;tnd all muuoy t�y it paid tr�r.such�taxcs,.asscssrnonts und mautanco wilh inttrast at �.. � <br /> � thenwximunilegatratcthexeon.$umcl:itc.of�aymentsll�ufwtiichblurC�{agurhrre�b}�a.grcee.topa��;�+crmit�nawas'tnons�idpreanisrs;keapandcump[y��� <br /> K � witfi s1I ihe egreentenis dnd condilions c�f the Bi�nd tor$ �}�4��.QQ this day given by the s•rid�lortgagor tu s:iid ASSOC'lAitOR,a�xd c:omply <br /> �� wich�:all ihe.cequirements uC�t}ic Coc�stitutiurt aaid��l3y-Laws of said r�SSpC1A1'IO;V:then these�presents shall beca�me��n�ll.and�void,uthcc�+�ise thc��..�� ' -,�� <br /> , '� s1�a31 remain in fui]1'orre and inay be 9'uteclas�d qi the.opYian oi the suid ASSC)C:1�47'lON �aFter Failure fus sli�ce mnnths ra rnttke�ray r�f said <br /> .pavin�nts or��.lse�[hrcr�months�in xrrears in ntulcinQ said mu�iahiy paymertcs;or ta kcep.and c.romply +villi titie agreemrnts und c�nilitiuris of aaid Ro�t�i;. <br /> �-", aqd�SqrCga�ar xgrres t�heve u receiti•er ssppoinicd fqrthwith in�uch faxecli�sur�proceedan�s. <br /> ? �f tLerc is any change in owneriliip ui ttsz reat estate morigaged herain,by sala or<ithrnvix, then the e3isire.rem�inin}t indebte3nsss hnreby <br /> a ' sccured slu�td;ae tltc uprie.n of The Equitab7c Suilding at�d Lnua Associviiun nl'<;rh.5d island,Nehrus:l:a,becume immrdiateFy 3a�e and pnvsbie without <br /> ���� furthet��niitice,cuici.Ure�xmourit��rctnainin�;3ue�elnder�said bund,an�t atiy uther hand�i�or uny addifional advances made thrrounder,ahull,fconi�lhe <br /> ` datc uf exnrcise�af suid i�piic�n,bear interest at tha maximuir�legal rate,3nd this i»oei�ge may clteaa be foreciose+i to sstisf;v chc amourst dxie�u;aid <br /> ^ bond,dnd uny othea bond for sclditionat advances,togectier withali sums paid by said 1'he Lquitable$uilding and Lonn Assu�iatiun wC Craiid lsland, <br /> S�eUraska i'ur iasu�ancx,eaees art:i sssesstnrnts_end xbs[racting zatension cliarges, wirh inYerest therean; frmn datr,c�f pxyrnent at the maximum <br /> r;'£ tegal rat¢. <br /> � � �� . As provided in tlie�$unc�scoured�hereby,whil�+tl�is rrtortFage re�n:ains in�e!'fect the�nortEagee niay hereaE�ter ndvance ad3itional lo ihe � <br /> . . ttiRkn�s vf said:Sun<1..U�eit assi�;tca ur successor�irt interest.w�ltieh surtzs sfz:;ll 1>o wit.hin security af.this mnrtt.�ge�the�rma as[he fu.nds uriginalty . . <br /> `.� .. �f:.srr.j.!liir�bu,t!±-e tv�:ul���.a.mesanl.•�!'}�,a!d�hl..ct!e e�crnd�t::,3y timetLc_.i,�:.�i�ln.n.=.auni��'tr;is,aae•�r=.�e. � . <br /> ; , Dacrd this S2CD11d day nf �UJ12 A 1?.,1y77 <br /> , { , ( —.�,�c� , <br /> r s � � �C, f f,�; y"�? ' <br /> , � Y'.a ',) 1„�_r�, . . .�9.,d�.�arh.v.i� ��______ . j ���2,i�:��.�'t�,e.. - �, �:.:4 ;:"1.[;7,�"%!e'..r,ri ,"�. <br /> L ren E. Lear�andowsk9 �`ar6ara�. Lewan�iowsk� <br /> ` ' S'1'A'T3�q�"i'.C�B#LA.S1�A.� <br /> WUNTYf)T I1.�l.L ss. On thix second day oC' .JUtI@ I9]� ,betarn me, <br /> � � tho underaigncd.a Notary Pubfic eii r.,�:z�i li�r�seid Ceaiinty;�rwyxeailycame . '. .".�� "�.�..'���,'� � <br /> Lore(� E. Lewandowsk�i and Bar-#�ara 5. �ewandoarski, ��ch in his and �= <br /> # her �n,r' s spouse :of each Ot�lEt^ w2ia dl'� parsonallytcnowntU u <br /> �+�u , <br /> �4�, <br /> ,. f1' uu tu be i � a�pe��/, � w�lxose ixmme S d.T'2 affqced to the sbr�vn instrument as m�n�vr S eti� th2,y xverully 4��� <br /> � t�i�i r vol�ntnr act ancl deed. <br /> a�fcnawl a�''E�t3�,ilNiGst,�t��qeh! y "'�'',' <br />�� � �`•�������e a:����s�:r,�a:�t��r�t��;a_ r `" <br /> r <br /> • <br /> ,�� _ <br /> � �V1`IHtirmt� ex ' `� ,�+ I ,,-�'��y�,'j� <br /> '� P �1�1 / ?'��� /��"1'� �, �. r�` <br /> i�, 9�� <br /> . .� . . � � ��ckf'�i2C5 � �`` / l.-.,^�,_,�:'�j'�37"__�__L'..'�._.,_,s"�J_.G:.:—`��z"".i . ,� � <br /> � '�-''gL, ... � .� . . � � Notary Public � <br /> � 6.1-II!d Rl aPJ'. �'' !2��sK��+,.. � � . <br /> � �r��F N�:����� . . <br />�[ �' . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. ... . . � �� � <br /> F.���� � � . � � . � � � . <br /> E <br /> S <br />